Attachment 20161122165115-940.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010724-00404 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                        GLOBAL CARIBBEAN TELCOM
                                                                                , LL 21 00350004

                                    Before the
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIOGItS vwmraca___
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                      L.         n
       Matter of                                                 )
 (    BAL CARIBBEAN TELCOM, L.L.C.                           ) File No. LT.C. — 2001
 4    sation (the "Application") for authority pursuant to       )
 {    n 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as                )
 i    led, for global Authority to operate as an international   )
 ]    > Carrier Betweenthe United States and Various             )                         yages
 ]    ational Points                                              )                      RECEIV ED
                                                                                          JUL 2 7 2001

                                     APPLICATION                                          Telecom Division
                                                                                         International Bureau

        GLOBAL          CARIBBEAN      TELCOM,        L.L.C.          ("Global   Caribbean"   or

      icant‘‘), by its undersigned counsel, hereby requests authority, pursuant to Section

 4    E the Communications Act, as amended (the "Act‘"), 47 U.S.C. Section 214, and

      n 63.18, to provide global resale services between the United States and various

1     itional points.

1.     The Applicant

Global Caribbean is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of

the State of Delaware in the United States of America ("U.S."), planning to provide

international telecommunications services. Global Caribbean is not affiliated, as that term

is defined by Part 63 of the Commission‘s Rules, with any dominant U.S. carrier whose

international services Global Caribbean will resell. Global Caribbean is not affiliated with

any foreign entity.

II.     Public Interest Considerations

        Global Caribbean believes that the added competition its entry wi 1 brirg to the

market will benefit the consurners of the United States overseas services by amount other

things, encouraging cormpetitive pricing and creating more service options. A grant of tais

Application will, therefore, further the public interest.

III.   Information Required Under Section 63.18

       As required undsr Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, Glo »al Caribbean

submit the following infornation in support of its Application anc             reqiest ‘or


       (a)       Global Caribbean Telcom, L.L.C.

                 777 Summer Sireet Suite #403

                 Stamford, Connecticut 06901

                 Telephone:     (203) 357—7999

                 Facsimile:     (203) 357—8833

       (b)       Global Caribbean Telcom, L.L.C. is a limited liability company organized

                 under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.

(c)   Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

      Stephen W. Ogborn, Vice President—Carrier Services

         obal C‘aribbean Telcom, L.L.C.

         7 Sun mer Street Suite #403

         imforil, Connecticut 06901

         lepho: ie:   (203)357—7999

         ssimil :     (203) 357—8833

         cky A Russo, Esq.

         sso & Associates, P.C.

         5 Co mecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 1012

         ishing :on, D.C. 20036

         ephore:      (202) 857—9705

         ‘simil ::    (202) 857—9799

(d)   Global Caribbean has not previously received authority under Section 214

      of the Act. Upon the grant of this Application by the Commission, Global

      Caribbean will become an authorized non—dominant carrier with resale

      authority, subject to Section 214 of the Act and the Commission Rules.

(e)   Global Caribbean requests authority under Section 214 of the Act to resell

      the international services of avuthorized U.S. conmor. carriers pursuart to

      the terms and conditions of isection 63.18 (e) (2) of the Commuission


(€)   At this time, Global Caribbein seeks no oth:r aw horization available

      under Section 63.18 (e).

(g)   Given that Global Caribbean is not seeking facilities—based authority

      pursuant to Section 63.18 (e) («) of the Commussion Rules, this Section is

      not applicable.

(h)   Global Caribbean certified that it is not affiliated witk any foreign or U.S.

      facilities—based carrier. Ia support of this certification, the name, address,

      citizenship and principal business of the sole members of Global

      Caribbean are as follows:

 Intemmational   Global Telecom.,   LLC.

 777 Summer Street Suite #403

 Stamford, Connecticut 06901

 Telephone:       (203)357—79999

 Facsimile:      (203) 357—8833

 Principal Business: Telecommunications Services

 Domicile:       United States of America

 CTI Global Telecommunications, Inc.

