Attachment 20161201162727-423.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010423-00250 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                                     UNITED STATES CF AN ERICA
Atig®                           FEDERAL COMMUNICAT :ONS CONM MISSION          s

                                                                  S reamli r1ed              ITC—2 |4—20010423—00250
     IN THE MATTE i OF:                                           E JROPE TELECOM G :OUP, NC.

     TO PROVIDE S\VITCHLESS VOICE S ERVICES,                          )
     AS AN INTERN.ATIONAL RESELLEE                                    )

                                                  APPLICAT [ON
               NOW CO UES, Europe Telecom Group, Inc. ("Ap »licar t"), b:, and hrou; th its

     representative, Telecom Certification & . "iling, Inc., pursu ant to § 214 of th: Con imunications

     Act of 1934, as ar iended, 47 U.S.C. § 214 (1982), and Section €3.18 of the Comiaission‘s Rules,

     47 C.F.R. § 63.18, makes this Applicatic 1 to the Fec eral ( omm inicaiions Comn ission

     ("Commuission") 1or global international ‘esale authc rity b stwee 1 the IJnite| States and

     international poin s. In support of its Ap »lication, A pplic: nt pre vides the fullowi ag information‘

     as set forth pursu; nt to Section 63.18:

               a.       Applicant‘s legal name, aldress and t :slephone number ofits principal place of

     business:                     .
                               Europe Telecom Group, Inc.
                               6860 Austin Street, Suite 201
                               Forest Hills, NY 11375
                               (718) 785—2267

               b.       Applicant is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York.


             g.   Any questions or correspondence concerning this Application should be sent

directly to Applicant‘s representative:

                         David 0. Klein, COO
                         Telecom Certification & Filing, Inc.
                         485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
                         New York, NY 10022
                         (212) 546—9090

         d.       Applicant has not previously applied for authority under Section 214 of the Act.

         €:       Applicant hereby requests Section 214 authority to operate as a global reseller of

international telecommunications services pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section

63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s rules.

         £.       At this time, Applicant is not applying for any other authority set forth in

paragraph (e) of Section 63.18.

         g.       Applicant is not seeking facilities—based authority under paragraph (e)(4) of

Section 63.18.

         h.       Applicant hereby certifies that it is entirely a domestic company with no foreign


                  (1)    In support of its Application, Applicant represents that the following

shareholders or equity holders have a 10 percent or greater interest in the business:

         Ms. Julia Daskalova
         6723 Kessel Street
         Forest Hills, NY 11375
         Percent Ownership: 100%
         Principal Business: Newspaper Publisher
         Citizen: Bulgaria

00042926;1                                          2

               (2)   Applicant t ereby certifies that it does not have: any iffiliations with ary of the

  U.S. facilities—based carriers wh se services Applicant intends to p ircha se and resel.

           i         Applicant 1 ;v not, nor is affiliated with, a foreign car ier.

           j.        Applicant c¢oes n ot see : to provide international tele comt iunications services to

  any destination country wliere:

                     (1)     Apylicant is a foreigr. carricr in that country or

                     (2)     Apy licant conti ols a foreigi in ‘hat country ; or

                     (3)     Any entit:, that owas more than 25 persent c the . Applicant, cr that

  controls the Applicant, cor1 trols a fore gn carrier in that country; or

                     (4)     Two or more fcreign carriers (or parties that contr ol foreign curriers) owr,

  in the aggregate, more thaii 25 parcen of th: Applicant and are par ies tc, or the ben sficia ies o1

  a contractual relation affec ting the prc visior. or marketing of intern itioni 1 basi:

  telecommunications servic 2s in he Uiited States.

           k.        Applicant i ; not, a0r is affiliated with, a foreign canier.

           1.        Applicant i . not, a0r is affiliated with, a foreign carrier.

           m.        Applicant i. not, nor is affiliated with, a foreign carrier.

               h.    Applicant k as not agreud to accept special concessions diiectly or indirectly from

  any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier

  possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter into such agreements in

~— the future.

  00042926;1                                             3

             o.   Pursuant to §§ 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules implementing

Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, Appliéant hereby certifies that neithef

Applicant nor any party to this Application is subjectto a denial of federal benefits by federal

and/or state courts under authority granted in 21 U.S.C. 853a.

          p.      This Application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to § 63.12 of the

Commission‘s Rules as Applicant is not affiliated with a foreign carrier in any destination


00042926;1                                         4


         Applicant believes that there is significant potential for continued growth in the

international voice market and that this market expansion will be accelerated by additional

competition by new entrants. This position is consistent with the Commussion‘s findings that

increased competition in international markets benefits the public interest. Applicant is legally,

financially and technically qualified to provide the service for which it requests global resale |

authority. For the reasons stated above, Applicant submits that the public interest, convenience

and necessity would be furthered by granting Applicant‘s § 214 Application. The request for

global resale authorization should, therefore, be issued to Applicant for the purpose of providing

resold switchless voice communications from the United States to international points.

Dated: New York, New York
         April 20, 2001

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                      Europe Tetécom    Group, Inc.

                                                                        _/ e
                                                      By:              /%é
                                                      David O. Klein, COO
                                                      Telecom Certification & Filing, Inc.
                                                      485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
                                                      New York, NY 10022—5803
                                                      Tel.: (212) 546—9090

00042926;1                                        5


             I, Julia Daskalova, President of Europe Telecom Group, Inc., being duly sworn, deposes

and says that I have read the foregoing Application and verify that the statements made therein

are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

                                                            B Arakea
                                                            Julia Daskalova

Sworn to before me this
 /J day of g& , {__, 2001

                     ILYA GRANOV
               Notary Public, State of New
                      No. 01GRS009163 _
                  Qualified in New York City zc
             Commission Expires June


Document Created: 2019-04-12 18:23:41
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 18:23:41

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