Attachment Petition


PETITION submitted by MSV

MSV's Petition filed 10/28/2005


This document pretains to ITC-214-20050826-00351 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


         gszik ‘
   Mobile Satellite Ventures LP

                                                PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

                                                           October 28, 2005

                   Via Hand Delivery
                   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
                   Federal Communications Commission
                   445 12th Street, S.W.
                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                          Re:       Petition of Mobile Satellites Ventures Subsidiary LLC to Hold in Abeyance
                                    or to Grant with Conditions Application of Stratos Communications Inc.
                                    File No. SES—LFS—20050826—01175
                                    File No. SES—AMD—20050922—01313
                                    ¥File No. ITC—214—20050826—00351

                   Dear Ms. Dortch:                                                                                To

                          Mobile Satellites Ventures Subsidiary LLC ("MSV") hereby files this redacted public
                   version of a Petition to Hold in Abeyance or to Grant with Conditions the above—referenced
                   applications of Stratos Communications Inc. ("Stratos") for Title III and Section 214
                   authorizations to operate terminals in the United States with an uncoordinated Inmarsat—4 L band
                   satellite.‘ As discussed herein, certain information provided in the Petition should be treated as

                   ‘ See Stratos Communications, Inc., Application for Title III Blanket License, File No. SES—LFS—
                   20050826—01175 (August 26, 2005); Stratos Communications, Inc., Amendment to Application
                   for Title III Blanket License, File No. SES—AMD—20050922—01313 (September 22, 2005);
                   Stratos Communications, Inc., Application for Section 214 Authorization, File No. ITC—214—
                   20050826—00351 (August 26, 2005).
                   2 47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
October 28, 2005
Page 2

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47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b)(1)       _——    Identification of the specific information for which
                                     confidential treatment is sought

        MSV requests confidential treatment of information relating to the Mexico City
Memorandum of Understanding and the on—going international L band frequency coordination
process which is confidential to the parties to that coordination, which includes the Commission
and MSV.‘ When considering other applications to use Inmarsat satellites in the United States,
the Commission has acknowledged the confidentiality of this information and has afforded it
confidential treatment."

47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b)(2)       ——      Identification of the Commission proceeding in which
                                      the information was submitted or a description of the
                                      circumstances giving rise to the submission

        This information is being filed in a Petition to Hold in Abeyance or to Grant with
Conditions the above—referenced Stratos applications.

47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b)(3)       ——      Explanation of the degree to which the information is
                                      commercial or financial, or contains a trade secret or is

        As the Commission has acknowledged, the Mexico City Memorandum of Understanding
and related coordination documents are confidential."

47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b)(4)       —=      Explanation of the degree to which the information
                                      concerns a service that is subject to competition

        The information contained herein concerns the market for wireless services, in which
MSV faces competition from other MSS providers as well as from terrestrial wireless operators.

3 See Memorandum of Understandingfor the Intersystem Coordination of Certain Geostationary
Mobile Satellite Systems Operating in the Bands 1525—1544/1545—1559 MHz and 1626.5—
1646.5/1646.5—1660.5 MHz, Mexico City, Mexico, 18 June 1996.
* See COMSAT Corporation et. al., Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC
Red 21661, 4 111 (2001) ("CCOMSAT Order") ("The Mexico City Agreement and related
coordination documents, such as minutes of coordination meetings, are considered
* Id.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
October 28, 2005
Page 3

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47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b)(5)       ——     Explanation of how disclosure of the information could
                                     result in substantial competitive harm

       Disclosure of the information for which confidential treatment is sought would result in
violation of the Mexico City Memorandum of Understanding.

47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b)(6)       w=     Identification of any measures taken by the submitting
                                     party to prevent unauthorized disclosure

       Disclosure to third parties of the information for which confidential treatment is sought
has been pursuant to non—disclosure agreements.

47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b)(7)       ——     Identification of whether the information is available to
                                     the public and the extent of any previous disclosure of
                                     the information to third parties

       The information for which confidential treatment is sought is not publicly available.
Disclosure to third parties of the information for which confidential treatment is sought has been
strictly pursuant to non—disclosure agreements.

47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b)(8)       ——     Justification of the period during which the submitting
                                     party asserts that material should not be available for
                                     public disclosure

        The information for which confidential treatment is sought should remain confidential
indefinitely or until the parties to the Mexico City Memorandum of Understanding agree that it
can be made publicly available.

