Attachment 20170103141220-933.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010213-00075 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                         NowWALSKY, BRONSTON & GOTHARD
                              A Profes sional Limited Liatility Camnanyv
                                           Attorneys a Lew        Streamlined           ITC—214—23010213—00075
Leon L. Nowalsky                   350( North Caus »w iy Bot]        3C: COMMUNICATICNS, INC.

Benjam..n W. Bronston                          Suite 142
Edward P. Gothard                      Metairie, Lot isi inz 7CC
                                       ~elephone: (£04) 832—15
                                       Facsimile: (5 )4) 83 .—03

                                                                                                  FEB      7
                                          February 12 2001
                                                                                     Ntarn.             2M Divjc;

Via Overnight Delivery
                                                                                          "Tationay gphonauy
Federal Communications Comtussio1n
International Bureau — Telecommunications
Three Mellon Bank Center
525 William Penn Way
27th Floor, Room 153—2713
Pittsburg, PA 15259—0001

ATTN: Wholesale Lockbox Shift Supervisor

RE:      3C Communications, [nc.

Dear Sirs:

Enclosed herewith for filing ple ise find an origina ar d f ve (5) copies ofthe streamlined Application
for Authority pursuant to Section 214 0 the Conimiini:at ons Act of 1934, as amended, for global
authority to operate as a globs1 facilities—based cariier and as an international resale carrier. Also
enclosed is FCC Form 159 ard the requisite $315.00 fling fee. The Applicant is a Canadian

Please acknowledge receipt of :his filing by date stamp ng and returning the additional copy ofthis
cover letter in the self—addresses envelope provided.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. If you should have any questions
regarding this filing, please do not hesitate to call.


                                                          Monica Borne Haab


                                                                                                                                                   APPROVED BY OMB
 BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                                                    REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                             PAGE NO.___

                                               name              as   appears on your

3C Communications, Inc.

716 [The West Mall, Suite 182
                 LINE       2

 cny                                                                                                STATE                               ZIP CODE

Toronto                                                                                            Ontario                              M9C4X6
 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                        COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)

(561) 866—8879

                        :MORETHANONEAPPLICANT,                                                     USE CONTINUATION SHEETS (FoRM1
                                                       name           as   appears on your



  DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code}                                                       COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)

                                                                                                                  Fee DUE     (PTC) N

 AYER TN             US                                .                                                        LICANT TIN

1 _Monica Borne Haab                                                        , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and
                           (PRINT NAME)                                                                                                     _

    true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief. SIGNATURE

                hersby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or HASTERCARD

                     service(e}/authorizatione(s) herein described.

                                                                                          RECE VEp
                                                 Before the
                           FEDER,              (UNICATIC          commisston             _      16 2097
                                               ington, D.C        34                      Elecom Ove
In the Matter of:        3C Comnm               Inc.        )
APPLICATION FOR AUTHORINH                      ANT          )
TO SECTION 214 OF THE COM                      IONS         )
ACT OF 1934, AS AMENDED, F                     AL           )
AUTHORITY TO OPERATE AS                        —            )
FACILITIES—BASED CARRIER .                     N            )
INTERNATIONAL RESALE CA                                     )


        3C Communications, Inc. (              »plicant"), h«     requests authority, pursuant to Section 214

of the Communications Act of 193               ed, 47 U.S.        tion 214 (1982), and Section 63.18 of the

Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. S                8, to provid       1al international facilities—based and resale

services between the United States             10nal points.

L.      The ProposedInternatio1

         3C requests four (4) types              in this App      », all of which are eligible for streamlined

processing. Specifically, 3C reque:            al facilities—t    authority pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(1) to

acquire ownership interests in unaff            licensed fac      to provide international telecommunications

services between the United States :           aational poir      ) global authority pursuant to Section 63.18

(e)(2) to resell international, swite          3 of all auth      l carriers to provide international switched

services betweenthe United States auu au unmernational points served by those carriers; (3) global authority

pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2)(A) to resell international private lines to provide international private line

services between the United States and all international points, other than those requiring special authority

because of their listing on the most recent exclusion list; and (4) global authority pursuant to Section

63.18(e)(2)(B) to resell international private lines interconnected to the public switched telephone network at

one or both ends to provide international switched services between the United States and all ¢        ies found

to offer equivalent resale opportunities.

        3C is hereby requesting: (a) facilities—based authority to obtain interest in U.S. autho       facilities,

and connecting facilities not appearing on the Exclusion List; (b) authority to resell internatior     vate lines

to provide international switched services between the United States and countries desi                1 by the

Commussion as offering equivalent resale opportunities; and (c) authority to resell internation        ate lines

to countries not appearing on the Exclusion List.

