Attachment 20161117135917-363.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010501-00277 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                      Before the
        A                                             _
    _ 7¢                      FEDEFE AL COM!I IUNICAT/—ONS CONIMIS SION                                                y
R              ao8                             Wa: hington, DC 205 4                                           a     1031
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         n th : Matter of                                   ]
                                                            )      Stre amline 1            N C—214 20010501—00277
         xi sI Partness. nc                                 )      NEX TEL PJ RTNE! iS, INC
         Ajip ication fcr Aut 10rity Pursuiant t«           )
         Sect on 214 0: ‘the Comm anica ions . ict of       )
         134 , as Ame:nded, to Op :rate is an               )
         in e 1ational l:.esale Carr er                     )
         e                                                 _

                                                  i (PPL [CATION

                   Nextel Partr ers, L ic., (" Nexte | Part 1ers") on be half c itsef and its op :rating

         su s diaries, kereby requsts at thort y pur uant to Sec tion 2 14 of the C mmnications

         Act of 1934, ;s amended, 47 U S.C. 1214 11982), and Section 63. 18 of ‘he F: deral

         Con munications C »mmi ision‘;. (the ‘Commission") r iles, 7 C.F.R. §(3.18, to resell the

         in e aational t :leco nmur icatic ns sei vices of other conmon carrirs be ween the United

         Stat s and various i atern: tiona poin s.‘

                   Nextel Partrers is a corporation or;;anized und 2r the laws of the state of Delaware

         to provide telecommunications services throughout the United Stateé. Through this

         application, Nextel Partners intends to resell the telecommunications services of other

         common carriers that are currently authorized by the Commission to provide international

         service. Nextel Partners will provide these telecommunications services for use by its

         customers who subscribe to its commercial mobile radio service ("CMRS"). Nextel

         ‘ Nextel Partners provides communications services to its customers through the following operating
         subsidiaries: NPCR, Inc., a Delaware Corporation; Nextel Partners of Upstate New York, Inc.; a Delaware
         Corporation; and Nextel Partners Operating Corp.; a Delaware Corporation.

Partners will initiate calls from locations within the United States to other coun*~"~~ ~nd

will terminate calls from foreign locitions in the United States Nex tel Partner:       ; to

do so in order to beiter serve its customers by offering a full range o0 calliag op

providing internaticnal calling services, N »xtel Partners also vill be able o offi

customers valuable addit:onal Tunctionalit ; at competitive prices.

       By granting this application of Ne: :tel Partners thare w 11 be idditi »nal

competition that will benefit consumers 0: international teleco nmu icatic ns se

Specifically, the benefits of competition i1 clude lower prices, reater con :ume1

among service providers and the availabil ty of a wider variety of se rvice optio:

Consequently, the grant of this authc rizati on is consistent witk the £ ublic intere

        In support of Nextel Partners requ sst for authorization, the 1 ollow ing in    tion

is submitted pursuant to Section 63.! 8 of he Commission‘s ru es, 4‘ C.F.R. §6

(a) The name, address, and telephone nut iber of the applicant:

    4500 Carillon Point
    Kirkland, WA 98033
    (425) 576—3600
(b) Nextel Partners is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware.

(c) Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

    Albert J. Catalano, Esq.
    Matthew J. Plache, Esq.
    3221 M Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20007
    Telephone: (202) 338—3200
    Facsimile: (202) 338—1700


    Donald Manning
    Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
    4500 Carillon P. »int
    Kirkland, NVA 8033
    Telephone : (424 ) 576 3600
    Facsimile: (425) 576—3650

(d) Neither Nextel l artne ‘s, nor any »f its ubsidiaries has previc usly 12ceiv :d aut 10rity

    unde: Section 2 4 to jprovide inte matic nal service:.

(e) Next:l Paitners ‘equeits Section 214 a ithority to c perate as a resale carri ‘r pur suant

    to th: tern s and cond tions of Se :tion 13.18(e)(2) of the Com nission‘s r les.

