Attachment 20170831143659-833.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20060620-00324 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Miriam Inc. FCC International Section 214 Application; 1B2006001493                                            Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:          Creeden, Wendy M. [|]
  Sent:          Wednesday, June 21, 2006 4:07 PM
  To:            Mikelle Morra
  Subject:       Miriam Inc. FCC International Section 214 Application; 1B2006001493
  Importance: High



Per your request, attachedis a revised version of the above—reference application with the signature line corrected.

Thanks so much for your assistance with this. Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions, or need
anything else.


Wendy M. Creeden
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP
1301 K Street, N.W.
Suite 600, East Tower
Washington, DC 20005
202.408.6479 Phone
202.408.6399 Fax
703.969.7980 Cell

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                                                 Bfore he
                      FEDERA .L COMMU! ICATIONS CC M USS IC N
                                 Wash inj to i, DC 20554

In the Mattzr of

                                                           N/ N/ NNN NC N NNA NA NC
Miris m Inc.
(FR) 0015148620)

Appl cation for (Hlobal Internatio1 al
Facil ties—Based and Resold At th »rity

Pursi ant to Section 214                                                              Fi s o. IT 2— 14—_
of th Communications Act of 19 }4,
as A1 1ended

                                             AJ‘P. _ICA TI DN

        Miriam Inc. ("Miriam" o1         "Applican "), by it; atto neys an                   1 guruant to Section 214 of
the C ommunications Ac of 193          4, as amendlec (¢th Act‘), 47 U                       S.C. § 214, hereby requests
glob; l authority to: (1) operate a:     a facili ies —b; sed carrier pursian                : to the terms and conditions
of Se stion 63.18(e)(1) of the Cor     imission‘s tu es, 4 C.F.R. § 3.                       .8(:)(1), to all foreign points
as at ‘horized by the Commissior       ; and (2) cneiate as a resale c irr                   er su suant to the terms and
cond tions of Section 63.18(e)(2)       of the C or im ssion‘s %u es to all                   foei zn points as authorized
by th : Commission, 47 C.F.R. §        53.18(e) 2) 1 irian: has 10 afi ili;                  tic n vith any foreign carrier
in any of the destination countrie     ; for which au hcrit is re qust=d,                    no : i: Miriam affiliated with
any dominant U.S. carrier whose services Niriam may resel.                                    Tau;, pursuant to Section
63.10(a)(1), Miriam should be classificd as a ron domiaa it carrier in its provision of
international service on all routee. 47 C.@.L.. { 63.1)(¢)(1). Furthermioe, as explained herein,
this Application is entitled to streamlined processing under Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s
Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.

       In support of this Application, Miriam submits the following information pursuant to
Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18:

        (a) The name, address and telephone number of the Applicant is:

                Miriam Inc.
                8421 Wilshire Boulevard, #300
                Beverly Hills, CA 90211

        (b) Miriam is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of California.

        (c) Correspondence concsrr ing this . Application should be iddressed to:

                \Wendy V :. Creeden, isq.
                £ ONNENS ZHEIN N.ATH & ROSENTHAL LL]
                1301 K. Street, NN.
                Suite 600, East T‘cwer
                Washington, DC £:0C 95 3364

        wi h copies to:

                £aron Araid
                MIRIAM INC.
                £421 Wilshire Boile :ard, #300
                Beverly Hills, CA 9C 211

        (d,   !Miiam has not previcus y recsived international Section 214 suthority from the
Con m‘ssion

        (e) Nliriam is applying fir a it ority to operate es & facilities—based canier pursuant to the
terms and coiditions of Section t3.. 8(:)(1), of the Commission‘s Fulss, 47 C.".F.. § 63.13(e)(1),
and as a resale carrier pursuart 1> he terms ind conditions cof Sectior ©3.18(e)(2) of the
Con m‘ssion s ltules. 47 C.F.R. § 33.18(e)(2). Miriani requests authority to setve all ccuntries
perniittsd urde: a grant of glopal authority. As evidenced by the cert fication prov ded in
Attachinent A, Miriam will com pl viith tke terras an1i conditions confained in Section 63.21,
63.22 and 63.23 of the C ommission s llules. 4‘7 C.F.R. §§ 63.21—2:).

