Attachment 20161122170017-697.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010731-00407 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                          NowaALsky, BRONSTON & GOFT&IERI®N                                                    JUL 3 1 2001
                               A Professional 1 mitec I     abi‘""
                                           Ati rneys a      Lay            £   &  nlined        M C—214 20 )110731 —0 140 7
                                                                           [   al AL TELECOMMUNICATION S, NC.
Leon L. Nowalsky                   3500 Nor :h cause v      yB             1
                                                                               LI TE
Benjamin W. Bron sto:1                      L5 uite : 4     2
Edward P. Gothar 1                     Metairi Lousi        na
                                       Telep x ie: (5( 4    832
                                       Facsin e: (5C 4)     331                           ~ w w n wmee y   i   mamee He P

                                                 ily 3( ,   201
                                                                                          AUG 0 3 2001
                                                                                          Telec »m Di ision
                                                                                        Interna tonal | 3ureau
 Via Overnight Delivery

 Federal Communications Commission
 International Bureau — Telecommunications
 Three Mellon Bank Center
 525 William Penn Way
 27th Floor, Room 153—2713
 Pittsburg, PA 15259—0001

 ATTN: Wholesale Lockbox Shift Supervisor

 RE:     Digital Telecommunications, Inc. d/l a Telrit

 Dear Sirs:

 Enclosed herewith for filing please find an or inal an five                   x ies of the streamlined Application for

 Authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Com: unicatic s Ac                   B 14, as amended, for global authority to

 operate as an international resale carrier. Also| closed i FCC                    159 and the requisite $815.00 filing fee.

 Please acknowledge receipt ofthis filing by dat tampin and :                      g the additional copy ofthis cover letter
 in the self—addresses envelope provided.

 Thank you for your cooperation and assistance i this m:    ter.                   10uld have any questions regarding this
 filing, please do not hesitate to call.

                                                             Monica Borne Haab

 cc: Darryl Davis, Telrite

READ INSTRUCTIONSCAREFULL                                                                                                                                               sPPROVED B¥ ome                   3160—0589
      BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                                                           REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                                      FAGE NO          1__ OF       1

                                       e       EAYER_IN
      PAYER NAME(! payitig by credit card, enter name exac y as it amufim%                                                       m                         3) TOTAL Am_
                                                                                                                                                                    ‘I'PAD(dolamE ms)-

 Digital Telecommuinications, Inc. d/b/a Telrite                                                                                                            815.00

     2120 Corporate ‘Square Blvd., Suite 25

 6) Cmy                                                                                                       (7) STATE                                  (@) 2P cone:

     Jacksorville                                                                                              EL                                          32216
fo) Daytime TELEPHONE NUMBER glw jude area ca de)                                                             (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)                                        ®

     (904) 725—7483

—---.                                                                      "SEUTIONE
                                                                                   — AppCiojnt inForMation
 11) APPLICANT NAME(if paying by cre dit card, enter name exactly uk

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                                    3                                                                                                                                                                                  ECEIVED

                                                                                                              (15) STATE                                  16) ZIP CODE                        Te                      AU‘:   n   3   77[,1
 14) Ciy

 17) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (1 iclude area code}                                                            (13) COUNTRY GODE (if not in U.S.A )                                            to                      Telecom Divisicon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      temational Buroauy
                                           FoRrrAcH‘s                    1E MOr
                                           m            SEctont"_—
                                           (20A) PAYMENIT TYPE CODE (PTC


  23A) FCC CODE 1

  19B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                   (208) PAYMENIT TYPE CODE (PTC

 ce                                                        J              1
Ftsc) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                   (20C) PAYME](T TYPE CODE (PTC |                                             (22) Fee DUE FOR (PTC)IN BLOCK 20C
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      C) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                    24C) FCC CODE 2

                                                            [ F3                                                           ‘
     19D) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                (2o0) paywent 1ypE cobe (Pro)                          (ero) auarm          (220) ree pue For (PrC) m BLock 200

     23D) FoG cope 1

 .                 SECTION                                                 AXPAY
  PAYER TIN                                     q — 310 65 t]E                                                         APPLICANT TIN
                                                                                            SECTION E_— CERTIPICATION
     1 Darry! E. Davis, President                                                  , Certify under penalty of perjury that the fore                                        up mng information
                                   (PRINT Name)
  are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief. SIGNATURE                                                              K
                                                                        SECTION F — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION


