Attachment 20161122114458-343.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010614-00347 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                      Streamlined           ITC—214—20010614—00347

RECEIVED                                                              C2C (USA) INC.

 JUN 1 9 2001
  Telecom Division                         Before th
International Bureau         FEDERAL C )MMUNICAT] NS                    OM      S ON
                                             Vash gto1, D.(     205     |                                    9
                                                                                                       I t 1 3

     In the Matter cof                                      j                    — on           N *

      C2C TUS) no.                                          )
      App    cation for Autl ority U     leri ectio         )
      214    (the Com munications .      ctol 1934 A\s      )
      Ame    ided, to O perat : 4s Fac   litie: —Bast       )
      Car.   erarid As a Re ale Car      ier] or th         )
      Prov   sion of In erna ional Sy    itch d             )
      And    ‘rivate Liie Se vices to    \llI»reig Points   )

                                               A PLICAT] N

              C2C (USA) Inc. ("C2C ), by its at rmeys anc jurs          it t    ject n2l1 oftke

      Cor munications Actof 1934, samende          "the Act‘    47      S.C     21     and jections

      §3.1 ‘e)(1), (2), and (4) ofthe ommissic ‘s Rules,«       CF      §§      .18 1(1), 2), and (4), hereby

      requ its authority to operate a: afacilities ased carr :can       is a    sale arrie on all routes. C2C

      requ its that the Commission j ‘ocess this pplicatio in a         ord:;   :ev hits treamlined

     proc ising procedures.

              Pursuant to Section 63.18 of the C amission‘. Rul         . CZ2   sets forth the following

     information in support of this Application:

              (a)      The name, address, and telephone number of the Application is:

                       C2C (USA) Inc.
                       1350 Old Bayshore Highway
                       Suite 320
                       Burlingame, California 94010
                       Tel: 650—558—3952
                       Fax: 650—558—3969

              (b)      C2C is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware.

              (c)      Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:


                  A.T. Wee
                  C2C (USA) Inc.
                  1350 Old Bayshore Highway
                  Suite 320
                  Burlingame, California 94010
                  T 1: )150—5 8 39 2
                  F x: 550—1 38 35 )8

                  V itl copy 0

                  R )b rtJ. 2 ar ot ..
                  J ar M. G ifi n
                  EK   l1 yDn :oi\ ae                   1 LP
                  1    0c 19" in ost TV
                  S    it 500
                  V    as ingtc i, ).( .i )( 36
                  l    1: :02—9 596 0
                  F    x: 202—5 15 97 12

         (1       C :C has n t ce ic s1/1 ceive l; it or y in er Se tion 14 of the Act.

         (:)      C iC reque ts ho fo Ic wi gaut o ty in h: Z4 »plic tion:

                        1 uthor    ty    o     jp   ra e:   s afe    il    ie   —b se l c   irrier, purs   ant to the terms and
                        conditi    n     0o:   S    cst n   33.1&    e}    1)   of h C      mmission‘       Rules, on all routes
                        e ccept    ‘in   za    0    c, \u   tralis    1\   al   ys a, in    Lanka, Ho      g Kong, the United
                        1 ingd     mn,   Ja    a    Sovr    1Ko      :a     a   1itie *h    lippines. /    s evidenced by the
                        cortific   te    pr    v.   led 1   Atta     h     e    :1 CC       will compl      with the terms and
                        c onditi   n:    cc    it   ined    1iSec    io    is   3. 1 in      63.22 oft!    s Commission‘s Rules;

                        1 uthority o0 up rate: i are all carricr, »u_suant to the terms and conditions of
                        Section 63.18(e (2) 0 the ( ammission‘s Rules, on all routes except
                        Singapore, Australia, .YMalaysia, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom,
                        Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. As evidenced by the certificate
                        provided in Attachment 1, C2C will comply with the terms and conditions
                        contained in Sections 63.21 and 63.23 of the Commission‘s Rules; and

                        Authority to operate as a resale and facilities—based carrier, pursuant to the
                        Section 63.18(e)(4) of the Commission‘s Rules, between the U.S. and
                        Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom,
                        Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. C2C requests authority to provide
                        services of the type and in the manner described in Sections 63.22 and 63.23
                        of the Commission‘s Rules. C2C also requests authority to provide switched
                        services over private lines on the U.S. — Singapore route. As evidenced by the
                        certificate provided in Attachment 1, C2C will comply with the terms and


                          conditions contained in Sections 63.21, 63.22, and 63.23 of the Commission‘s

         (£           N ) re ;ponse required.