47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b)(9)       ——      Any other information that the party seeking
                                      confidential treatment believes may be useful in
                                      assessing whether its request for confidentiality should
                                      be granted


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
October 28, 2005
Page 4

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       Please contact the undersigned with any questions, .

                                            Very truly yours,

                                                     A. Manner

                             PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

                                             Before the
                                Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

In the matter of

Stratos Communications, Inc.                     File No. SES—LFS—20050826—01175
Application for Title III Blanket License        File No. SES—AMD—20050922—01313
to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with
Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W

Stratos Communications, Inc.                      File No. ITC—214—20050826—00351
Application for Section 214 Authorization
to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with
Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W


 Bruce D. Jacobs                                 Jennifer A. Manner
 David S. Konczal                                Vice President, Regulatory
        SHAW PITTMAN LLP                              SUBSIDIARY LLC
 2300 N Street, NW                               10802 Parkridge Boulevard
 Washington, DC 20037—1128                       Reston, Virginia 20191
 (202) 663—8000                                  (703) 390—2700

October 28, 2005

                               PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

          The International Bureau ("Bureau") should hold in abeyance the applications filed by

Stratos to operate terminals in the United States with an uncoordinated Inmarsat satellite until the

conclusion of a coordination agreement that results in a more efficient assignment of L band

spectrum among the existing operators, including the assignment of contiguous and wider

frequency blocks. In evaluating whether the grant of an earth station application to use a non—

U.S. licensed satellite will serve the public interest, DISCO IF requires the Bureau to assess

whether the satellite will cause interference to U.S.—licensed systems and whether there is

sufficient spectrum available to permit operation of the foreign—licensed system in the United


          In the absence of an international L band coordination agreement covering the Inmarsat

4F2 satellite, there is no basis for the Bureau to conclude that permitting the satellite to serve the

United States will not raise concerns regarding interference and spectrum availability. The

Inmarsat 4F2 satellite is technically different than the Inmarsat—3 satellites, and its operations are

in no way contemplated by the sharing agreements adopted pursuant to the Mexico City MoU. It

is not a solution for the Bureau to grant applications to operate with Inmarsat 4F2 now, hope that

a coordination agreement can be reached in the future, and that in the interim there will be no

interference to other L band systems. As the current impasse in the L band indicates, a post hoc

approach to coordination disserves the public interest and impedes the full and efficient use of L

band spectrum. Accordingly, the Stratos applications should be held in abeyance until an L band

coordination agreement is concluded. If the Bureau grants the applications now despite the lack

of a coordination agreement, the Bureau should condition the authorizations on operation strictly

on an unprotected, non—interference basis in accordance with the spectrum sharing arrangement

negotiated in 1999 among the North American L band operators. The Bureau should make clear

                             PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

that this limited authority does not include permission to use frequencies that were temporarily

loaned but subsequently recalled by the lenders under the Mexico City MOU.

       Lack of international coordination notwithstanding, the Stratos application raises

additional issues that warrant further scrutiny, including (i) whether Inmarsat 4F2 qualifies as a

replacement satellite; (ii) the failure of Inmarsat 4F2 to comply with the Bureau‘s interpretation

of the Commission‘s longitudinal station keeping rule; and (iii) the national security and law

enforcement concerns presented by operation of terminals in the United States in conjunction

with gateway earth stations located overseas.


                                               PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

                                                                Table of Contents

SUIMIATY1.2..200000+20020eses es se se se ces resessreeseesesecesisesessasesiseesseceseserersecesessesrrcessccscecscesressccsssiecsvecrsccsasesceccrees 1

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1.          The Bureau Should Hold the Stratos Applications in Abeyance Until the
            Conclusion of an L Band COOIGiNAtION AQV@EMENt ....................c2e.0scseeseserseeresererrcererererecess6

IL.         If the Bureau Grants the Stratos Applications Despite the Lack of a
            Coordination Agreement, It Should Attach CONAGItONS..................se2.00.eeveessseessesersescereecer s9

III.        The Stratos Applications Raise Additional Issues That Warrant Further
            SCIUUIMY .1.2202202002esessessseseesessreratsessserevsssesceseesesrtesssessasessessecsesscsesscssscsssssessscsssceessorsscrsssasccssees 10

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                             PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)
                                             Before the
                                Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

