Attachment verizonM

This document pretains to ITC-214-20020402-00170 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                    PUBLIC NOTICE
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                 News Media Information: (202) 418-0500
445 12 STREET, S.W.                                                     Fax-On-Demand: (202) 418-2830
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                                                                

DA 02-859                                                        Released: April 12, 2002

                    Section 214 Application (47 C.F.R. § 63.18)

Unless otherwise specified, the following procedures apply to the applications listed below:

The applications listed below have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. These
applications are not subject to the streamlined processing procedures set forth in section 63.12 of the
Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12. These applications shall not be deemed granted until the
Commission affirmatively acts upon the application. Operation for which authorization is sought may not
commence except in accordance with any terms or conditions imposed by the Commission.

Interested parties may file comments with respect to these applications within 21 days of the date of this
public notice, and Applicants may file replies within 7 days thereafter. We request that such comments
and replies refer to the application file numbers shown below. Ex parte communications between outside
parties and Commission staff concerning these applications are permitted subject to the Commission’s
rules for the “permit-but-disclose proceedings.” See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206.

Copies of the applications listed here are available for public inspection in the FCC Office of Public
Affairs Reference and Information Center, located in room CY-A257 at the Portals 2 building, 445 12th
Street SW, Washington, DC 20554. The center can be contacted at (202) 418-0270. The applications
listed are subject to further consideration and review, and may be returned and/or dismissed if not found
to be in accordance with the Commission’s rules, regulations, and other requirements.

Verizon Global Solutions, Inc.

NYNEX Long Distance Company, d/b/a Verizon Enterprise Solutions

Verizon Select Services Inc.

Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc., d/b/a/ Verizon Long Distance

International Telecommunications Certificate

Services: Global International Facilities-Based and Resale Services

Applications for authority to provide service in accordance with the provisions of section 63.18 (e)(1) and
(2) of the Commission’s rules, specifically: (1) authority to provide global international facilities-based
service between all points in Maine and all international points, except those countries listed on the
Commission’s exclusion list; and (2) authority to provide resale service between all points in Maine and
all international points, except those countries listed on the Commission’s exclusion list. Pursuant to
section 63.10 of the Commission’s rules, Applicants request non-dominant treatment for all routes except
the U.S.-Dominican Republic route, the U.S.-Venezuela route, and the U.S.-Gibraltar route, except to the
extent the service provided on these routes is the resale of the international switched services of
unaffiliated U.S. facilities-based carriers, fitting under the exception in section 63.10(a)(4) of the
Commission’s rules.

These applications cover traffic originating in the state of Maine, which is one of the “in-region” states of
Bell Atlantic Corp. d/b/a Verizon Communications Inc. (Verizon) and its U.S. international service
subsidiaries listed above. Applicants request grant of these applications at the same time that Verizon is
legally permitted to provide in-region interLATA service in the state of Maine under section 271 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 271. Commenters should limit their comments in
this proceeding to issues specific to the requests of Verizon and its U.S. international services subsidiaries
for authorization under section 214 to provide international service. Issues related to whether Verizon has
met the criteria under section 271 for entry into interLATA services in the state of Maine will be
addressed in the context of the pending section 271 application for that state. See Comments Requested on
the Application by Verizon for Authorization under section 271 of the Communications Act to Provide In-
region, interLATA Service in the State of Maine, CC Docket No. 02-61, Public Notice, DA-02-684 (rel.
March 21, 2002).


Applicants must certify that neither the applicant nor any party to the application is subject to a denial of
federal benefits by federal and/or state courts under authority granted in 21 U.S.C. § 862. See 47 C.F.R.
§§ 1.2001-.2003. The Commission most recently amended its rules applicable to international
telecommunications common carriers in IB Docket No. 98-118, Review of International Common Carrier
Regulations, FCC 99-51, released March 23, 1999, 64 Fed Reg. 19,057 (Apr. 19, 1999). An updated
version of Section 63.09-.24 of the rules, and other related sections, is available at

For additional information concerning this matter, contact Cynthia Bryant, Policy Division, International
Bureau, (202) 418-8164, TTY (202) 418-2555.


Document Created: 2002-06-21 11:57:48
Document Modified: 2002-06-21 11:57:48

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