Attachment 20161201142154-403.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010412-00220 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


 T7        To   LEYfE
14.        L elV iJ

  APR 1 8 20                                      Before the +        FCOMELNON              APRJ 22001
International Bureau                      Washington, D.C. 20554

      In the Matter of                                 )      Streamlined      ITC—214—20010412—00220
                                                       )      WASHINGTON—BALTIMORE CELLULAR LIMITED
           .          s                                           8     HIP
      Washington—Baltimore Cellular                    )      PARTNERS
      Limited Partnership                              )
      Application for Authority, Pursuant to           )
      Section 214 of the Communications Act            )
      of 1934, as Amended, for Global Resale           )
      Authority                                        )

                  Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

      47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Rules of the Federal Cormmunications

      Commission ("Commission"), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2), Washington—Baltimore Cellular

      Limited Partnership ("Applicant‘"‘), on behalf of itself, hereby requests authority to

      provide global international resale services to all international points. Applicant seeks

      streamlined processing for this application pursuant to Section 63.12 of the

      Commuission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.

                  In support of this application, Applicant submits the following information.


                  Applicant is a limited partnership organized under the laws of Virginia.

      Applicant is a subsidiary of Cingular Wireless LLC ("Cingular"), the wireless joint

      venture between SBC Communications Inc. ("SBC") and BellSouth Corporation

      ("BellSouth"). Applicant provides commercial mobile services, and will provide

international resale services to its wireless customers under the requested global resale


       Cingular, Applicant‘s controlling parent, has a number of foreign carrier

affiliations, as defined under Part 63 of the Commiussion‘s Rules, by virtue of SBC‘s and

BellSouth‘s indirect ownership interests in both Cingular and such foreign carriers.‘

Through SBC‘s ownership interests, Cingular is affiliated with carriers in South Africa,

Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Lithuania, Belgium,

France, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Singapore, Spain and Italy.

Through BellSouth‘s ownership interests, Cingular is affiliated with carriers in Argentina,

Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Guatemala, Israel, Nic‘aragua, Panama,

Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.


       Grant of this application will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity

by enabling Applicant to provide its customers with international service through the

resale of the international services of authorized U.S. common carriers. Applicant‘s

provision of international services should benefit consumers by increasing competition,

lowering prices and increasing the service options available to the public. For these

reasons, Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission grarit this Application.

‘ See47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e).


        Applicant provides the following information in compliance with subsections (a)

 through (p) of Section 63.18 of the Commiuission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(a)—(p), and

 in support of Applicant‘s request.

       (a)        The name, address and telephone number of Applicant are:

                  Washington—Baltimore Cellular Limited Partnership
                  Susan Winzeler
                  17330 Preston Road, Suite 100A
                  Dallas, TX 75252 _ .
                  (972) 733—6103 (voice)
                  (972) 733—7029 (facsimile)

       (b)        Applicant is a Virginia limited partnership.

       (c)        The name, title, address and telephone number of each officer and other

 contact person to whom correspondence concerning this applicationis to be addressed

 is as follows:

                  Carol Tacker
                  Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary
                  5565 Glenridge Connector, Twelfth Floor
                  Atlanta, GA 30342
                  (404) 236—6030 (voice)
                  (404) 236—6035 (facsimile)

 with a copy to:                 =
               Susan Winzeler
               17330 Preston Road, Suite 100A
               Dallas, TX 75252
               (972) 733—6103 (voice)
               (972) 733—7029 (facsimile)

                  Philip Horton
                  Armmold & Porter
                  555 12th Street, N.W.
                  Washington, DC 20004
                  (202) 942—5787 (voice)
                  (202) 942—5999 (facsimile)

       (d)     Applicant has not previously received authority under Section 214 of the

Communications Act, as amended, to provide international telecommunications services.

