Attachment 20161201164050-980.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010427-00255 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


RECEIVEp                      KURTIS & ASSOCIATES, PC.                                     @QP fi
                                                 SUITE 600
  APR 2 7 roo1                             2000 M STREET, N      Streamlined      ITC—214—20010427—00255
  Ielecom Divigion                       WASHINGTON, D.C.        NORTHWEST MISSOURI CELLULAR LIMITED
                                                  C              PARTNERSHIP
       ational| Bureay
                                               (202) 328—4500
                                          TELECOPIER (202) 328

                                            April 26, 2001                       RECEIVED
ViaHand Delivery
Ms. Magalie Roman Salas                                                             APR 2 6 2001
Federal Communications Commission                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMIGSIEN
Office of the Secretary                                                             ornce oF THE SECRETARY
Room TW—204B
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re:       Application for Section 214 Authority

Dear Ms. Salas:

     Transmitted herewith for filing on behalf ofNorthwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership
("NMCLP") are an original and five copies of a Section 214 Application seeking Federal
Communications Commission ("Commission") authorization to provide global international
facilities—based and resale services between the United States and various international points.
Pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, NMCLP requests streamlined processing of
the enclosed application.

        Also enclosed is a copy of a completed Remittance Advice Form ("FCC Form 159"). The
original FCC Form 159 along with a copy of the Section 214 Application and a check payable to the
Federal Communications Commission in the amount of eight—hundred—fifteen dollars ($815.00) to
cover the prescribed filing fee has been delivered to the Commission, International Bureau —
Telecommunications, c/o Mellon Bank, P.O. Box 3581 15, Pittsburgh, PA15251—5115 via overnight
courier coincident with this filing.

       Finally, an additional copy of this submission is enclosed for date—stamping and return.
Please direct any inquiries on this matter to the undersigned counsel.

                                                 Very truly yours,

                                                  Q.ra WwaA_
                                                    2            .   'l   .

                                                 Anna E. Ward

ge:    Federal Communications Commission, International Bureau — Telecommunications, c/o
       Mellon Bank (with check)

                                       Before the
                              LAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                      Washington, DC 20554

In the Matte                                      )                                         RECvElV ED

NORTHWE         MIS           "ELLULAR            )                                            APR 2 6 2001
                                                  )                                               )       a   9

       LIM      ) PA          SHIP                )                                      FEDERAL CoMMUNICATIONS comuesien
                                                  )                                           OFRICE OF THE SEcREmARY
Application     auth          suant               )
to Section 2    f the         inications          )       File No. LT.C. ______
Act of 1934     ame1           global             )
authority to    rate ;        ‘rnational          )
facilities—ba   and 1         Tier                )


        NOI     WE            OURI CELLULAR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ("NMCLP") hereby
requests au!    ty, [         to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
47 U.S.C. S     m§            2), and Section 63.18 of the Commissions Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.18, to

provide glo     inter         facilities—based and resale services between the United States and
various inte    onal

        This    dicat         fies the requirements for streamlinedprocessing set forth in Section
63.12 of the    nmi:          ules. NMCLP respectfully requests streamlined processing.

I.      Intr    ctior
        NMCLP is a limited partnership that has been licensed by the FCC to provide analog and
digital CMRS wireless service in the Missouri 1 — Atchison RSA.‘ Grant of this application will
accord NMCLP permanent authorization to provide: (i) international call completion capability from
its subscribers wireless phones; and (ii) switched international services to those customers who roam

in foreign markets where NMCLP has obtained or will obtain a roaming agreement with an
authorized U.S. international common carrier. NMCLP also requests authority to provide, on a
resale basis, international switched services between the U.S. and various countries throughout the

        Y NMCLP holds the license for Station KNKN816 (CMA395B3).

world by reselling the services of other authorized U.S. international common carriers. NMCLP
currently holds no other Section 214 Authority and is filing the instant application during the safe
harbor period arnounced by the International Bureau.*