In the matter of                                )
Stratos Communications, Inc.                    )   —File No. SES—LFS—20050826—01175
Application for Title III Blanket License       )   —File No. SES—AMD—20050922—01313
to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with          )
Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W                         )
Stratos Communications, Inc.                    )   File No. ITC—214—20050826—00351
Application for Section 214 Authorization       )
to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with          )
Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W                         )


       Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC ("MSV") hereby files this "Petition to Hold in

Abeyance or to Grant with Conditions" the above—referenced applications filed by Stratos

Communications, Inc. ("Stratos") for Title III and Section 214 authorizations to operate

terminals in the United States with an uncoordinated Inmarsat—4 L band satellite.‘ The

International Bureau ("Bureau") should hold the Stratos applications in abeyance until the

conclusion of a coordination agreement that results in a more efficient assignment of L band

spectrum among the existing operators, including the assignment of contiguous and wider

frequency blocks. If the Bureau grants the applications now despite the lack of a coordination

agreement that results in efficient use of the L band, the Bureau should condition the

authorizations on operation strictly on an unprotected, non—interference basis in accordance with

‘ As one of the L band Mobile Satellite Service ("MSS") operators in North America which
could be subjected to harmful interference from grant of this application, MSV is a "party in
interest" with standing to file this Petition. See 47 U.S.C. § 309(d)(1). Moreover, as a
competitor in the MSS market, MSV will suffer economic injury from grant of this application,
thereby establishing competitor standing. See FCC v. Sanders Brothers Radio Station, 309 U.S.
475, 477 (1940).

                             PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

the spectrum sharing arrangement negotiated in 1999 among the North American L band

operators, which does not include frequencies that were temporarily loaned but subsequently

recalled by the lenders.


       MSY. MSV is the entity authorized by the Commission in 1989 to construct, launch, and

operate a United States Mobile Satellite Service ("MSS") system in the L band." MSV‘s

licensed satellite (AMSC—1) was launched in 1995, and MSV began offering service in 1996.

MSV is also the successor to TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership ("TMI")

with respect to TMI‘s provision of L band MSS in the United States. Today, MSV offers a full

range of land, maritime, and aeronautical satellite services, including voice and data, using both

its own U.S.—licensed satellite and the Canadian—licensed L band satellite licensed to Mobile

Satellite Ventures (Canada) Inc. In January 2005, the Bureau licensed MSV to launch and

operate an L band MSS satellite at 63.5°WL (called "MSV—SA") to provide MSS in South

America." In May 2005, the Bureau licensed MSV to launch and operate a replacement L band

MSS satellite at 101°WL (called "MSV—1").*

        Inmarsat. Inmarsat is a provider of MSS in the L band and is licensed by the United

Kingdom. Inmarsat was established in 1976 as a legal monopoly owned largely by foreign

government post, telephone, and telegraph ("PTT") administrations. From its base as a

> Order and Authorization, 4 FCC Red 6041 (1989); remanded by Aeronautical Radio, Inc. v.
FCC, 928 F.2d 428 (D.C. Cir. 1991); Final Decision on Remand, 7 FCC Red 266 (1992); aff‘d,
Aeronautical Radio, Inc. v. FCC, 983 F.2d 275 (D.C. Cir. 1993); see also AMSC Subsidiary
Corporation, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 8 FCC Red 4040 (1993).
3 See Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Order and Authorization, DA 05—50 (January
10, 2005) ("MSV—SA Order").
* See Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Order and Authorization, DA 05—1492 (May 23,
2005) ("MSV—1 Order").

                              PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

monopoly, Inmarsat gradually built a fleet of satellites to provide global service, priniarily to

large, §céangoing vessels. As the first entrant into the MSS market and as a result of its ties to

foreign governments, Inmarsat has developed a QOminant share of the MSS markétf Inmarsat

currently operates a fleet of nine in—orbit second generation (Inmarsat—2) satellites and third

generation (Inmarsat—3) satellites." Inmarsat is also currently in the process of constructing and

launching three fourth—generation (Inmarsat—4) satellites, which support the Broadband Global

Area Network ("BGAN®") terminals at issue here. These terminals use wider bandwidth carriers

than terminals operating with Inmarsat—3 satellitesand may require larger guard bands to protect

other L band operators. Inmarsat has not discussed with 6ther L band operators the necessary

guard bands and their locations in the spectrum to protect other L band operators.

