Attachment 20161122162731-110.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010717-00397 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                         Before the                  JUL 1 7 2001
                       FEDER 4AL C OMN[UNICATIONS CON MISSION raazan, commnicanons commnemn
                                   Wast ingto n, D.C. 205 54        DFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

L      Aatte: of                                       x)
                                                       )     S reamii red        ITC—2 1 4—20010717—00397
c      \UC" TION CO                                    )     O °M AU ;TION CO.

2      ition ‘or A1 thority to                         )
R      intern ation: 1 Swi:ched                        )
T      nmut icatic ns Se vice                          )
C      1 Secion 6.).18)                                )

                            AlI‘PLICATION FR STREA MLINED
                       IN TER NATJ ONA LSE "TION AUJ] HOFITY

       OPM Auction Co. ("OPM" or ".wpplicant") requests av thorization pursuant to Section

2      the C omm:i nicatons 4 ct an| Sect on 6: .18(e)(2) 0: the Commissior‘s Rules, to resell the

5      d    services    o°   otier    common      carriers   t«   provide    internaticnal    switched

t      imun: cation s services Vetwes n the Unite 4d States anc inter natioral po nts. Siee 47 U.S.C. §

2      288); [nterr ation;il Section St eaml Order
                                              nig  61 Ied. Reg. 1 },724, 15,72.9 (1995)

(«     d at « 7 C.F.R. § 53.18).

       OPM requests global author zatio:i to 0 »erate as a resale sarrier purs 1ant t > the terms and

C      ons 0 Sect on 6:.18(e)(2) 0 the F ules. Unless formally opposed, th e pres ent application

quaiunes for streainlined treatment under Sect.on 63.12 of the @¢ules. See International

StreamliningOrde, supra at 15,728 (codified at 47 C.F.R. § 63.12).

       OPM‘s proposed resale of international telecommunications will augment international

telecommunications competition and, consequently, the public interest will be enhanced. OPM‘s

proposed offering will permit it to purchase telecommunications services at high—volume

discounts and resell the services to its customers with efficient incorporation of its savings. The

public interest will be served through OPM‘s offering of rates that will be competitive with other

similarly situated telecommunications carriers.

         Grant of this application will serve the public interest conveniencze and necessity and in

support thercof, the following informnaatior. is submiited rursuant to Section 63.18 of the

Commission‘s Rules:

    a)       Name, address, and telephone number of the Applicant are:

                OPIM Auction Co.
                c/o Telecom Wireless Solw:ions, Inc.
                612) Windward Pkwy., Suite 290
                Alpharetta, GA 30005
                Phone: 678—366—0104
                Fax: 678—366—9662

    b)      The Applicant is organized under the laws of:

                Del aware

    c)      Correspondence concerning the application should be addressed to:

                Richard A. Cohen
                Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
                OPM Auction Co.
                c/o Telecom Wireless Solutions, Inc.
                6120 Windward Pkwy., Suite 290
                Alpharetta, GA 30005 U.S.A.
                Telephone: 678—366—0104 ext. 6272
                Facsimile: 678—366—9662

             with copies to legal counsel:

                Benjamin H. Dickens, Jr.
                Michael B. Adams, Jr.             |
                Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast
                2120 L Street, NW. —— Suite 300
                Washington, D.C. 20037
                Telephone: (202) 659—0830
                Facsimile: (202) 828—5568

    (d)       O ?M has not previc usly received authorization under Section 214 of the

             C »mmunications A :t.

             A 1 entity affiliated vith OPM has received two p ‘eviot s Section 214 suthoriza:ions

             fr m the Commissi in. It is:

                         Name o ‘ entity:                   A meri     an S;    moa Licenss, Inc.
                         Type of authority:                 Clobal     or lin   ited global
                                                            faciliti   :s—bas   »d service
                         File Nu: aber:                     TTC—2:     4—19°    §1207—00860
                         Effectiv : date:                   J nuar ‘ 22, 999

                         Name o ‘ entity:                   A meri. an S; moa Liciense, )nc.
                         Type of authority:                 Clobal resale service
                         File Nu: aber:                     TTC—2; 4—19° 80918 0J6""1
                         Effectiv : date:                   N oven ber 1 , 1998

    e)       O ?M is requesting slobal authority under Sectic 1 214 of the Communications Act to

             0j erate as a resale ) arrier pursuant to the terms ; nd cc aditions of Section 63. 18(e)(2)

             0: the Commission s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e (2).


          OPM certifies that it is not a foreign carrier, and that it does not have an affiliation with

any foreign carrier.

          OPM also certifies that it does not have an affiliation with any of the U.S. carriers whose

facilities—based international services it proposes to resell.