       (e)     Applicant is applying for global resale authority under Section 63.18(e)(2)

of the Commission‘s Rules. Applicant requests Section 214 authority to operate as a

resale carrier pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) and certifies that it will comply with the

terms and conditions contained in Sections 63.21 and 63.23 of the Commission‘s Rules.

       (P      No responserequired.

       (g)     Not applicable.

       (h)     Applicant is 87.16 percent owned by Cingular, a Qelaware limited liability

company whose business consists primarily of the provision of wireless services in the

United States. Cingular is a joint venture between SBC and BellSouth. SBC owns

approximately 60 percent of the LLC units of Cingular, and BellSouth owns

approximately 40 percent of the LLC units of Cingular. SBC is a corporation organized

under the laws of the State of Delaware. SBC‘s affiliates provide wireline and wireless

voice and data communications, paging, high—speed Internet access and messaging, cable

and satellite television, security services and telecommunications equipment, as well as

directory advertising and publishing services. No entity or personbeneficially owns

more than 10 percent of SBC. BellSouth is a corporation organized under the laws of the

State of Georgia. BellSouth is a holding company providing telecommunications

services, systems and products. No entity or person beneficially owns more than 10

percent of BellSouth.

       Applicant is 12.84 percent owned by French American Cellular Investment

Corporation ("FACIC"), a U.S. corporation. FACIC is a cellular investment company.

FACIC is 100 percent owned by Vivendi Universal S.A., a French communications


           Applicant hereby certifies that it has no interlocking directorates with a foreign


           The addresses of SBC, BellSouth, FACIC and Vivendi Universal S.A. are as


           SBC Communications Inc.
           175 East Houston Street
           San Antonio, TX 78205 _ _                                    1

           BellSouth Corporation
           1155 Peachtree St., N.E., Suite 1700
           Atlanta, GA 30309

           French American Cellular Investment Company and Vivendi Universal S.A.
           42, Avenue de Friedland
           75008 Paris, France

           (i)      Applicant hereby certifies that it is affiliated, as that term is defined in

Section 63.09(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e), by virtue of the

ownership interests of SBC or its other subsidiaries, with the following foreign carriers:

                 1. Telkom South Affica Ltd. ("Telkom S.A¢.") (South Affica). A consortium
                 formed between Telekom Malaysia Berhad and SBC owns 30 percent of
                 Telkom S.A. SBC owns 60 percentof the consortium. Before the acquisition
                 by this consortium, Telkom S.A. was a completely state—owned company.
                 South Africa is a Member of the World Trade Organization. Telkom S.A. is
                 the incumbent telecommunications carrier in South Africa.

                 2. diAx Holding AG ("diAx") (Switzerland). SBC, through a joint venture,
                 owns an indirect 40 percent interest in diAx, a relatively new, full—service
                 Swiss telecommunications carrier, with far less than 50 percent market share
                 in the international transport and local access markets in Switzerland.
                 Switzerland is a Member of the World Trade Organization. In the
                 Commission decision approving the merger of SBC and Ameritech

              Corporation ("Ameritech")," the Commission determined that diAx lacks
              market power in Switzerland, and that SBC and its subsidiaries are entitled to
              non—dominant carrier treatment on the U.S.—Switzerland route. *

              3. Sunrise Communications A.G. ("Sunrise") (Switzerland). Through its
              interest in Tele Danmark, SBC holds an indirect 43.9 percent non—controlling
              interest in Sunrise. Switzerland is a Member of the World Trade
              Organization. Sunrise provides competitive fixed voice, data, and Internet
              services in Switzerland andhas far less than 50 percent market share in the
              international transport and local access markets in Switzerland.

