Attachment 20161208093829-817.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20001204-00709 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                 DEC 112000
                                           November 29, 2000
 VL4 OVERNIGHT MAIL                                                                            International 8e
 Federal Communications Commission
 lB Telecommunications Division
 P.O. Box 358115
 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1525 1-51 15
        Re:       Application of TELSTAR INTERNATIONAL, INC. for Authority, Pursuant to
                  Section 214 of the Communications Act Of 1934, as Amended, for Global
                  Authority to Provide International Facilities Based Telecommunications
Dear Sir/Madam:
         Enclosed for filing on behalf of TELSTAR INTERNATIONAL, INC. are an onginal
and six (6) copies of the above-referenced application, including accompanying
        As required by the Commission's Rules, a check in the amount of $815.00 is also
enclosed to cover the filing fee. Please date-stamp the extra copy of this application and
return it to me in the attached self-addressed, stamped envelope.
        Should you have any questions regarding this application, please do not hesitate
to contact me at the below phone number.
                                       Respectfully submitted,
                                      Hope Barbulescu
                                      Director of Regulatory Affairs
                                      (914) 428-5555 extension 219
             TEESTAR INTERNATIONAL INC. One North Boadway, Suite 128, White Plains, NY 10601
                              TEL: (914) 428-5555 FAX: (914) 428-5640

                                                     Before i/ic
                                   11J)ER/l L COMM (IN/CA TIONS COMMISSION
                                                V s/i jni'(On, I). C. 20054
  In the Matter ol                                              Streamlined        ITC-21 4-20001204-00709
                                                                TELSTAR INTERNATIONAL, INC.
 Application for Authority Pursuant to
 Section 214 of the Communications Act
 Of 1934 as Amended, for Global Authorization
 To Provide Facilities-Based International
 Telecommunications Services.
          TELSTAR INTERNATIONAL, INC. ('TEL.STAR"), by its undersigned counsel, hereby requests
 authority and pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U S.C. § 214,
 and Section 63.18 of the Commission's Rules, 47 U.S.C. § 63.18, to provide facilities based international
telecommunications services between the United States and various international points. TEL.STAR is a
common carrier which currently provides service between the United States and international points
pursuant to its existing 214 authority. By this application, TELSTAR seeks to amend its authonty to allow it
to provide facilities-based telecommunications services between the United States and foreign points as
further described below in order to enhance its ability to serve its customers. TELSTAR is not affiliated with
any foreign carriers or dominant domestic carriers and therefore requests streamlined processing of this
application in accordance with 47 U.S.C. § 63.12 of the Commission's Rules.
         Grant of this application is in the public interest, as it will promote competition in the international
telecommunications markets, thus benefiting the public by promoting competitive pricing and increased
availability of service options.
In support of this Application, TELSTAR submits the following information:
(a)      The name and address of the applicant is:
         I North Broadway
         White Plains, New York 10601

         (hId) 428-5555
 (h)      lILSIAR IN kRNAI tONAl., lN(. is a coi poiaiion orraiuzed under the laws of the state of New
 (c)     Correspondence or communications concerning this application should he directed to:
        Hope Barhulescu, Esq.
        Director of Regulatory Affairs
        1 North Broadway
        White Plains, New York 10601
        (914) 428-5555 ext. 219
(d)     TELSTAR is an authorized non-dominant facilities-based carrier with global authority, subject to
        Section 214 ofthe Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and §63.l8(e)(2) ofthe
        Commission's rules to provide resold international basic switched, private line, data, television
        and business services.' TELSTAR'S tariff is on file with the Commission. Other information
        concerning TELSTAR'S legal, technical, and financial qualifications to provide service was
        submitted with TELSTAR'S application for its initial Section 214 authorization to operate as an
        international communications carrier subject to the Commission's jurisdiction and is therefore a
        matter of record before the Commission.2
(e)     In this application, TELSTAR seeks to expand its authority granted in its original 214 License and
        requests global facilities-based Section 214 authority pursuant to the terms and conditions of
        Section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission's rules in order to permit it to provide international basic
        switched, private line, data, television and business services to all international points, other than
       those on the Commission's Exclusion List.
        TELSTAR INTERNATIONAL INC. FCC File Nos. I-I-C- 96-076 and l-T-C-2l4-l9960205-00053,
Public Notice Report #1-8 163 (March 28, 1996).

