Attachment 20170831101520-120.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20060518-00280 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                              Washington, D.C. 20554

 International Bureau

                                                                           (202) 418—1462
                                                                           (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                           May 19, 2006
                                                                           Ref: 2006—34

Hillary Morgan                (703) 607—6092           Monique Roth               (202)   353—6200
Steven W. Lett                (202) 647—5835           Regina Hart                (202)   205—0497
Eric Werner                   (202) 772—0908           Louis Brenner              (202)   692—4235
Edward T. Hand                (202) 514—2464           Richard Lamb               (202)   647—0965
Josephine Scarlett            (202) 482—5461           Tina Gabbrelli             (202)   282—8582
Helen Domenici                (202) 456—6085           Kenneth Schagrin           (202)   395—5663
Dominic Pastore               (202) 514—5607           Myla S. Trotter            (202) 324—1730
Laura Parsky                  (202) 616—3928

             te:        Section 214 Applications

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national
security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by C.O.B. June 7, 2006,
because we are prepared to take action on these applications. Electronic filed (e—fi
applications are able to be viewed by accessing and searching
the file number.

 ZuluDistributionCorp.‘sapplication for authority to provide global facilities—based a
 resale services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant
 is 100% owned by acitizen of India.

ITC—T/C—20060512—00271 (e—file)
Application for consent to the transfer of control of section 214 authorization, ITC—214—
20041222—00490, held by Des Vieux Telecommunications, Inc. from TeleOne (HK)
Limited to Cable & Wireless Panama, S.A. (C&W Panama).
C&W Panama, is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Panama. C&W
Panama is owned 49% by the Government of Panama, 49% by Cable & Wireless
(Panama Holding) Limited, a wholly—owned subsidiary of Cable & Wireless Plc
incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands.
C&W Panama agrees to be classified as a dominant carrier on the routes to Angola,
Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Ascension Island, Barbados, Bermuda, British Virgin
Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Falkland Islands, Fiji, Grenada, Guernsey, Guinea—
Bissau, Jamaica, Macau, Maldives, Montserrat, Mozambique, St. Helena, St. Kitts and
Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Trinidad and Tobago,
and Turks and Caicos.

ITC—T/C—20060515—00276 (e—file)
Application for consent to the transfer of control of section 214 authorization, ITC—214—
20020214—00056, held by WaveCrest Communications LLC from Marr T&T Limited to
Sistema Joint Stock Financial Corporation (Sistema).
Sistema is located in Russia. A citizen of Russia holds 62.1% direct and 2.1% indirect
interests in Sistema. Sistema agrees to be classified as a dominant carrier on the U.S.—
Russia route.

If we do not hear from you by C.O.B. June 7, 2006, we will assume that you do not have
any concerns with these applications.


                                                   George L1, Deputy Chief
                                                   Policy Division

                                                                                                                         Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:      Myla Saldivar—Trotter []
  Sent:      Wednesday, June 07, 2006 8:52 AM
  To:        David Krech; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Susan OConnell
  Co:        ‘Al Vaughn‘; ‘Amy Jabloner‘; ‘Andrew Ritezel‘; ‘Brandon Wales‘; ‘Brian Williams‘; ‘Bruce Landis‘; ‘Charlotte
             Knepper‘; ‘Chris Simkins‘; ‘Deb Nunno‘; ‘DelRaye Hewitt‘; ‘Dominic Pastore‘; ‘Doug Klein‘; ‘Elaine Dezenski‘;
             ‘Elaine Lammert‘; Elmen, Robert J.; ‘Eric Bruce"; ‘Eric Werner‘; ‘Geffroy, Michael‘; ‘Geoffery French‘; ‘Gregg
             Motta ‘; ‘Harvey Rosenthal‘; ‘Hillary Morgan‘; ‘Inette Furey‘; ‘Jack Barrett‘; ‘Jeff Fillar‘; ‘Jennifer Freundlich‘;
             ‘Jennifer Underriner‘; ‘Jerry Bessette‘; ‘joe donovan‘; ‘Jon Pifer‘; ‘Jonathan Frenkel‘; ‘Lena Watkins‘; ‘Lonnie
             Kishiyama"; ‘Lou Brenner‘; ‘Luin Fitch‘; ‘Marianna Kenney‘; ‘Mick Stawasz‘; ‘Mike Smith‘; ‘Myla Saldivar—
             Trotter‘; ‘Orlie Yaniv‘; ‘paul kozak; ‘Paul Morris‘; ‘Sigal Mandelker‘; ‘Springsteen, Joseph‘; ‘Steve Heifetz‘;
             ‘Steven Auerswald‘; ‘Stewart Baker‘; ‘Suzanne Storc‘; ‘Thomas Mund‘; ‘Tim Stinson‘; ‘Tina Gabbrielli; ‘Vieira,
             Donald"; ‘Wadiah Mikhail‘
  Subject: FCC Application Status update for week of 06/06/2006

