Attachment 20170103104548-897.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010126-00050 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                     Streamlined       ITC—214—20010126—00050
                                                                     MOUNTAIN VIEW TELEPHONE COMPANY

                                                       Before the
                                    FEDERAL COP/IMUNI' SA TIONS CO UMI 4LSS. ON
                                '                Washingtor , L LC. 20554
In the Mattar of                                                                                  "Ep .
Iiouitain View Telephc ne Comp any                                                                           J 7 0Q ]
Appl cation for authority pursuan :                                                             1 t¥o *0       8.
To Section 214 of the                                                                         Nt y t L D'Vision
Communications Act of 1934,                                                                          "Chai Bureay,
As amended, for global authority
To operate as an international re sale carrier


Mountain View Telephone C ompany hereby reques‘ s ; uthority, purst ant to» Sect or. 214 ofthe
Communications Act of 193« , as amended, 47 U.S.C . S ection 214 (1$82), ind Section 53.18 of the
Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18, to provicle global inter iat or al res ale se vices be ween the
United States and intsrnation i points.

Mountain View Teleshone C ampany is an Incumber t I ocal Exchang: C artier th:it wis ies to pr ovide
international telecommunicat ons services. Mountaii \ iew Telephon : C onipany has n» foreigt
affiliations. Mountain View Telephone Company seve s residential a id ju :iiness customers in . \rkan sas.

By granting this application, ‘he Commission will serve the public int reit, conveniencs and ne :es sity by
promoting competition in the international services maiket. Competit or will berefit U.S. cons im »rs by
increasing service options an 1 lowering prices. Thus, t ie public inter :st wi I be served by the g ant of
Section 214 authority to South Arkansas Telephone Co npany.

Section 63.18 Information

The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of ‘he Com nission‘s Rults, in
support of Mountain View Telephone Company‘s requost for authoriz ati n

(a) Mountain View Telephone Company
     218 East Main Street
     P O Box 70
     Mountain View, AR 72560
     (870) 269—3232

(b) Mountain View Telephone Company is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of

(c) Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

     Kenneth Sutton
     Mountain View Telephone Company
     P 0 Box 70
     Mountain View, AR 72560
     (870) 269—3232

(d) Mountain View Telephone Company has not received authority previously under Section 214 of the
    Communications Act.

(e) Mountain View Telephone Compin: request ; global intern itiona\ resa e Section 214 authority
    pursuant to the terms and conditions of Sectic n 63.18(e)(2) of the Com ni: sion‘s Rules.

(£) At this time, Mountain View Teleph me Com pany seeks no other auchc riz ation availa jle under Section
    63.18 (e).

(g) Not applicable.

(b) Mountain View Telephone Compan: certifie : that it is not ; ffiliated wi h iny foreign or U.S. facilities—
    based carrier.

In support of this certification, the name, address, citizenship an I princigal wusiness of the sole shareholder
that controls ten percent or more of Mou itain Vie w Telephor e Company is as follows:

Kenneth Sutton
Mountain View Telephone Company
P O Box 70
Mountain View, AR 72560
(870) 269—3232
Principal Business: President of Mountai 1 View ‘ ‘elephone C on pany

Citizenship: U.S.A.

(i) Mountain View Telephone Compan: certifie ; that it has no : agreed in will not agree in the future to
    accept any direct or indirect special :oncessicns from a fort ign carrier or idministration with regards
    to traffic or revenue flows between t 1e Unite I States and a1 y foreig 1 c »uiitries the company is
    authorized to serve.

(j) Mountain View Telephone Compan: certifie ; that no party to this anpl ca:ion has been denied federal
    benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti Drug Abuse 2 «ct of 1938


In conclusion, Mountain View Telephon : Compa 1y certifies th: t all of the nformation in this application is
accurate and correct.

For these reasons, Mountain View Telephone Company respectfully requests that the Commission grant
this application.

Respectfully submitted,

Kenneth Sutton
Mountain View Telephone Company
P O Box 70
Mountain, AR 72560
(870) 269—3232

Date: //? O — c?/

Document Created: 2019-04-20 18:33:34
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 18:33:34

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