        (1)     ltttAI5 certifics that it is not affiliated, either directly or indirectly, with any firein carrier as
                diat terni is dehned by the Commission hart 65 ttnles or with any dominant             Carriers
        (g)     ['he name address, citizenship and principal business ol the direct shareholders owning 10% or
               more of [NLSTAR are:
                     Na me/Address                   %hd                 Citizenship        Princi,pBusmess
                     Constantin Barbulescu           50%                U.S                 Telecommunications
                     I North Broadway
                     White Plains, NY 10601
                     Doru Pascaru                    50%                U.S                 Telecommunications
                     I North Broadway
                     White Plains, NY 10601
  (h)         As required by Section 63.18(1) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i), TELSTAR
              certifies that it has not agreed to accept nor shall it accept in the future any special concessions, as
              defined by the Commission's Rules, directly or indirectly, from any foreign carrier or
              admmistration with respect to traffic or revenue flows between the U.S. and any foreign country
              for which TELSTAR may be authorized to serve.
(i)           TELSTAR certifies that it ts not subject to a denial of Federal Benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of
              the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. TELSTAR'S certification pursuant to Section 1.2002 of the
              Commission's Rules (implementing the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. §330 1) is
U)            TELSTAR seeks streamlined processing of this application pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §63.12 of the
              Commission's Rules. Teistar's application qualifies for streamlined processing as noted above for
              the following reasons: I. Teistar is applying for an extension of its existing 214 authority to allow
              it to provide additional services pursuant to §63.18(e)(l) of the Commissions rules, (2), TELSTAR
               For convenience, Telstar has attached a copy of its original Section 214 application along with

           is a non-dominant carrier with no aiPliatiori with either a foreign carrier or ,i dorrirnarit U.S.
          Carrier, aiid (3) FEt.STAR is not seeking authority to provide switched services o yr private lines
          to any country for which the Commission as nol previously authorized the plovisiori of switched
          services over private lines.
                   For the reasons stated above, TELSTAR INTERNATtONAL, INC submits that the public
          interest, convenience and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this application.
                                                                   Respectfully submitted,
                                                                   TELSTAR INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                                                             Hope Barbulescu
                                                                             TELSTAR INTERNA1IONAL, INC.
                                                                             1 North Broadway
                                                                            White Plains, New York 10601
                                                                            (914) 428-5555 ext. 219
                                                                            Its attorney
the Public Notice in which Commission authority was granted as Attachment A to this filing.

                              TELS FAR CERT[FICA1'ION
         On hchaIfofT[I.SEAR INTERNATIONAL INC. ("T ELSTAR') and in accordance with Section
1 200! -1 .2003 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. Sections .2001 I .2003, I hereby certify that
neither TELS1 AR nor any party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal henehts that
includes Commission henehts pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.            See
2] U.S.C. §853a. I also certify that the statements in the foregoing application are rrue, complete,
and correct to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith
                                                       TELSTA    1 TERNATIONAL, INC.
                                                            Constantin Barbulescu
                                                            President             -
                                                            TELSTAR INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                                            I North Broadway
                                                            White Plains, NY 10601

                                       (:FR'l'l I"! C:A'rl: () I S E' R V 1(1:
                      I, Maya Mains, do hereby ceinfy that acopy of the foregonig Applicaooii \iS Silo by
  First class Inited States mail, postage prepaid, tins day of 295 day oF November, 2000, to lie hi low ic
 Donald Abelson                                          Chris Murphy
 Bureau Chief                                            Lcgai Advisor
 International Bureau                                    International Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission                       Federal Communications ('ornmisslon
      I2 Street, SW                                      445 1211 Street, SW,
 Washington, DC. 20554                                   Washington, DC 20554
 Rebecca Arbogast                                        Rnchard Beaird
 Division Chief                                          Deputy U.S. Coordinator & Ditector
 Telecommunications Division                             International Communications & Information Policy
 International Bureau                                    Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
 Federal Communications Comnrrussion                     Department of State
      12 Street, SW.                                     Room 4826
 Washington, D.C. 20554                                  2201 C Street, N.W.
                                                         Washington, D.C. 20054
 George Li
Deputy Division Chief for Operations
Telecommunications Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Comrrussion
445 I2' Street, SW.
Washington, D.C. 20554
Claudia Fox
Chief, Policy and Facilities Branch
Telecommunications Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
    12 Street, SW.
Washington, D.C. 20554
Dated: November 29, 2000