         (g )         C C rill use previ us y ut 101 ze lHMac: itics 0: ro ide its : ac lit s »a ed
                      se ‘vil »s and thus t is ip ili at on is cal ‘g\ LC all 1e ccluded ic n 1 ire nn er :al
                      as 1CS. ment pursuar t t S ct on 1. 3( 6. £1        3€ ni lussicn‘: R le..

         (k )         S: 1g? wore Telecor mt      ai! at   n L m te
                                                                                      el ), a corp or ti«      rg ini ;
                      w de1 the laws of S ng      ip re     h 1d a pi VX              y C1 persa tc‘t          W. iEf
                      ic ere it in C2C thre ug    is vi    ra. in lir ‘ct 3u          ie .. The; mci           2u in iss
                      S: 1g] 2l is the prov sic   n | f1   c L1 te: cii (A            et rational :o in        cz 10
                      se ‘vi »s in Singapce.      T            1J ol lit 3S           te, Limitec (" (e :      ek °)
                      a1 ap roximately 8 ) ;      rc           m rs) ip in     T63    a ; ingTsl. T: m         T1 w
                      o me | by the Mini te       fc        & ic (I 1c Ip      CE l   ) i i Singap ore ; 1 d   in
                      ic es nent holding co       ny          itk di e 1e      ot     ts n a vid :s ec:        n of
                      in lus ies including m      :d;         nc  al se 7i     38     ns jortatio1 , s lif     al ® a _
                      en gin ‘ering, prope! ie    , t otc Is, or  pe t] m      ni     ne it and c n: it        Y,
                      CC ast uction, leisur : a   d ec eg io      i. N ) C     he :   oc cholder i0. is        3e ce
                      m re f the stock 1 C        :C th ou h      i1 g". el.

                      It ad. ition, TyCon L 1. "1 yC    on ") a ‘01 10 at »n organiz d n«            he la              vs of
                      B rm ida, holds 15 pe ze toft     ie Jw ie sh p j ite ‘ei:in C2CTt             in ‘ip
                      bi sin ss of TyCom is he p1ov. nc 1cfi ad Ts ‘a ib r optic: et vo               an 1 s             m ices.
                      T. Co  n engages in the de §  1,  n;  in. er ag  n an if; sture, in ta lai     ar d
                      m uint mance of these 1 et 10 ks T ;co I te na 10 ial Ltd. (°I ye )""}         :o. po             —
                      O1 zan zed under the la vs of 3e m idi, Ioles : a { 8 ercent c w er             i te              :
                      © Corm (and thus a 15 pe ce it rw ie1 sh 3 i ite ‘es  ‘1   C2C   w  de t   3g1 ‘01 im             _ss
                      07 mership attribution  ul s) T ce m an if: sti ‘ef a d install ; f ce frat si fet
                      s3 tems, and provides sl¢ stt on: > s ce it / sury Ct , isposab e me ic 1 pro                     w ts,
                      pi skaging materials, f ov c nt.ol orc di cts, e sc.ric i and e sctroric comp                     n     flto

                      at 1 underwater telecomn ur catio is sys :ems. No c her stockholder holds                         L0
                  percent or more of the stock in C2 ° through ‘. yCom.

         The address of SingTel is 31 Exeter Road, Comcentre, Singapore 239732.
*        The address of Temasek is 8 Shenton Way, #38—03, Temasek Tower, Singapore 068811.
         To the best of C2C‘s knowledge and belief, Temasek holds ownership interests in other
         telecommunications companies in Singapore which are competitors of SingTel and which
         hold certain licenses to provide mobile cellular telephone and radio paging services in
         Singapore. However, C2C is uncertain as to whether Temasek holds ownership interests
         in telecommunications companies in other countries.
*        The address of TyCom is the Zurich Center, Second Floor, Suite 201, 90 Pitts Bay Road,
         Pembroke, HM 08, Bermuda.