HI George, Joann, David, Susan and Mikelle,

        Please be advised of the statuses for the following applications:

        Please REMOVE from streamline the following applications:

   1. Des Vieux — ITC—T/C—20060512—00271

  2. Wavecrest Communications/Sistema — ITC—T/C—20060515—00276

          Please let me know if you have any questions.

Myla Saldivar—Trotter


Message                                                                                                     Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:     Mikelle Morra
  Sent:     Friday, June 09, 2006 12:17 PM
  To:       ‘‘; David Krech; George Li; Susan OConnell; Joann Ekblad; ‘Myla Saldivar—Trotter‘;
            ‘‘; ‘amy‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
  Subject: FCC Section 214 Removed from Streamlined

The above referenced application was placed on Public Notice on May 26, 2006 for streamlined processing.
Since the Public Notice was released, the Commission has been requested by the Executive Branch agencies of
the United States that we remove the subject applications from streamlined processing because of foreign
ownership issues. Therefore, pursuant to Section 63.12(c)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, we have removed
these applications from streamlined processing.

Please be advised that your company may not commence operations until the Section 214 authorization is
granted. See Section 63.12(d) of the rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.12(d). The Executive Branch will contact you
or the "Contact" listed on your application directly for further information. Youcan be assured that your
application will be processed expeditiously upon completion of Executive Branch‘s review. We will notify you
by e—mail when your application is granted.

The Public Notice Report No. TEL—O010358 (released June 9, 2006), is attached. If you have any questions,
please email:,,,

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/ Policy Division

*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***


                                                                                                        Page 1 of 1

     Mikelle Morra

     From:      Saldivar—Trotter, Myla R. [Myla.Saldivar—]
     Sent:      Friday, August 04, 2006 2:48 PM
     To:        David Krech; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Susan OConnell
     Co:        James Ball
     Subject: Additional FCC Application Status Updates for Week of 07/31/2006

Hello George, Joann, Susan, David, and Mikelle,

           Please be advised of the statuses for the following applications:

   Please be advised that based on the information in their FCC application and discussions with the companies, the
DOJ,andDHShaveNOCOMMENT on the following applications:

1.         Asterisco — ITC—214—20060407—00231
2.         TeleOne/Des Vleux—C&W Panama — ITC—T/C200605 12—00271

       Please be advised that the DOJ, FBI, and DHS have NO OBJECTION to the FCC granting
authorizations requested in this application subject to the conditions agreed to between the applicant company
and the DOJ, FBI, and DHS:

1%           Telemetrix, Inc. — ISP—PDR—20060221—00003

           Please let me know if you have any questions.

Myla Saldivar—Trotter


Message                                                                                                     Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:     Mikelle Morra
  Sent:     Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:35 PM
  To:       ‘‘; ‘LUISM@ASTERISCOUSA.COM®;‘;
            ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
  Co:       George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Joann Ekblad; ‘Myla Saldivar—Trotter‘; ‘‘;
            ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
            ‘‘; Mikelle Morra
  Subject: FCC Section 214 Application Granted

Telemetrix Inc.


Skyport International, Inc.

Des Vieux Telecoms, Inc.

The above listed applications have been granted by Public Notice released August 10, 2006; Report No. TEL—
01055, DA 06—1614 (attached).

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra

International Bureau/ Policy Divsion

*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***


Document Created: 2019-05-24 19:42:25
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 19:42:25

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