        In order to provide the international services described herein, NMCLP has obtained required
capacity through contract or tariffs filed with the Commission of one or more non—affiliated,
facilities—based carriers authorized to provide general and international switched voice and data
services. Thus, NMCLP will continue to compete with other operators that already provide
international switched services by reselling similar services over existing facilities. Granting
NMCLP the authorization requested herein will permit NMCLP to compete in the marketplace for
international services and thus promote the public interest goals of the Telecommunications Act of

        By granting this application, the Commission will serve the public interest, convenience, and
necessity by promoting competition in the international services market. Competition will benefit
U.S. consumers by increasing service options and exerting downward pressure on prices. Thus, the
public interest will be served by the grant of Section 214 authority to NMCLP .

        Section 63.18 Information
        NMCLP hereby submits the information required under Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s
rules. The information is labeled according to the corresponding rule section to which it responds.

        (a)    Applicant‘s Name, Address and TelephoneNumber:

               Northwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership
               1114A South Main Street
               P.O. Box 551
               Maryville, MO 64468
               (660) 582—2334

       * "International Bureau and Enforcement Bureau Announce Program to Increase
Compliance With Licensing Requirements for Carriers That Provide International
Telecommunications Services and Operators of International Telecommunications Facilities
Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act and Sections 34—39 of the Submarine Cable
Landing License Act" Public Notice, DA 01—188, rel. Jan. 30, 2001.


       (b)     State of Organization

               NMCLPis a limited partnership organized under the laws of the State of Missounri.

       (c)     Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

               Mr. Brad Lager
               Northwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership
               1114A South Main Street
               P.O. Box 551
               Maryville, MO 64468


               Michael K. Kurtis
               Kurtis & Associates, P.C.
               2000 M Street, NW., Suite 600
               Washington, D.C. 20036

       (d)     Applicant‘s PriorSection 214 Authority

               NMCLP has not previously received authority pursuant to Section 214 of the
Communications Act from the Commission.

       (e)     Statements Regarding Facilities—Based and Resale Authority

               (1)     NMCLP requests global facilities—based Section 214 authority pursuant to the
terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission‘s Rules. NMCLP understands that

it is subject to Section 214 of the Communications Act and all Commission rules and regulations,
including 47 C.F.R. Section 63.22. NMCLP certifies that it will comply with the terms and
conditions contained in §§ 63.21 and 63.22 of this part.

               (2)     NMCLP requests Section 214 authority to resell the international services of
authorized U.S. common carriers pursuant to §63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s rules. NMCLP

certifies that it will comply with the terms and conditions contained in §§ 63.21 and 63.23 of the
Commission‘s rules, and any conditions stated in the Commission‘s public notice or order that serves
as NMCLP‘s Section 214 certification.

       (£)     Not applicable.

        O      Not applicable.

       (h)   Direct and Indirect Owners of NMCLP
             The following entities hold partnership interests in NMCLP that exceed ten (10)
             (1)    Rock Port Communications, Inc.
                    P.O. Box 147
                    Rock Port, Missouri 64482

                    Rock Port Communications, Inc. is ;        ncipally engaged in providing
                    communication services to the public, ar   s a 17 percent general partner of

             (2)    Oregon Farmers‘s Mutual Telephone Cc       any
                    P.O. Box 277
                    Oregon, Missouri 64473

                    Oregon Farmers‘s Mutual Telephone C        ipany is principally engaged in
                    providing communication services to the    iblic, and is a 17 percent general
                    partner of NMCLP.