                  SingTel and TyCom (and their parent companies) are the only 10 percent or
                  greater shareholders in C2C. The following individuals are dlrectors of C2C as
                  well as other foreign carrier affiliates:

                                a    Tror LIM ‘Singapcrte Te‘scom H mng Kon ;I ‘m‘te‘, I ife m ation
                                    N    tu ork S     »rvices & in Bt 1, Singa ore Tel cce n \u itr lis P y Lin ite 1,
                                    81   ig: pore     Telecom Ja ar Co Ltd, and Sin, ar e T le oriF orea
                                    Li   ni 2d).
                                _   S    yoig U       4 (G3 2 . ( Io ig Kong Limite )
                                _   W    ns C ee      HOFH((CB 1 Hong K ng) Lit ite 1)

         (i)      Auve i6 moed by th o rtificati n irc sided in Attachn :n 1, C C s ; ffi iated wi h
                  focei n ca des: i5 in japors, / us ra ia, Mala ;sia, Sri La ik: , P or 31 io: g, th:
                  U it d in ge n , J; pia, South Kire , and th Philipp ne:.

         0)       Aie     i6 med         by th     :c stificati    n     rc   rided in Attachn    sn    1, Si g"    el (a    ‘oreign
                  c: m    r: id in,      agp ore   ) c ontrols C   20    ,a   i well as C2C‘s ;   i     atod car    ie s i   1 Sri
                  L nl    i( —a ki       C m       nuanication      S    rv   ces (Prate) Ltd     ),l   org: io     g Si     igapcre
                  T. le   oriF or        3I or     zl td. and      ;E    :1   Hong K ong) Lt(     .),   M la si      (I if   rmat on
                  Nty     or : Sm        ices &    in Bhd), A      ist   al   a (Singaore Tel     ce    n A\u itr   lis P    y
                  Li n    eci,. ap       n _St     ig: pore Te     :o    m    Tapan C Limite      ),    o ith K     re i(    inganot :
                  Tole    or iE or       a in      ited) and tl    e|    in    ed King lJom (Si   g:    »o e ‘el    icem     Eurcpe
                  Li n    eca.

         (k)      Ever rcow trt li tee it (j)abov :i a nember of the V or 1‘ ra le )r. at izaticn
                  ("N 0 ).

         (1)      O it    e     J.¢.— Siig:        ce route, C2i C vill file t ae quart rh tr iff s1 pirt require
                  by S    ct    on 42 61 (c)       of the Con miisi)n‘s Ruls. For: 1« th r; i lat :d soutes, :
                  sk v    n,.    th it vo ild      sa isfy Sec io .6 .10(a)(@ ) of the To an is: io ‘s Ri les is
                  prov    le    l1 (i) sel         w.

         (m)      C2C will & scept lo:ainant carrier .re. tment in its prov sic n of service to
                  Singapore. On ail other routes on which C2C is affiliated with a foreign carrier, _
                  C2C requests nondominant treatment in its provision of service. As shown below,
                  C2C is entitled to a presumption of nondominant treatment under Section
                  63.10(a)(3) on the Commission‘s Rules on each of these routes. In addition, C2C
                  notes that the FCC implicitly recognized that C2C‘s affiliated carriers in the
                  Philippines, Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom, and Hong Kong (Singapore Telecom
                  Hong Kong Limited) lack market power on the relevant route in granting
                  Singapore Telecom USA, Inc. authority to provide service to each of these
                  locations on a nondominant basis in File No. ITC—214—19981005—00681 on
                  November 20, 1998.

                  Australia: C2C‘s affiliate in Australia, Singapore Telecom Australia Pty Limited
                  ("SingTel Australia") provides international voice and data services in that

DCOL/GRIFJ/151686.1                                                —4~

                      country. SingTel Australia‘s share of the international transport and local access
                      market is less than 1 percent. Telstra is the dominant provider of domestic and
                      international telecommunications services in Australia.            *

                      ThePhilinvines: G‘obe Telesom (formerly krown as IMCT,, Inc.) i C2C‘s
                      ifi lictei the Plil proes CM C1 p ovidesiiternatio ial ar 1 fixed 1 ne
                      el    iec   mn    nications se      vi    es   as   w I1       s el     il: rmotile te      sp    ione ser ics n ie
                      hb    lif   oin   3; its mar) et    ihi   re   of   he in      ernat    or al traiisg ort   an    l local a :cess
                      n:    k     tsi   appro:tin aite    y     .0   pe   ceat.      Tlie:    on rinan pi y       de    of
                      el    ec    mnn   nications se      vi    es   in   h P        il: op   neisis Plilip       ie     Long C st ince
                      Te    ep    ion    Compan.

                      ir L oke In Sr L ok i, 2 2s af ili ite is ca ika Com m ai ations S m icos
                      P ivite) imited (C_ai keco a" , ; prov de o ‘data :o in ur cations er ic s
                            w ing orivate lir : a id Vi A‘‘som ces. 3m Lanka] sli co n is the lo: at ar ;
                      rc vi ers ‘telecom uw iic itions se vices in St Lanla. Li nk icom‘s : ia e fire
                      ntorr aitio al transpert nc lccal accei s miance s in S 1 ar ca is appro :ir iat :«Jy 5
                      )¢. se 1.

