Attachment 20161201163335-023.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010427-00253 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                                                I\A][L  LF                                       ITC—214—20010427—00
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     $\   0\4\%&@                                   y IA Streamlined
    S   (g08                                                   D            VISIONLINK, INC.
         ‘<\0\® (\fb\\o                               Resucatory CoNsSUuI

         g*                                                  —et—
                                                   7901 SKANSIE A

   STACEY A. KLINZMAN                                       SuITe 24C
                              j                   GlG; HARBO‘R, W/\ zuJ oJ

                                                  TELEPHONE: 253.851.6700
                                                   FACsSIMILE: 253.851.6474

   26 April 2001

   Ms. Margalie R. Salas, Esq.
   Secretary, Federal Communications Commission
   445 12"" Street S.W., Room TWD 204
   Washington, D.C. 20554

   Re:        Vision Link, Inc. — Section 214 Application

   Dear Ms. Salas:

   Enclosed are an original and five (5) copies of Vision Link, Inc.‘s Application for Global Facilities—Based Authority,
   Switched Service Resale and Private Line Resale Authority ("Application") filed pursuant to §214 of the
   Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §214, and §63.18 ofthe Rules of the Federal Communications
   Commission ("FCC"), 47 C.F.R. §63.18.

   Also enclosed is a completed Fee Processing Form, FCC Form 159, and check made payable to the FCC in the
   amount of $815.00 to cover the cost of filing this Application. This filing has been delivered via overnight delivery
   to the Federal Communications Commission c/o the Mellon Bank, Three Mellon Bank Center, 525 William Penn
   Way, 27 Floor, Room 153—2713, Pittsburgh, PA 15259—0001, Attention: wholesale Lockbox Shift Supervisor. A
   separate copy of the Application for the International Bureau is enclosed.

   Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by file—stampingthe additional copy of this letter and returning it in the
   self—addressed postage paid envelope provided for this purpose.

   Questions regarding this filing may be directed to me.

   Miller Isar, Inc.

 Stace ‘A. Kli      an
   Senior Regulatory Consultant

   éc:         Chief, International Facilities Division, International Bureau — Telecommunications
               Mr. Michael A. Cunningham, Vision Link, Inc.

 READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                            Approved by OMB
 BEFORE PROCEEDING                                          ce                                      la‘%        C                                                 3060—0589
     *                                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                              PreeNs.      of
                                     ie                               REMITTANCE ADVICE                                         ;                           Cc
 ) LOCKBOX #3;68 , l f)                                                                                                         SPECIAL USE

                                                                                                                                FCC USE ONLY

                                                               SECTION A — FPAYER INFORMATION
         AYER NAME (if pa mg by credit       card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)                           (3) TOTAL       AMOUNT PAID (U.3. Dollars and cents)
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(21) APPLICANT(FRN)                                                        (22) APPLICANT (TIN)
olgol4 3612919IT |                                                         33DIEEIGSLST
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                                                                      SECTION D — CERTIFICATION
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                                                                                                                                       dcorrect    is to
the best of my knowledge information and belief.                    SIGNATURE                                                    DATE

                                                     SECTION E — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
 31                                MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                                        EXPIRATION

 ) maseas                           LLILLII t m l 13                                                                                                         J3 §
 I:I             _   I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD for the service(s)/authorization herein described.
                     SIGNATURE                                                                                          DATE

                                             SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                                           FCC FORM 159             FEBRUARY 2000 (REVISED)

                                    BEFORE THE
                                      WASHINGTON, D.C.