              4. BEN Netherlands B.V. ("BEN Netherlands") (the Netherlands)}. Through
              its interests in Tele Danmark and Belgacom S.A., Ameritech owns an indirect,
              non—controlling interest in BEN Netherland. The Netherlands is a Member of
              the World Trade Organization. BEN Netherland provides GSM 1800 wireless
              services in the Netherlands, and has far less than a 50 percent market share in
              the international transport and local access markets in the Netherlands. In the
              SBC/AmeritechOrder, the Commission held that BEN Netherland does not
              possess market power in the Netherlands, and that SBC subsidiaries are
              entitled to non—dominant regulation on the U.S.—Netherlands route.*

              5..   Tele Danmark A/S ("‘Tele Danmark") (Denmark). Ameritech holds,
              through an indirect subsidiary, a 41.6 percent, defacto controlling interest in
              Tele Danmark. Denmark is a Member of the World Trade Organization. Tele
              Danmark is a full service telecommunications carrier in Denmark authorized
              to provide, among other services, local exchange andinternational
              telecommunications services to the public.

              6. Belgacom S.A. ("‘Belgacom") (Belgium)}. SBC, through its subsidiary
              Ameritech, indirectly has an affiliation with Belgacom." Belgium is a
              Member of the World Trade Organization. Belgacom is the incumbent
              telecommunications carrier in Belgium.

              7. Talkline GmbH ("‘Talkline") (Germany and the Nétherlands). Talkline is
              wholly—owned by Tele Danmark. Consequently, Ameritech holds an indirect

 In re Applications of Ameritech Corp. and SBC Communications Inc., Memorandum
Opinion and Order, 14 FCC Red. 14712 (1999) ("SBC/Ameritech Order"), vacated on
other grounds, Ass‘n of Communications Enters. v. FCC, No. 99—1441, 2001 WL 20519
(D.C. Cir. Jan. 9, 2001).
‘ SBC/Ameritech Order «[ 533.
*Id. [ 537.
° In re Application of Southwestern Bell Communications Servs., Inc., Order,
Authorization and Certificate, 15 FCC Red. 11718        21 (IB, Telecomm. Div 1999).

               controlling interest in Talkline. Talkline is authorized to provide mobile
               communications services in Germany and resold cellular service in the
               Netherlands. Germany and the Netherlands are Members of the World Trade
               Organization. Talkline has far less than a 50 percent market share of the
               international transport and local access markets in Germany and the

               lacks market power in Germany and the Netherlands, and that SBC
               subsidiaries are entitled to regulation as non—dominant carriers along the U.S.—
               Germany and U.S.—Netherlands routes.°

               8. UAB Mobilios Telekomunikacijos ("Bite") (Lithuania). Bite is a wholly—
               owned subsidiary of Tele Danmark. Consequently, Ameritech holds an
               indirect, controlling interest in Bite. Lithuania is a Member of the World
               Trade Organization. Bite is authorized to provide wireless services in
               Lithuania, and has far less than a 50 percent market share in the international
               transport and local access markets in Lithuania. In the SBC/Ameritech Order,
               the Commission held that Bite lacks market power in Lithuania, and that SBC
               subsidiaries are entitled to regulation as non—dominant carriers on the U.S.—
               Lithuania route.‘                                     |

               9. Ameritech Communications International, Inc. ("ACIH") (Canada). ACII
               is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Ameritech. As a consequence,
               SBC holds a controlling interest in ACII. ACII is a foreign carrier, as that
               term is defined in Section 63.09(d). Canadais a Member of the World Trade
               Organization. ACII has a minuscule share of the international transport and
               local access market in Canada. On June 30, 1999, Ameritech
               Communications, Inc. ("ACI") and Ameritech Mobile Communications, Inc.
               ("AMCT") (subsidiaries of SBC)notified the Commussion that: (1) ACII(a
               wholly—owned subsidiary of Ameritech Communications, Inc.) had become a
               foreign carrier in Canada, (2) ACII lacks market power in Canada, and (3)
               ACI and AMCI therefore are entitled to non—dominant treatment along the
               U.S.—Canada route." The Commission apparently agrees that ACII lacks
               market power in Canada because the Commuission has not imposed dominant
               carrier status on ACI and AMCI along the U.S.—Canada route."


