Attachment 20161129101630-140.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010806-00428 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                       FE )E <AL COMMUNI CA TI )N s COJ4NIS SION
                                  Washingto 1, 1).C . 2 1554

ME Matter cf
Application for authority pu suant File No. I.T.C —9( —_          .              1 ~C—214 20 C 306 00 128
to Secticn 214 of the                                      Strear in B0   _   (ug ONAL, NC
Communicatioris £ ct of : 93                               CRAM 3T/FF NTER! IA         |
as armendec, for global i ut ority
to operate as &n interna ior al
facilities—based an 1 resa 2 c arrier

Applicatior 1

CRAMSTAFF INTERIIA IONAL, INC. ("CRAMST \FF") hare by requ asts aut 10 ty ,
pursuant to Section 2 4 of the Comm uricetions Ac: ¢<f : 924, as ameid :d 4"
U.S.C. Section 214 (1382), and Section 6:.1i; of the Commission‘s Fulis, 4"
C.F.R. Section 63.1}, :0 provide globil iiternationgl faci itics—j:ed and resal:
services between th : L nited States anc in :er 1a ional po nt i.

CRAMSTAFF is a new U.S. compeny c(rguinizee :o prov de                               internationil
telecommunications se vices. CRAMSTZ FF hi s 1 0 forsciga i ffi iat or            5. CRANV 5T AF "
serves business cusiomers through)u         he Unitec stite:.                     (Alternitivaly:
CRAMSTAFF was grint ad Section 214 i ut 10 ‘ity to prov de ir ter 1a              ional sy itc 1e 1
service between the United States iine var jus ‘nterrationiil                     ocation:. Th:
Commission‘s appro al is stated in File o I—T— 2—9x—<:( 9¢%) )

By granting this a»p cation, the Co nmiission will sama the                      public in:erss,
convenience and ne :e: sity by promotir 3 «or ipt tition in th : i ite mi tional serv ces
market. Competition viill benefit U.S. comsuimrs by iictsasing : ervice «pt or s
and lowering prices. "hus, the public irteres will be s:ined b the gran: ¢f
Section 214 authority to CRAMSTAFF.

Section 63.18 Information

The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the
Commissions‘s Rules, in support of CRAMSTAFEF‘s request for authorization.

10 N.W. LEJEUNE RD. Suite 305—G
Miami, Florida 33126
OFFICE:(305) 443—5400
FAX: (305) 443—5490

(b C;AMSTAFF is & corporation organ ze d under the laws of the state of Florida.

(c    Correspondence concerring this ar pli :ation should lbe sent :0:
Jo   ie Rodrigo U anAia, President
10    N.W. Lejeune Rcl. Suite 305—G
Mi   imi, Hlorida 38126
(3   )5]) 443—5400

(d    CRAMSTAFF has not received aut 10 ity previously under Section :‘1« of the
Cc   nraunications Act. (Alterratively: CRAMSTZFF was granted Section 214
au   horit; to provide international sw tcied senmice between the Uniec States
ar   1 other international locations. The Cemmissicn‘s approval i; stated in "ile No.
I—   — (C—9x—xxx (199x).)

(e CRAMSTATF requests global facilit es —based ind resale Section 21« a ithority
pu ‘start to the terms and condition: o‘ Sectioi1 63.18(e)(1) and (e){(2] of the
Cc mraiis sion‘s Rules.

(Ff) At this time, CRAMSTAFF seeks no other authprization avail able unc er Section
62 16 (e).

(g Not applicable.

(h CRA UMSTAFF certifies that it is not aff liated w th any foreigr or U.S. fa :ilities—
be sed carrier.

In supp >rt of this certification, the narie, addres:;, citizenship end principi I
bi sines ; of the shareholder that controls ten per :ent or more of CRAM.3T. FF,
Inc. is as follows:

Jose Rodrigo UmafMa, President
10 N.W. LEJEUNE RD. Suite 305—G
Miami, Florida 33126
(305) 443—5400
Principal Business: President of Telecommunications Corporation
Citizenship: Colombian with L1 working visa

 (i) CRAMSTAFF certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to
accept any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or
administration with regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United States
and any foreign countries the company is authorized to serve.

(J) CRAMSTAFF certifies that no party to this application has been denied federail
benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.
In conclusion, CRAMSTAFF certifies that all of the information in this appl cation
is accurate and correct.
For these reasons, CRAMSTAFF respectfully request thatthe Gommission grant
this application.
Respectfully submitted,

CRAMSTAFF INTERNATIONAL, INC.                     0/& €
By:                                              $
Jose Rodrigo UmaRMa, President
10 N.W. Lejeune Rd. Suite 305—G
Miami, Florida 331126
Office (305)4435400
Fax     (305)44{35490

Date:    D(a\@s /O r

Document Created: 2019-04-27 15:38:23
Document Modified: 2019-04-27 15:38:23

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