Attachment 20170606101759-100.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20030127-00070 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                  FRIEND, HUDAK & E[ARRIS, LLP                              Received & nssected
                                           ATTORNEYS AT LA v
                                               sCTITF 1450   se                                      MAR 11 2008
                                         ATLANTA, GZO.:GIA 3(340—2117                          E{:C f\/ a” Room

                                                         (77(0) 3: 9—950¢

                                                 FACSIMILE ("70) 36 5—0 )00

                                                       EMALL: f 2@fh2.:om

                                                                              Write ‘s email: chudak ¥

                                                   March 1( , 2002

  VIA OVERNIGH           M} reweee
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  The Honorable Ma       ne H. Dortch                                                      m                         h. {_J
  Secretary of the Co    missicn                                                              1k 2 3 2009
  Office of the Secre                                                                      h‘:,"'n
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  Federal Communic       ons C ammission                                                  "Nallona) o._
                           .                                                                                   Ureay
— 9300 East Hamptot      Jtis e
  Capitol Heights, M     yland :20743

         Re:    Filir    of CC Fiberlink, LLC (ITC—; 14—200: 01 27—000
                Noti      of Provision of Service Through ‘Nt olly Owned Subsidiary Pursuant to 47
                C.F.      § 63.21(h)

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

         CC Fiberlin     LL2, through its undersigned counsel hereby notifies t 1e Commissionthat it
 intends to provide :    ernational long distance tele :omn ur icstions services through one or more
 wholly owned subs       arics pursuant to Section 63. 21(h) of the Commission‘s rules.

         In accordan«    with the notice requirement s :t forth a : S ‘ction 63.21(h ofthe Commission‘s
 rules, the following    formation is provided:

         1.     Nan      of Au ‘horized Carrier and File Nunb er:

                CC Fiberlink, LLC

                CC Fiberlink, LLC is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the
                state of Delaware. On February 28, 2003, the Commission granted CC Fiberlink,
                LLC an international telecommunications certificate to provide global or limited
                global resale services in accordance with Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s


   The Honorable Marlene H. Dortch
   Secretary of the Commission
   CC Fiberlink, LLC Notice Filing (ITC—214—20030127—00070)
   March 10, 2009
   Page 2 of3

                    Name(s) of Subsidiary(ies) and Place(s) of Legal Organization:

                    A.       Charter Fiberlink — Alabama, LLC

                             Charter Fiberlink — Alabama, LLC is a limited liability company organized
                             under the laws of the state of Delaware and is a direct, wholly owned
                             subsidiary of CC Fiberlink, LLC.

                             Charter Fiberlink — Nebraska, LLC_

                            Charter Fiberlink —— Nebraska, LLC is a limited liability company organized
                            under the laws of the state of Delaware and is a direct, wholly owned
                            subsidiary of CC Fiberlink, LLC.

                             Charter Fiberlink CCO, LLC

                             Charter Fiberlink CCO, LLC is a limited liability company organized under
                            the laws of the state of Delaware and is a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of
                            CC Fiberlink, LLC.

                            Charter Fiberlink TX—CCO, LLC

                            Charter Fiberlink TX—CCO, LLC is a limited liability company organized
                            under the laws ofthe state of Delaware and is a direct, wholly owned
                            subsidiary of CC Fiberlink, LLC.‘

                    Prior Notifications:

                    CC Fiberlink, LLC previously notified the Commission that it intended to provide
                    international long distance telecommunications services through other wholly owned
                    subsidiaries. For purposes of providing the Commission with a complete list of the

        ‘ On April 7, 2006, CCO Fiberlink, LLC (ITC—214—20060309—00144), an affiliate of CC Fiberlink, LLC,
   inadvertently notified the Commission that Charter Fiberlink TX—CCO, LLC was a wholly owned subsidiary of CCO
   Fiberlink, LLC and that CCO Fiberlink, LLC intended to provide international long distance telecommunications
   services through Charter Fiberlink TX—CCO, LLC. Since its inception, Charter Fiberlink TX—CCO, LLC has been and
   continues to be a wholly owned subsidiary of CC Fiberlink, LLC. Contemporaneously with this notification, CCO
   Fiberlink, LLC is correcting its prior notification to the Commission concerning Charter Fiberlink TX—CCO, LLC.


   The Honorable Marlene H. Dortch
   Secretary of the Commission
   CC Fiberlin‘k, LLC Notice Fiing (ITC—214—20030127—0007€)
   March 10, 2009
   Page 3 of 3

                   legal entities through which CC Fiberlink, LLC is providing iiternstional ling
                   distance services, CC Fiberlink, LLC hereby r»states that it continues to 0o: fel
                   internationel long distance telecommunications services through the follow ng
                   entities, each of which is a limited liability compa 1y orzatized uncer the laws of ‘he
                   state of Delaware and is a direct, wholly owned s ubsiciary of CC Fiberlin«, LL 2:

                   Charter Fiberlink — Georgia, LLC
                   Charter Fiberlink — Illinois, LLC
                   Charter Fiberlink — Michigan, LLC
                   Charter Fiberlink — Missouri, LLC
                   Charter Fiberlink— Tennessee, LLC

           Enclosed are an original and five (5) copies of CC Fiberlit k, LLC‘s notice filing. Please : ile
   the notice in your usual fashion and return one (1) date—stamped c »py to us in the enclosed envelo Je.

         Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please do 1 ot hesitate to contact me at (7‘ 0)
   399—9500 if you have any questions.

                                                          Respectfull:» sub:nitted,

                                                          Charles A. ] Tudal:
                                                          Counsel to CC FE:berlink, LLC

   go:   Carrie L. Cox, Esq.
         Associate General Counsel, Regulatory
          Charter Communications, Inc.

          Best Copy and Printing, Inc.
          Portals II
          445 12"" Street, S.W.
          Room CY—B402
          Washington, D.C. 20554

Document Created: 2019-10-28 14:25:47
Document Modified: 2019-10-28 14:25:47

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