Attachment 20161208135620-660.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20001221-00756 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                               ‘ef »re the                                     n ~ 21
                       FEDI RAL COMIN          NICATIOl]            CONM [MISSION               Ageconfi\vg‘eau
                                 Washt         stc n, D.C. :

Ir. the Matter of                                          Strean   »d            ITC 21 1—20001221—00756
ENROUTE TELEZOM, L L.C.                                    ENRO!    TELE 3OM, LLC.

A pplication for authority pirsuant to
Section 214 of the Comt w iications
Act of 1934, as amended, for global
authority to operate as ai1 i1 ternational
facilities—based and resale c: rrier

                                               pp ication

er Route Telecom, L.L.C. (‘enRoute")., h       y requests           ‘hcrit », pursuant :o Ssection 214 of the
C ommunications Act of 1934, as; amende        47 U.S.C. i          tion 2 14 (198‘), and Section 63.18 of
ths Commission‘s Rules, 4 C.F.R. Secti«        53 18, to p          ide g: obal titerns tio nal facilities—based
ar d resale services between the United St;    : ai id interni      nal points.

erRoute is a U.S. (Arizna) limited             ili y comp           — org inized to orovide international
telecommunications services. EnRoute |          n foreigr           Hiliatins. enlioute initially will have
te mination agreements with carriers in        »xi:o and            sitly other lozations at a later time.
er Route will to make these circuits avail     > t> 214 ce          ts to run thei: cistomers‘ traffic on a
price per minute charge.

B granting this applicaticn, the Com           or will se           the public inerest, convenience and
necessity by promoting corn ipetition in the   te: national         vices market. ‘Zo np:tition will benefit
U S. consumers by increasi ig service op!      is : nd lowe         z pricss. Thus, the public interest will
be served by the grant of Se ction 214 autt    ty :0 enRou

                                     Section 63.18 Information

The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the Commissions‘s
Rules, in support of enRoute‘s request for authority.

(a)    enRoute Telecom, L.L.C.
       2830 N. Swan
       Suite 160
       Tucson, Arizona 85712
       Tel: 520—750—1023

(b)    enRoute is a Limited Liability Company organized under the laws of the state of the State
       of Arizona.

(c)   Correspondence concerninig his appl cationshould be ser t to:

      Michael Lansky, Manager
      enRoute Telecorm, L.L.C.
      2830 N. Swan
      Suite 160
      Tucson, Arizo:na 85712
      Tel: 520—750—1023

      —and —

      Neil 5. Ende, Esq.
      Techriology Law Group, L.L.C.
      5335 Wisconsin Avenue
      Suite 440
      Washing:on, D.C. 20015
      Tel: 202—895—1707

(d)   enRoute has not received authority previously under Sec:ion 214 of the Communications

(e)   enRoute requests global facilities—based and ressle Section 214 authority pursuant to the
      terms and conditions of Section 63.1¢6 (e)(1) and (e)(2) of ‘he Cominission‘s Rules.

8     At this time, enRoute seeks no other : wuthorizatio 1 available under Section 63.18(e).

(g)   Not applicable.

(b)   enRoute certifies that it is not affilisted with ary for:ig i or U.S. facilities—based carrier
      whose services it will rese‘l.

      In support of this certification, the n: mes, addresses, citi:enships ind principal businesses
      of the partners that control ten percent or more of enRoute Telecom, L.L.C. are as

      Michael Lansky
      6139 N. Canon del Pajaro
      Tucson, Arizona 85750
      Principal Business:   Employed by a company involved in the provision of
                           telecommunications services.
      Citizenship: U.S.A.

      Bryan Millhouse
      7524 E. Placita Rancho
      La Cholla, Arizona 85715
      Principal Business:     Employed by a company involved in the provision of
                              telecommunications services.
      Citizenship: U.S.A.

      Jack Crim
      5914 E. Dale Lane
      Cave Creek, Arizona 85331
      Principal Business:  Employed by a company involved i1 the provision of
                          telecommunications services.
      Citizenship: U.S.A.

      Cloyle C. Clarke, Jr.
      3016 Lincoln Court
      Garland, Texas 75041
      Principal Business:     Employed by a company involved i1 the provision of
                              telecommunications services.
      Citizenship: U.S.A.

(D)   enRoute certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to accept any
      direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or administration with regards
      to traffic or revenue flows between the United Staites and any foreign countries the
      company is authorized to serve.

O     enRoute certifies that no party to this application hss »een denied federal benefits
      pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1 988.


       In conclusion, enRoute certifies that all of the information in this application is accurate
and correct. For these reasons, enRoute respectfully request that the Commission grant this

                                                     Respectfully submitted,
                                                     ENROUTE TELECOM, L.L.C.

                                                     enRoute Telecom, L L.C.
                                                     2850 N. Swan
                                                     Suite 160
                                                     Tucson, Arizona 85712
                                                     Tel: 520—759—1023

                                                     Date: Decernber 7, 2000

Document Created: 2019-04-18 18:39:30
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 18:39:30

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