In the Matter of                                    )
Vision Link, Inc.                                   )
Application Pursua          Section 214 of the      )
Communications A.         1934, as amended, for     ) File No.
Global Authority          Acquire and Operate       )
Facilities of Autho        U.S. Carriers and to     )
Resell Switched a         ivate—line Services of    )
Authorized U.S. C;        ; for the Provision of )
International    Serv      to   all   Permissible   )
International Points                                )

                          CATION FOR SECTION 214 CERTIFICATION

       Vision Link          ("Applicant"‘ or "Vision Link"), pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Ac         934, as amended, ("the Act"), 47 U.S.C. § 214 and § 63.18 et seq. of

the.rules and regula      of the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission"), hereby

requests authority t«     1ire and/or operate facilities of other U.S. common carriers and non—

common carriers pi        sly and subsequently authorized by the Commission, including any

necessary foreign connecting facilities, for the purpose of providing telecommunications services

between the United States and all foreign points permitted by the Commission. Applicant further

requests authority to resell the international switched services and private—line services of

authorized U.S. common carriers for the provision of international service to all permissible

international points deemed by the Commission to afford equivalent resale opportunities to U.S.

carriers. Applicant will operate the facilities it acquires and resells only in accordance with the

Commission‘s rules and regulations applicable thereto, particularly §§ 63.18(e)(1) and (2).

       Pursuant to § 63.18 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, Applicant

submits the following information in support ofits Application for authority:

       1.                     §63.18(a).      The name, address, telephone number and

                              facsimile number of the Applicant are:

                              Vision Link, Inc.
                              11432 South Street, S—102
                              Cerritos, California 90703

                              Telephone:     562.243.7018
                              Facsimile:     714.521.9177

       2:      § 63.18(b).    The Applicant was organized under the laws of the State of

              California on November 12, 1999.

              63.18(c).       Correspondence concerning this Application should be

              addressed to:

                              Andrew O. Isar
                              Miller Isar, Inc.
                              3220 Uddenberg Lane, Suite 4
                              Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

                              Telephone:     253.851.6700
                              Facsimile:     253.851.6474


                              Michael A. Cunningham
                              Vision Link, Inc.
                              11432 South Street, S—102
                              Cerritos, California 90703

                              Telephone:     562.243.7018
                              Facsimile:     714.521.9177

      4,     § 63.18(d).    The Applicant has not previously received authority under

             Section 214 of the Act.

      5.     § 63.18(e)(1) through (5).      Applicant requests authority to operate as a

             facilities—based international carrier, pursuant to Section 214 of the Act

             and the Commission‘s Foreign Carrier Entry Order‘.           The Applicant

             would acquire and operate international facilities for the provision of

             international switched service to those countries found by the Commission

             to provide equivalent opportunities to obtain facilities.    It will operate

             those facilities in accordance with the terms and conditions of §§

             63.18(e)(1) and 63.21 of the Commuission‘s rules, as well as any other

             applicable rules and regulations of the Commission. Applicant further

             requests authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Act to resell the

             international switched and private—line services of authorized U.S.

             common carriers for the provision of international switched and basic

             private—line services to all permissible international points deemed by the

             Commission to afford equivalent resale opportunities to U.S. carriers.

      6.     § 63.18(f) and (k).       This Application is subject to thé Commission‘s

             streamlined processing rules.     The Applicant is a non—dominant carrier

             which qualifies for non—dominant regulation pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §

             63.12, as it is not affiliated with a foreign carrier within the meaning of §

             63.18(h)(1)(i) in a destination market for its facilities—based or resold

      t      In the Matter of Market Entry and Regulation of Foreign—Affiliated
Entities ("Report and Order"), IB Docket No. 95—22, FCC 95—475, 11 FCC Red. 3873

        services as set forth below. Furthermore, Applicant is not affiliated with

        any U.S. carriers whose facilities—based services it proposes to resell.

        § 63.18(g).      Not applicable.

        63.18(h)(1)and(3).              By its executed certification attached hereto,

        Applicant certifies that it has no affiliation with foreign carriers, as defined

        in §§ 63.18(h)(1)(i) and (ii) of the Commission‘s Rules nor any affiliation

        with any U.S. carriers whose facilities—based services it proposes to resell.

