Attachment Attachment


LETTER submitted by SaskTel Corporate Counsel

April 28, 2006


This document pretains to ITC-214-20041115-00451 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Legal Department
13", 2121 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3Y2                                   Our Ref.:CC—4465—266—1
                                                               Your Ref.:
                                RECEIVED                       Fax No.:(306)569—8445

                                  APR 2 8 2006
Apules 2000                Fedaral Communications Commission   FACSIMLE
                                 Office of the Secretary
                                                               (202) 418—2824
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau Policy Division
445 — 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

ATTENTION:          Secretary

Dear Sirs:

Re:      FTC File Number ITC—214—20041115—00451
         Section 214 International License Application of
         Navigata Communications Ltd. of North Vancouver, B.C.
         Our File: CC—4465—266—1

1 submit the following information in response to your staff request received April
27", 2006:
1. As of the end of 2005, the total number of wireline local access lines in
      Canada including those lines resold by others and unbundled loops used by
      CLECs was 19,376,000.       SaskTel specifically had 604,000 wireline local
   access lines as of the end of 2005 or 3.1% of the total number of Canadian
   wireline local access lines.

2. Market Data:

         (a) SaskTel traffic originating in Canada and terminating in the U.S.:

             2004 — 58.9 million minutes; $556,941.00 (Cdn)
             2005 — 77.8 million minutes; $886,083.00 (Cdn)

         (b) Traffic to SaskTel originating in the U.S.:

             2004 — 53 million minutes: $404,912.00 (Cdn)
             2005 — 48 million minutes; $419,076.00 (Cdn)

Federal Communications Commission
April 28, 2006
Page 2

My client, Navigata Communications Ltd., is an affiliate of SaskTel and 100%
owned by SaskTel‘s parent corporation. As | understand the definitions used in
conjunction with the above noted application, SaskTel is a "foreign affiliate" of
my client, Navigata Communications Ltd. Accordingly, the market data provided
above is in response to your staff requests for that foreign affiliate data.

Thank you for your continued consideration of my client‘s application.


B.W. (Brent) Munro
SaskTel Corporate Counsel
Counsel for Navigata Communications Ltd.
13"" Floor, 2121 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan,
Canada, S4P 3Y2
Telephone: (306) 777—4648
Facsimile: (306) 569—8445


Document Created: 2006-04-28 17:14:32
Document Modified: 2006-04-28 17:14:32

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