Attachment 20170905134938-460.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20060120-00026 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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 Joann Ekblad

  From:       Myla Saldivar—Trotter []
  Sent:       Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:03 AM
  To:         David Krech; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Susan OConnell
  Subject: FCC Status update

Hi David, Susan, Joann and welcome back George,

          Please be advised of the statuses of the following application:

        Please REMOVE the following application from streamline:

    1. ——_—_— A1 Telecard, Inc. —ITC—214—2006012000026           %

          Please let me know if you have any questions.

Myla Saldivar—Trotter


                                                                                                                                Page 1 of 2

   Mikelle Morra

       From:                     Saldivar—Trotter, Myla R. [Myla.Saldivar—
      Sent:                      Wednesday, April 05, 2006 4:22 PM
      To:                        David Krech; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Susan OConnell
      Subject: FW: FCC Status Update for week of 04/03/2006

Hello Joann, George, David, and Susan,

                           Please be advised that VC—World Limited — ITC—214—20060112—00014 was mistakenly placed on the "No
                       Comment" list. Please do not grant authorization at this time. We will advise you as to when the application has
                       cleared all review.

Myla Saldivar—Trotter

From: Myla Saldivar—Trotter []
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 4:21 PM
To: ‘David Krech‘; george Ii; joann ekblad; ‘Mikelle Morra‘; susan o‘connell
Subject: FCC Status Update for week of 04/03/2006

Hi George, Joann, David and Susan,

                             Please be advised of the statuses of the following applications:

                             Please REMOVE from strearnline the following applications:

                            U.S. Satellite Corporation —ITC—T/C—20060313—00151

         2.                 Across the Globe Telecommunications, Inc. — ITC—214—20060310—00147

                             Please be advised that with regard to the following applications, discussions are still ongoing with the

                            Stratos — ITC—214—20050825—0035 1
 wb :

                            Telenor —ITC—214—20051005—00395
                            FTMSC —ITC—214—20051012—00406

                             Please be advised that based upon information provided in the FCC applications and discussions with the
                             companies the DOJ, FBI and DHS have no comments regarding the grant authorizations to the following

                            VC—World Limited — ITC—214—20060112—00014
  yoi yo m o in s Lo hJ s

                            Ninetel, Inc. — ITC—214—20051212—00498
                            CSC—Telecom, Inc. — ITC—214—20051207—00493
                            Palium, Inc. — ITC—214—20051129—00495
                            Oak Grove Holdings Corp. — ITC—214—20060106—00006
                            ValueCom — ITC—214—20060208—00087
                            BluLines Telecom, LLC — ITC—214—20050810—00309
                            Wirtuon, LLC —ITC—214—20051026—00435


Document Created: 2019-05-29 21:47:44
Document Modified: 2019-05-29 21:47:44

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