                                      (Jwnership Of rplics nt

        The name, address, citiz :nship and prin« ipal t usine is of the only entity hay ing a :en

percent (10%) or greater intzres in the Applicaiit is a: follo ws:

N      ‘Add                                 Equlh     Cill sn    EonGpalBo
Telcom Wireless Solutions, Inc              100%      DF         Telecommunications t oldin;;
6120 Windward l ‘arkway, S uite 290                   Corp.      company
Alpharetta, GA 20005

        In turn, th: name, ac dress, citizenship ai d priiicipal business of the single e ntity ‘vith a

ten percent (10%or greate interest in Telecor Wireless S jlutions, Inc. ("TWS") is as jollows:
N      ‘Add                                 Equlits   Cittsn     PrindnsLBusin
Stanford Financii 1 Group Compy any         21.7%0      F        Investment holding co npany
5050 Westheime1                                       Cor).
Houston, TX 77056

        Stanford l inanical Grou > C¢ mpany ("S. "‘G") ; nd its affiliates currently hol l a 21 7%

equity interest in TWS. In addrion, SFG has er tered an ag eement with TWS that will 1 :sult in

SFG holding approximately an ; dditional 25% : ion—voting quity interest in the co: npan.

        R. Allen Stanford indirectly owns a 10% or greater interest in Applicant through his
100% ownership of SFG and its affiliates which, in turn currently own 21.7% of the common
stock of TWS which, in turn owns 100% of Applicant.

       Neither TWS nor SFG have any affiliates that are local exchange carriers.

        OPM hereby certifies that it has not agr :d to accept special conce: ions directly or

indirectly, from any foreign carrier or foreign adn inist! ition with respect to ti iffic nd revenue

flows between the United States and any foreign ount y which the App ican may serve under

the authority sought; and that it will not enter into ; ich & reements in the future

                                      Regulatory mpli ince
        OPM certifies that if granted global resale auth rity ty the Commissi a, it vill comply

with the terms and conditions of providing reso 1 int maticnal services spe ified in Sections

63.21 and 63.23 of the Commission‘s Rules.

 OPM certifies that, to the best of its knowledge a1 1 bel »f, no party to the appl satio is subject

to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 53 1 of ae Anti—Drug Abuse A t of 988, 21

U.S.C. § 862.


       In light of the foregoing, OPM respectfully submits that the public interest, convenience

and necessity would be served by a grant of the Section 214 authorization sought, and that suct.

authorization should be issued to it for purposes of reselling the switched services of other

common carriers to provide international switched telecommunications services between the

United States and international points.

                                            Respectfully submitted,
                                            OPM AUCTIO!

                                            By:         %{*@”/
                                            Printed Name:       |
                                                                Q \Q CQ'}\U\

                                            Title:                ’vi d J‘;,,
                                                      L’\tC'Q ‘(“er

                                            Das:     J alsa 17         2 001

Benjamin H. Dickens, Jr.
Michael B. Adams, Jr.
Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens,
 Duffy & Prendergast
2120 L Street, NW. — Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20037
Phone: (202) 659—0830
Fax:   (202) 828—5568

                                  CERTIFCATL OQF SERVICE

        I, Michael B. Adams, Jr., hereby certify that I am an attorney with the law firm of Blooston,
Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffly & Prendergast and that a copy of the foregoimng "Application for
Streamlined Section 214 Authorization" was served this 17 day of July, 2001, by first class mai: as
indicated, to the persons listed below.

        The Honorable John Ellis Bush
        Office of the Governor
       PL 05 The Capitol
       400 South Monroe Street
       Tallahassee, FL 32399—0001

       The Honorable Colin L. Powell
       Secretary of State
       United States Department of State
       2201 C Street, NW.
       Washington, D.C. 20520

       The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld
       Secretary ofDefense
       1000 Defense Pentagon
       The Pentagon
       Washington, D.C. 20301

       Intemat10nal Transcription Service
       445 12"" Street, SW. — CY—B400
       Washington, D.C. 20037

                                              hatefuQ.Michael B. Adams, Jr.

                                                                                                                                                           Approved by OMB
                                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                          3060—0589
                                                                    REMITTANCEADVICE                                                              ___PageNo _ of1_ _|
 (1) LOCKBOX #                                                                                                                      e                                           PB
                                                                                                                                    FCC USE ONLY
 858115                                  &
                                                                SEC TION A — PAYER INFCRUATION                                                                              Ees
     (2)   PAYERT AME (if paying by crec ca fiter name exactly as it appears on your card)            C                           (3) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID U.s. Dollars and cen 5
 OPM         luc :ion Co.                                                                                                        815 .00
     (4) SIREET ADDRESSLINENO.!| _ _                                                                                                                                                7
 100         Yor :h Point             Centsr East
~(5) S1REET 4DDRESS LINE NO.! _                                                                                                                                                     —
[Suit s 3 1P                   e                                                                                                                             C                      _
 (5) CTY                                                                                                                         (7) STATE      (®) ZIP CODE
Alphaire :ta                                                                                                                     GA             30022               =               _
~(7) D. YTIN 3 TELEPHCNE |IUMBER include area code)                        (10) COUIITRY CODE (ifi iot in U.S.A )
 (6781            3 36—9660             E_          u>                                                                                                      a
[(I1) PA YER C RN)                      C                                  (12) PAYER (TIN)                                                                 K
                                        LC                                 58—2441553
                                 IF M ORJ THA N ONE APPLICANT, USE CONTINU ATION S TEET‘S (FORM 159—C)
[(13)AIPLICZ NTNAME                _                                                                &
                                   T5 T~