    Specificaly, Ne «tel F artners proposes :0 resell int ‘rnational s »rvice s of a ithor zed

    cominon c arrier ; purs 1ant to tari; f or c »ntract duly filed with he Commi; sion, for th :

    provision of int: rnatiemal basic s vitch:d, private l ne, data an 1 bus: ness : ervic : to al .

    internatio1 al po nts, 3 s authorizel by t ie Commis:ion. Nextel Partiers i: not

    requesting auth rizat on to const uct a 1y facilities between th : poir ts for whici it is

    applying t ) pro ide resold servic ss.

(f) At this tin e, Ne «tel F artners seel :s no »ther authoiization ava lable unde Section


(g, As previously noted, Nextel Partners c ves not plan to constru :t any new ‘acilities; the

    necessary facilities will be provided by the underlying facilities-Based carriers,

    pursuant to their FCC authorization.

(h) Nextel Partners certifies that it is not a foreign carrier and is not affiliated with any

    foreign or U.S. facilities—based carrier. In support of this certification, Nextel

    Partners submits the following information of its ten percent or greater direct and

    indirect shareholders or other equity holders:

The entities holding 10 percent or more of Nextel Partners‘ voting stock are as follows:

Nar 1e ‘A idress                             Citizenship                          %OfStock Held

Mlalis or C eartorn apital                   Domestic Entity                      Approximately 1 . %
P ar ners II LP                                                                   (Common A)
3 Fors :N at ona . P la :a
S i1 e 38 )0
Chi:zazo 1 60602

TLE atftics                                  Domestic and                         Approximately 1 %
277 P arl: / ven e                           Foreign Entities®                    (Commnon A)
Dev‘ /ok NY 1)172

N e:tel N712 Corg.                           Domestic Entity                      Approximately 3 %
2)(1 d n ind Iile, Dr.                                                            (Common B)
Festo 1, V.\ 20 1$1°

The nan es and a Id esses of Nextel Partners‘ president and directors are as follows:

I ai oe            Tile                                                  Address

J ob a             P1 2s dent, Chief Executive Officer                   NEXTEL PARTNERS, INC.
C h: pyle          A id Chairman of the Board                            4500 Carillon Point
                                                                         Kirklard, WA 98033

S te ze i l}.      D re :tor                                             American Tower Corp.
Do ig:                                                                   116 Huntington Avenue
                                                                         Boston, MA 02116

7 in i0 hy         D re :tor                                             Nextel Commmnunications, Inc.
Do ia ue                                                                 2001 Edmund Halley Diive
                                                                         Reston, VA 20191

Andrew             Director                                              DLJ Merchant Banking
Rush                                                                     277 Park Avenue
                                                                         New York, NY 10172

* The DLJ Entities are comprised of 12 separate investment funds. None of these separate funds owns
more than 10% of Nextel Partners and none holds a controlling interest in any foreign carrier, including any
dominant foreign carrier or foreign carrier that controls bottleneck facilities.

> Nextel WIP Corp. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nextel Communications, Inc. ("Nextel"). On
September 18, 1997 Nextel was granted Section 214 authorization to resell the international
telecommunications services of other common carriers between the United States and various international
points. Nextel‘s affiliations with foreign carriers, all of whom are wireless carriers and none of whom are
dominant foreign carriers or control bottleneck facilities, is a matter of public record. See File No. ITC—97—

Andrew          Director                                        M adison Dearborn Capital
Sinwell                                                         P; rtners
                                                                3 "irst National Pl:za,
                                                                 Si ite 36 00
                                                                 Caicago, IL 60602

Dennis          Director                                         E; gle River
Weibling                                                         2: 00 Curillon Poin
                                                                 K rkland, WA 98033

(i) Nextel Partners certifies that it has not agreed to acc spt sy ecial soncessions,, dire :tly

    or indirectly, from any foreign carrier or administra ion ai:id will not enter into si ch

    agreements in the future.

(J) Nextel Partners certifies that no party to this applics tion t as bei:n denied any fec sral

    benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug \buse Act of 1988.