‘ Id. [ 538.
8 Ameritech Communications. Inc. Certification of Status of its Affiliate, Ameritech
Communications Int‘l, Inc. as a Foreign Carrier in Canada, FCC File Nos. ITC—96—441,
ITC—96—272, ITC—97—298 (filed June 30, 1999); Ameritech Mobile Communications, Inc.
Certification of Status of its Affiliate, Ameritech Communications Int‘l, Inc. as a Foreign
Carrier in Canada, FCC File No. ITC—96—243 (filed June 30, 1999).

° Foreign Participation Order, 12 FCC Red. 23891 J 161—162 (1997).

10. EITele Ost ("ETO") (Norwav). Tele Danmark owns a 51 percent interest
in ETO, which provides competitive fixed network, broadband and Internet
services in Norway. Norwayis a Member of the World Trade Organization.
ETO currently serves a minuscule share of the Norwegian market.

11. Belgacom France (France}). SBC, through its subsidiary Ameritech,
indirectly has anaffiliation with Belgacom. Through the indirect 34 percent
interest in Belgacom, Ameritech holds an indirect 34 percent interest in
Belgacom France, a wholly owned subsidiary of Belgacom. France is a
Member of the World Trade Organization. Belgacom France provides
competitive fixed voice, data andInternet services in France and has far less
than 50 percent market share in the international transport and local access
markets in France.

12. Contactel, s.r.0. ("‘Contactel") (Czech Republic). Through its interests in
Tele Danmark and Ceske Radiokomunikace ("Ceske") (Tele Danmark holds a
20.8 percent non—controlling interest in Ceske), SBC holds an indirect 60.4
controllinginterest in Contactel, a provider of competitive data and Internet
services in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is a Member of the
World Trade Organization. Contactel lacks 50 percent market share in the
international transport and local access markets in the country. In particular,
Tele Danmark holds directly a 50 percent joint controlling interest in
Contactel. Ceske holds the other 50 percent joint controlling interest in
Contactel. With Tele Danmark‘s 20.8 percent non—controlling equity interest
in Contactel, Tele Danmark has an additional indirect 10.4 percent equity
interest in Contactel, for a combined 60.4 percent joint controlling interest in

13. Belgacom U.K. Limited ("Belgacom U.K.") (United Kingdom}. Through
its interest in Belgacom, SBC holds an indirect 34 percent interest in
Belgacom U.K. The U.K. is a Member of the World Trade Organization.
Belgacom U.K. offers competitive telecommunications services in the United
Kingdom and has far less than 50 percent market share in the international
transport and local access markets in the country.    *

14. Belgacom Deutschland GmbH ("BDG") (Germany). Through its interest
in Belgacom, SBC holds an indirect 34 percent interest in BDG. Germany is a
Member of the World Trade Organization. BDG offers competitive
telecommunications services in Germany and has far less than 50 percent
market share in the international transport and local access markets in the

15. Belgacom Nederland B.V. ("BN") (the Netherlands). Through its interest
in Belgacom, SBC holds an indirect 34 percent interest in BN. The
Netherlands is a Member of the World Trade Organization. BN offers
competitive telecommunications services in the Netherlands and has far less

than 50 percent market share in the international transport and local access
markets in the country.

16. Belgacom S.A. ("Belgacom") (Switzerland). SBC, through its subsidiary
Ameritech, indirectly has an affiliation with Belgacom. On February 28,
2001, Belgacom filed a request for operational authority in Switzerland, from
the Swiss Office Federal de la Communication ("OFCOM"‘); that request was
granted March 5, 2001. Under this authorization, Belgacomwill provide
wholesale international voice services and retail data transmissionservices.
Belgacom plans to create a separate Swiss subsidiary, based in Zurich, to
which Belgacom will transfer the authorization. Switzerland is a Member of
the World Trade Organization. Belgacom is a new market entrant in
Switzerland and does not have, and is not affiliated with any carrier that has,
market power in the country.

