Attachment 20170103140548-280.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010207-00073 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                         Streamlined                    ITC—214—20010207—00073
                                                         INTERNET VIP INC.

December 28, 2000             VIAOVERNIGH             d1A
Federal Communications Commission |
International Bureau                    f
Telecommunications Division
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA. 15251—5115

       Attention:      Diane Comell
                       International Bureau

       Re:             Authority ofInternet VIP 1      (VIP) for
                       Section 214 International (    bal Facilitic
                       Authority and Global Resa      Authority

Dear Sir or Madam:

Enclosed for filing with the Commussion are           : original &      Si    6)          pies of the
application of Internet VIP Inc. (VIP) for aut        rity pursual     to     stic        214 of the
Communications Act. VIP is requesting 1) glo          . facilities—t   ad     ho          to acquire
interests in unaffiliated, U.S. owned circuits an     alf—circuits      au    Niz         facilities to
provide international telecommunications servi        ; between 1       U;    d           tes and all
international points; 2) global authority to resel    nternational     wil    »d .        vices of all
unaffiliated carriers to provide international swit   d services       we     the         nited States
and all international points served by those          miers; 3) f      sal    ithe        y to resell
international private lines to provide— internati«    I, private 1     1 St   ice:        etween the
United States and all international points; and 4     uthority to 1    »l     2M          »mal private
lines interconnected to the public switched telej     me network       PS
                                                                              "')   :
                                                                                          me or both
ends to provide international, switched servic         between t       Ur.    d |         tes and all
countries found to offer equivalent resell opportu    ies to U.S. c    net

As required by the Commission‘s Rules, enclosed is FCC Remittance Advice for Credit
card payment in the amount of $815.00, payable to the F.C.C. Please stamp—date the
extra copy of this application and return it in the self—addressed, stamped envelope. Any
questions regarding the enclosed application should be addressed to the undersigned.

Resp ctfully submit

Christian Richer

                                                                                             FEB 1 4 2001
                                          Befc         the
                              iA      OMMUNK           TTONS COMMISSION                      Telecom Division
                                                                                             ternational Bureau
                                           Washit      n, D.C.

 In the matter of             s                                      }
 Internet VIP Inc. |          arf     >                              } File No. I—T—C—O(
 Application for at    orit   wurs    nt to                          }
 Section 214 of the           mic—    ons Act                        }
 of 1934, as amen«            jobt    authority                      }
 to operate as a fac          isec    arrier and                     }
 as an internationa           armi                                   }
                              es                                     }

 VIP, by its under:           ‘esi    it, hereby re     ests global authority, under Sect    1214 of
 the Communicati               of     34, as ame       :d, 47 U.S.C. & 214 (1996), a1        Section
 63.18 of the Co              n‘s     iles, C.FR.      : 63.18 (1996), to provide ini        rational
 telecommunicatic             :es     ween the U       »d States and various internation     soints.

 L.      The Propo            mat     ialServices

 VIP requests fou             »f :    hority in th     application, all of which are e       ible for
 streamlined proci     ing P          rsecifically 1   aests (1) global facilities—based     uthority
 pursuant to Secti      63    3 (¢e   11), to acqu      ownership interests in unaffili      d, U.S.
 licensed facilitie:   D EP   vid       nternational   slecommunications services be         sen the
 United States and     1 in   mat     ial points; (    authority pursuant to Section 63      } (e) (2)
 of the FCC‘s Rule     47 |   cR      . 63.18 (e)(2    :o resell international, switched :   vices of
_‘all authorized ca    rs     pr de internati          al switched services between t         United
 States and all int«   atic _1 p__ts served by  1ose carriers; (3) global authorit L ursuant
 to Section 63.18 (e)(2)(@a) of the FCC‘s Rules, 47 CFR. 7 63.18 (e)(2)(B), to resell
 international private lines to provide international private line services between the
 United States and all international points, other than those requiring special authority
 because of their listing on the mostly recent exclusion list; and (4) authority pursuant to
 Section 63.18 (e)(2)(B) of the FCC‘s Rules, 47 CFR. & 63.18 (e)(2)(B), to resell
 international, private lines interconnected to the public switched telephone network
 ("PSTN") at one or both ends to provide international switched services between the
 United States and all countries found to offer equivalent resell opportunities to U.S.

                                                                              Page 1, FCC Section 214
                                                                                    Application of VIP

VIP will report its acq * :ition of interest in facilities, including earth stations, channels of
communication to sa ites, and submarine cables in its circuit addition/circuit status
report files under Sec n 43.82 of the Commission‘s Rules 47 C.FR. & 43.82. VIP will
also report its resell c ntemnational, switched services and international private lines to
provide international; vate line and switched services in its traffic reports filed pursuant
to Section 43.61 ofth ‘onmmission‘s Rules.

VIP believes that the     ded competition, whichits expanded market entry will bring to
the market, will bene      the consumers of the United States overseas services. These
benefits include com      itive pricing and increased availability of a variety of service
options. A grant ofth     ipplication will therefore, further the public interests.

IL.     The Applicant

VIP is a corporation c    anized and existing under the laws of Delaware and based in the
Montreal, Quebec, C       ada is a publicly held corporation and no VIP officer is an
 employee, agent, or 1e   sentative of a foreign telecommunications entity other than VIP.
Further, VIP is not af    ated with any other foreign carriers as defined by Part 63 of the
Commission‘s Rules.