        L band’ coordination process. Spectrum in the L band in North America is shared among

five operators: MSV, MSV Canada, Inmarsat, and Mexican and Russian systems. The five

Administrations that license these systems reached an agreément in 1996 for a framework for

future coordination of the L band spectrum in North America, called the Mexico City

Memorandum of Understanding ("Mexico City MoU").‘ Under the Mexico City MoU, the L.

* See Inmarsat Finance pic, Form F—4 Registration Statement —— Exchange Offer for 7 5/8%
Senior Notes due 2012 (May 25, 2004) ("Inmarsat May 2004 SEC Form F—4"), at 2 ("In the
maritime sector, we believe we are the leading provider of global mobile satellite services, with
2002 revenues in excess of 30 times those of our nearest competitor."); id. ("We believe we are
 also the market leader in the provision of high—speed data services to the maritime and land
 sectors, with 2002 data revenues of more than 15 times those of our nearest competitor.");
Inmarsat Global Ltd., Form F—20 (April 29, 2005), at 28, 33, 34, and 35 (stating that Inmarsat is
the "leading provider" of MSS in the land, maritime, and aeronautical sectors) (available at: 1291401/000104746905012474/ 0001047469—05—
012474—index.htm) ("Inmarsat April 2005 Form F—20").
 © See Comments of Inmarsat Ventures plc, IB Docket No. 01—185 (Oct. 19, 2001), at 3.
‘ See Memorandum of Understandingfor the Intersystem Coordination ofCertain Geostationary
Mobile Satellite Systems Operating in the Bands 1525—1544/1545—1559 MHz and 1626.5—
1646.5/1646.5—1660.5 MHz, Mexico City, Mexico, 18 June 1996 ("Mexico City MoU").

                              PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

band operators are each assigned certain specific frequencies to use on their specific satellites

throughkmultbpany operator agreements, called Spectrum Sharing Arrangements ("SSA").

Under the 1999 SSA, which was based on operation of narrowband carriers only, spectrum is

divided among the five L band operators in largely non—contiguous slivers.

                                      REDACTED                                                      The

Mexico City MoU and the subsequent SSAs have never included operation of Inmarsat—4

satellites at any orbital locations or with wide band carriers.

        Under the Mexico City MoU, the L band operators are required to ensure that spectrum is


        Since 1999, the L band operators, with the exception of Inmarsat, have been operating on

a non—interference basis using spectrum assignments listed in the 1999 SSA. Inmarsat, however,

has continued to use certain L band frequencies that were temporarily loaned to it by MSV and

MSV Canada.


                                PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

           Stratos BGAN Application. Stratos is a distributor of Inmarsat‘s services in the United

States. In November 2001, the Commission authorized various entities, including Stratos, to

provide service in the United States using Inmarsat—3 satellites." The Commission granted the

applications subject to the condition that operations be on a non—interference basis, using only

those frequencies coordinated for Inmarsat—3 satellites under the 1999 SSA. See COMSAT Order

          In its above—referenced applications, Stratos seeks Title III and Section 214 authorizations

to operate BGAN terminals in the United States with an unlaunched and uncoordinated Inmarsat—

4 satellite that will be located at 52.75°W (called "Inmarsat 4F2").‘" Stratos claims that this

satellite is a replacement for an Inmarsat—3 satellite located at 54°W. Stratos Title II

Application, Attachment 3 at 6. To support this claim, Stratos alleges that the Inmarsat 4F2 will

serve the same geographic area as the Inmarsat—3 satellite at 54°W and that the BGAN terminals

operating with Inmarsat 4F2 will use the same frequencies that the Commission in the COMSAT

Order authorized MET‘s to use with Inmarsat—3 satellites. Id., Attachment 3 at 6, Attachment A

at 1—2.

® Inmarsat has acknowledged its refusal to return the loaned spectrum in a filing with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). See Inmarsat April 2005 Form F—20 at 48.
° See COMSAT Corporation et. al., Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC
Red 21661 (2001) ("COMSAT Order").
9 See Stratos Communications, Inc., Application for Title III Blanket License, File No. SES—LFS—
20050826—01175 (August 26, 2005) ("Stratos Title IIIApplication"); Stratos Communications, Inc.,
Amendment to Application for Title III Blanket License, File No. SES—AMD—20050922—01313
(September 22, 2005); Stratos Communications, Inc., Application for Section 214 Authorization, File
No. ITC—214—20050826—00351 (August 26, 2005).