      _ § 63.18(D(Q2).              Applicant‘s ownership is as follows:

               Name:                Michael A. Cunningham
               Address:             Vision Link, Inc.
                                    11432 South Street, S—102
                                    Cerritos, California 90703

                                    Telephone:     562.243.7018
                                    Facsimile:     714.521.9177

               Ownership:           Full (100%)

                (a citizen of the United States)

10.     §63.18(i).       By its executed certification attached hereto, Applicant

        certifies that it has not accepted, nor will it agree to accept, special

        concessions      directly     or indirectly     from   any   foreign   carrier or

        administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows between the U.S.

        and any foreign country that Applicant may serve under the authority

        granted pursuant to this Application.

11.   § 63.18(J).    Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001 through 1.2003, by its

      executed certification attached hereto, Applicant certifies that no party to

      the Application is subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section

      5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act on 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853a.

12.   Applicant will comply with the accuracy requirements of this section if

      authorized to provide international communications service.

13.   As demonstrated herein, Applicant is legally and technically qualified to

      provide the services for which it requests authority. For the reasons stated

      above, Applicant submits that the public interest, convenience and

      necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Section 214 Application.

        WHEREFORE, Vision Link, Inc. respectfully reciuests that the Commission issue

the requested Sect.on 214 autho izition for the purpose of providing global facilities—

based telecommunications services ard resold international switched and private—line

services of authorized U.S. comnior cerriers for the provision of international service to

all permissible international points d:semed by the Commission to afford equivalent resale

opportunities to U.S. carriers.

       Respectfully submitted, this Z3_    day of Avril 2001

                                     Vision Link, Inc. _

                                          %' r ue
                                     By:     /cé,%é
                                     Michael A. Curm.égham
                                     Vision Link, Inc.          ______   _
                                     11432 South Street, $=102
                                     Cerritos, California 9

                                     Telephone:     562.243.7018
                                     Facsimile:     714.521.9177

Miller Isar, Inc.
3220 Uddenberg Lane, Suite 4
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

Telephone:     253.851.6700
Facsimile:     253.851.6474

Applicant‘s Regulatory Consultants

                                   CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

           I hereb; certify that the statements in the foregoing Application for S ctior 214

  autt or‘ty are tr1e, complete sind correct to the best of my knowledge, nfort atior and

  teli»f and are riade in good faith. I hereby certify that Vision Link, Inc. ""Vis on L ik")

  is not affiliatec with any forsign carrier and is not affiliated with any facil ties—l ised

  carrer whose ssrvices Vision Link intends to resell. I hereby certify tiat V sion _ink

  will not accep special concessions directly or indirectly from any fceign carri : or

  administration > vith respect to traffic or revenue flows between the U.S. ind & iy fo: :sign

  country which Vision Link may serve under th: authority granted under his port. 1 also

  hsreby certify that no party to the forsgoing Application is subject to c snial of fe eral

  benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act on 1988, 2. U.S; 3. § 4 38.

           Dated this Z¢ day of April 200 1.

                                           Vision Link, Inc.

                                           Michael A. Cunmn  am ’
                                           Vision Link, Inc.
                                           11432 South Street, S
         X3SEPHINE R. NARCISO              Cerritos, California 90703
        Commission # 1205230

       Notary Public — Califomia
ns        Los Angelss County               Telephone:     562.243.7018
  _   My Comm.Epires Dec 18. 2002          Facsimile:     714.521.9177

  Subscribed and sworn to before me this @3         day of April 2001

      Q@4z Pphone _R _Ol@rwten
  Prinféd Name:_Goce pre L. NMapi€ O
  Notary Public in and for the State of California
  Residing atée?2 C L. . Fomp NA &cp2. A MBE k.                           2—" T=—€= 7
  My commission expires:_PecemBéBZL /£, 20 0 .2

Document Created: 2019-04-23 07:01:28
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 07:01:28

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