Attachment 20161122102950-387.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010507-00323 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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MINTZ           l   ll ,\/ IN   Famhingin®                                     701 Pennsylvania Avenne, N.W.
                                Boston                                         Washington, D.C. 20004
Comn Peskrs
                                wetoooX                 CF       BL            202 434 7400 fax
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PorEo rc                        New Haven
                                                                              Russ Taylor

                                                                               Direct dial 202—661—8717

                                                     January 2, 2002

    By HAND

    Magalie Roman Salas
    Office of the Secretary
    Federal Communications Commussion
    445 12th Street, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

          Re:   PacificWirelessTechnologies,Inc.; File No. ITC—214—20010507—00323
                Notice of Discontinuance of International Telecommunications Services and
                Surrender of International Section 214 Authorization

Dear Ms. Salas:

       Pacific Wireless Technologies, Inc. ("Pacific‘), by its attorneys and pursuant to the
provisions of section 63.19 of the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications
Commission ("FCC" or "Commission"), 47 C.F.R. §63.19 (2000), hereby informs the
Commission that it has discontinued international telecommunications services.

        As the Commussion is aware, Pacific sold its California—based digital wireless telephony
system to Nextel Communications, Inc. ("Nextel").‘ That transaction closed on December 21,
2001, with the result that Nextel commenced providing international telecommunications
services to Pacific‘s customers as. of closing.      Nextel is already authorized to provide
international telecommunications services under Section 214 of the Communications Act.
Further, to the best of Pacific‘s knowledge, no customers experienced a disruption or diminution
in their services during the transition. Thus, based on the foregoing, Pacific does not believe that

I        The Commission consented to the transaction by which Pacific‘s system was acquired by
Nextel. See Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 01—2685, rel. Nov. 16, 2001.


    Magalie Roman Salas
    January2, 2002
    Page 2

    a "discontinuance, reduction, or impairment" of international services occurred."   However, in an
                 .    £       :         .   ;      ¢   3
    abundance of caution, Pacific submits this notice.

           As a result of its transaction with Nextel, Pacific no longer owns a telecommunications
    system that is capable of providing international telecommunications services. Accordingly, by
    this letter, Pacific also surrenders its International Section 214 Authorization.

       We trust that the foregoing is useful and satisfies Pacific‘s obligations with respect to its
former offering ofinternational telecommunications services. If you require any additional
information, please contact the undersigned.—


                                                       Russ Taylor


3          47 C.F.R. § 63.60(a) (2000) (defining "discontinuance, reduction or impairment").

>       Consistent with the general intent of FCC rule section 63.19, Pacific also took steps to
keep its customers informed of the transition well in advance of its closing date with Nextel. For
example, Pacific initially notified its customers of the transaction on July 23, 2001, and updated
its customers with the expected closing date on November 21, 2001. Copies of these
notifications are enclosed herewith at Exhibit A.



    November 21, 2001

    Dear Valued Customer,

    The following supplemental notice is provided to you pursuant to section 63.19 of the
    Federal Communications Commuission‘s ("FCC") regulations:

   As we informed you on July 23, 2001, Pacific Wireless Technologies, Inc. ("PWT")
   intends to complete a transaction with Nextel Communications, Inc. ("Nextel") that will
   result in PWT no longer offering you domestic or international wireless services.
   Instead, responsibility for serving your customer account will be transferred to Nextel
   upon completion of the transaction, which was recently approved by the FCC and is
   currently scheduled to close on or about December 17, 2001.

   PWT and Nextel have agreed to work together to accomplish this transition in a seamless
   manner that will ensure no disruption in your wireless service.

   If you have any questions concerning this notice, please call our Customer Service
   representatives toll—free at 877 798—4622 or dial 611 on your PWT phone.


   Daniel M. Kopp
   Vice President, Marketing


   6771 N. Palm Avenue : Fresno, CA 93704 : Phone (559) 432—6700 : Fax (559) 432—6600 :

SENT BY: PACIFIC WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES;          550 437 8598            Nov—20—01 12:53PM;              PAGE 2/2

                  Technococes inc.

         Faly 23,,2001
         Dear Pagific Wireless Customer:

         Pacific Wireless Technologies, Inc. (PWT) has spent the last 18 months developing a
         comprehensive digital wireless network in central and northern California. Thursday, July 19,
         PWT anhounced that an agreement has been reached with Nextel Communications to purchase
         the assets of PWT. t is anticipated that the purchase will close late this fall.

         All service plans will continue to be offered through the term ofyour agreement, even if the lerm
         extends beyond the date of closing. All plans are subject to the PWT Subscriber Agreement
         terms and conditions. Should your plan expire prior to closing of the Nextel purchase, an
         extension of your current plan or an altemative plan will be offered by PWT.

         PWT wii.l continue to operate and maintain the digital network up to the date of closing,
         providing customer service and warranty support, PWT and Nextel will work together to
         support the successful transition of customers at cloging.

        We will assist in every way possible to provide seamless cormmmumnications service during this
        process and encourage you to call us if you have questions, service issues or sccessory needs.


        Teff Fullér,
        Presiden;t and CEO

Document Created: 2019-04-21 11:24:30
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 11:24:30

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