                                PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

          Stratos states that Inmarsat 4F2 will operate with £+0.1° East—West station—keeping, noting

that the Commission‘s rule requiring Fixed Satellite Service ("FSS") satellites to operate with

+0.05° East—West station—keeping does not apply to MSS satellites. Stratos Title IIApplication,

Attachment A at 37. Stratos explains that the gateway earth stations to be operated with

Inmarsat 4F2 will be located in The Netherlands and Italy. I4., Attachment A at 3. Stratos states

that it has entered into a revised agreement with the Department of Justice ("DOJ"), the Federal

Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), and the Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") to address

the national security and law enforcement concerns presented by operation of the BGAN

terminals in the United States in conjunction with gateway earth stations located overseas, but it

has not included a copy of this revised agreement in the record of this proceeding. I¢d.,

Attachment 3, at 7.



          In DISCO II, the Commission established a framework for evaluating whether the grant

of an earth station application to use a non—U.S. licensed satellite to provide service in the United

States will serve the public interest."‘ Among other things, the Commission will assess whether

the foreign—licensed satellite will cause interference to U.S.—licensed systems and whether there

is sufficient spectrum available to permit the operation of the foreign—licensed system in the

United States. DISCO II G 150. If there is an international coordination agreement in place

between the United States and the licensing administration for the foreign satellite, the

     See Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Regulatory Policies To Allow Non—U.S.—Licensed Space
Stations To Provide Domestic and International Satellite Service in the United States, Report
and Order, IB Docket No. 96—111, 12 ECC Red 24094 (1997) ("DISCO IT).

                              PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

Commission can generally be assured that permitting the foreign licensed satellite to serve the

United States will not raise concerns regarding interference or spectrum availability.

       This is not the case in the MSS L band because there is no coordination agreement among

the L band operators covering Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W or any other orbital location, or covering

the use of wide band carriers. While the Commission has in the past licensed earth stations to

operate with Inmarsat—3 satellites on a non—interference basis in the absence of a coordination

agreement, the spectrum management issues presented now are fundamentally different. Unlike

the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite at iésue here, the Inmarsat—3 satellites had already been coordinated in

the past for narrowband carriers. The Commission and the L band operators could be reasonably

assured that narrowband operations could be conducted on a non—interference basis, provided the

operators adhered to the frequency assignments detailed in the 1999 SSA.

        In this case, however, there is no similar arrangement which defines the frequency

assignments for Inmarsat 4F2. It is a vast oversimplification for Stratos to merely state that the

Inmarsat—4 satellite at issue here will use the same frequencies that have been authorized for

Inmarsat—3. See Stratos Title III Application, Attachment 3 at 6, Attachment A at 1—2. The

Inmarsat—4 satellites are technically different than the Inmarsat—3 satellites and, as a result, are

more likely to cause harmful interference to other L band operators. BGAN terminals operating

with Inmarsat 4F2 will use wide band carriers that                 REDACTED

                               . Inmarsat and other L band operators have never coordinated an

envelope of frequency assignments, including necessary guard band requirements, Within which

Inmarsat can operate these wide band carriers while avoiding interference to other L band

operators. The inappropriate placement of a broadband, uncoordinated carrier at fi'equencies too

close to a band edge may result in an absolute level of out—of—band emissions that result in

                              PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

harmful interference toother L band operators. As a result, uncoordinated operation of wide

band carriers may cause out—of—band interference to other L band operators. Thus, if the Bureau

permits Inmarsat—4 satellites to operate in the United States, operation on an unprotected, non—

interference basis may not be possible and may require substantial Commission oversight and

enforcement. In addition to these and other interference concerns, Stratos states that Inmarsat

4F2 will have inefficient global L band beams,                REDACTED

     . Inmarsat has also failed to specify what it plans to do with the Inmarsat—3 satellite at

54°W and its inefficient global beam.

       The technical issues presented by the proposed operation of Inmarsat—4 satellites can only

be resolved through a priori frequency coordination among the L band operators and their

licensing administrations, which has not yet occurred. Given the likelihood of operations of

Inmarsat 4F2 to cause harmful interference to other L band operators and Inmarsat‘s refusal to

abide by previous coordination agreements by returning loaned spectrum, it is not a solution for

the Bureau to grant applications to operate with Inmarsat 4F2 now and hope that a coordination

agreement can be reached in the future. As the current impasse in the L band indicates, a post

hoe approach to coordination disserves the public interest and impedes the full and efficient use

* Stratos Title IIIApplication, Attachment A at 12—14, 16;

° In filings with the SEC, Inmarsat has explained that its Inmarsat—3 fleet will be moved to other
locations where they will continue to provide service, perhaps until as late as 2014. See Inmarsat
April 2005 Form F—20 at 29 (noting that Inmarsat—3 satellite will cease commercial operations in
2014); id. at 39—40 (explaining that Inmarsat—3 satellites have sufficient fuel remaining to be
relocated to other orbital locations).

