Attachment 20161229152134-617.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20001220-00761 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                                                        ©thk, B urea®
                        FEDEIAL COMIMI                  €TIC NS COMAMIISSID! T
                                 Was‘hirc               D.C. 20551

                                                               S rei mlinec!         IT 2—2 14— 20001220—00761
In the Matter of                                               P 3N 3ROACDIBAND, LL C.
Apjlication for authority pursuant to
Section 214 of the Commu nications
Aci of 1934, as arnended, ‘or global
aut rority to operate as an international
facilities—based and resale car ier

                                               A        ation

PC J Broadband, L.L.C. ("PCN Broadband                  ‘eby r:ques s zutlhiority, pursuar t to Seaction 214
of ihe Communications Act of 1934, as ai                d, 47 U S.«2. Section 1+ (19{2), and Section
63. 8 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C..                 secticn 53.18, to provid: jlopal international
faci ities—based and resale services between 1          ited S tates and irternatior al 0i its.

PC< Broadband is a U.S (California)                     ed Liatilit,; Company organi:ed to provide
inte national telecommunicat ons services.              Bro idtand has no fore gn afiliations. PCN
Brc adband initially will have one or more t            ition igrsements with car iets i1 the Philippines
and possibly with other carriers in other Ic            is at i. lster time. PCN B ‘oadb ind will provide
faci ities and circuits to 214 carriers to run t!       istom »rstriffic on a pr ce per m inute charge.

By granting this application the Commis                 vill serve the public interest, convenience and
nec :ssity by promoting competition in the i            tiona‘ services market. Compet tion will benefit
U.S. consumers by increasing; service optic             1 low :ring orices. Thus, the pulic interest will
be s erved by the grant of Section 214 autho1           PCN Broacband

Section 63.18 Information

The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules,
in support of PCN Broadband‘s request for authority.

(a)     PCN Broadband, L.L.C.
        1720 E. Los Angeles Street
        Suite 229
        Simi Valley, California 93065
        Tel: 805—522—8251

(b)     PCN is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the state of the State of

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(c)   Correspandence cor ce ning this application st juld l e : ent to:

      Wi baik J. Roche
      Regina R.eyes Dioni: i0
      PCN Broadband, L. ..C .
      1720 12. ‘Los Angele : S reet
      Suite 229
      Simi Val ey, Californ ia 23065
      ‘Tel: 895—522—8251

      —and —

      Neil S. Ende, Esq.
      Technology Law Gr u; , L.L.C.
      5335 Wisconsin Ave nu :
      Suite 440
      Washington, D.C. 230 .5
      Tel: 202—895—1707

(d)   PCN Broadband his not received authoriy privicusly urjer Section 214 of the
      Communications Ac .

(e)   PCN Broadband req 1e ts globa facilities—base 1 and re ale Sect on 214 authority pursuant
      to the terms and con 1it ons of S sction 63.18(e (1) aa d e)(2) of he Commission‘s Rules.

(£    At this time, PCN Boadbane seeks no otrer a it orizatior available under Section

(g)   Not applicable.

(h)   PCN Broadband certif »s that i is not affiliat :d with . ny forei in or U.S. facilities—based
      carrier whose services it will resell.

      In support of this certification, the names, addresses, citizenships and principal businesses
      of the partners that control ten percent or more of PCN Broadband are as follows:

      Wilbank J. Roche
      PCN Broadband, L.L.C.
      1720 E. Los Angeles Street
      Suite 229
      Simi Valley, California 93065
      Tel: 805—522—8251
      Principal Business: Provision of telecommunications services; Private Attorney
      Citizenship: U.S.A.

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       Regina Reyes Dionisio
       PCN Broadband, L.L.C.
       1720 E. Los Angeles Street
       Suite 229
       Simi Valley, California 93065
       Tel: 805 522 8251
       Principal Business: Provision of telecommunications serv. ce:
       Citizenship: Philippines (US Lawful Permanent Resident)

(00)   PCN Broadband certifies that it has not agreed and will no: agree in tke : uture to
       any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign sarrier or adm inistratic
       regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United Stites and anyfireign co
       the company is authorized to serve.

0      PCN Broadband certifies that no party to this applicatiotr. his been denizd federal t
       pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abus: Act of 1968.


       In conclusion, PCN Broadband certifies that all of the nformation in this applic:
accurate and correct.     For these reasons, PCN Broadband respectfully recuests tk
Commission grant this applicaion.

                                                       Respectfully supmitted,

                                                       PCN BROAD3AND, L.L.C

                                                       By:         é/@fiv
                                                       Wilbank J. Roche
                                                       PCN Broadband, LL.C.
                      +                                1720 E. Los Angeles Street
                                                       Suite 229
                                                       Simi Valley, California 93065
                                                       Tel: 805 522 8251

Dated: December 4, 2000

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Document Created: 2019-04-09 19:11:25
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 19:11:25

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