 (15)      S1REET ADDRESS LINE NO. 2

 (16) CITY                                                                                                                       (17) STATE (18) ZIP CODE

 (19)      D. YTIM i TELEPHONE NUN BER include area code)                  (20) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.1..)

 (21) Al PLICZ NT (FRN)                                                    (22) APPLICANT (TIN)

 (23A) CALL SI N/OTHER ID                                                   (24A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE     (25A) QUANTITY
_                                                                           CWUT                        1
 (26A) FI;E DUF FOR (PTC)                                (27A) TOTAL FEE                     FCC USH, ONLY
_                                    815.                                          §1 5.
 (28A) FCC COI E1                                           (29A) FCC CODE 2

(13B) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                                                      (24B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                   (25B) QUANTITY

(26B) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                                  (27B) TOTAL FEE                                 FCC USE ONLY

(28B) FCC CODE 1                                            (29B) FCC CODE 2

                                                                   SECTION D — CERTIFICATION
I,                                                                            , certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information is true and correct to

the best of my knowledge, information and belief.               SIGNATURE                                                              DATE

                                                    SECTION E — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION

31                                MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                                             EXPIRATION

     [C] mastErcarp                 L L J L {L L _( L L T f [ L |_|                                                                                              L L 1|
     C                 I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD for the service(s)/authorization herein described.

                       SIGNATURE                                                                                           DATE

                                           SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                                              FCC FORM 159               FEBRUARY 2000 (REVISED)

                                                                                                                          i1016     |

                                                  trop vve veu)                                                          64—1—610
                                                                                      DATE June 28,   2001    goa
     |   PAY
PW       ORDER OF____=_ —o===oosonerimsssonmm snn se mm nsm e2M 2s 22 2 ns                             | $ 815.00

                      "   UuUuuUuU    -jfifEJJ".     "\—JB    _______ l:

                                     enkd    w w arng   firem wim neitenimgn . an w                      tm S se   ons

     AUG 0 1 2001
                                               Beft re th :             |    |
     ""eleco n Division
    Internati mal BureauFEDE R[lL C‘)I\IMUNI‘ ,AT] DNS           COMMI      | rION

                                       Washingto i, D.( ;. 20554                     RECEIVED
In the Matier of                                         f                               JUL 2 T 2001

oPM AUCTIO \ CO.                                         §                        5 WWIML Sgism UNCATINE EUmRmDINEis
                                                                 File Yo.               OFMGE )F THE SECRETARY

Applicatior for :    uthority to
Resel| Intei natio   ial Switched
Telecommuinicat      ons Service
(Formal Sestion      533.18)

                        INTERNATIONAL SE( ;TIO N 214 AUT HOF ITY

        OP.YM Aw stion Co. ("OPM" or "Applicant") hereb; sub nits t 1e fo lowing supplemental

informatior conc srning the citizenship, equity h )lding s, prir cipal busin :ss an 1 addves ; of R. Allen

Stanford, 1who iidirectly owns a 10% or greater i terest in tiie Applicart through his 100%

ownership of St inford Financial Group ("SFG") ar 1 its affiliaes.           iince SFG ho ds a 21.7%

interest in Telec m Wireless Solutions, Inc., the en ity that ow ns 100% cf the Applicant, Mr.

Stanford‘s indire :t interest in the Applicant is therefo: e as follow::

Name/Address                             Equity          (itizenship             P rincipal Business
R. Allen Stanford                        21.7%           1 Initec. States        F nance and investing.
Stanford Financial Group Bldg.
5050 Westheimer
Houston, TX 77056

        In addition, as stated in OPM‘s application, please note that SFG has entered an

agreement with TWS that will result in SFG holding approximately an additional 25% non—voting

equity interest in the Applicant.

      Please contact us if we can provide any additional information.


                                            Benjamir—;ZH. Dickens,
                                            Michael B. Adams, Jr.

                                            Its Attorneys

CC.   Ms. Imani Ellis—Cheek, FCC

Document Created: 2019-04-22 19:58:22
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 19:58:22

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