                               PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

of spectrum.‘* Accordingly, unless and until L band coordination discussions are finalized and a

coordination agreement is reached, the Bureau should hold the Stratos applications in abeyance.

Consistent with the Commission‘s stated strategic goals, MSV stands ready to work with the

Commission and other L band operators to use L band spectrum more efficiently and effectively

by coordinating the assignment of contiguous and wider frequency blocks among the L band



          In the event the Bureau contemplates grant of the Stratos applications despite the lack of

a coordination agreement, the Bureau should condition the grant on operation strictly on an

unprotected, non—interference basis in accordance with the spectrum sharing arrangement

negotiated in 1999 among the North American L band operators, which does not include

frequencies that were temporarily loaned but subsequently recalled by the lenders. Under the

terms of the COMSAT Order, earth stations accessing Inmarsat satellites in the United States are

permitted to operate only on a non—interference basis and only on those frequencies coordinated

for the Inmarsat—3 satellites pursuant to the 1999 SSA. See COMSAT Order 115(c)—(d).

* As it has done numerous times in the past, MSV invites Inmarsat to participate in discussions
to make the most efficient use of the L band spectrum.
  The Commission has identified the promotion of "efficient and effective" use of spectrum as
one of its strategic objectives. See FCC, Strategic Plan: 2006—2011 (September 30, 2005). The
Commission has recognized that assignment of contiguous frequency blocks will increase
spectrum efficiency and redound to the benefit of the American public See generally Improving
Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHz Band, Report and Order, 19 FCC Red 14969
(August 6, 2004); Amendment ofPart 2 of the Commission‘s Rules to Allocate Spectrum Below 3
GHzfor Mobile and Fixed Services to Support the Introduction ofNew Advanced Wireless
Services, including Third Generation Wireless Systems, Third Report and Order, Third Notice of
Proposed Rule Making, and Second Memorandum Opinion and Order, 18 FCC Red 2223, «[ 68

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                   The Bureau should make clear if it grants the Stratos applications that METs

authorized to operate with any L band satellites in the United States are not permitted to use

frequencies that were loaned by one operator to another but subsequently recalled by the


       In addition, to the extent the Bureau grants the Stratos applications in the absence of a

coordination agreement, it should also condition the authorization on a prior showing by

Inmarsat as to how it will suppress its out—of—band emissions in the downlink to avoid

interference to other L band operators.


       The lack of international frequency coordination for Inmarsat 4F2 notwithstanding, the

Stratos applications raise additional issues that warrant further scrutiny. First, while Stratos

claims that Inmarsat 4F2 is a replacement for the Inmarsat—3 satellite at 54°W, there is

insufficient evidence in the record to support this claim. While Stratos claiins that Inmarsat 4F2

will serve the same geographic area as the Inmarsat—3 satellite at 54°W, Inmarsat has never

provided the coverage area for its Inmarsat—3 satellite in order to make that comparison.‘‘

5 While the present applications pertain only to BGAN MET‘s proposing to operate with
Inmarsat 4F2, the Commission has the discretion to issue a declaratory ruling sua sponte in this
proceeding clarifying that any MET‘s authorized to operate with any L band satellites, including
all of the Inmarsat satellites, are not authorized to use loaned but recalled frequencies. See 47
C.F.R. § 1.2.
‘‘ While Stratos states that Inmarsat 4F2 will "serve the same geographic regions" as the
Inmarsat—3 satellite at 54°W, this leaves unanswered whether Inmarsat 4F2 will cover geographic
regions beyond those covered by the Inmarsat—3 satellite at 54°W, which would disqualify
Inmarsat 4F2 from being a replacement satellite. See Stratos Application, Attachment A at 1; 47


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Moreover, despite Stratos‘s claim that the Inmarsat—3 satellite at 54°W will be retired shortly

after Inmarsat 4F2 is brought’into service,"" Inmarsat has explained to the SEC that its Inmarsat—