         3C will report its acquisition of interest(s) in facilities, including earth station          inmnels of

communication to satellites, and submarine cables in its circuit addition/circuit status report file   ‘r Section

43.82 ofthe Commission Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 43.82. 3C will also report its resale ofinten          al private

lines in its traffic reports filed pursuant to Section 43.61 of the Commission Rules.

         Bygranting this application, the Commission will serve the public interest, convenienc        necessity

by promoting competition in the international services market. Competition will benefit U.S            umers by

increasing service options and lowering prices. Thus, the public interest will be served by the ;      f Section

214 authority to 3C.

IL       The Applicant:

         3C is a privately owned Canadian company located in Toronto, Canada. 3C has                   reviously

received authority under Section 214 to provide anytelecommunications services or operate any          ies which

provide such services. Upon the grant of this Application, 3C will become an authorized non—dominant

facilities—based carrier and international reseller subject to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as

amended, and the Commission‘s Rules.

.       Public Interest Considerations:

        The Commission‘s publicly stated policy goals for regulation of the United States international

telecommunications market is to promote effective competition in the United States telecommunications market,

including the market for international services, to prevent anti—competitive conduct in the ;;ro‘vision of

international services or facilities and to encourage foreign governments to open their communications markets.

The Commission has also moved to establish an effective global communications market that could result in

reduced rates, increased quality and new services. The Commission has found that effective competition

directly advances the public interests and the Commission‘s paramount goal of making available a rapid,

efficient worldwide wire and radio communications service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges.

        The granting of 3C‘s request for resale and facilities—based authority as described herein will further

the Commussion‘s policies of facilitating increased competition within the United States international

telecommunications services market, and is therefore in the public interest.

IV.     Information required Under Section 63.18:

        The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the Commuission‘s Rules, in

support of 3C‘s request for authorization:

(a)     Name and address of Applicant:

        3C Communications, Inc.
        716 The West Mall, Suite 182
        Toronto, Canada M9CA4X6
        Ph. (561) 866—8879

(b)      Applicant is a Toronto based business corporation which was organized under the laws of Canada on

         December 13, 2000

(6)     Correspondence concerning this application should be sei

        Monica Borne Haab
        Nowalsky, Bronston & Gothard
        3500 N. Causeway Blvd.
        Suite 1442
        Metairie, Louisiana 70002
        Ph. (504) 832—1984
        Fx. (504) 831—0892

(d)     3C has not received authority previously under Section 2         the Cc       1icatic

(e)3C requests (1) global facilities—based authority pursuant to         m 63.        1) to :;   ership

interests in unaffiliated, U.S. licensed facilities, including, but      mited        11 and     uits in

submarine transmission cables and channels of communication w            s. own       ellite :   rovide

international telecommunications services between the United St          and all      ations     global

authority pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) to resell international s      >d sen       f all a    mmon

carriers, except carriers regulated as dominant on the route to be       »d, to       de inte    vitched

services between the United States and all international points          slobal       rity p     section

63.18(e)(2)(A) to resell international private line services between t   ited St      id all 1   points;

and (4) global authority pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2)(B) to resel     nation       rate Iin   svision

of international switched services between the United States and a       atries 1     e Con      Is offer

equivalent competitive opportunities to U.S. carriers.

(£)      At this time, 3C seeks no other authorization available us.__. section v—.. 3(e).

(g)      Not applicable.

(h)    3C certifies that it is not affiliated with any foreign or U.S. facilities—based carrier whose services it

       proposes to resell. Should the substance of this ceriification cease to »e accurate, 3C wII notify ‘he

       Commussion immediately of any such affiliation.

i)     In support ofthis certification, the name, address, ciizenship and principal biisines ; of th«: ten perc snt

       or greater shareholders of 3C are as follows:

       Curt Frank Rossband (100% shareholder)
       716 The West Mall
       Suite 182
       Toronto, Canada M9C4X6
       Principal Business: President of 3C Communicatio 1s, Inc.
       Citizenship: Canada

)      3C certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree i 1 the future to acce pt any direc or inc irect special

       concessions from a foreign carrier or administratior. with regards to tr affic cr revenue flows betw:en

       the United States and any foreign countries the Corapany is authorized to serve.

(k)    3C certifies that no partyto this application has beeii denied federal be iefits jursuint to Section 5301

       of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


       In conclusion, 3C certifies that all of the information in this applicati n is accurae and correct.

        WHEREFORE, for these reasons stated herein, 3C respectfully request that the Commission grant this


                                                         Respectfully Submitted,
                                                         3C Com%

                                                                 Curt Frank Rossband, Preside;xt/
                                                                 3C Communications, Inc.
                                                                 716 The West Mall, Suite 182
                                                                 Toronto, Canada M9C4X6

Document Created: 2019-04-15 04:21:57
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 04:21:57

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