Attachment 20170105085025-877.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010301-00126 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                    REQE\\; ED

                                                                                                                     mpcion   ,
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                                     Beforethe :;\zncma\g gas
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

                                                      Nus? Nee Nee Never! Nn Nt Ned Nes Nust! Nut! Nus!
                                                                                                              Streamiined         ITC—214—20010301—00126
TELERGY MIDATLANTIC, LLC                                                                                      TELERGY MIDATLANTIC, LLC

Application for Authority Under
Section 214 of the Communications
Act of 1934, as Amended, to Operate
As a Facilities—Based Carrier and as a
Resale Carrier for the Provision of
International Switched and Private
Line Services to Various Points

         Telergy MidAtlantic, LLC ("TMA" or "Applicant"), hereby requests authority, pursuant to

Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended ("the Act"), 47 U.S.C. § 214, to (1)

operate as a facilities—based carrier pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) of

the Commission‘s Rules, and (2) operate as a resale carrier pursuant to the terms and éonditions of

Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules.‘ TMA has no affiliation with any foreign carrier in

any of the destination countries for which authority is requested, nor is TMA affiliated with any

dominant U.S. carrier whose services TMA may resell. Thus, pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(1) of

the Commission‘s Rules, TMA should be classified as a nondominant carrier in its provision of

international service on all routes.     Furthermore, this Application is entitled to streamlined

processing under Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules.

I       With respect to the provision of switched services over private lines, Telergy
MidAtlantic, LLC. seeks authority in this Application to provide such services only to those
particular locations specifically approved by the Commission for the provision of such services.


         By granting this Application, the Commission will serve the public interest, convenience

and necessity by promoting competition in the international services market.         Competition will

benefit U.S. consumers by increasing service options and lowering prices. Thus, the public interest

will be served by granting Section 214 authority to TMA.

                                SECTION 63.18 INFORMATION

         Pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, TMA sets forth the following

information in support of this Application:

    (a) The name, address, and telephone number of the Applicant is:

             Telergy MidAtlantic, LLC
             One Telergy Parkway
             East Syracuse, NY 13057
             (315) 362—2000

    (b) Telergy MidAtlantic is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of
        New Jersey.

    (c) Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

             Theresa Atkins, Esq.
             Assistant General Counsel
             Telergy MidAtlantic, LLC.
             One Telergy Parkway
             East Syracuse, New York 13057
             (315) 362—2882

    (d) TMA has not previously received Section 214 authority from the Commission.

    (e) TMA is applying for authority to operate as a facilities—based carrier pursuant to the terms
        and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission‘s Rules and as a resale carrier
        pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules.

    (f) At this time, TMA seeks no other authorization available under Section 63.18(e).

    (g) TMA will use previously authorized facilities to provide its facilities—based services and
        thus this Application is categorically excluded from environmental assessment pursuant to
        Section 1.1306 of the Commission‘s Rules.

DCOL/GRIFJ/75691 .1                           —2 —

      (h)    (1) As evidenced by the certification provided in Attachment A, TMA is not affiliated
                 with any foreign carrier.

             (2) Telergy Network Services, Inc         "TNSI") holds 51 percent r         ority ownership
                 interest in TMA. TNSI is a Ne         York corporation whose addt          is One Telergy
                 Parkway, East Syracuse, New Y         k 13057. The principal busir       ; of TNSI is the
                 ownership and operation of tel        »mmunications businesses. _        ergy Operating,
                 Inc., TNSI‘s parent company, o        ; 100% interest in TNSI Th         )fficers of TNSI
                 are Brian P. Kelly, J. Patrick Ba     tt, Kevin J. Kelly, William M      :elly, Jr., Steven
                 Rubin and Nicholas Merrick. T         Directors of TNSI are Brian        ly, Kevin Kelly
                 and William Kelly, Jr. The pr         pal business of the Officers :      Directors, each
                 individually, is the operation ani    anagement of TNSI and its af       ated companies.
                  The Officers and Directors of ~      SI can be reached at the East      Tacuse office at
                 the address given above.

                     GPU Telcom Services, Inc. ("G      Telcom") holds the remainin       9 percent ofthe
                     ownership interest in TMA. GP     Telcom is a Delaware corpora       1. One hundred
                     percent (100%) interest in GPU    l[com is owned by its parent c     pany, GPU, Inc.
                     The principal business of GP       Telecom is the ownership          d operation of
                     telecommunications services. It   ddress is 300 Madison Aveni        P.O. Box 1911,
                     Morristown, New Jersey, 07962—    L 1.

             (3) As evidenced by the certificatior     ‘ovided in Attachment A, TM.       ias no affiliation
                 with any dominant U.S. carrier v      ise facilities—based services TA   may resell.

