Attachment 20161129155350-410.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010411-00183 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                    e\)                                                            Streamlined       ITC—214—20010411—00183
               \q                                                                  PRICE COUNTY INFORMATION SYSTEMS, InC.
?\(cc’              {| o8\
       p‘?q‘    gs020                              Bei »re the
            y \30‘    FEDE                     SOr UN CATIONS C umissi N

         ~<e\<a\\0“                         W: chi gtcri, D.C. 20 54
         \(\\G‘ j                                                                                        3R       ‘\ $   N\

In t ie Natter                 f

PRIC | CC JNTYZ I FORMAT                   ON    3YS   EM ,            ] IC.             . ile    No

Appl .cation fo                    Authc    it    tc
Rese .1 Iaterna ional  wi                        che   .
Tele :ommunizat ons Se vi                        >

                                   2 ‘PL CA ON FOL                       STREA) LI)Y :
                              NTERNZ ‘IO AL EC IOl                       214 A THC {IZ IIC i

         Price           Co nty        I   for iat on            Sy tems,            Inc          ‘Proce          Co nt:‘           cr

"Ap; icant")                r quests       au ior          za ior          purs int        to     Sec :io             2. 1 c       tle

Comnmn nications Act ar i1 S ct. m                               13.     8 of t ie         ljom iss          on s I ile ,           io

rese     l1    the       sw tched          int   rn    cicaial           telec immuaic            cic is          ser ices          ¢f

othe :        common         ¢ irrier,      be :we n              he     Jnited      St tes           ar .    i te: riat oni l

poir     Ss.         sese     17     U.S C.      §         14     (1 88) ;           ite ma       ior il_         jec io           2: 4

Stre mlining O der,                    6     M i.          eg     15     724,        J11 i8       L9 )            cor [fi d @t

47 C     F.R.        € 63 18) .

         Price           Corvity      re ue      :s    autuor zatior                  tc    of    ra e            S        r   sale

carr er             pursui t         to    Se :ic               63.1     (e) (2)      o:      t   s      ules.             T less

form l1ly orpos d,                   the pri ser            appli :ation             jue .if      ss     jor st: sar ined

treacment             undezs        Section       65.12           of      the      .ul     s.     So          I   te: iat      onal

Section            214    Streamlining            Order,           supra        at     15,728           (codified             at    47

C.F.R.         §§ 63.12).

         Price County‘s proposed reséle of telecommunications                                                            services

will          serve          the     public           interest             by        increasing               international

telecommunications                        competition.                     Price       County            will            purchase

switched             telecommunications                     services            at     volume           discounts,                 and


resell   the    se: vices                 to     its   customers          at    rates        compa: able       to       those

charged by otk :r international                            carriers.

      Grant         of     th.              irpp ication             11    serve        ce      puk lc        intevest,

convsnience          a d     :        cesuicy.             In        sippo:t      the :eof,           ‘he     fo..l >ing

info:matiot          Do3              onictcsd           parsi       it   t>      Sec     ion         (3.1f     cf        the



   a) Namne,    adcces:                   armc     eleptone          uibs:     ¢<f th         Appli ant ire:

                ric s Co              aty Iiformitic                 Sistems,         In :.
                05       lori             Avin Avene         (       0.   3x 108)
                hi. .ip:                  Wi:sconsin 545             —)1130
                el: whor              _     (°10))     33¢(—21
                ac: mi.                     {(° 1 :)   33f—45

  b) Ths> A; pli :ant is e                        orporation orjenized                   nder t e laws o i:

                jJs¢ msin

   C) Corre: por lence                    conc »rning the ap;l catior                        shoul:     be    addrss sed

                ohr       G. Mess,   ‘reasurer
               ric       : County I iformation Systems, In
                05       lTorth Avon Avenue (P.0O. Box 108)
               ‘hil      .ips, Wisconsin 54555—0108
               ‘ele      shone: (71)) 339—2151
                ac:      mile: (71)) 339—4512

            with c pies to legal counsel:

               sericd J. Duffy
               Blocston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast
               2120 L Street, N.W., Suite 300
               Washington, D.C. 20037
               Telephone: (202) 659—0830
               Facsimile: (202)  8§28—5568

  d) Price          County            has        not     previously             received         authority              under

      Section        214         of        the     Communications              Act,     47     U.S.C.       214.        wWith

      the      grant         of             this       application,             Price         County         will        have

      international                       resale       authority          under         Section         214        of     the

     Communications Act.


   e) Priccs County            is requesting                    authority                    nder Sect      on 214            of the

       Corminicatic s                   ct,        47    U.i .C.          §    214,          to   operat «       a       a    re ale

       carrler      pur uar :                 to        ths     terms              and       cc ditior :             >        ec ion

       63.13(2) (2)            f : ie Commiss on‘s Rules.

