Attachment 20170103132412-523.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20010125-00060 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                             ———5           _ aeeeEOPY
                                                             Streamlined       ITC—214—20010125—00060
                                    fnuugt"                  JAGUAR USA
                     ComPETITIVE COMMUNIC

       January 24, 2001
       Federal Communications Commission
       Common Carrier Bureau
       P.O. box 358115
       Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—5115

       Re:    Application of Jaguar USA for Authorization under Section 214 of the
              Communications Act of 1934, as amended to Resell International Switched
              Telecommunications Services.

      Attn:   Chief, International Facilities Division
              Common Carrier Bureau

      Enclosed are the original and five (5) copies of the Application of Jaguar USA, for
      Authorization under Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to
      resell international switched telecommunications services. Also enclosed are the required
      FCC Form 159 and a check payable to the Federal Communications Commission for
      $815.00 to cover for this filing.

      A copy of this Application cover letter and a SASE are enclosed for acknowledgement of
      your receipt of this filing.

      Please contact the undersigned at 301—842—1437 should there be any questions regarding
      this filing.


                                                   losm. 6. tumGer
                                                    Terri K. Firestein
                                                    On Behalf of
                                                    Jaguar USA


...                                                                                                     5

                                 PHoNE 301—699—5300 . Fax 301—699—5080

                       CompETITIVE CoMmuUunNICATIONS Group

         February 5, 2001

         George Li
         Telecommunications Division
         Federal Communications Commission
         Common Carrier Bureau
         P.O. box 358115
         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—5115

         Re:     Application of Jaguar USA for Authorization under Section 214 of the
                 Communications Act of 1934, as amended to Resell International Switched
                 Telecommunications Services.

         Attn:   Chief, International Facilities Division
                 Coramon Carrier Bureau

        Dear Mr. Li,

        Enclosed are the original and five (5) copies of the Application of Jaguar USA, for
        Authorization under Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to
        resell international switched telecommunications services. This application was already
        submitted in January but we were contacted and told that the application had to be signed
        by the actual Applicant not their Consultant.

        A copy of this Application cover letter and a SASE are enclosed for acknowledgement of
        your receipt ofthis filing.

        Please contact the undersigned at 301—842—1437 should there be any questions regarding
        this filing.


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                                                        OJULL M FAr® nMEinm.
                                                        Terri K. Firestein
                                                        On Behalf of
                                                        Jaguar USA


B                                                                                                                i
                                   PHoNE 301—699—5300   .   Fax 301—699—5080

                               BEFORE THE
                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS C                    MISSION
                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20

Application of Jaguar USA
For Authorization under Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as Amended
to Resell the International Services of Authorized             le No.
U.S. Common Carriers for the Provision of
International Switched, Private Line, Data,
Television and Business Services To All
International Points

To:      Chief, Telecommunications Division, Internation:;     ‘eau

                              SECTION 214 APPLICAT]
         Jaguar USA ("Applicant") hereby seeks author          n to provide international

sWitched, private line, data, television and business se       to all international points

through resale of the existing facilities of authorized U.S    imon carriers, and to resell

private lines for tHe purpose of providing internatio;         asic switched services to

countries found to offer equivalent resale opportunities.      upport of this request, the

following information is provided, as required by Sect         3.18 of the Commission‘s


         a)    Name and address of Applicant:

               Jaguar USA
               213 South Oak Avenue
               Owatonna, Minnesota 55060

         b)    State law under which Applicant is organized:


        Correspondence concerning the application should be addressed to:

        Andy Tanabe
        Jaguar USA               ,
       213 South Oak Avenue
       Owatonna, Minnesota 55060
       (507) 446—9166

       with a copy to:

       Terri K. Firestein, Consultant
       Competitive Communications Group, LLC
       10806 Garrison Hollow Road
       Clear Spring, Maryland 21722
       (301) 8421437

d)     Applicant has not previously received authority under Section 214 of the
       Act.                              '

       Applicant seeks authorization to operate as a resale carrier pursuant to the
       terms and conditions of Section 63.18 (e) (2) to resell the international
       services of authorized U.S. common carriers for the provision of
       international switched, private line, data, television and business services
       to all international points, and to resell private lines for the purpose of
       providing international basic switched services to countries foundto offer
       equivalent resale opportunities. °

       Not Applicable.

g)     Not Applicable.

h) .   Applicant hereby certifies that it has no affiliation with any foreign carrier
       or U.S. carrier whose facilities—based services the Applicant proposes to
       resell.                                                              M

       The following information is provided with respect to shareholders of ten
       percent (10%) or greater of Applicant‘s equity interests:

       Name and Address                              Percent Ownership

       Mr. Donny T. Smith                            16.86 %
       Mr. Carl F. Schick, Jr.                       15.58 %
       Mr. J.C. Pegg     —.                          12.59 %
       Mr. Andrew T. Tanabe                          16.54 %

    Jaguar USA is an U.S. owned company.            All shareholders are U.S.

    The principal business of Jaguar USA is the provision of basic
    international telephone services.

    There are no common directors and officers among           pplicant and its
    direct owners. There are not indirect owners.

    The principle address ofthe Officers and Board ofDire:     Ts is:

    213 South Oak Avenue
    Owatonna, Minnesota 55060

    Applicant certifies that it has not agreed and will n      agree to accept
    special concessions directly or indirectly from any        reign carrier or
    administration with respect to traffic or revenue flow:    etween the U.S.
    and any foreign country which the Applicant may ser        under authority
    granted hereunder.

3   Applicant certifies that, to the best of its knowledge     information. and
    belief, neither Applicant nor any party to this applicat   1 is subject to a
    denial of federal radio licenses under Section 5301        " the Anti—Drug
    Abuse Act of 1988.

                                         Respectfully subm

                                         Andrew T. Tanabe
                                         Chief Operating O:

                                         Jaguar USA

Document Created: 2019-04-22 05:08:13
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 05:08:13

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