Attachment DA01-896

This document pretains to ITC-214-20020213-00082 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                   PUBLIC NOTICE
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                             News Media Information: (202) 418-0500
445 12 STREET, S.W.                                                 Fax-On-Demand: (202) 418-2830
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                                                            

                                                                             DA 02-896

                                                     FCC File Nos.

                                                                    Released: April 17, 2002

                   International Bureau Policy Division Grants
             Verizon International Section 214 Authority for Vermont
        Pursuant to section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act") (47
U.S.C. § 214) and section 63.18 of the Commission’s rules (47 C.F.R. § 63.18), the International
Bureau, Policy Division, grants the applications filed by the following subsidiaries of Bell
Atlantic Corp. d/b/a Verizon Communications Inc., (Verizon) for authority to provide
international service originating in the state of Vermont: (1) Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc.,
d/b/a Verizon Long Distance (VLD); (2) NYNEX Long Distance Company, d/b/a Verizon
Enterprise Solutions (VES); (3) Verizon Global Solutions Inc. (VGSI, formerly Bell Atlantic
Global Network and Transport Solutions, Inc.); and (4) Verizon Select Services Inc. (VSSI,
formerly GTE Communications Corporation) (collectively, “Applicants”). Specifically,
Applicants request authority to provide global international facilities-based service between all
points in Vermont and all international points, except countries listed on the Commission’s
exclusion list, and resale service between all points in Vermont and all international points, except
countries listed on the Commission’s exclusion list.

        The applications cover traffic originating in the state of Vermont, which is one of the “in-
region” states of Verizon and its subsidiaries, including VLD, VES, VGSI, and VSSI. The
international section 214 applications are companions to the joint application of Verizon New
England, Inc., VLD, VES, VGSI, and VSSI (collectively, “Verizon”) for authorization to provide
in-region, interLATA service in the state of Vermont pursuant to section 271 of the Act (47
U.S.C. § 271) (see Application of Verizon New England d/b/a Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc.
(d/b/a Verizon Long Distance), NYNEX Long Distance Company (d/b/a Verizon Enterprise
Solutions), Verizon Global Networks Inc., and Verizon Select Services Inc., for Authorization to

Provide In-Region, InterLATA Services in Vermont). No comments were filed on the
international applications, which were put on public notice on March 1, 2002 (see Non-
Streamlined International Applications Accepted for Filing, FCC File Nos. ITC-214-20020213-
00081, ITC-214-20020213-00082, ITC-214-20020213-00083, ITC-214-20020213-00084, Public
Notice, DA 02-491 (rel. March 1, 2002)).

        On April 17, 2002, the Commission approved Verizon’s section 271 application (see
Application of Verizon New England, Inc., Verizon Long Distance, Verizon Enterprise Solutions,
Verizon Global Networks Inc., and Verizon Select Services Inc., for Authorization to Provide In-
Region, InterLATA Services in Vermont), CC Docket 02-7, Memorandum Opinion and Order FCC
02-118, rel. April 17, 2002. Because Verizon has received section 271 authority to provide in-
region, interLATA service in the state of Vermont, we grant VLD, VES, VGSI, and VSSI
authority to provide the services for which they request authority in their applications:
international facilities-based service pursuant to sections 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(4) of the
Commission’s rules, originating in the state of Vermont and terminating at all international points,
except those countries listed on the Commission’s exclusion list; and international resale service
pursuant to sections 63.18 (e)(2) and (e)(4) of the Commission’s rules, originating in the state of
Vermont and terminating at all international points. Grant of the international section 214
applications will serve the public interest by increasing competition in international services,
expanding the range of new and innovative services and allowing for more efficient use of
existing international telecommunications facilities.

        These grants of authority, as agreed to by Applicants, are subject to Applicants’
compliance with the Commission's international dominant carrier regulations as specified below
on the following routes where Applicants have affiliations with foreign carriers that the
Commission has not yet determined lack market power: (1) the U.S.-Dominican Republic route,
U.S.-Venezuela route, and the U.S.-Gibraltar route, for international facilities-based service; and
(2) the U.S.-Dominican Republic route, the U.S.-Venezuela route, and the U.S.-Gibraltar route,
for international resale service (except to the extent Applicants serve these routes solely by
reselling the international switched services of unaffiliated U.S. facilities-based carriers).

        We grant Applicants’ request for nondominant classification on all other routes where
Applicants have affiliations with foreign carriers. Applicants have demonstrated that these foreign
carriers lack sufficient market power on the foreign end of the routes to affect competition
adversely in the U.S. market. In sum, the Verizon carriers will be classified as nondominant in
their provision of U.S. international services on all routes except the U.S.-Dominican Republic
route, the U.S.-Venezuela route, and the U.S.-Gibraltar route. This grant of the international
section 214 application will become effective upon the effective date of the Commission Order
granting authorization to Verizon to provide in-region, interLATA services in the state of


Document Created: 2002-07-12 13:13:45
Document Modified: 2002-07-12 13:13:45

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