                                    (    _E ROT I F I C A T I C N


       Price   County          ce tifies                 thet        it       is   not       a    loreig:        cicri r,           and

that it does not           ave           an affiliition with a y                                  jre gn car zcie

       Price   Count;,         ce tifies                 thit        it       does           ot   have     . 1    i ffi       ia ion

with   any of the l            S.       carriers whose                    facili ie               —based in asrr ti. nal

services it      jropo ss               :.o   cesell.

       The nane,     ac ire s,                citizenship                 and pri nc pal                 bi inss              of    the

only entity with           i    t n           jercent            10%)          or g:catr             inteces :           i     P: ice

Courty is:

Name /Addre:is                                                )w ne            Citi sn            ‘rincip il_ us:i ies
Price County Tele; 1or + Company 1(C0%                                              WI            socal     xcl ing
105 North lvn Av< ue                                                               Cor .           servi    3
Phillips, VWI 5455

       In   turn,     the               ames,           addresses,                 cit .ze ship              nd      princ pal

businesses     of    the        only           entities               owning             a    ten    percent             (10%)      or

greater interest in Price County Telephone Company                                                     ("PCTC" )             are:

Name/Address                                                  Oowned           Citizen Principal Business
Robert and Ruth Mess                                            12 %           U.S.A.   Telecommunications
105 North Avon Avenue
Phillips, WI 54555

James Taylor                                                   21%             U.S.A.             Telecommunications
105 North Avon Avenue
Phillips, WI 54555

           Price Cc un                         will main: ailr                se      chat     ‘e books of accov it                          FOI

PCTC,        its       af il1l                 »cal       exche ige           ca i ‘;                (2)     will           not     oi

own        transmisiiic                        itching          f:            Li               ith P( °C;              and        ( )

take        any    tarif                       rices          fror            y       U        uant          o        the    te: us

conditions of               P                  nerally ar                     ab               ¥iff.

           Price        Cour                       be    treat                                 are(qul tec             affil at

PCTC        for    purpoi                      oci l          exch ng                 CE       ‘r    acc unting               un er          th

Commission‘s               Jjc                 t        ind    afl   l1 te            TL       asi cti ns              rules        as

forth in Parts                                 4 cf the C            puled    55.     )n‘          R le:

                                               Co icessio                                      1g¢ nen S

           Price Coun                          y certific                                      as no‘        ag—eed to ac

special           conces                       lircctly                       hete             clyv .        roxr       any             or   1g1

carrier           or      for                  miristrat: 3B                  wi               es ect            tc     traff .c             an(

revenue           flows      ]          en     the        Unite .        c
                                                                              at               nd       an        fireign          —ou       tr:


which the Appli                         ma         serve       under          che        aLt   ho ity        sought;              and        1a)

it will not ent                         1to    such agreemen                          i t      €     ut      g.

                                  Ar    24 ~ rug Abuse Act                    ce               ca 101
           Price County certifies that,                                to      the best              of its            knowledge ana

belief,       no party to the application is subject to denial of federal

benefits           pursuant            to     Section          5301          of      the       Anti—Drug               Abuse       Act        of

1988§,;,    21 U.S.C.            862.

                                 CERTIEFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Gerard J. Duffy, hereby certify that I am an attorm:y with the law firm of Blouostor,
Mordkofsky, Jackson & Dickens and that a copy of the for: gc ing ".Applicatior for !treainlined
Section 214 Authority" was served this 11th day of April 2001, by first class m ail as indicited, to
the persons listed below.

       The Honorable Scott McCallum
       Office of the Governor
        115 East State Capitol
       Madison, WI 53702

       The Honorable Colin L. Powell
       Secretary of State
       United States Department of State
       2201 C Street, NW.
       Washington, D.C. 20520

       The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld
       Secretary of Defense
       1000 Defense Pentagon
       The Pentagon
       Washington, D.C. 20301

       International Transcription Service
       445 12"" Street, S W., CY—B400
       Washington, D.C. 20054

                                                  7   arcatl_.               §        x~~
                                              *        Gerard J. goffy           ////(/

PRICE COUNTY TELEPHONE COMPANY                         WELLS FARGO BANK WISCONSIN, N.A.                        06 1 9 8 8
          105 N AVON AVENUE                                      PHILLIPS OFICE
                                                            198 NORTH LAKE AVENUE
               PO BOX 108                                      PHILLIPS, WI 54555
         PHILLIPS, WI 54555—0108

