Attachment 20170905161625-283.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20060131-00069 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   Federal Communications Commission
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau

                                                                       (202) 418—1462
                                                                       (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                       April 25, 2008
                                                                       Ref: 2008—16

Hillary Morgan           (703) 607—6092            Steven W. Lett              (202) 647—5835
Stephen Heifetz          (202) 282—8973            Alex Daman                  (202) 282—9940
 Josephine Arnold        (202) 482—5461            Edward T. Hand              (202) 514—2464
 Kenneth Schagrin        (202) 395—5663            Sally Shipman               (202) 456—6085
John Conniors            (202) 305—4218            Jon D. Pifer                (202) 324—8124

Re:        Section 214 and 310 b(4) Applications

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national
security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by C.O.B. May 14, 2008,
because we are prepared to take action on these applications. Electronic filed (e—file)
applications are able to be viewed by accessing and searching by
the file number.

ITC—214—20080418—00194 (e—file), Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and resale
services between the United States and permissibleinternational points. Applicant is 8%
owned by STIC Investment, a South Korean company, and 8% owned by Mirae Asset, a
South Korean company. The rest of 8$4% is owned by 50 individuals.

ITC—STA—20080401—00197 (e—file)                       f
On April 1, 2008, Phonetime, Inc. (Phonetime), Symphony Holdings, Inc. (SHI) and
Symphony Telecommunications, LLC (Telecom) requested an Special Temporary
Authority (STA) to continue operating under section 214 authorization, ITC—214—
20041201—00472, held by Telecom.

Applicants filed an application on February 6, 2008, for consent to transfer control of the
ITC—214—20041201—00472 held by Telecom from SHI to Phonetime, ITC—T/C—
20080206—00088 (underlying application). However, the proposed transaction was
consummated without prior Commission‘s authorization. Therefore, the applicants
requested an STA to continue providing services. Per Joanne Ongman‘s e—mail of March
26, 2008, 11:47 a.m., the underlying application has been removed from streamlined
processing and still pending under your review. Phonetime is 10% owned by Creslin,
Ltd., a Gibraltar corporation.                                             |

          United Wireless Holdings Inc. (Holdings), a Delaware corporation, requests a declaratory
          ruling pursuant to section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
          permitting Holdings to acquire 100 percent ownership of Uni‘ed Specirum Managzer iet t
          Services LLC (United Spectrum). Holdings, which curren ly owns 2( percent ovne ‘st ip
          interest in United Spectrum, is wholly—owned by Mr. And: sw Fitton, :: citizen of the
          Tuit»d KinzCora. United Specti 1 prov         wholesale d ita service: to customirs
          tt rou gl a staind—ilone, national n        zor¢ o       ing in the 90— Al4z baiid using le: se
              s ec run. Ti amddition, its newly:      med s        iary, iskyTel S sectrum LLC (United iu~),
          h is 1 le 1 ian ar plication for assigr      ent to      d SSiub) of w re. sss licet ses that it wvill us :
          fortl e »ov. sion o‘ paging and n           owbai        so:ial comt iw ications services tc th
          p iblc. Holfliigs seeks the declaa          ory ru       a comiectio 1 v ith the ; roposed trimns: er of
              c mt ol of United Spectrim to Hc         ings a      : anqgt isitio: i 0 ‘license ; by United St b.
              S e | J S 0003335:370.

          E olé in ;s reques :s ‘hat the Comm         ision c(     mo : its revi w and proessing of the
          P stit o1 and the associated transfer of control and ass ignm mt applicaiion, but tha:
              d sp« si ive icioa he deferred perding notification to the C on missior that any issue i
              ic enifi >d by the E«ecutive Branch Agioncies heve or have no been resolved and
              requ :st nyg epproptiate action by the Commicsion. Hldin, ;s ; tates thi t it has provid :d i
              c ipy 0: the Petitio1 to the DHS simultaneou s withit: subt 1is sion to tie Commistioi.

              I we donohser f:om you by C.D.13. May :.4, 2008 wevil assume that you do nc t
              h ive ar y cconcerns with the above listed applications.

              Er n on ation:                                         .
              T ie 3 ; pplications below were dismissed on April 2: , 200 3, : ursuant to sections ).. 61
              1 74 }(@), aad 53.5 !(b) of the Commiission‘s rules, 47 CFR §{ 0.261, 1.74—8(a), andi
              63.5 .(1).
                      ITC—214—20041210—00480            United Telecom nuni( at on Services, Inc. dba UT;|
                      ITC—214—20050815—00323            Unified Commu iicati n , Inc.
                      ITC—214—20050822—00339           Syner IP Telecon, LI C
                      ITC—214—20050831—00359            Harris Telecom:t municati ms Corp.
                      ITC—214—20051028—00439            Centelon Corpoiation
                      ITC—214—20060131—00069 TalkIP,LLC
                      ITC—214—20060213—00093            Budget Telecomm, Inc.
                      ITC—214—20060217—00098            Bridge Water Telecom LLC

  From:               Vérdnica Garcia—Ulloa
  Sent:                Friday, April 25, 2008 2:47 PM
 To:                   ‘paul.‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                      ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘:
                                                                                                   ‘Willia       i
                       <CTR»"; ‘‘; ‘‘; 'Iegttsw%statg.g
                                                                                                c;v“       hs. Stish
                      'alaqe.kochems@associates.HQ.DHS.GOV'; '"'
            '; ‘Pifer, Jon (LEO)‘; ‘Pinto, Greg (DHS);
              ‘; ‘‘; ‘Daman, Alex‘;
                                                                                               ‘Daniels, Douglas‘;
                      ,         s, John‘;i1
                                             1    om‘;s ‘Thoma
                                                            j s Doyle";; ‘shannon.cul
                                                                                 &    bertson@associate‘;i3
                        Ongman, Joanne‘; ‘Rockoff, Jennifer‘; ‘Kangarloo, Sanaz‘; 'margaret.Du
 Co:      .           James Ball;< Francis
                                       C   Gutierrez;; Howard Griboff:$ George Li;I; Susan OConnell;§ David
                                                                                                          i Krech;
                      Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Veronica Garcia—Ulloa; Janees
                                                                                      e Parker; Erin McGrath
 Subject:             Cover Letter Reference 2008—16 (Comments Due: May 14, 2008)
 Attachments: Executive Branch 2008—16.doc

Good Afternoon,

Document Created: 2019-05-27 01:41:39
Document Modified: 2019-05-27 01:41:39

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