Gaecom FCC 214 Amen

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Fonebee LLC

Ammendment to FCC 214


This document pretains to ITC-214-20001205-00703 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554
In the Matter of                                                 )
Gaecom Telecommunications LLC                                    )
Application for authority pursuant                               )   File No.: 214-20001205-00703
to Section 214 of the                                            )
Communications Act of 1934,                                      )
as amended, for global authority                                 )
to operate as an international                                   )
facilities-based and resale carrier                              )

                       (Information update pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.21)

        Gaecom Telecommunications LLC (Gaecom”) is the authorized holder of Authority to
provide international telecommunications pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214 ( the “Act”), which was granted by the Federal Communication
Commission's (hereafter called “Commission”) on December 27, 2000. Gaecom hereby gives
timely notice to the Commission of the following update pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.21 of information on
file pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.18:
                                       Basis for Amendment
        On February 27, 2009 Gaecom Telecommunications formally changed its name to “Fonebee
LLC.” with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations. Gaecom obtained authority from
the Commission to provide International Telecommunication Services in December of 2000 based upon
projected plans at that time. The company however did not pursue these intended plans and instead sold
telecommunication equipment, specifically telephone handsets and phone systems, resulting in the
development of a brand and the name change on February 27, 2009.         At no time since December 27,
2000, has there been a change of ownership or control of the Company whatsoever. The Company now
desires to Amend with the Commission its International Section 214 Authority so that in the near future it
may offer telecommunication services under its proper name, and, proper business address which has
changed multiple times since December 27, 2000, but now is at the below stated business address in the
State of Florida.

47 CFR § 63.18(a): The Amended corporate name, business address and telephone number of
   the Applicant is:

FCC 214 Amendment                                                                      1|Page

        Old Name:                          Gaecom Telecommunications, LLC.
        Address:                           8181 NW 36th Street Suite 17A
        State, City, Zip Code:             Miami, FL 33166
        Tel:                               (305) 468-8993

        New Amended Name:                  Fone Bee, LLC.
        Address:                           911 NW 209 Ave, Suite 111
        State, City, Zip Code:             Pembroke Pines, FL 33029
        Tel:                               954-862-3939
        Fax:                               954-436-2969

47 CFR § 63.18(c): Change of Correspondence Contact Person(s) to:

        Name:                              Mr. Gaeton Chapoteau
                                           Fone Bee, LLC.
        Address:                           911 NW 209 Ave, Suite 111
        State, City, Zip Code:             Pembroke Pines, FL 333029
        Tel:                               954-862-3939
        Fax:                               954-436-2969

        With a copy to:                    Edward Maldonado, Regulatory Counsel
                                           MALDONADO LAW GROUP
                                           3399 NW 72ND Suite 216 Miami Florida, 33122
                                           Tel: (305) 477-7580 Fax: (305) 477-7504

In conclusion of the foregoing, Gaecom Telecommunications, LLC/ FoneBee, LLC certifies that all of the
information     in   this     Amendment      of       47   C.F.R.   §     63.18    Information    of      Gaecom
Telecommunication/FoneBee, LLCs ‘original underlying application is accurate and correct and there are
no other changes to information on file with the Commission.            For these reasons, respectfully requests
that the Commission update its records and files to reflect the forgoing in accord with Gaecom
Telecommunications/FoneBee LLC/s’ obligations pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.21.

                            Respectfully submitted,

                            Gaecom Telecommunications
                            By: /s/ Gaeton Chapoteau /s/
                            Name Mr. Gaeton Chapoteau
                            Manager of Gaecom Telecommunications, LLC/FoneBee, LLC.

By and through their attorney:

                                       /s/_ Edward A. Maldonado__/s/
                                       Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.
                                       MALDONADO LAW GROUP
                                       3399 NW 72nd Avenue, Suite 216 Miami FL 33122
                                       Tel: 305-477-7580 Fax: 305-477-7504 Toll-Free: 1+ (877) 245-6326

FCC 214 Amendment                                                                             2|Page

Document Created: 2011-12-05 14:31:54
Document Modified: 2011-12-05 14:31:54

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