3 fleet will be moved to other locations where they will continue to provide service, perhaps until

as late as 2014.‘° To the extent the Bureau finds that Inmarsat 4F2 is a replacement satellite

under the Commission‘s rules despite these discrepancies, the Bureau should make clear that this

decision does not mean that the Commission as the representative of the United States in

international frequency coordination negotiations considers Inmarsat 4F2 to be a replacement

satellite under the Mexico City MoU. Under the Mexico City MoU, a replacement satellite


        Second, while Stratos is correct when it states that the Commission rule requiring FSS

satellite to operate with +0.05° East—West station keeping does not apply to MSS satellites, it is

incorrect when it implies that this is settled law."" In acting on MSV‘s application to operate an

MSS satellite with +0.1° East—West station keeping, the Bureau held that MSV was required to

C.F.R. § 25.165(e) ("A replacement satellite is one that is . . . [aluthorized to be operated at the
same orbit location, in the same frequency bands, and with the same coverage area as one of the
licensee‘s existing satellites.").
8 See Stratos Title III Application, Attachment A at 2.
  See Inmarsat April 2005 Form F—20 at 29 (noting that Inmarsat—3 satellite will cease
commercial operations in 2014); id. at 39—40 (explaining that Inmarsat—3 satellites have sufficient
fuel remaining to be relocated to other orbital locations).
*° Stratos Title III Application, Attachment A at 37; see 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(j).


                              PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

justify a waiver of the rule requiring FSS satellites to operate with £+0.05° East—West station

keeping.*‘ MSV has sought reconsideration of this decision, asking the Bureau to clarify that the

rule requiring FSS satellites to operate with +0.05° East—West station—keeping does not apply to

MSS satellites."" This proceeding is pending. To the extent the Bureau authorizes Inmarsat 4F2

for service in the United States with +0.1° East—West station keeping without seeking a waiver,

the Bureau must afford similar treatment to other MSS satellites proposing to serve the U.S.

market, such as MSV—1. Conversely, if the Bureau on reconsideration of the MSV—1 Order

upholds its decision that MSS satellites are required to comply with £+0.05° East—West station—

keeping, the Stratos application must be dismissed for failing to seek a waiver of this rule.""

        Third, while Stratos states that it has reached a revised agreement with the Executive

Branch to address the admitted national security and law enforcement concerns presented by

operation of the BGAN terminals, it has not filed this agreement in the record. See Stratos Title

JIIIApplication, Attachment 3 at 7. The Commission has explained that in reviewing applications

from foreign entities proposing to provide telecommunicatiohs services in the United States, it

will assess any national security and law enforcement concerns raised by the applica’cion.24

* See Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Order and Authorization, DA 05—1492 (May
23, 2005), at 4 21 ("MSVY—1 Order‘).
* See MSV, Petition for Clarification and Partial Reconsideration, File Nos. SAT—LOA—
19980702—00066 et al (June 22, 2005).
* See Letter from Thomas S. Tycz, FCC, to John K. Hane, Pegasus Development Corporation,
DA 03—3665 (November 19, 2003) (dismissing application for failing to seek waiver of
Commission‘s East—West station—keeping rule).
*Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market, Report
and Order and Order on Reconsideration, 12 FCC Red 23891, «[ 61 (November 26, 1997). In
reviewing other applications to provide MSS in the United States, the Executive Branch has
expressed concern with the national security and law enforcement implications of routing MSS
traffic through a gateway earth station located in a foreign country. See TMI Communications
and Company, Limited Partnership, 14 FCC Red 20798,           55 (1999) ("TMI Order").


                             PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

While the Commission has stated that it will defer to the expertise of the Executive Branch in

identifying these concerns, the application must provide the Bureau with the information it needs

to perform its own public interest analysis by assessing whether national security and law

enforcement efforts will be compromised by grant of the application."" Stratos‘s failure to _

provide a copy of the revised agreement it has reached with the Executive Branch deprives the

Bureau and interested parties of vital information needed to assess whether grant of the

application will serve the public interest. Moreover, even assuming that Stratos has reached an

agreement with the Executive’ Branch, this is not sufficient to assure the Bureau that the

application does not raise national security and law enforcement concerns. Given the

Commission‘s recent decision directing the Network Reliability and Interoperability Council

("NRIC") to adopt recommendations for E911 for MSS,"" the Bureau can only conclude that

grant of the application will hamper law enforcement efforts and harm public safety given

