Attachment 20170103140246-350.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010205-00072 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                                                                        /ACA TE .g °HONE con —214 —20010205. ‘0007:
                                                                                             PANY, inc.

                                               Before t 1e
                                 JTE)ERAL COMMUNICATIONS C              V ISSICON
                                                Washington, D.C. 2055

In the Matter of
Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc.
Application for ; wuthority pursuant
To Section 214 of the                                                                 FEB 2 1 2001
Communicatior s Act of 1934,
As amended, for global authority                                                       Tisle zsom Division
To operate as : n international facilities—base d                                    Intern ational Bureau
and resale camisr


Lavaca Teleplione Company, Inc. hecet y requests aut 101ity, pursi      t t Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amene ed, 47 U.S.C. Se sticn 21«         98 2), and Sectio 1 63.18 of the
Commission‘: Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18, to provide: globali        m: tional fi.cilitics—based and resale
services between the United States and nternational poirts.

Lavaca Teleplione Company, Inc. is an [ncumbent Lo :al Ex chans         sarrier that wishe s to provide
international t slecommunications services. Lavaca Telef hone Cc        ian y, Inc. has no foreign affiliations.
Lavaca Teleplione Company, Inc. serve s residential anid Dusiness       itoners in .Arkansas and Oklahoma.

By granting tt is application, the Comm ssion will semve the publii     terest, conrerience and necessity by
promoting coinpetition in the internatioial services mairkst. Com       iticn will b :nefit U.S. consumers by
increasing ser ice options and lowering prices. Thus, the public i      rest will be served by the grant of
Section 214 aithority to Lavaca Telephone Company, In :.

Section 63.18 Information

The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, in
support of Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc.‘s request for authorization.

(a) Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc.
    301 Highway 96 SW
     P.O. Box 230
     Lavaca, AR 72941
     (501) 674—2211
(b) Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Arkansas.

(c) Corresponc ence soncerning this appl:cation siiould be sent to:

    Keith Gibs n
    Lavaca Tel sphore Co., Inc.
    P.O. Box 230
    Lavaca, Al. 722941

(d) Lavaca Telsphone Company, Inc. has not received authority pt afr ously ut der Section 214 of the
    Communic itions Act.

(e) Lavaca Telsphone Company, Inc. requests gl bal facilities—baved Section 214 authority pursuan : to
    the terms a 1d condition of Section 63.18(e)(1; of the Commiss or‘s Rules and global iniernation al
    resale Secton 214 authority pursuant to the te ms and conditiois of Sectic n 63.18(e)(2) of the
    Commissic n‘s Rules.

(£) At this tim:, Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc. seeks no other ut 10rizatic 1 available uniler Secti>n
    63.18 (e).

(g) Not applicable.

(h) Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc. certifies thet it is not affiliate d vith any foreign or U.S. facilities—
    based carrier.

In support of this certification, the name, address, citizenship and p: in :ipal bus ness of the sole sharet older
that controls ten percent or more of South Arkansas Telephone Conip; ny is as follows:

Clyde M. Gibson
P.O. Box 230
Lavaca, Arkansas 72941
U.S. Citizen
Principal Business: Chairman and CEO of Lavaca Telephone Compsny, Inc.

Ruby J. Gibson
P.O. Box 230
Lavaca, Arkansas 72941
U.S. Citizen
Principal Business: Secretary, Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc.

Michael K. Gibson
10009 Foxboro Rd.
Fort Smith, Arkansas 79203
U.S. Citizen
Principal Business: President, Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc.

Richard D. Gibson
P.O. Box 230
Lavaca, Arkansas 72941
U.S. Citizen
Principal Business: Vice—President, Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc.

Gregory N. Gibson
P.O. Box 230
Lavaca, Arkansas 72941
U.S: Citizen
Principal Business: Vice—Presideit, Lavaca Telephone Coripany, Inc.

Tammy J. Nolan
2713 Fianna Circle
Fort Smith, Arkansas 72908
U.S. Citizen
Principal Business: Homemaker

(i) Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc. certifies that it has not agreed a id will n »t agree in the future t«
    accept any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign ca Tier or a iministration vith reg: rd ;
    to traffic or revenue flows between the United States andany fore gn coun ries the comp iny is
    authorized to serve.

(J) Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc. certifies that no party to this ap; ilication has been denicd feder: |
    benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 988.


In conclusion, Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc. certifies that all of th: inform: tion in this ap licatior is
accurate and correct.

For these reasons, Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc. respectfully requ« sts that 1he Commissic n grant 1 his

Respectfully submitted,


By: Zt{,wf/) W%’/’\
Keith Gibson
Lavaca Telephone Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 230
Lavaca, Arkansas 729241
(501) 674—2211

Date: flmm 31, 200]
     V   9   /

Document Created: 2019-04-15 16:08:49
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 16:08:49

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