17. Belgacom Portugal S.A. ("Belgacom Portugal") (Portugal). On November
24, 2000, Belgacom created a Portuguese subsidiary, Belgacom Portugal S.A.,
which is headquartered in Lisbon. Belgacom Portugal is wholly owned
(minus four individual shares) by Belgacom. Through its interest in
Belgacom, SBC holds an indirect 34 percent interest in Belgacom Portugal.
On January 12, 2001, BelgacomPortugal filed a request with the Portuguese
Institute of Communications ("ICP") seeking a license to transport
international voice traffic. That application remains pending. On January 12,
2001, Belgacom Portugal also filed a declaration to provide data services,
which is the only requirement for providing such services in Portugal.
Belgacom Portugal thus is, or will be, considered a foreign carrier under the
Commission‘s rules. Portugal is a member of the World Trade Organization.
Belgacom Portugal is a new market entrant in Portugal and does not have, and
is not affiliated with any carrier that has, market power in the country.

18. Belgacom Asia Pte Ltd. ("BAPL") (Singapore). Belgacom formed a
wholly owned subsidiary, Belgacom Asia Pte Ltd. ("BAPL") on September 1,
2000. Through its interest in Belgacom, SBC holds an indirect 34 percent
interest in BAPL. BAPL is incorporated under Singapore law. On February
14, 2001, the company filed an application for a "facility—based operator"
license. That license was granted on March 16, 2001, by Singapore‘s
Infocomm Development Authority ("IDA"), and BAPL is in the process of
establishing a point of presence in Singapore. BAPL intends to offer two
services: (1) transport of international voice traffic between operators, and (2)
data transmission services. Singapore is a Member of the World Trade
Organization. BAPL is a new market entrant in Singapore and does not have,
and is not affiliated with any carrier that has, market power in the country.

19. Belgacom S.A. ("Belgacom") (Spain). SBC, through its subsidiary
Ameritech, indirectly has an affiliation with Belgacom. Belgacom has
established a point of presence in Spain, where it intends to establish a

            separate, wholly owned subsidiary to offer selected services, including the
            transport of international voice traffic on wholesale basis, and the provision of
            data services. Belgacom commenced business activities on November 2,
            2000, the date it received regulatory approval in Spain for the provision of
            data transmission services.‘" Moreover, Belgacom was informed by Spanish
            regulatory authorities that it did not require a specific authorizationto
            transport international voice traffic on a wholesale basis and could begin
            doing so immediately."‘ Spain is a Member of the World Trade Organization.
            Belgacom is a newmarket entrant in Spain and does not have, and is not
            affiliated with any carrier that has, market power in the country.

            20. Belgacom S.A. ("Belgacom") (Italy). SBC, through its subsidiary
            Ameritech, indirectly has an affiliation with Belgacom. Belgacom has
            established a point of presence in Italy, where it plans to establish a separate,
            wholly owned subsidiaryto offer selected services, including the transport of
            international voice traffic on wholesale basis, and the provision of data
            services. On January 29, 2001, Belgacomfiled with Italian regulatory
            authorities two documents: (1) an application for a license to operate as a
            wholesale "carrier‘s carrier," and (2) a declaration thatit will provide retail
            data transmission services in Italy. Italy is a Member of the World Trade
            Organization. Belgacom is a new market entrant in Italy and does not have,
            and is not affiliated with any carrier that has, market power in the country.

        In addition, Applicant hereby certifies that it is affiliated, as that term is definedin

Section 63.09(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e), by virtue of the

ownership interests of BellSouth or its other subsidiaries, with the following foreign


            1. Abiatar, S.A. (Uruguay). BellSouth indirectly holds a 46 percent interest in
            Abiatar, S.A., which provides mobile wireless services in the capital of
            Montevideo and the coastal region in the country. Uruguay is a Member of
            the World Trade Organization. Abiatar, S.A. has far less than a 50 percent
            market share in the international transport and local access markets in the

 Belgacom received a "General Authorization Type C" to offer data services in Spain.
‘ Belgacom has a fiscal identification number and is legally domiciled in Spain in its
own name.