 777 Summer Street Suite #403

 Stamford, Connecticut 06901

 Telephone:       (203)357—79999

 Facsimile:      (203) 357—8833

 Principal Business: Telecommunications Services

 Domicile:       United States of America

 Stephen W. Ogbom

 777 Summer Street Suite #403

 Stamford, Connecticut 06901
_ Telephone:     (203)357—79999
 Facsimile:    (203) 357—8833

Principal Business: Telecommunications Services

Citizenship and Domicile:               United States of America

777 Suromer Street Suite #403

Stamford, Connecticut 06901

Telephone:        (203)357—79999

Facsimile:       (203) 357—8833

Principal Business: Telecommunications Services

Citizenship and Domicile:         United States of America

Cesar Castillo

777 Summer Street Suite #403

Stamford, Connecticut 06901

Telephone:       (203)357—79999

Facsimile:       (203) 357—8833

Principal Business: Telecommunications Services

Citizenship and Domicile:         United States of America

Julio Guzman
777 Summer Street Suite #403
Stamford, Connecticut 06901

Telephone:   (203) 357—7999
Facsimile:     (203) 357—8833
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services
Citizenship and Domicile: United States of America

Kevin 0. Kelley
C/o Acorn Management
777 Surmer St. 4"" Floor
Stamford, Connecticut 06901

Telephone:   (203) 964—9300
Facsimile:     (203) 964—1357
Principal Business: Investment Services
Citizenship and Domicile: United States of America

James McCullough

630 Kingman Avenue
Santa Monica, California 90402
Telephone:   (310) 230—4133
Facsimile:     (7O07) 313—7936
Principal Business: Biotech Industry
Citizenship and Domicile: United States of America

              Principals & Members of International Global Telecom, LLC

 StephenW. Ogborm
 777 Summer Street Suite #403

 Stamford, CT 06901
 Telephone:     (203) 357—7999
 Facsimile:      (203) 357—8833
 Principal Business: Telecommunications Services
 Citizenship and Domicile: United States of America

 777 Summer Street Suite #403
Stamford, CT 06901

Telephone:      (203) 357—7999
Facsimile:       (203) 357—8833
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services
Citizenship and Domicile: United States of America

Kevin Q. Kelley

C/o Acorn Management
777 Summer St. 4"" Floor
Stamford, Connecticut 06901
Telephone:      (203) 964—9300
Facsimile:       (203) 964—1357
Principal Business: Investment Services
Citizenship and Domicile: United States of America

. James McCullough

630 Kingman Avenue
Santa Monica, California 90402
Telephone:   (310) 230—4133
Facsimile:    (707) 313—7936
Principal Business: Biotech Industry
Citizenship and Domicile: United States of America

                  Principals of CTI Global "elecommuniications, Inc.

Ceasar Castillo

777 Summer Street Suite #403
Stamford, Connecticut 06901
Telephone:     (203) 357—7999
Facsimile:     (203) 357—8833
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services
Citizenship and Domicile: United States of America

Julio Guzman
777 Summer Street Suite #403
Stamford, Connecticut 06901
Telephone:   (203) 357—7999
Facsimile:     (203) 357—8833
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services
Citizenship and Domicile: United States of America

(1)   Global Caribbean certifies that it is not a foreign carrier. Global Caribbean

      certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to accept any

      direct or indirect special concessions from           a       ign carrier or

      administration withregards to traffic or revenue flow         veen the United

      States and any foreign countries the company is authc         to serve.

(J)   Global Caribbean certifies, pursuant to Sections 1.20         ‘ough 1.2003 of

      the Commission Rules implementing the Anti—Drug               ie Act of 1998,

      21 U.S.C.853a, that no party to this Application is :         t to a denial of

      Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Ant          g Abuse Act of


(k)   Global Caribbean qualifies for streammlined processin,        mant to Section

      63.12 (c)(1)(ii) of the Commission Rules because, :            forth above in

      Section (1), Global Caribbean qualifies for the £             iption of non—

      dominance under Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commissuuu aules.


       For the reasons stated above, Global Caribbean respectfully submits that the

public interest, convenience and necessity would be furthered bya grant of this Section

214 Application.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                           PYowinon scmare mom mehm oP
                                           Becky A Russo
                                           RUSSO & ASSOCIATES, P.C.
                                           1025 Comnecticut Averue, NW. Suite 1012 >
                                           Washington, D.C. 20036
                                           Telephione: (202) 857—$ 705
                                           Facsiniile: (202) 857—09799

                                           Counsel for
                                           Globa!. Caribbean Telcom, L.L.C.

Dated: February 14, 2001

                         CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

       On behalf of Global Caribbean Telcom, I hereby certify that the statements in the
foregomg Application for Sectlon 214 authority are true, complete and correct and made
in good faith.

                                       GLOBAL CARIBBEAN TELCOM, L.L.C.

                                       Title: V1ce Pres1dent Carti¢ér Services
                                               Global Cgribbean Telcom, L.L.C.
                                       Date:        EE“.‘Z        %l 406 /

Document Created: 2019-04-22 08:30:36
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 08:30:36

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