Attachment 20161122160130-907.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010709-00391 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                             FEPIMEiGAi             \\[“L nao:
                                                                            m 6

                                      Before the
                           Was iington, D.C. 20)5:534

                                                     (trea mlined             ITC—214—20010;09—00391
In the Matter of                                     (3ON: "ALES COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
Ar plication for authority Jursuant
To Section 214 of the
Communications .Act of 1934
As amended, for global autho ity                                                       TelecommBivision
To operate as in international                                                       International Bureau
Resale carrier


Gonzales Corimun:—caions, Inc. (CGOCI"), hereby requests
authority, pursusnt to Section 214 of the Communications Act of
1$534, as araended, 47 U.s.C. Section 214 (19$2), and Section
63.18 of ths Conmission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18, to
provide global ir ternational resale se—vices between the United
States and international points.

Gonzales Communications, Inc. is a U.S. based Company in New
Century, Kansas. Gonzales Communications has no foreign
affiliations. Gonzales Communications is an engineering and
installation of telecommunication equipment vendor for different
telephone companies. But Gonzales Communications seeks to
serve the business and residential customers between the United
States and Africa.

By granting this application, the Commission will promote good
will, more convenience, and competition in the international

services market between the United St:ates and Africa.
Competition will benefit U.S. consumers by providing »etter
corimun:caion aid lover ng prices. Thais, the public interest vill
be servec. bythe grant of Sectio: i 214 awhority to Gonzales
Conmunications, In:c.


The: following information is su»mitted, as required by Section
63. 18 of ‘he Commissicn‘s Rules, in sup »ort of Gonzal >s
Communications‘ request for au thorizati n.

(A) Gonzales Communica:ions, [nc.
     90 Leawood Drive
     New Century, Kansas 660. )1
     (913) 829—7601

(B) Gonzales Communications is a corpc ration incorporated uncler
the laws of the state of Kansas.

(C) Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

     Mark Jack, National Business Director
     Gonzales Communications, Inc.
     90 Leawood Drive
     New Century, Kansas 66031
     Alfred Gonzales Jr., President
     Gonzales Communications, Inc.
     90 Leawood Drive    _
     New Century, Kansas 66031

(D) Conzales Communicaticns has not received autho:ity
previou:ly under Section 214 of the Coramunicaions Ac:.

(E) Gon zalss Conmunications requests glc bal facilties—tased and.
resale Section 214 authority pursuant to the conditions of Section
63.18(e){1) and (2)(2) of the Comuaission‘s Rules.

(F) At tkis <ime, Jonzales Communication:; seeks n > other
authoriz ition aveilable under Section 63.1¢(e).

(G) Not applicab e.

(H) Gon zalss Conmunications certifies that is nct affiliat2d with
any fore gn or U.S. facilities—based carrier. In suport of thi;
certificaion, the 1ame, address, citizenship and princif al bu::iiness
of the sole sharet older that controls ten percent or mor : of
Gonzale ; Com minications, Inc. is as follows:

Alfred C onzal2s, Jr., Presideat
Gonzale:: Commuinications, Inc
90 Leaw jod C rive
New Centuy, Kansas 66031
(913) 829—7601
Principal Business: Gonzales Communications, Inc.
Citizenship: U.S.A.

(I) Gonzales Communications certifies that it has not agreed and
will not agree in the future to accept any direct or indirect special
concessions from a foreign carrier or administration with regards
to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any
foreign countries the company is authorized to serve.

(J) Gonzales Communications certifies that no party to this
application has been denied federal benefits pursuant to Section
5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


In conclusion, Gonzales Communications, Inc. certifies that all of
the information in this application is accurate and correct. For
these reasons, Gonzales Communications, Inc. respectfully
requests that the Commuission grant the application.

Respectfully submitted,



Mark Jack, National Business Director
Gonzales Communications, Inc.
90 Leawood Drive
New Century, Kansas 66031
(913) $29—7601, ext. 215


                                                 CcOmmUuNnICATIONS            9137800528
Jul   20   01    11:38a        —   GoONnZALES

                July 20,2001
                Miss Valecia Smothers
                Federal Communications Commission
                Washington D.C.

                Dear Miss Smothers:

                Thank you for bringing to my attention not signing the last page of tle 21« Authority
                Application. Enclosed you will find a signed last page. Please attach this page to the
                application that has already been submitted for Gonzales Communications, Inc. I reg :
                the oversight, thank you again for the telephone call. If I can help you with any furth r
                questions, please contact me at 877—424—2666 ext. 215.

                Mark L. Jack
                National Business Director
                Gonzales Communications, Inc
                90 Leawood Drive
                New Century, Kansas 66031
                Phone: 913—829—7601
                Fax: 913—780—0528


                                                             Mark L. Jack
                                                             National Business Director

Jul   20   01   11:38a   _   GONZALES   COMMUNICATIONS   v   9137800528

            (J) Gonzales Communications certifies that no party to this
            application has been denied federal benefits pursuantto Section
            5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


            In conclusion, Gonzales Communications, Inc. certifies that all of
            the information in this application is accurate and correct. For
            these reasons, Gonzales Communications, Inc. respectfully
            requests that the Commuission grant the application.      |

            Respectfully submitted,


            By: maA-IL       i/OAr,f[

            Mark Jack, National Business Director
            Gonzales Communications, Inc.
           90 Leawood Drive
           New Century, Kansas 66031
           (913) 829—7601, ext. 215

            Date:    _7— 4 — 0|

Document Created: 2019-04-13 06:46:59
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 06:46:59

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