      (i)    As evidenced by the certification prc     led in Attachment A, TMAhs         ot agreedto
             accept special concessions directly o     idirectly from any foreign carr    with respect to
             any U.S. international route where tk     oreign carrier possesses suffic    t market power
             on the foreign end of the route to affi   competition adversely in the I     . market and
             will not enter into such agreements i     1e future.

      (J)    As evidenced by the certification provided in Attachment A, no party .. this Application
             is subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug
             Abuse Act of 1988.

      TMA requests streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules.
This Application is eligible for streamlined processing because TMA is not affiliated with foreign
carriers on any route for which authority is sought nor is TMA requesting authority to provide
switched services over private lines to countries not previously authorized for this service.



     In conclusion, TMA certifies that all of the information contained in this Application is
accurate and correct.

     For the reasons expressed herein, TMA respectfully requests that the Commission grant this

                                                       Respectfully Submitted,

                                                       TELERGY MIDATLANTIC, LLC.

                                                            Theresa Atkins, Esq.
                                                            Assistant General Counsel
                                                            TELERGY MIDATLANTIC, LLC.
                                                            One Telergy Parkway
                                                            East Syracuse, New York 13057
                                                            Telephone: (315) 362—2882
                                                            Facsimile: (315) 362—2635

Date:       February 23, 2001

DCOL/GRIFJ/75691.1                          — 4 —

                                                                                      Attachment A


            The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of Telergy MidAtlantic, LLC ("TMA")

with respect to the foregoing Application for authority to provide in       aational service, that

            1.       TMA is not affiliated (as that term is define            in Section
                     63.18(h)(1)(¥A) and (B) of the Commission‘s Ru         ;) with any
                     dominant U.S. carrier whose facilities—based se         ce Telergy
                     Central may resell.

            2.       TMA is not affiliated with any foreign carrier (as t   se terms are
                     defined in Section 63.18(h)(1)(A) and (B) of the       mmission‘s
                     Rules) in any of the countries to which TMA propc      s to provide
                     service in the foregoing Application.

            3.       TMA has not agreed to accept special concessio           directly or
                     indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect       > any U.S.
                     international route where the foreign carrier posse    :s sufficient
                     market power on the foreign end of the route to affe   competition
                     adversely in the U.S. market and will not en              into such
                     agreements in the future.

            4.       No party to this application is subject to a deni      for Federal
                     benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug     buse Act of
                     1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

                                                   By:     %» 7(¢/Z (,
                                                          Brian P. Kelly
                                                   Title: President of Telergy Network Services, Inc.
                                                          As Member of Telergy MidAtlantic, LLC.

                                                   Date:     February 23, 2001


                   MAR—12—2001 MON 11:16 AM                                           FAX NO.                                           P: B}

                           March 12, 2001

                           Federal Communications Comnaission
                           Secretary, IB Telecommunicati ns Division

                           P.O. Box 358115
mm epremunapeon:

                          Piitsburgh, PA 15251—5115

                           Re:       Telergy MidAtlantic, |.LC.
                                 _   Application for Autho ‘ity Under Section 21:} 0: the
                                     Communications Aet of 1934, As Amended .
                                     Response to George L‘s Facec Inquiry

                           Dear Sir or Madam:

                           This letter is in response to Mr. George Li‘s faxed ingiiry to TV eresa Atkins, Esq., datsd
                           3/06/01, in which Mr. Li requeted tt c nanics, address»s : ind cilizenthip of owners wh o
                          own at least ten percent (10%) sF Tclergy Operating, T1c. and GPIU, nc.

                          Please be advised that Telergy Dperating, Inc. is 100% oimned ‘3y Te ergy, Inc. The.
                           mxjority interest of Telergy, In. is h :ld bythe following indiv.duals:

                                     Name —                          Address                                     Citizenship

                           Brian P. Kelly             8407 Prostwick Dr., Manlins, NY 13102                                U.S.
                           Kevin J. Kelly             . 7868 E. Ridge Pointe Dr., Fayetteville, NY : 3066          _       U.S.
                           William M. Kelly, Jr.7420 Highbridge Terrace, Fayctteville, NY 13066                            U.S.

                           Please be further advised that GPU, Inc. has no owners with at least 10% ownership of
                           the corporation.

                           Very truly yours,

                         Aef                      ;              s
                         \yi%u___,\m 77 *        éw"é‘r"”——b
                           Karen M. Hawkins
                           Telergy MidAtlantic, LLC.

                           ca:       Nir. George Li via fax number (202) 418—2824 _______ _              _ s_1 000 l2           iec oP cis
                                     Theresa Atkins, Esq.
                                                                                               One Telorpy Purkway + East Syracuse, New York 130357
                                                                                  315.362.2000 + K77,.TELRRGY + (315.835,3749) — FAX: 31 5.362.5309

                                                                                                                            _ Power in Telecon

Document Created: 2019-04-21 19:50:25
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 19:50:25

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