                      UM;   la    sia   Informat     on   Ni    tw orl     S   rv    ces §    In Bhd ("C    TS    ),    22C‘s a fil at ir
                      M     la;   sia   provides :   at    c    m nt      uc   ati   n an     .value—sdd    :d    ser   ices. T ie ni kt
                      hi    re    fI    S in Mal     ys   a<    sl:ss     th   n      pxrc    :m . The de   m     ia    t provic »r of
                      el    cc    n     nications    se   vi    es in     M    la    si:is    T:leconiA\    al    ys    a.

                      Ic 1ig Ko: x InHor gl io g, C C s | hi ia »d withiwe focei m carries:
                      i1 gaore Telecom 10 ig Teng Li ni ed (" iir 3Tel]jIK °) in GB21 ( Icag K n;)
                      mAaitod( 3B21"). jingl sl IK h 1d : Pub ic Non—l‘xc u:s vt
                      (e se mt ainication S rv ces ( P [E °S") . ic :mses to ore vic e intern: tic ns
                      ra ie ade d networ sierv se .a d it ual p iv: te netwi rk se vices. 411 ervicss
                      ire pr ovic «d on a re al: b sis. | it 31 :1 HK es imates t ial its share of ther le ar :
                   nt rr itio al market is es than 1 ersent. similarly, ( B 1 »rovides
                   nt ic itio al bandw It] , t ickh: i1 ina IP s rvices in Hon, K »ng. Its sh ire of the
                   elevant i1 cernationi_ mar ‘etis Is ) less th; n 1 percent. %, he Commissicn has
                  recognized that the dominant provider of teecommunications services in Hong
                  Kong is Hong Kong Telecom.

                  United Kingdom: In the U.K., Singapore Telecom (Europe) Limited ("SingTel
                  Europe") is C2C‘s affiliate. SingTel (Europe) holds international facilities and
                  international voice simple resale licenses in the U.K. Its share of the relevant
                  international market is less than 1 percent. The Commussion has recognized
                  British Telecommunications ple as the dominant provider of telecommunications
                  services in the U.K.

                  Japan: Singapore Telecom Japan Co Limited ("STJ") is C2C‘s affiliate in Japan.
                  STJ provides IPLCs under a Type 1 license as well as wholesale voice and other
                  services pursuant to a Type 2 license in Japan. STJ‘s share of the relevant market

DCOL/GRIFJ/151686.1                                                       —$

                      is less than 1 percent. The Commission has recognized Kokusai Denshin Denwa
                      Co., Ltd. and Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corporation as the dommant
                  providers of telecommunications services in Japan.

                  South Korea: In South Korea. C2C is affiliated with Singapore Telecom Korea
                  Limited ("STK"). iT {]1 old a V SF licsn e i5 or h Sores, p irs iant t ) v hi h
                  STK offers service: it sh din fra ie :eliy V N ai d P. STK s share. ftae
                  relevant internatior al : na ket s le s: ria i1 pe ceat. T e Comn iss ion h s
                  recognized Korea 7 el: cc n a the 1o niuiar ip on idi r c Etele:or im inica io: s
                  services in South K pre a.

         (n)      As evidenced by th : c it fic on orc zic ed in At ac ur     snt 1, CC 1as n t :     greed
                  to accept special cc 1c ss ons lire th 0: it linct y ro     a any fo ei, n car ie    w th
                  respect to any U.S. int »rr atic al row :v he e he fo ei,   n carrie p( ssess is
                  sufficient market p wr : n t] fo »i; n nc o1 th r ut         to aifec:compe tie     n
                  adversely in the U.;). 1 ia cet ad> ril ncte ite :1 to su   h agiee 1e its in he    fu ure

         (0)      As evidenced by th : c it fics on orc ic ed in At ac ur :nt 1, nc p; ty to h s
                  Application is subj: ct i0 : de ial f: :d ra b ne it: pi rsuant t« S—ction 52 )1 of
                  the Anti—Drug Abu: e . ic of     188