             (3)    Missouri State Line Communications —
                    Coin, Iowa 51636

                    Missouri State Line Communications is      rincipally engaged in providing
                    communication services to the public, ar   s a 17 percent general partner of

             (4)    Grand River Communications, Inc.
                    1001 Kentucky Street
                    Princeton, Missouri 64673

                    Grand River Communications, Inc. is         incipally engaged in providing
                    communication services to the public, anu is a 17 percent general partner of

             (5)    ALLTEL Mobile Communications
                    P.O. Box 2177
                    Little Rock, Arkansas 72203

                    ALLTEL Mobile Communications is principally engaged in providing
                    communication services to the public, and is a 17 percent general partner of

                (6)      360° Communications Company
                         One Allied Drive, Building IV, FSS
                         Little Rock, Arkansas 72202

                         360° Communications Company is principally engaged in providing
                         communication services to the public, and is a 14 per cent limited partner of

                         As a limited partnership, NMCLP has no Board of Directors. Moreover,
                         NMCLP is unaware of any interlocking relationships between directors of its
                         partners, as listed above, and the boards of any foreign carrier.

        (i1)   Certification As To Foreign Carmier Status and/or Affiliation

               NMCLP hereby certifies that it is not a foreign carrier, nor is it affiliated with one.

        0)     Certification Regarding Provisioning of International Telecommunication Services
               NMCLP hereby certifies that it has no intent to provide international
telecommunications services to any destination country where: (i) NMCLP is a foreign carrier in that
country; (ii) NMCLP controls a foreign carrier in that country; (iii) any entity that owns more than

25 percent of NMCLP or that controls NMCLP controls a foreign carrier in that country; or (iv) two
or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own, in the aggregate, morethan 25
percent of NMCLP and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relationship affecting the
provision or marketing of international basic telecommunications services in the United States.

       (k—m)          Not applicable.

       (n)     Certification Regarding Special Concessions
               NMCLP certifies that it has not agreed to accept nor shall it accept in the future any
special concessions, directly or indirectly, from any foreign carrier or foreign administration with
respect to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any foreign country that NMCLP
may serve under the authority granted to it pursuant to this application.

       (0)     Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988 Certification
               Pursuant to §§ 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s rules, NMCLP certifies

that no party to this application has been denied federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the
Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

        (p)    NMCLP‘s Qualification For Streamlined Processing
               This application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to section 63. :.2 of the
Commission‘s rules. NMCLP has no affiliations with foreign carriers in any destination market, nor
does it have an affiliation with a dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private line
services NMCLP seeks authority to resell. Accordingly, NMCLP requests streamlined processi 1g.


       The foregoing information is accurate and complete, and demonstrates with clarity that ‘he
public‘s interest in high quality international communications will be served by grant of this
application. For these reasons, NMCLP respectfully requests that the Commission grant this

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                              NORTHWEST MISSOURI CE_LULAR
                                                  LIMITED PARTNEESIIP _ _

                                                   _ Brad Lager 7
                                                      General Man@ger

April 25, 2001

                            KURTIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.
                                               SUITE 600
                                          2000 M STREET, N.W.
                                        WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036

                                              (202) 328—4500
                                         TELECOPIER (202) 328—1231

                                           April 26, 2001

Via Mellon Bank

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau — Telecommunications
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—5115

       Re:     Northwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership
               Section 214 Application

Dear Sir/Madam:

       Transmitted: herewith on behalf of Northwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership
("NMCLP") is a completed Remittance Advice Form(FCC Form 159) and a check payable to the
Federal Communications Commission ("Commission") in the amount of Eight Hundred Fifteen
Dollars ($815.00) to cover the prescribed filing fees. Also enclosed please find a copy of the Section
214 Application filed on behalf of NMCLP with the Commission coincident with this filing.

      An additional copy of this submission is enclosed for date—stamping and return by the Mellon
Bank. Please direct any inquiries on this matter to the undersigned counsel.