2. BCP. S.A. and BSE, S.A. (Brazil). BellSouth indirectly holds a 44.5
percent interest in BCP, which provides mobile wireless service in Sao Paolo.
BellSouth indirectly holds a 46.8 percent interest in BSE, S.A., which
provides mobile wireless services in a six—state region in northeastern Brazil.
Brazil is a Member of the World Trade Organization. Each entity has far less
than a 50 percent market share in the international transport and local access
markets in the country.

3. BellSouth Chile S.A. and BellSouth Comunicaciones S.A. (Chile).
BellSouth indirectly holds a 100 percent interest in eachofthese entities that
provide long distance and mobile wireless services in the country,
respectively. Chile is a Member of the World Trade Organization. Each
entity has far less than a 50 percent market share in the international transport
and local access markets in the country.

4. BSC de Panama, S.A. (Panama). BellSouth indirectly holds a 43.7 percent
interest in BSC de Panama, S.A., which provides mobile wireless services in
the country. Panama is a Member of the World Trade Organization. BSC de
Panama, S.A. has far less than a 50 percent market share in the international
transport and local access markets in the country.

5. CellCom Israel Ltd. (Israel). BellSouth indirectly holds a 34.75 percent
interest in CellCom Israel Ltd., which provides mobile wireless services in the
country. Israel is a Member of the World Trade Organization. CellCom Israel
Ltd. has far less than a 50 percent market share in the international transport
and local access markets in the country.

6. Compania de Radiocomunicaciones Moviles S.A. ("Movicom") (Argentina).
BellSouth indirectly holds a 65 percent ownership interest in Movicom, which
provides primarily mobile wireless services in Argentina, but in 1999 received
authority to provide local and long distance services in the country. Argentina
is a Member of the World Trade Organization. Movicom has far less than a 50
percent market share in the international transport and local access markets in
the country.              =

7. Dansk MobilTelefon I/S d/b/a SONOFON (Denmark).. BellSouth indirectly
holds a 46.5 percent ownership interest in SONOFON, which provides mobile
wireless services in the country. Denmark is a Member of the World Trade
Organization. SONOFON has far less than a 50 percent market share in the
international transport and local access markets in the country.

8. Otecel S.A. (Ecuador). BellSouth holds an 89.4 percent indirect ownership
interest in Otecel S.A., which provides mobile wireless services in the country.
Ecuador is a Member of the World Trade Organization. Otecel S.A. has far
less than a 50 percent market share in the international transport and local
access markets in the country.


     9. Telcel, C.A. (Venezuela). BellSouth holds a 78 percent indirect ownership
     interest in Telcel, C.A., which provides mobile wireless services in the country.
     Venezuela is a Member of the World Trade Organization. Telcel, C.A. has far
     less than a 50 percent market share in the international transport and local
     access markets in the country.

     10. Telefonia Celular de Nicaragua, S.A. ("Telefonia CN") (Nicaragua).
     BellSouth holds an 89 percent indirect ownership interest in Telefonia CN,
     which provides mobile wireless services in the country. Nicaragua is a
     Member of the World Trade Organization. Telefonia CNhas far less than a 50
     percent market sharein the international transport and local access markets in
     the country.

     11. BellSouth Peru, S.A. (Peru). BellSouth holds a 97percent indirect
     ownership interest in BellSouth Peru, S.A., which provides mobile wireless
     services in the country. Peru is a Member of the World Trade Organization.
     BellSouth Peru, S.A. has far less than a 50 percent market share in the
     international transport and local access markets in the country.

