Attachment 20161129102506-063.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010806-00434 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                      FFE l RAL COMMUN               T )1 S COM 1:         D
                                      Washin:st«     ).0 .. 1i 0554

In the Matter of
Application for auchority pi ‘suant File No. I. T.                                    c—214 20 10      D6 00 34
to Section 214 of the                                      Streamljinc d
                                                                           ol 5. ~NC.
Communicatio as »Act of .9. 4,                             INGLOBAL SC
as amended, for «lobal iut iority
to operate as an interni :io al                                                              ux   s

facilities—basec! ard rese e arrier                                                        Ii1te nf ior al1 ureau

Applicatio i.

INGLOBAL SOLUTI )N            5 INC. ("IGS"),        ire by reques s       ho    it   , pustar::> 9
Section 214 of the To         imunications A         F92 4, as arel        1,    47   U.S.C. se tic n
214 (1982), and S:c           on 63.18 of tt         :0 nr iission‘s R     /     7    C.F.FR. se tic o
63.18, to provide gl jb       I international 1      ti s—»ased ar d       ile   s¢   mvices b st en
the United States ar d nternational poi

IGS     is    a    new        J.S.    company        rear zed      t«      wv 1e        intert    at   on al
telecommunications se vices. IGS has                 fo ei n affilia io    IC 3       erves b     is   ie s
customers throughc ut         the United Stat        ‘A ce natively I      Ni3        ranted      se   tic n
214 authority to |prc         ide internatior        v tcaed servic        iel ve     an the      U    ite d
States and various | 1t       rnational locatic      T ie Tommis io        af or      val is s    at   d n
File No. I—T— C—9x—x x        199%).)

By granting this apy ication, the C                  is sica will car      th : wublic i te et:,
convenience and nece sity by promoti                 :o ar 2tition in tt   itorr itional : ar ic s
market. Competition sill benefit U.S.                as in ers by ac       sit J ervice jp 01 S
and lowering prices. "hus, the publi                 tece‘ t will b is     ec E/ the gcart of
Section 214 authority 3 IGS.

Section 63.18 Information

The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the
Commissions‘s Rules, in support of IGS‘s request for authorization.

10 N.W. LEJEUNE RD. Suite 305—G
Miami, Florida 33126
(305) 443—5400
FAX (305) 443—5400

(L ) 1 3S is a corf oraticn organ zed un( ar the laws of the state of Florid ..

(ci C or esponde 1ce concernin j this a pl satior : 1ould be sent to:

Jose R drigo UriafAa, Presicder t
1 N .V . Leje in «Rd. Suize 30 —G
V ar ii, "lorida 3 3126
(1 35 ) + 43—5430

(() I¢s has rot received authori ; previou ily under Setion 2 4 of the
C in n nicatin;. Act. (Alterni tively: G . was ¢ anted Sectic 1 214 & it ority tc
p ow de    interna ional swiitched servi e betwee 1 the Unitec States ar 1 othel
in ce ag jonal locations. The Commissi in ; appro al is stated ir File No I— — C—9x—
x x 1{9x).)

(¢) . 35 request global facilities—base 1 ; ad resa a Section 214 authori ; ursuan!
t«    i6 terms and conditions of Section (3.18(e)(1) and (e)( ) of the
C it n ision‘s R iles.

(1  it this tim:s, IGS seeks no ot ie         autho ization availi jle unc sr Sectior
6 .13( ).

(«( ) : loapplicat e.

(I ) 3¢ certifies that it is not affiliatee n th any preign or U.S facilitie —£ ised
Corr ar

In s p ort of this certification, the na ae, addre: s, citizenship ind prin ip i|
busi ie s of the shareholder that cont. ols ten percent or more of IGS, : 1c is as

Jose Rodrigo Umana, President
10 N.W. LEJEUNE RD. Suite 305—G
Miami, Florida 33126
(305) 443—5400
Principal Business: President of Telecommunications Corporation
Citizenship: Colombian with L1 working visa

 (i) IGS certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to accept
any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or administration
with regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any
foreign countries the company is authorized to serve.                                   %

(j) IGS certifies that no party to this application has been denied federal benafits
pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.
In conclusion, IGS certifies that all of the information in this application is
accurate and correct.
For these reasons, IGS respectfully request that the Commission grant this
Respectfully submitted,

INGLOBAL SOLUTIONS, INC.                      7
By:                                     UiMa
Jose Rodrigo Umafa, President                —
IGS, Inc.
10 N.W. Lejeune Rd. Suite 305—G
Miami, Florida 331126
Office (305)4435400
Fax    (305)4435490

Date: 06 /Z@/O/

Document Created: 2019-04-22 14:26:14
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 14:26:14

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