         (P)      C2C requests streai iliiec pri ess ng fo ‘t] is \p li at on purst an to S: cti n
                  63.12 of the Comm ss or s F les T iis A pl ca io: 1: eligible for strea al ne I
                  processing because on e¥ sry vute fccv hi h ut 101 ty is reque te !, eitk x 1) C2/
                  has no foreign carm »r . ff liat or 2) CC s; fhda :d with a fcrei zn ca ierila
                  destination market, bu a de on: ra ed in t | ano e, ~2C qu: lif 2s for a
                  presumption of non —de m nar > w de ‘Sset or 6: .1 (a (3) of th : C omm ss on s
                  Rules; or (3) C2C i a: fil ate wit . a fo sij n« ar le1 in a destin; tic n ma: ce w 1icl
                  is a WTO member : ot it y ai lC C ig se tc be cl ss fied as ; de mina ier
                  on the route. In adciti m C2 is: ot af ili te v th a < ominan: U S. ca ie ‘ x hos
                  international servic is( :2 : se ¢s i it] or ty o es I1. F nally, exceit as j ro id :d i
                  Sections 63.22(e)(2 ) a id }3.; (d) 2) of the C m ni si n‘s Rules, C2C ( o¢ ; not
                  request authority in this 1 pp. :ati n o 1| rovic :s vitched services over ; Avate
                  lines to countries not previou _ _y autt »rized by th.s Commission for this service.


         For these reasons, C2C requests that the Commission grant this Application. JJN 1 9 ?0)1
                                                                                  Telecom Divigion
                                            Respectfully Submitted,           ‘_ Internatioral Bursau

                                            C2C (USA) Inc.

                                                       L5 m
Robert J. Aamoth                                   Shyong LIM
Joan M. Griffin                                    CEO
KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP _                         C2C (USA) Inc.
1200—19"" Street NW, Suite 500                     1350 Old Bayshore Highway
Washington, D.C. 20036                             Suite 320
(202) 955—9600                                     Burlingame, California 94010
Its Attorneys

Date:       :r\mQ     ‘L’) 2001


                                                                                           Attachment 1

                                           CEFK TIHMCATI

         The undersigned hereby certifies, on sehal:" of C2C (USA) Inc. ("C2C" w itk re pect o

the foregoing application for authority to provide i iternational service, that:

          1. C2C is not affiliated with any U.S. whose facilities—! ased se vice‘ 2‘ ma:

         2. . C2C is affiliated with the foreign carriers in the countrie:; li ted in 4 an 3x A o thi;
              Certificate. The carriers so noted are controlled by Sing:iipc e Telec n m ni ations
              Limited ("SingTel"), a foreign carrier that controls C2C.

         3. C2C has not agreed to accept special concessions directl; o       indirec   ly fr n my
            foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route v   here the    fore im samr
            possesses sufficient market power on the foreign end of the      :oute to   af: 2¢
            competition adversely in the U.S. market and will not ener       nto suc    :at      >nts n

            the future.

         4. No party to this Application is subject to a demial of federal »enefits pusi in to
            Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

                                                                t ~2

                                                By:                  ~—          EBE 5 C
Robert J. Aamoth                                        Shyong LIM
Joan M. Griffin                                         CEO
KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP                                C2C (USA) Inc.
1200—19°" Street NW, Suite 500                          1350 Old Bayshor : Highw iy
Washington, D.C. 20036                                  Suite 320
(202) 955—9600                                          Burlingame, Calif mia 94 10
Its Attorneys



                                                                            Anne A |

                           C2C FOREIGN CA tRIER AFFILIAT ES

                      Carrier                                     Comntry
Singapore Telecommunications Limited           Singar ore                        O

GB 21 (Hong Kong) Limited*                     Hong ) {ong                       1~*l

Singapore Telecom Hong Kong Limited*           Hong ){ong                        /

Lanka Co?nmunications Services (Private)       Sri Lanka                         ~|

Globe Telecom                                  Philippines

Singapore Telecom (Europe) Limited*            United Kingclom

Information Network Servcies Sdn Bhd*          Malaysia

Singapore Telecom Australia Pty Limited*       Australia

‘Singapore Telecom Japan Co Ltd*               Japan

Singapore Telecom Korea Limited*               South Korea

* denotes carrier controlled by Singapore Telecommunications Limited


Document Created: 2019-04-16 01:00:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-16 01:00:11

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