Attachment DA 08-931

DA 08-931

LETTER submitted by FCC

DA 08-931


This document pretains to ITC-214-20050815-00323 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                          Federal Communications Commission
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                            DA 08—931
                                                            April 23, 2008
Ms. Katherine M. Go
Unified Communications, Inc.
21127 Commerce Pointe Dr.
Walnut, CA 91789

                              Re:     NOTICE OF DISMISSAL
                                      File No. ITC—214—20050815—00323

Dear Ms. Go:

        On February 27, 2008, we requested by official correspondence, also forwarded to you by
e—mail, additional information in connection with the above—referenced application. We
requested a response no later than March 18, 2008. You were advised that the Commission‘s
rules provide that failure to respond to information requests would subject the application to
dismissal without prejudice. To date, we have received no response to our February 27, 2008

        Accordingly, pursuant to sections 0.261, 1.748(a), and 63.51(b) of the Commission‘s
rules, 47 CFR §§ 0.261, 1.748(a), and 63.51(b), application File No. ITC—214—20050815—00323
is hereby dismissed without prejfudice to re—filing the application in accordance with the
Commission‘s rules.


                                                     Jatues L. Ball
                                                       hief, Policy Division
                                                     International Bureau

Document Created: 2008-04-23 12:27:42
Document Modified: 2008-04-23 12:27:42

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