                                                Very truly yours,

                                             ' (C/Mfi bUarA_
                                                Anna E. Ward



                                                                                                                                    Approved by OMB
 BEFORE PROCEEDING                                   s       i       a    J       P
                                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                           3060—0589
                                                                                                                                     Page No _ ofL
                                                           REMITTANCE ADVICE
 (1)}LOCKBOX #                                                                                                 SPECIAL USE

                              358115                                                                            FCC USE ONLY

                                                        SECTION A — PAYER INFORMATION
 (2) PAYER NAME (if paying by credit card, enter name exacthiasitlé yfm c:u't]lz                         (%) 1’01'\1- AMOUNTPMD (U.S. Doliars and cents)
 NO;R®TJHW ESj|TI |Mj|IjSj SJ0jUJRj                                 IEIL 1414 4 N |                             18141 °1 49181 j                |   |   |_|
 1|11 4wf“?§5|§:%’fgczfil JMIAIIINHIIIJUIJIJII | JIIIIIJJIII | [ |
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 # M w mepef®] 1 J | [ [ | 1 [ [ L L L L L [1.]| olb Bbeecen
                                                          18 2 _| |
                                                             hy (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A. )
                            661913181 214331314 _1 _1 _1
 (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area ::ode‘)

(11) PAYER (FRN)                                                (12) PAYER (TIN)

 o|o|of 2[ s] 3] 4| 6| [ 1] 8|                                   AEEEEEERE
 aixs'mlgl'[uinlgj !NElNéllJJlJJlllIIIJ]JIIIII]JI]IIIIIIIII!J

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    TCOAE TT OO 1O(E L L L OO(                                                                                  UU U
”f?”fulrrr1 4 O o uT4?FPP uU
(19) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)               (20) COUNTRY CODE (if notin U.S.A.)

                           J LTI T 13 1 P L 10                    1 j 3
[21) APPLICANT(FRN)                           22) APPLICANT (TIN)

    L1 PI TN TT | |                                                Lepsp [ [ [ 1 [ |
23A) CALL SIGN./OTHER ID                     (24A) PAYMENT TYPECODE [(25A) QUANTITY
    L L [ J L JP [ T T [ J                         [ [ [ [ | | fely| T |                            11_Lt 1 14
26A) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                       (274) TOTAL FEE                          FCC USE ONLY
 s[sl 1| 3 .fofol [ [ 1 | [                   [s[s|i{5] .{0[ 0 | | | | |
(28A) FCC coos 1                                     (29A) FCC CODE 2
    Pl L L1         L L1 _( 1 | |1 1 t J[1 1 LTdl}[olJ}J oiarMU,,LU
                                                                  J d
(238) CALL SIGN OTHER ID                                           (243)PAYMENT TYPE
                                                                                   CODE            |(25B) QUAN'ITFY
    F11 J J11 [ f J J                              Lu 1 CE 11 11 3                                    f 1J _L}!
(26B) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                      (27B) TOTAL FEE                          FCC USE ONLY
    s1 J 1 1 [ ILOT T                          1       YJ1 J 1111 [LIG
(28B) FCC CODE 1                                     29B) FCC CODE 2
    $A 1 f 1 1 1 I| 1 1 t I| 1 J                       1 1 } 1 1111 L TT TT T 1 1 TT 11 11 J J 1 1|
                                                          SECTION D — CERTIFICATION
L       Brad Lager                                          certify und            iury that the foregoing and supporting inf        is        and correct to
the best ofmy knowledge. information and belief.        SIGNATURE                                                  DATE                    6

                                            SECTION E — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
 (31)                       MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                     :    EXPIRATION

 L masteressp                  LN TT T T | |                                                                                              1 1 1 | |
 D      Sig       1 hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD for the service(s)/authorization herein described.

                  SIGNATURE                                                                             DATE

                                      SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                               FCC FORM 159            FEBRUARY 2000 (REVISED)

       NORTHWEST MISSOURI CELLULAR                                   es
           P.O. BOX 551 . PH. 660—582:3334                           t
                 1114 A. SOUTH MAIN
                MARYVIELE. MO _ 64468
        Bank WithoutBoundaries®
                       1           59000051826A
                  rrpmprureremmemommemmerwrepges   rmsewess   mare

May—03—2001   01:10pm     From—KURTIS ASSOCIATES PC                        202—328—1231       T=2880   P.002/003   F—678

