Attachment 20161229152124-630.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20001220-00761 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                   RECEIVED & INSPECTED
                         2659 TOWNSGATE ROAD, SUITE 109                                OCT 1 7 2002
                           WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91361                                           ¢
                                  TEL: (805) 371—4388 FAX (805) 371—4389           FCC a MA“..ROOJM

 October 8, 2002

 Office ofthe Secretary                                                            ,         002
 Federal Communications Commission                                               OCT 2 9.
 445 12"" Street SW                                 ME                             rPolicy Divigion
 Washington, DC 20554                                                           ‘mzrdm

          Re:      Notice of Proforma Transfer of 214 Authorization from PCN Broadband, LLC to
                   Telnet Services International

 Dear Secretary:

 Enclosed are the original and five copies of our notice of a proforma transfer of the 214
 authorization of PCN Broadband, LLC to Telnet Services International, pursuant to 67 CFR
 §63.24(f).             \

 Very truly yours,

~ Telnet Services International


 Enclosures as noted

                          2659 TOWNSGATE ROAD, SUITE 109
                            WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91361
                              TEL: (805) 371—4388 FAX (805) 371—4389

October 8, 2002

Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

        Re:       Notice ofProforma Transfer of 214 Authorization from PCN Broadband, LLC to
                  Telnet Services International

Dear Secretary:

This letter is being provided pursuant to 67 CFR §63.24(f) and serves as our notice of a proforma
transfer of the 214 authorization of PCN Broadband, LLCto Telnet Services International.

The following informationis provided pursuant to 67 CFR §63.24(f)(2)(1):

1. The names, addresses and telelphone numbers of the transferor and transferse are:

PCN Broadband, LLC                                Telnet Services International
2659 Townsgate Road, Suite 109                    2659 Townsgate Road, Suite 109
Westlake Village, CA 91361                        Westlake Village, CA 91361

Telephone: (805) 371—4388                         Telephone: (805) 371—4388

2. PCN Broadband, LLC is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of
the State of California. Telnet Services International is a corporation organized and existing under
the laws of the State of California.

3. The name, title and post office address and telephone number of the person to whom
communications concerning this Notice should be directed is as follows:

Regina O. Reyes, Manager                          Regina 0: Regg+CEO
PCN Broadband, LLC                                Telnet Services International
2659 Townsgate Road, Suite 109                    2659 Townsgate Road, Suite 109
Westlake Village, CA 91361                        Westlake Village, CA 91361

Telephone: (805) 371 —4388                        Telephone: (805) 371—4388

4.       Telnet Services International is a newly formed entity that has not previously received
authority under Section 214 of the Act.

3.       The names, addresses, citizenship and principal businesses of the persons who own at
least ten percent of the equity of the transferor and transferee are as follows:

PCN Broadband, LLC                                 Telnet Services International

Regina O. Reyes                                    Regina O. Reyes
2659 Townsgate Road, Suite 109                     2659 Townsgate Road, Suite 109
Westlake Village, CA 91361                         Westlake Village, CA 91361
Telephone: (805) 371—4388                          Telephone: (805) 371—4388
Citizenship: Philippines                           Citizenship: Philippines
Businesses: Telecommunications, Law                Businesses: Telecommunications, Law

Wilbank J. Roche                                   Wilbank J. Roche
2659 Townsgate Road, Suite 109                     2659 Townsgate Road, Suite 109
Westlake Village, CA 91361                         Westlake Village, CA 91361
Telephone: (805) 371—4388                          Telephone: (805) 371—4388
Citizenship: U.S.A.                                Citizenship: U.S.A.
Businesses: Law,Telecommunications                 Businesses: Law, Telecommunications

There are no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

We hereby certify that the transfer of control was proforma within the meaning of 67 CFR
63.24(d), Note 2, that the the traswnferror has not been involvedin any previous proforma or
substantial transfer transactions, and that there has been no change in the actual controlling
parties, who remaiin the same.

Very truly yours,

Telnet Services Internati

Regina %yes, CEO

Document Created: 2019-04-22 03:46:41
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 03:46:41

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