Inmarsat‘s stated position that the location of its gateway earth stations in Europe makes E911

compliance infeasible."‘ The Bureau must make clear that, to the extent the Commission

eventually requires MSS operators to provide E91 1, Inmarsat‘s unilateral choice to locate

* In other cases, applicants proposing to route MSS traffic through a gateway earth station
located in a foreign country have been required to provide the Bureau with a copy of the
agreement entered into with the Executive Branch. See, e.g., TMI Order; COMSAT Order;
Motient Services Inc. and TMI Communications and Company, LP, Assignors, and Mobile
Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Assignee, Order and Authorization, DA 01—2732, 16 FCC
Red 20469 (Int‘l Bur. 2001).
* See Second Report and Order, CC Docket No. 94—102, IB Docket No. 99—67, FCC 04—201
(August 25, 2004).
*" See Reply Comments of Inmarsat Ventures PLC, IB Docket No. 99—67, at 8—11 (March 25,
2002). While the Commission has exempted MSS terminals that cannot be used in motion from
E911 compliance, Inmarsat has admitted that at least some of its BGAN terminals must be E911
compliant. See Inmarsat A4TC Reply at 3 n.9 ("[T}he Commission did not exempt all BGAN
terminals from E911 requirements.") (emphasis in original).


                             PUBLIC COPY (REDACTED)

gateway earth stations overseas does not excuse it from having to comply with any E91 1

requirements the Commission may adopt.


       Based on the foregoing, the Commission should hold in abeyance the Stratos applications

until the conclusion of an L band coordination agreement. If the Bureau grants the applications

now despite the lack of a coordination agreement, the Bureau should condition the authorizations

on operation strictly on an unprotected, non—interference basis in accordance with the spectrum

sharing arrangement negotiated in 1999 among the North American L band operators, which

does not include frequencies that were temporarily loaned but subsequently recalled by the


                                     Respectfully submitted,

—BL/ A{{
 Bruce D. Jacobs  ‘
                                                     bit 2/Ts

                                                 /Tennifer A. Manner
 David S. Konczal                                 Vice President, Regulatory
        SHAW PITTMAN LLP                                  SUBSIDIARY LLC
 2300 N Street, NW                                   10802 Parkridge Boulevard
 Washington, DC 20037—1128                           Reston, Virginia 20191
 (202) 663—8000                                      (703) 390—2700

Dated: October 28, 2005


                    _   Declaration of Jennifer A. Manner

I am the Vice President, Regulatory of Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC.

I have read the foregoing Petition to Hold in Abeyance or to Grant with Conditions the .
applications of Stratos Communications, Inc. ("Stratos") for Title II and Section 214
authorizations to operate Broadband Global Area Network("BGAN”) terminals in the
United States.

I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in the Petition to Hold in Abeyance or to
Grant with Conditions. The facts set forth in the Petition, other than those of which
official notice may be taken, are true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge,
information, and belief.

1 declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

                                              Jennifer A. Manner

                                              Executed on October 28, 2005

                                     Technical Certification

       I, Dr. Peter D. Karabinis, Senior Vice President and Chief Technical Officer of Mobile
Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, certify under penalty of perjury that:
       I am the technically qualified person with overall   responsibility for the technical
information contained in this Petition to Hold in AbeFance &r to Grant with Conditions. I am
familiar with the Commission‘s rules, and thejffformation obntained in the Petition to Hold in .
Abeyance or to Grant with Conditions is tmE and correct ty the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                                   . Dated: October 28, 2005

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, David S. Konczal of the law firm of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, hereby
certify that on this 28"" day of October 2005, served a true copy of a PUBLIC VERSION of the
foregoing by first—class United States mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

James Ball*                                     Cassandra Thomas*
International Bureau                            International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                           445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20554

Howard Griboff*                                 Fern Jarmulnek*
International Bureau                            International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                           445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20554

Robert Nelson*                                  Andrea Kelly*
International Bureau                            International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                            445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554

JoAnn Ekblad*                                    Scott Kotler*®
International Bureau                             International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                             445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554

Paul Kugelman                                    Alfred M. Mamlet
Assistant Secretary                              Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Stratos Communications, Inc.                     1330 Connecticut Avenue N.W.
6901 Rockledge Drive                             Washington, D.C. 20036
Suite 900
Bethesda, MD 20817                               Counsel for Stratos Communications, Inc.

                                                David S. Konczal

*By electronic mail

Document Created: 2005-10-28 17:53:42
Document Modified: 2005-10-28 17:53:42

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