       (£) At tlis time, Miriam lo«s not seck aut 10rity to provide services nct referenced under
parazreph (e. ol Section 63.18 ol th: Comm:.ssion‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 63. 8(3).

       (g ]YMmiam wil. use previously authoriz d faciliies to provide the services re«uested
und:r ‘he Application. Consequeaitly, Miriaimn :s categurically exclucded frm enviror mental
assessment pursuant to Section 1.1306 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1306.

        (h) Miriam is a privately—held company. 100% of Miriam is owned by Aaron Amid, a
U.S. citizen whose principal business is telecommunications. The address for Mr. Amid is §421
Wilshire Boulevard, #300, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Applicant does not have any interlocking
directorates with a foreign carrier.

        (i) As evidenced by the certification attached hereto as Attachment A, Miriam is not
affiliated with a foreign carrier.

        ) As evidenced by the certification attached hereto as Attachment A, Miriam does not
seek to provide international telecommunications service to any destination where: (1) Miriam is
a foreign carrier in that country; (2) Miriam controls a foreign carrier in that country; (3) any
entity that owns more than a 25% interest in Miriam or controls Miriam, controls a foreign
carrier in that country; or (4) two or more parties own, in the aggregate, more than 25% of


Miriam and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contr            ual relationship that affects the
provision or marketing of international basic telecommunicati          ; services in the United States.

         (k) Not applicable; Miriam is not affiliate 1 or otherw       re ated :o any fereign carrier cn
arly of the routes which Miriam proposes to provice servic u           r tiis Applicatio:1.

        (1) Not applicable; Miriam is not a fereign carricr .          is not iffiliated with a forzsign
carrier on any of the routes it proposes to resell interr ation i1 t   coinn unications setvice.

        (m) Not applicable; Miriam is not affiliated ‘with eny         ‘eipm sarsier on a 1y of the rcutes
it proposes to provide services.

       (n) As evidenced by the certification provid :d in At           imni A Miriam has not agreed
to accept special consessions ditectly or indirectly from :ny          rei zn cairier witlhi respect to ary
U.S. international route on which the foreign cairier pos es            st ffi:ie it market power or. the
foreign end cf the rovte to affect competition adversely in the        S. mirket and w:ll not enter info
such agreements in the future.

       (0) As evidenced by the certification arcvidec i1               ittichment A, n> ~arty to ths
Application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits purs 1at        > Seciion 5301 of the Anti—Drtg
Abuse Act of 1988. _

        (p) Miriam respectfully requests streamli aed proces:          ; of this Applica ion pursuanit to
Section 63.12. This Application qualifies for streanilined pt          :ss ng for the fol ovring reason ::
(1) Miriam is not affiliated with a foreign carrier on any rou         or whick authority is sought; (C!))
Miriam is not affiliated with any dominant U.S. carrier who            int»rnational swich2d or privae
lines services it seeks to rese.l; and (3) Miriam is rot recue         ig autho:ity to provide switched
service over private lines to countries not previously autho iz        ‘or seivice by the Commissicn.

       Wherefore, Miriam respectfully requests taat the                mraiissioa grant it authorit; to
provide international telecommunications services on a ‘ac             ies ard vesale bisis pursuaiit to
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, is :imenc ed

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                          WULUU/{ l (Wwe
                                         Wendy M. Crdeden, Esq.
                                         SONNENSCHEIN, NATH & ROSENTHAL LLC
                                         1301 K Street, N.W.
                                         Suite 600, East Tower
                                         Washington, DC 20005—3364
                                         202.408.6479 Tel
                                         202.408.6399 Fax

                                         Counsel for Miriam Inc.