. VIP is a new entran     n the telecommunications industry, which has not previously
received authority ur     r Section 214 to provide any telecommunications services or
operate any facilitiss,   iich provide such services. VIP serves international and domestic
carriers in the United    tes as well as retail customers in the U. S. and in other countries.
Upon the grant of i       i application, VIP will become an authorized non—dominant
facilities—based carrie   sbject to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended,
and the Commission‘s      Hles.

L.      Public Interest   msiderations

The Commission‘s pu cly stated policy goals for the regulation of the United States
international telecom._inications market to promote effective competition in the
communications market, including the market for international telecommunications
services, to prevent anti—competitive conduct in the provision for international services or
facilities and to encourage foreign governments to open their communication markets.
The Commission also has moved to establish an effective global communications market
that could result in reduced rates, increased quality and new services. In addition, the
Commission has found that effective competition directly advances the public interests
and the Commission‘s paramount goal of making available a rapid, efficient, worldwide
wite and radio communications service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges.
                                                                        Page 2, Section 214
                                                                        Application of VIP

The grant of VIP‘s request for resale and facilities—based authority to provide
international services will further the Commission‘s policies of facilitating increased
competition within the U.S. international telecommunications services market and is
therefore in the public interest.

IV.    Information Required Under Section 63.18

As required under Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, VIP submits the following

               (a)    Name and Address of Applicant:
                      Internet VIP Inc., dba 1VIP
                      1155 University St., Suite 602
                      Montreal, Quebec —
                      Canada H3B—3A7

               (b)    VIP is a publicly held corporation organized under
                      the lawsofthe State ofDelaware

               {(c)   Address questions concerning this application to:
                        cwey L. Newman
                      11689 Newbridge Court
                      Reston, VA. 20191; Tel: (703) 264—1363

               (d)    VIP is a new entrant inthe telecommunications industry.
                      It has never received authority pursuant to Section 214 of the
                      Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and under the
                      Commission‘s Rules. VIP lacks market power that would
                      allow control of prices to the detriment of market competition.

               (e)    VIP requests Section 214 authority to: (1) operate as a
                      facilities—based carrier pursuant to terms and conditions of
                      Section 63.18 (e)(1); and (2) operate as a resale carrier
                      pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18 (e)(2).
                      Specifically, VIP seeks to (1) acquire capacity in full and
                      half—circuits in submarine cables, and establish channels of
                      communication with U.S. owned satellite systems, to provide
                      international telecommunications services between the U.S.
                      and all international points; (2) resell the international services

                                                              Page 3, F.C.C. Section 214
                                                              Application of VIP

      of all authorized common carriers, except affiliated carriers
      regulated as dominant on the route to be served to provide
      international telecommunications services between the U.S.
      and all international points; (3) resell international private
      lines to provide international private line services between
      U.S. and all international points; and (4) resell international
      private lines for the provision of international switched services
      between the U.S. and all countries that the Commission finds
      provide U.S. carriers with effective competitive opportunities.

(£)   VIP does not seek authority to provideservices, which are
      not referenced under paragraph (e) of Section 63.18 ofthe
      Commission‘s Rules.

(g)   The authority requested in this application is categorically
      excluded from environmental processing as defined by
      Section 1.306 ofthe Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. & 1.306,
      obviating the need for an environmental assessment.

(h)   VIP certifies thatit is affiliated, directly with its subsidiary and
      dba, 1iVIP, a Canadian non—dominant carrier as is defined
      in Part 63 ofthe Commission‘s Rules) but not with any U.S.
      carrier whose facilities—based services it proposes to resell.
      Should the substance ofthe certification cease to be true,
      VIP shall notify the Commission immediately of any
      affiliation with any other foreign carrier, any dominant foreign
      carrier or any U.S. carriers whose services VIP seeks to resell.

®—    No individual holds 10%or greater ownership or management
      interest in the corporation, as it is a publicly held American
      corporation with widely held stock.

      As required by Section 63.18 (1) of the Commission‘s Rules,
      47 C.FR. & 63.18 (1), VIP certifies that it has not agreed
      to accept nor shall it accept in the future, special concessions
      as defined by the Commission‘s Rules, directly or indirectly
      from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to
      traffic or revenue flows between the U.S. and any foreign
      country for which VIP may be authorized to serve.

                                              Page 4, F—C.C. Section 214
                                               Application of VIP


VIP is legally, financially, and technically qualified to provide the services for which it
requests authority. For the reasons stated above, VIP affirmsthat the public interest,
convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Section 214 application.
VIP certifies that all the information in this application is accurate and correct.

Respectfully submitted:

By:    Y{4Sz/
Christian Richer

President, Internet VIP

Date_QO/— o4 —o/


Applicant certifies that, to the best of its knowledge, information, and belief, neither
applicant nor any party to this application is subject to a denial of federal benefits or
licenses under Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

Respectfully submitted,
            e                       /
By:   Mamr
         PIZUTITE             0@ feee
Christian Richer, President, VIP Inc.

Date_O/~ C 4


                                                                 Page 5, F.C.C., Section 214
                                                                 Application of VIP

Document Created: 2019-04-16 00:07:26
Document Modified: 2019-04-16 00:07:26

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