     12. BellSouth Guatemala y Compania S.C.A. (Guatemala). BellSouth holds a
     60 percent indirect interest in BellSouth Guatemala y Compania, S.C.A., which
     provides mobile wireless service in the country. It is authorized to provide
     other domestic and international services in the country, but will initially
     provide only mobile wireless services. Guatemala is a Member of the World
     Trade Organization. BellSouth Guatemala y Compania, S.C.A. has no market
     share in the international transport and local markets in the country.

     13. Celumovil S.A. ("Celumovil") and Compania Celular de Colombia
     Cocelco S.A. ("Coceleo") (Colombia). BellSouth holds an indirect 66 percent
     interest in Celumovil and Celumovil‘s 100 percent interest in Cocelco.
     Celumovil and Cocelco are authorized to provide cellular wireless
     telecommunications and other telecommunications services in Colombia.
     Celumovil provides cellular service in the Eastern and—Atlantic regions of the
     country and Cocelco provides cellular service in the Western region of the
     country. Colombia is a Member of the World Trade Organization. Each entity
     has far less than a 50 percent market share in the international transport and
     local access markets in the country.

Applicant hereby certifies that it is not a foreign carrier in any country.

0)       Pursuant to Section 63.18(j) of the Commuission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R.

§ 63.18(j), Applicant hereby certifies that it does not seek to provide international

telecommunications services to any destination country in which Applicant is a foreign

carrier or controls a foreign carrier.

        Applicant further certifies that it seeks to serve certain destination countries in

which SBC and BellSouth, entities that own greater than 25 percent of Cingular,

Applicant‘s controlling parent, control foreign carriers. These destination countries and

foreign carriers are:

        1.      Denmark (Tele Danmark);

        2.      Germany (Talkline);

                Netherlands (Talkline);

                Lithuania (Bite);

                Canada (ACIT);

                Norway (ETO);

                Czech Republic (Contactel);

                Chile (BellSouth Chile S.A. and BellSouth Comunicaciones S.A.);

                Argentina (Movicom);

        10.     Ecuador (Otecel, S.A.);

        11.     Venezuela (Telcel, EZ.A.);

        12.     Nicaragua (Telefonia CN);

        13.     Peru (BellSouth Peru, S.A.); .

        14.     Guatemala (BellSouth Guatemala y Compania S.C.A.); and

        15.     Colorfibia (Celumovil and Cocelco).


       (k)     Pursuant to Section 63.18(k) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R.

§ 63.18(k), Applicant hereby certifies that each of the destination countries listed in

subsection (j) of this application is a Member of the World Trade Organization. In

addition, eachof the affiliated foreign carriers in these destination countries lack market

power in the namedforeign country, except Denmark.

       (1)     Applicant proposes to resell the international switched services of

unaffiliated U.S. carriers for the purpose of providing global international

communications services. In South Africa, Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands,

Denmark, Germany, Canada, Lithuania, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, the

Czech Republic, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,

Ecuador, Guatemala, Israel, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela,

Applicant has a foreign affiliation as defined by Section 63.09(e) of the Commussion‘s

Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e). Pursuant to Section 63.18(/) of those Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§ 63.18(/), Applicant provides the following information with respect to the foreign

carriers with which it has an affiliation and as to which it either satisfies Section

63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(3), or will file the quarterly

traffic reports required by Section 43.61(c) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§ 43.61(c).                          —                              |

       On all international routes, Applicant will provide service solely via resale of the

international switched services of an unaffiliated U.S. carrier. Since all of Applicant‘s

foreign affiliated carriers, except Telkom S.A., Tele Danmark, and Belgacom, lack 50

percent market share in the international transport and the local access markets on the

foreign end of the route, Applicant satisfies Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Rules and is


presumptively non—domuinant for all international routes covered by this application, other

than those to South Africa, Denmark, and Belgium. With respect to those three

countries, Applicant will file the quarterly traffic reports required by Section 43.61(c) of

the Rules.