Dated: June 8, 2006

                                           Att c     n
                                                     Li .A

                                          CEK T.     :fl   LT   m

       The undetrsigned hereby cert fics, or b       ‘f of Mirk m
                                                                              ;    ‘   ltl
                                                                                   *") . vith ossp act i

the foregoing Application for Glob:l Int n           w il Facil ti    Eol     lat etand Resald Auwsorit
Pursuant to Section 214 of the Comy un icati n       i f£1934, as             ieid d, that:

       1.    Miriaim is not affiliat d with in       1t gn car at             ar y           f ‘he ccur tries to vhicl
Mitiam proposes to provide service i1 te fo :5       x ipplicat o1

        al     Miriam will comply vith the t«        i ad cons it                 CoOn       maied is Scctions (3.21
63.22 and 63.23 of the Commission‘s Hules. 4         F i §§ 6: 2

        2:       Miriam does not seek to prov d      e national te            mm in catio: is service > an;
destination where: (i1) Miriam is a foreign ci it    n ‘hat cot 1t            31) ) iniam con rols a f reigt
carrier in that country; (iii) any entity ‘hat own   a1 : than a 25           ntert st in Miris n, or oc itrol;
Miriam, controls a foreign carrier in that co        y or (iv) t              or n           xs partie. own, a th
agpregate, more than 25% of Miriam and are           tos to, o t              ene!           cimies of, a conti ictua
relationship that affects that provisior or mar      j of inte m              1a1 t is c teleec mmunic tions
services in the United States.

       4.      Miriam has not agreed to acce;         e ial con e: i¢ as di ectly or t directly from
any foreign carrier with respect to amny U.S         it mations . l e w & e the foreign (<amer
possesses sufficient market power on tiie foreig     i¢ of the t u +1 ) affé :t competi ion adv rsely
in the U.S. market and will not enter inio such agreeruents in the Funne.

       3.     No party to this Application is subject to a denial for Federal benefits pursuant to
Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § §53(a).

S nnenschein
                                                                                                                 1301 K Street, N.W.
                                                                                                                Suite ¢30, ast Tover
                                                                                                                Weaishi   igten, C1.C. 200 15—3364
                                                                                                                202. 4C   3.6400
                                                                                                                2072 4C   3.6399 f ux
                                                                                                                www.:     onrensche n.c am

                                                           1{EC EIVE EC
                                                                      »      O
October 9, 2007                                              OCT 2           40
                                                              Poli y vigic |
VIA COURIER                                                  rtemi ic alBu )8
                                                                                        FILLED/A 2CEPTED
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission                                                                OCT —9 2007
Office of the Secretary                                                                 Federal Com mu cations Commission
                                                                                               Offi c ) of 1e Secretary
c/o Natek, Inc., Inc.
236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
Suite 110
Washington, DC 20002

           Re:     Miriam, Inc. Domestic and n »nat in 1 ijec io 214 Author zations
                   File No. ITC—214—2006062 —( )324

Dear Secretary Dorth:

           With this filing, Miriam, Inc. ("MN i1 am"                       C on »a y") hereby 1 «Jinquishes its abov>—

referenced international 214 authorizaticn, File                      T«    ]JTC 2 4—20060620—10324, as well us its
domestic section 214 authorization. Minar has o :stc ae‘s and is not »ffering, providing or
operating any international or domestic tele mm n a io1 ; : ‘rvices. The Zompany respeciful‘ly
requests that the Commission update its sect on 2: L atio1 ze ion records accordingly.

       An original and six (6) copies of uis lette ace 1c uded for filing.                                   If you have any
questions regarding this filing, please feel fr e to cor actn :; :202.408.6479.


                                                             LwLM V LA _
                                                             endy M. Creeden

Brussels     Charlotte           Chicago         Daillas    Kansas City        Los Angeles        New York         Phoenix          St. Louis

                 San Francisco        Short Hills, N.J.    Silicon Valley     Washington, D.C.        West PailmBeach

Document Created: 2019-05-22 22:14:58
Document Modified: 2019-05-22 22:14:58

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