Attachment 20170103110029-673.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010129-00055 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                        »wEloy                   mss oo                   —RECEIVED
                                           Befo e the                                                      FEB — 1 2001
                     FEDERAL COMMUNIC ATION                   C OAMISLSION                                 Telecom Divisior

                                   Washingtn D.C. 2(554                                                   international Buresiu
                                                   Stre am ine d      |TC 214—2001 01; ‘9— 0055
In the Matter of            l                      CALTEl LC NC DIST2NCE
CALTEL Long Distance
Application for authority pursuant
to Section 214 of the
Communications Aczct of 1934,
as amended, for jlobal authori.ty
to operate as an international.
resale carrier


CALTEL Long Dist; nce hereby requests au he rity, pur us it :0 Sectio 1214 of th«
Communications Ac: of 1934, as amended, 417 U.S.C. Szctior 214 (1$82), and Secti m 33.18
of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 33.18 to prov de glcba . it ternatio:ial re: ale
services between the United States and inter 1aiional po nt:.

CALTEL Long Distsnce is a new U.S. compar y orgaini:ec to provide intsrnation il
telecommunications services and has no fort ig i affiliat on ;. CALTEL Long Dist: nc# s rves
both business and residential customers in C ali ‘ornia.

By granting this appl cation, the Commissio:i v i1l se ‘ve   th    : p iblic int: rei:t, conve 1i¢   nc:, and
necessity by promotiig competition in the inte: national     se    vices mark :t. Zompeti:io         i v ill
benefit U.S. consumers by increasing service o »tions ar     dl    j ering prices . Thus, the        pu jlic
interest will be served by the grant of Section 214 authc    rit   t« CALTEL Long Di ta              ice.

The following inforn ation is submitted, as reqiiired by Secticn 63.18 of the Cominis sion‘s
Rules, in support of CALTEL Long Distance‘s request or au horization.

(a)     CALTEL Long Distance
        513 Main Street
        P.O. Box 37
        Copperopolis, California 95228

(b)     CALTEL Long Distance is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of

(c)   Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

      Mr. Louis Cherniss / Controller
      (CALTEL Long Distance
      51.3 Main Strest
      1?.0. Box 37
      Co peropolis , California 95.22&
      Fas: 209.785.33550

(d)   CALTEL Long Distance has not received autt ority pre viously under Section 214
      of the Comunissions Act.

(e)   CALTEL Long Distance requests glo»al resal«: S sction 214 authority pursuan:: to th:
      ternas and conditionsof Section 63.18(e)(2) of th: Com mission‘s Rules.

(£)   At ‘his time, CALTEL Loag Distance seeks no oher authorizat‘on available under
      Section 63.18(e).

(g)   No: applicable.

(b)   CALTEL Long Distance certifies that it is not affiliatec. with any foreign or U.S.
      facilities—based carrier.

      CALTEL Long Distance is owned 100 % by Calavera:: Communications Ccempany.

      The name, address, citizenship and principal b 1si 1ess c the shareholders controlling
      ten percent or more of Calaveras Communicat ons Con pany are as follows:

      Howard J. & Ellen B. Tower
      Calaveras Communications Company
      P.O. 7
      Copperopolis, California 95228
      Principal Business: Howard J. Tower — President
      Principal Business: Ellen B. Tower— Director
      Citizenship: Howard J. Tower —U.S.A.
      Citizenship; Ellen B. Tower — U.S.A.

      James H. Tower
      Calaveras Communications Company
      P.O. 208
      Copperopolis, California
      Principal Business: Vice—President and General Manager
      Citizenship: U.S.A.

          John Tower
          Calaveras Communications Company
          P.O. Box 102
          Principal Business: None
          Citizenship: U.S.A.

          Mary E. Tower
          Calaveras Communications Company
          P.O. Box 100
          Principal Business: Secretary/ Treasurer
          Citizenship: U.S.A.

(i)       CALTEL Long Distance certifies that it has nc t agreed and v/ill not agre e 11 the
          future to accept any direct or indirect special c oncessions fro n :i fore:gn carrier or
          administration with regards to traffic or reveme flows Jetwesn the Unit :d Stztes and
          any foreign countries the company is authorize d to serve.

0)       CALTEL Long Distance certifies that no party to this spplic: ticn has be sn de:ried
         federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of th : Anti—Drug A use Act o1 1$ 88.

In conclusion, CALTEL Long Distance certifies that 2 1 of the ‘nformat on in th s
application is accurate and correct.

For these reasons, CALTEL Long Distance respectful. y requests tha ths Comm iss on
grant this application.

Respectfully submitted,

CALEEL Long Distance

                                                  Date:     _o\~3>—S!
         uis Cherniss Controller
               L Long Distance
      P.O. Box 37
      Copperopolis, California 95228

Document Created: 2019-04-19 14:32:03
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 14:32:03

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