Attachment 20161122165432-810.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010730-00405 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Telephone Associates, Inc.                             Streamlined         1TC—214—20010730—00405
Application for authority pursuant File No. I.T.C.    TELEPHONE ASSOCIATES INC.
To Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934,
as amended, for global authority
To operate as an international
Facilities—based and resale carrier.


Telephone Associates, Inc. ("Telephone Associates"), hereby requests authority, pursuant
to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 214
(1982), and Section 63.18 ofthe Commissions Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18, to provide
global international facilities—based and resaleservices between the United States and
international points.

Telephone Associates is an existing U.S. company organized to offer direct dial and
inbound toll free service over switched and dedicated facilities as well as travel card
service. Telephone Associates has no foreignaffiliations. Telephone Associates serves
both business and residential customers throughout the United States.

By granting this application, the Commission will serve the public interest, con—
venience and necessity by promoting competition in the international services market.
Competition will benefit U.S. consumers by increasing service options and lowering
prices. Thus, the public interest will be served by the grant of Section 214authority to
Telephone Associates.

Section 63.18 Information

The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the
Commission‘s Rules, in support ofTelephone Associate‘s request for authorization.

(a)Telephone Associates, Inc.
329 Grand Avenue
Superior, WI 54880
(715) 392—8101

(b) Telephone Associates is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of

(c) Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

William F. Filiowich,
Vice President
Telephone Asscciates, Inc.
329 Grand Avenue
Supsrior, WI 54880
(715) 395—6153


William C. Torrey,
Telephone: Associates, Inc.
329 Grand Avenue
Superior, WI 54880
(715) 395—6152

(d) Telephone Associates has no: received a ithority previc usly under Section :14 of the
Communications Act.

(e) Telephone Associates reques s global facilities—based and resale Section 21—}
authority pursuant to the terms and conditio is of Section €3.18(e)(1) fthe
Commission‘s Rules.

(£) At this time, Telephone Associates seeks no other authorization av ailable under
Section 63.18(e).

(g) Not applicable.

(h) Telephone Associates certifies tiat it is not affiliated with any foreign or U.S.
facilities—based carrier.

In support ofthis certification, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of
the sole shareholder that controls ten percent or more of Telephone Associates is as

William C. Torrey, President
Telephone Associates, Inc.
329 Grand Avenue
Superior, WI 54880
(715) 395—6152
Principal Business: President of Telephone Associates, Inc.

Citizenship: U.S.A.

(i) Telephone Associates certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to
accept any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or administration
with regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United States ind ary foreign
countries the company is authorized to serve.

(j) Telephone Associates certifies that no party to this application has |»een denied federal
benefits pursuant to Section 5301 ofthe Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

Conclusion In conclusion, Telephone Associates certifies that all of the information in
this application is accurate and correct.

For these reasons, Telephone Associates respectfully requests that the Commission grant
this application.

Respectfully submitted,

Telephone Associat

William C. Torrey, President
Telephone Associates, Inc.
329 Grand Avenue
(715) 395—6152

Date:      (fl / Oé/} O )

Document Created: 2019-04-20 07:28:34
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 07:28:34

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