Eight Hundred Fifteen Dollars and No Cents                                                DATE                        AMOUNT
                                                                                      04/06/2001               g******315.00
                                                                                 vOID AFTER 90 DAYS


                                                                 sianaTURF HAS A COLORED BACKGROUND + BORDER CONTAINS MICROPRINTING

            "O6 14AAu‘         120 759 1 l9AA.   8A0O0 1009 3161°

                                                                                                                                                         Approved by OM3
 BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                                       f
                                                          FED|SRAL COMMUNICATIONS COMN ISSION
                                                                                                                                                      ‘ag > No 1       of L
                                                                  REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                                                                 [SPECIA L JSc
 (1) LOCKBOX #
                                                                                                                               [FCC USE NC
 saB1i1 _                                            5                                                      ebrabel
                                                              SECTION A — PAYER INFORVI k'] ION                     o
  (2)   PAY R
            RNA IE (if paying by credit c ard, eter name exactlyas it appears on your card)                                   (3) TOTAL A) OUN *PAID (US. Dollars
 Price Co nty T slephone Company                                                                                              SB12.            e                 L
  (4) STR ET DRESS LI E NO. 1                                                                           6
 10.;) N Av n Ave ue
~(5) STR ET DRESS LIN E NO. 2                                                                           6                                      ul             6
 P.O0.       jox      108
  6 cCP 0                                                                                               U                     (7) STATE      ($)ZIP cODE _
  Ph:.ll ps                                                                                                                   WI             545. )5       — 01 0
[ 0) DAY IME ELEPHON! NUMBER (include area code )                       (10) COUNTRY CCiDE (ifnoi in 1.S.A.)                                             M
 (7:.5( 33 —2151                                                                                                                                              §                      |
[ CCC CC                  FCCR iGIST tATION N JMBI R (Fi?N) AND TAX IDI:NTIFIK A TON | [UMEER (TIN) REQUIE ED_                                                                ~——I|
[(11) PAY: R(FR )                                                       (12) PAYER TIN)                                                                       U
                                  Com                                   391714678                       Je &                                          U
        m                  IF P,. YER ) AM ! ANL THE APPLICA NT NAVE ARE DIF] EREITT, CONIPLETE SECTION 8                                                          Ee m
                                  IF MO RE‘ HAN ONE APPLICAN T, USE CONTINUA: ION H ETS (FORM 159—C)                                                 ______
 (13) APP. ICAN NAME                 m5                                           6                                                                           iA Hmiae
 Price tonty Infsmiation Systems,                                             Inc.                  _ J _L s                                                  6 BmE
 (14) STR ET
           A DRESS LINE ND.
 105 N rt.:            Avon Ave:iue
[(1S) STR ET DRESS LINEND.2 _                                                                       6           6                                             U
 P.0.       lox      108
 (i6) Cmm                             ni                                                                                      (17) STATE (18) ZIP COl E
 Phill ps                                                                                                                     wWI            54555                 —010}3
 (19) DAY IME ELEPHONE NUMB (i :lude area code)                         (20) COUNTRYCODE (ifnc: in U.S.A.)
(715) 33) —2151                       __ _                                                         2
[(21) APPLICAN (FRN)                  o                                 (22; APPLICANT (TIN)y __
                                                                        351714678                                                                             0
             COn PLETE SECTION
(233) CAI L Slon DTHER ID                       (24A) PAYMENT TYPE ~ODE (25A) QUANTITY
                                                                             CUT                                      3
(26.1}FEE DUEF R (PTC)                    _           @7A) TOTAL FEE                                 F 2C USE ONLY                                            iA
                                   $81 3 .0 )                                    $815.00
(28.\1) FCC CODE                          h              (29A) FCC CODE 2                                                     a

(2313) CAL L SIGN /OTHER I1D                                                 (24B) PAYMENT TYPE 2ODE                 (25B) QUANTITY

(2613) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                              (27B) TOTAL FEE                                FCC USE ONLY

(28B) FCC CODE 1                                         {(29B) FCC CODE 2

                                                                 SECTION D — CERTIFICATION
1Gerard J. Duffy                                                           . certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information is true and correct to

the best of my knowl edge. information and belief.            SIGNATURE                                                             DATE

                                                     SECTION E — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
                                 MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                                           EXPIRATION

 [] masTERCARD                     L _( OO L OO O                                                                                                                  1 1 | |
                     I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD for the service(s)/authorization herein described.
 [] visa
                     SIGNATURE                                                                                            DATE

                                            SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                                          FCC FORM 159               FEBRUARY 2000 (REVISED)

Document Created: 2019-04-20 01:00:23
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 01:00:23

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