       (m)       Pursuant to Section 63.18(m) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

 § 63.18(m), and in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 63.10 of those

Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.10, Applicant hereby requests that it be treated as non—dominant

 for the provision of the international communications services to South Africa,

 Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Lithuania,

Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Singapore, Spain,

 Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Israel, Nicaragua,

Panama, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The Commission has already determined that

Cingular is entitled to non—dominant treatment on all international routes * and

Applicant has no foreign carrier affiliations of its own which would alter this


       In addition, because Applicant will provide service solely via resale of the

international switched services of an unaffiliated U.S. carrier on all its international

routes, Applicant will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(4) of the Rules and is presumptively non—

dominant for all international routes covered by this application. Finally, because all of

* See In re Applications of SBC Communications Inc. and BellSouth Corp., WT
Docket No. 00—81, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 00—2223 [« 37—45 (WTB/IB
rel. Sept. 29, 2000) (Pacific Telesis Mobile Systems, a Cingular—controlled licensee, did
accept dominant carrier regulatory treatment only with respect to the minimal amount of
roaming traffic carried by affiliated foreign carriers on routes between the United States
and Denmark, South Africa, Belgium, and Hungary).


 Applicant‘s foreign affiliated carriers, except Telkom S.A., Tele Danmark, and

 Belgacom, lack 50 percent market        : in the international transport and the local

 access markets on the foreign end       : route, Applicant will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(3)

 of the Rules and is presumptively       ominant for all international routes covered by

 this application, other than those t!   th Africa, Denmark, and Belgium.

        (n)     Applicant hereby ce       that it has not agreed to accept special

concessions directly or indirectly ft    1y foreign carrier with respect to any U.S.

international route where the foreig     1er possesses market power on the foreign end

of the route and will not enterinto      igreements in the future.

        (0)     Applicant is not sub     ) a denial of Federal benéfits pursuant to Section

5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act c        8. Attached hereto is Applicant‘s certification,

pursuant to Sections 1.2001 throug!      103 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§§ 1.2001—1.2003, (implementing t         ti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862), of


        (P)     Applicant requests s      lined processing of this application. This

application qualifies for streamline:    ‘essing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the

Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 6        , because, although Applicant is affiliated with

foreign carriers within the meaning of Section 63.09(e), 47 CER § 63.09(e), in South

Africa, Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Canada, Lithuania, Germany,

Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Singapore, Spain,

Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Israel, Nicaragua,

Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, these affiliated destination markets are World

Trade Organization member countries, and Applicant qualifies for a presumption of non—


dominance under Section 63.10(a)(4) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§ 63.10(a)(4), as the international service which is the subject of this application would

be provided solely through the resale of an unaffiliated U.S. facilities—based carrier‘s

international switched services (either directly or indirectly through resale of another U.S.

resale carrier‘s international switched services).""

 Moreover, foreign carriers in the following countries are mobile wireless carriers: The
Netherlands, Denmark (Dansk MobilTelefon), Germany, Lithuania, Uruguay, Brazil.
Chile, Panama, Israel, Argentina, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Peru, Guatemala, and
Colombia. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(1)(iii). In addition, applicants with the same
controlling ownership as Applicant have already obtained the authority requested herein.
See supra n. 12.


        In view of the foregoing, Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission

grant this application.

               Respectfully submitted,


               o    Carol L. Tacker _
                    Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary of the General Partner

DATE:      April 9, 2001


                      CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
            SECTIONS 1.2001—1.2003 OF THE COMMISSION®S RULES

        Pursuant to Sections 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§§ 1.2001—1.2003, Washington—Baltimore Cellular Limited Partnership hereby certifies

that neither it, nor any of its officers or directors, nor any of the shareholders holding 5

percent or more of the outstanding stock or shares (voting and/o1 non—voting) of

Washington—Baltimore Cellular Limited Partnership is subject to a denial of federal

benefits that include FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Federal Anti—C rug

Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.


                    Carol L. Tacker
                    Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary of the Generil Partner

DATE:       april 9, 2001


Document Created: 2019-04-19 12:07:57
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 12:07:57

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