                                                                                                 [AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                                  DATE
           isA         [thereby authorize the FCC to chargemy VISA or MASTERCARD
                       ftor the service(s)(authortzations(s) herein described.
                                                                      romemnnemmenenemennsmenmmmsnnntromemnemenenmem                                                  opmensonme        rommrenmmmmnmne
                                                                      SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                       FCC FORM 159     JULY 1997 (REVISED)

                                                   Be lore the
                            FEDERAL COMMUN [CATIONS CONVIMIS sION
                                     Washingt »n, D. C. 20 154

In the Matter of:                                                                    REC El\/
TELRITE APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY I URS! JANT )                                        nllg 0 3 2
TO SECTION 214 OF THE COMMUNICATION $ ACT OF )                                         §
1934, AS AMENDED, FOR GLOBAL AUTHOIITY O      )                                        ‘slecoin Divi
OPERATE AS AN INTERNATIONAL RESALE CAR UER )                                         Intarnational B

        Digital Telecommunications, Inc. d/t/a Teél rite (" [elrite" or "Applic ant"), hereb: ;;f.;qu   ithorit y,

pursuant to Section 214 ofthe Communications Act of 19 34, as amencled, 4 U.S.‘2. Secion 2              $2), a id

Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F R. Se :stion ©3.18, to prowvide ;slobal inter:          i1 ress le

services between the United States and internations l poin s.

        Telrite is a U.S. company currently providin x dom sstic 1 terexchang« long clistance and       xchan se

telecommunications service and now desires to exp. ind it: oper: tions t:o incl ide th: provision «     natior al

telecommunications services.      Telrite has no fore: gn af iliatio is. The Co npany is currenth       ning t ie

certifications necessary to serve residential and bus ness « uston ers on an in rastats basis in nt     s stati s.

         By granting this application, the Com missi n will serve the public it terest convenienc       ecess ty

by promoting competition in the international serv: ses m irket. Cometitio 1 will benefit U.S           mers )y

increasing service options and lowering prices. Thu ;, the ; ublic nterest will »e sem iced by the ;    fSecti on

214 authority to Telrite.

Section 63.18 Information:

        The following information is submiti »d, as requi ed by Section 63.18 of the Cornmission s Rules, in

support of Telrite‘s request for authoriz:ation

(a)     Name and address of Applicant:

        Digital Telecommunications, Inc. d y/a Telrite
        2120 Corporate Square Blvd., Suite 25
        Jacksonville, Florida 32216
        Ph./Fax (904) 725—7483

(b)     Applicant is a corporation which w. s org:inized unde the laws of the State ofFlorida m April 2,


(c)     Correspondence concerning this app icatio: 1 shou Id be ient to:

        Monica Borne Haab
        Nowalsky, Bronston & Gothard
        3500 N. Causeway Blvd.
         Suite 1442
        Metairie, Louisiana 70002
        Ph. (504) 832—1984
        Fx. (504) §31—0892

(d)      Telrite has not received authority pr viously unc »r Sec tion 214 of the Communications Act.

(e)      Telrite requests global international resale Sectic 1 214 wuthority pursuant to the terms and conditions

         of Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commuission‘s Rule :.

(£)      At this time, Telrite seeks no other authorizatior available under Section 63.18(e).

(g)      Not applicable.

(h)   Telrite certifies that it is not affiliated with any foreign or U.S. facilities—based carrier.

      In support ofthis certification, the name, address, citizenship and principal business ofthe ten percent

      or greater shareholders of Telrite are as follows:

      Darryl E. Davis (100% shareholder)
      2120 Corporate Square Blvd.
      Suite 25
      Jacksonville, FL 32216
      Principal Business: President of Telrite
      Citizenship: USA

)     Telrite certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to accept any direct or indirect

      special concessions from a foreign carrier or administration with regards to traffic or revenue flows

      between the United States and any foreign countries the Company is authorized to serve.

0)    Telrite certifies that no party to this application has been denied federal benefits pursuant to Section

      5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


        In conclusion, Telrite certifies that all of the information in this application is accurate and correct.

        For these reasons, Telrite respectfully request that the Commission grait this application.

Respectfully Submitted,


By:          /\fl‘            C
        Darryl E. Davis, President
        Digital Telecommunications, Inc.
        2120 Corporate Square Blvd.
        Suite 25
        Jacksonville, FL 33216
        Ph. (904) 725—7483

Date:   7’ZZ~’ 0 /

Document Created: 2019-04-20 14:35:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 14:35:05

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