                                         KURTIS & A§SOCIATES, P.C.
                                                             SUITE 600
                                                        2000 M STREET. N.W
                                                      WASHINGTON 3.C. 20 36

                                                           (202) 328 500
                                                       m corEer(20; 328—12 1

                                                          May 3,. OO1

         Via Facsi rile

        Ms. Fraic:      s Eisenstein
        Internatior     i1 Bureau, Telscemm m1cation Civisic i
        Federal C¢      nmunications Commi sion
        445 12" S\      eet, N.W., Rooan . 6—C: 66
        Washinptc       1, D.C. 20554

                           Re:     In te Mautter of North\ est 14 souri Celluliit, Li            nited Partnershi;
                                   Aplizatio: fcrauth mypur uantl >‘ eciion 214 of tie(2c        nriunications Act
                                   of 1934, a amend d, for ; obal at hcrity to opeati; :         s sn international
                                   fasilities—b seland esalec: ner. _T > NMo.          ~£        ed April 26, 2001

        Dear Ms. 1 isensteir,                                              s &            —

               w suant to our cconvers; on ea ie todi y, pleas ‘‘ind information that should‘ be.a
        supplemier tothe S :ctior 2: 4app caticnf ecbyN rthwest M ssoun Cellular, L mited Partnership >
        ("NMCLP ) with the Fede:al Cor imunics io is Co amissio cn April 26, 2001

                  Ple ise note the follk wing »ddition o sectic : (h) Dit ‘c! and Indirect Ow ies of NMCLP:

                  (a)      No enjities other than R k Por Commi ni:ations, Inc., M: isounr State Line
                           Corimunica ions, Grand         liver C »mnmuni ations, Inc., 360° C ommunications
                           Corapiny, Cregon Farmer ‘ Mutu;            Telept »me Company, ind ALLTEL Mobile
                           Communicasions, Inc. hav> a ten (10) percent or greater inte ‘est in NMLCP.
                           NMLCP is a United States cituzen, organized under the laws of the State of Missouri.

                 (b)       Rock Port Communications, Inc., Missouni State Line Communications, Grand River
                           Communications, Inc., and 360° Communications Company are telephone
                           cooperatives. All of the aforementioned entities have United States citizenship. No
                           entity or individuals hold an equity interest in these companies of ten (10) percent or

                 (c)       Robert Williams, of Oregon Farmers‘ Mutual Telephone Company, has a 94%
                           interest in Oregon Farmers‘ Mutual Telephone Company. Mr. Williams is a United

May—03=2001   O1:10pm   From—KURTIS ASSOCIATES PC                       202—328—1231    T—280   P.003/003     F—678

        Ms. Francis Eisenstein
        May 3, 2001
        Page 2

                         States citizen. No other entity or individuals hold an equity in erest n hi company
                         of ten (10) percent or greater.

                  (d)    ALLTEL Corporation is the sole owner of ALLTEL Mobile (‘ommur ci ions, In :.
                         ALLTEL Corporation is a United States citizen. No other ent ty orinc vi luals io 1
                         an equity interest in this company of ten (10) percent or gr—ater. T ie ‘ollov it g
                         persons are officers of ALLTEL Mobile Communications, L c.: Baw d            i. Atl in ;,
                         Americo Comacchione, Michael T. Flynn, Francis X. Frant, Jamss °.            Sadbem,
                         Charles R. Galloway, Jim C. Kimzey, Dan P. Thompson, Jef ery R C ar          ner, Jot a
                         Reed, Jerry M. Green, Scou T. Ford, and J. Scott Chesbro. All »fthe ife:e:   rentic ne 1
                         officers are United States citizens.

                  Pursuant to our conversation, this information should satisfy the c aesticn he you h: 1
        regarding the ownership and citizen status of NMCLF‘. Based on this inform tion, pl as cont n :
        to process NMLCP‘s Section 214 application.

                  Please let me know if you have any further questions.


                                                           Anna Ward


Document Created: 2019-04-21 08:01:10
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 08:01:10

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