         11 /25/2ij 1 U: 1 3
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11 /25/Yt11i     (: Ii    ?3278B5                                                                    R;GL   @1
                                               Before the
                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                         Washington;D C 20554
       In the Matter of
       TELSTAR International, Inc.                            I-T-C.96-
       Application for Authority Pursuant to
       Section 214 of the Communications Act
       of 1934, as Amended, to Resell Service
       of Other Common Carriers to Provide
       Switched Services From the United States
       to International Points
               TELSTAR Jnteniational, Inc (TELSTAR) hereby requests authority, pursuant to Section
      214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (ACT), and Section 63.01 of the
      Commission's Rules, for authority to resell the international switched voice services of variou.s
      authorized telecommunications carriers for the purpose of providing switched communications
      services from the United States to various international points.
               In accordance with Section 63.01 of the Commission's Rules, JELSTAR submits the
      following information in support of this application:
      (a)      The name and address of the applicant is:
               TELSTAR International, Inc.
               25 Rockledge Avenue
               Suite 1118
               White Plains, N.Y. 10601

11 /25/2CC[    LI: 11
                                                                                                     PrG[   1i5
       (h)     TELSTAR International, Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of
               New York.
       (c)     Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to
                                Constantm Barbulescu
                                TELSTAR International, Inc.
                                25 Rockledge Avenue
                                Suite 1118
                                White Plains, N.Y. 10601
                                Phone: (914) 428-2721
                                Fax: (914) 428-4166
      (d)     TELSTAR will become a common carrier subject to Section 214 of the ACT through its
              proposed operations.
      (e)     The authorization sought in this application will be usd to provide telecommunications
              services from the Uthted States to international points via resold internationai, switched
              voice service. TELSTAR proposes to offer switched services, obtaining international
              switched services capacity from an underlying cather authorized to provide such service,
              as specified in. the following tariffs:
              Carrier                                                               Tariff Nos.
              AT&T Communications                                                   1,2 and 13
              Ailnet Conmiunicatioiis Services, Inc                                 5
              Cable and Wireless, Inc.                                              3
              1DB Woildcom, Inc.                                                    I and 2
              IXC Long Distance, Inc.                                               1
              LDDS Communications, Inc.                                             1 and 2
              Litel Telecommunications Corporation                                  1
              MCI Telecommunications Corporation                                    1
              Metromedia Communications, Inc.                                       1

       1] / 25/ 2[     1(1: 1 1    7[S12 7LHH5                                                                  PIGE
                        Frontier Communications InternationaL [tic.
                        Sprint Communications Company, Lp                                       I and 2
                        Williams Telecommimications, Inc.                                       2
                        Wiltel                                                                  1 and 2
                (I)     TELSTAR is not requesting auchouzation to construct any international facilities between
                        the points for which it is applying to provide resold services
                (g)     TELSTAR has no existing facilities between these points.
                (Ii)    See (e), above.
                (i)    TELSTARs requirements for resale of switched services are dependent upon subscriber
                (j)    No map of proposed facilities is provided since the facilities to be resold by T.ELSTAR are
                       owned and controlled by carriers already authorized to operate those facilities.
     (k) will obtain the capacity necessaly for the resale of international switched
                       services pursuant to FCC tariffs specified in items (e) and (h) above. The applicable
                       terms, conditions, and rates are set forth in those tariffs, or other FCC tariffs of
                       authorized carriers whose facilities TELSTAR may choose to resell in. the future.
               (1)     Grant of this instant application is in the public interest as it will promote competition in
                       international telecommunications markets, thus beuefittin.g the public by promoting
                       competitive pricing and increased availability of service options.
               (in)    By this application TELSTAR is seeking to become an. interiiational common carrier and
                       therefore submits that it is too premature to project international revenues and annual
                       costs at this time.
               (a)     International switched voice services are offered by numerous facilities.-based carriers such.

