Attachment 20161201165131-393.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010427-00261 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                     APR 9 7.

                                          Streamlined           ITC—214—20010427—00261
                                          ASIAVON INC.
                   FEDERAL COMMU!

In the Matter of


Application for Authority Pursuant to Section 214
                                                         File No. LT.C. —2001— ______
of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended,
for Global Authority to Operate as an
International Facilities—based Provider and Resale

                              APPLICATION OF
                               ASIAVON INC.
                    FOR SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATION AND
                          CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC
                       CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY

                                    Frank Lowery
                                    Asiavon Inc.
                                    1802 N. Carson St., Suite 212—2516
                                    Carson City, NV 89701

April 18, 2001

                                         Before the
                                  Washin;gton, D.C. 20554

In the Mater of


Appl—cation for Autho ‘ity P irsuar t to Section 214
                                                           File No. LT.C. —20(1—
of the: Con munication s Act of 1934, as Amended,
for Global Authority t> Operate as an
Internation al Facilities basece Provider ind Resale


Pursuant to Section 2 .4 of the Comminications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.

Section 214 (1982), aid Se:tion 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section

63.18, Asis von Inc. (". isiave n"), t ereby requests authority to provide global international

facilities—based and resale services between the United States and international points.

Asiavon    is   a corporation formed for the primary purpose of establishing a

telecommunications business.      Applicant has no foreign affiliations.    Applicant serves

business and residential customers throughout the United States.

By granting this application, the Commission will serve the public interest, convenience,

and necessity by promoting competition in the international services marketplace.

Competition will benefit U.S. consumers by increasing service options and lowering

prices. Thus, the public interest will be served by the grant of Section 214 authority to


1.     Section 63.1{} Information

       As required by Secticn 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules the following

       information is submittec in support of Applicant‘s request for aithorization.

       (a) Name and address cf the applicant:

             Asiavon Inc.
             1802 N. Carson St., Suite 212—2516
             Carson City, NV 8$§701

       (b) Asiavon is a corportion organized under the laws of ‘he State of Nevada.

       (c) Correspondence or communications concerning this Application should be

             directed to:

             Todd H. Lowe, President              Frank Lowery, President
             Visiology, Inc.                      Asiavon Inc.
             16061 Carmel Bay Drive               1802 N. Carson St., Suite 212—2516
             Northport, Alabama 35475             Carson City, NV 89701
             (205) 330—1701                       413—677—0729

(d)   Applicant has not received authority previously under Section 214 of the

      Communications Act.

(e) Applicant requests global facilities—based and resale Section 214 authority
      pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2).

(8) At this time, Applicant seeks no other authorization available under Section

(g) Not applicable.

(B)   Asiavon Inc. certifies that it is not affiliated with any foreign or U.S.

      facilities—based carrier.

      In support of this certification, the name, address, citizenship, and principal

      business of the shareholders that controls ten percent or more of Applicant, are

      as follows:

                                        Asiavon Inc.
                            Officers, Directors, & Shareholders
                  Name/Title                         Address                  % of

      John C. Ang                         15 N 2nd St.                        $0%
      Secretary, Director                 San Jose, CA 95113                     @

      Franklin C. Lowery, Jr.             419 Burning Bush Lane               10%
      President, Treasurer, Director      Midland, MI 48642                      °

      William J. O‘Malley                 P.O. Box 3366
      Director                            South Pasadena, CA 91031—           10%

         All of the shareholders listed above are U.S. citizens.

       (i) Applicant certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to

           accept any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreizn carrier or

           administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows betweenr the United

           States and any foreign countries which Applicant is authorized to serve.

       (j) Applicant certifies that no party to this application is subject t»> a denial of

           federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug 4.buse Act of 1988.

In conclusion, Asiavon Inc. certifies that all of the information in <his spplication is

accurate and correct.   For chese reasons, Asiavon Inc. respectfully requests that the

Commission grant this Application.

                             Respectfully submitted,

                             Asiavon Inc.

                             zg//                                                        “
                                     Frank Lowery
                                     Asiavon Inc.
                                     1802 N. Carson St., Suite 212—25 16
                                     Carson City, NV 89701

April 18, 2001

                          CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

       I hereby certify that the statements contained in the attached Asiavon Inc.‘s

Application for Authorization Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of

1934, as Amended, for Global authority to Operate both as a Reseller and Facilities—based

Provider of International Telecommunications Services Pursuant to a Certificate of Public

Convenience and Necessity are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and are

made in good faith.

                             Asiavon Inc.

                                     Frank Lowery
                                     Asiavon Inc.
                                     1802 N. Carson St., Suite 212—2516
                                     Carson City, NV 89701

April 18, 2001

Document Created: 2019-04-17 22:46:07
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 22:46:07

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