        As demonstratec. in this application, Nextel Part iers i: legally, financially an 1

technically qua.ified to »rovide the services for which i requ=sts authority. For all (f the

reasons stated above, Nisxtel Partners respectfully reque sts thit the Commission grai it this


Dated: April 30, 2001                                    Respectfully Submitted,

                                                         Q@Qltut ] Cof.
                                                         Albert J. Cathlano, Esq.
                                                         Matthew J. Plache, Esq.
                                                         CATALANO & PLACHE, PLLC
                                                         3221 M Street, NW
                                                         Washington, DC 20007
                                                          (202) 338—3200

                                                         Attorneys for Nextel Partners, Inc.

                         STATEMENT OF VERIFICATION

        On this 204. day of &2@\\              , 2001, I, Donald Manning, under penalty of
perjury, hereby declare that I am an officer of Nextel Partners, Inc. and that the facts
stated in this Application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information
and belief.

                                                      Dmgcl fl %Qr_\
                                                    Donald Manninfi
                                                    Nextel Partners, Inc.

mA¥   OS   2001   5:;:47PM        CATALANO     &   PLACHE,       PLLC      202   338   1700

                                                   Law OrFrICES

                                   CATALANO & PLaCHE, PLLC
                                              3221 M Street, N.W.
                                             Washington, DC 20007

                                              Telephone (202) 338—3200
                                              Facsimile (202) 338—1700

                                                   May 9, 2001

           VIA FAX
           Fran Eisenstein, Esquire
           Federal Communications Commission
           International Bureau
           Telecommunications Division
           445 12" Street, SW
           Washington, DC 20554

                  Re:     International Section 214 Application of Nextel Partners, Inc.

           Dear Ms. Eisenstein:

                  On May 1, 2001, Nextel Partners, Inc. ("Nextel Partners") filed an application for
           Section 214 Authorization. This letter supplements the ownership information of
           Madison Dearborn Capital Partners, II, LP and Nextel WIP Corp. provided in that
           application. The ownership information is as follows:

                  Madison Dearbom Capital Partners II, LP
                  (Domestic Limited Partnership)
                  3 First National Plaza
                  Suite 3800
                  Chicago, IL 60602

                  The General Partner of Madison Dearbomm Capital Partners II, LP is
                  Madison Dearborn Partners II, LP
                  (Domestic Limited Partnership)
                  3 First National Plaza
                  Suite 3800
                  Chicago, IL 60602

                  The General Partner of Madison Dearbom Partners II, LP is
                  Madison Dearborn Partners, Inc.
                  (Delaware Corporation with no foreign ownership)
                  3 First National Plaza
                  Suite 3800
                  Chicago, IL 60602

mhHtr   u9g9   2001    5: 47PM       CcCATALANO   &   PLACHE,     PLLC          202   338   1700

               Letter to Fran Eisenstein
               May 9, 2001
               Page 2 of 2

                      Nextel WIP Corp.
                      2001 Edmund Haley Dr.
                      Reston, VA 20191

                      Nextel WIP Corp., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nextel Communications, Inc.
                      2001 Edmund Haley Dr.
                      Reston, VA 20191

                      The entities holding more than 10 percent of Nextel‘s voting stock are:

                      Motorala, Inc., a Domestic Corporation (approximately 14.2 %)
                      1303 E. Algonquin Rd.
                      Schaumberg, IL 80196

                      Digital Radio, LLC, a Domestic Corporation controlled by Craig McCaw
                      (approximately 10.3%)
                      2320 Canillion Point
                      Kirland, WA 98033

                      Craig McCaw, a United States citizen, is the only shareholder of Digital Radio,
                      LLC with more than 10% of the voting stock
                      2300 Carillion Point
                      Kirland, WA 98033

                      Should you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to
               contact me.


                                                                     %/7. Ca%o/m/
                                                                   Albert J. Catalano
                                                                   Counsel For Nextel Partners, Inc.

Document Created: 2019-05-24 19:55:15
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 19:55:15

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