11 /75/21    I (1: 1 I   7{2 /3R'31                                                                    P(   1
              as AT&T, MCI and Sprint Services similar to those proposed by TELS TAR are
              provided by other authorized resale earners. Exsung international facilities and services
              are inadequate insofar as additionaJ entry of interntiona1 resale earners will farther
              stimulate demand for such services and eucouxage more efficient service at tower cost.
     (0)      IELSTAR will file its tariff upon grant of the requested authorization.
     (p)      TELSTAR will follow generally accepted accounting principles and will adhere to any and
             all FCC accounting reguiations applicable to carriers in its situation.
     (q)     Authorization for the service covered by this application is categorically excluuledfrom
             environmental processing under Section 1. 1306 of the Commission's Rules.
     (r)     TELSTAR has no affiliation with any foreign carrier. TELSIAR has no affiliation with
             any U.S. carrier(s) whose facilities-based services it proposes to resell. YELSTAR has
             two shareholders each with a 50 percent oiership interest in the company. They are:
                   1. Constantin Barbulescu             2. Doru Pascaru
                      25 Rockledge Avenue                  73 Benson Avenue
                      Suite 1118                           Westwood,N.J. 07675
                      White Plains, N.Y. 10601             Citizenship - USA
                      Citizenship - USA
             Grant ofthis application is in the public interest. TELSTAR believes that there is
     significant potential for continued growth in the international voice market, and that this market
     expansion will be enhanced by the introduction of innovative competing services by new market
     entrants such as those services TELSTAR proposes to offer. TELSTAR further believes that the
     introduction of its international services will benefit U.S. consumers of international switched
     voice services by promotiu.g competitive pricing, innovative services, and an. increase in the
     availability of service options.

  I /25/'2'lrlu
11:        1           :                                                                                   I r(;[   1111
                       As demonstrated herein, TELSTAR is legally, financially, and technically qualified to
           provide the services for which it requests authority For tht reasons stated above, TELSTAR
           submits that     the public interest, convenience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this
           application. Accordingly, the Commission is respectfully requested to issue the requested Section
           214 authorization to TELSTAR for the purpose of providing resold international switched voice
                                                             Respectfully submitted,
                                                             TELSTAR International, Inc.
                                                              Cortstantjn Barbulescu
                                                              25 Rockledge Avenue
                                                              Suite 1118
                                                             VThite Plains, N.Y. 10601
                                                             (914) 428-2721
          Dated: February 2, 1996

1 / 25/ 21[i   I U: 1 2   /U112 /1,I3H5
                                    LNJ1PRUABUSL CFRTIF1CJ TJPN
               1, Constantiii Barbulescu, President of TELSTAR International, Inc. hereby certify
      pussnant to Section 1.2002 of the Commission's Rules implementing Section 301 of the Anti-
      Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 853a, that TTELSTAR International, Inc. is not
      subject to a denial of federal benefits under authority granted by that Act.
                                                           Constantin Barbulescu
                                                           TELSTAR nteniatioiml, Inc.

11 / 25/ ?Dt[1   U:   2   /L122 75',                                                                   1(jI
                 1, Janetta Pascaru, do hereby certify that Copies of the foregoing Application were mailed,
        first class postage p repaid, or hand delivered, as mdicated, this 2nd day of February, 1996, to the
        persons listed below
        Scott Harris, Chief*                                  Jennifer Warren
        International Bureau                                  Legal Advisor
        Federal Communications Commission                     International Bureau
        2000 M Street, NW., Rni 800                           Federal Communications Commission
        Washington, DC 20554                                  2000 M Street, NW,
                                                              Washington, D.C 20554
        Diane Cornell, Chief"
        Telecommimicatious Division
        Federal Communications Commission                     Deputy Assistant Secretary of
        2000 M Street, N.W.                                   Defense (Telecommunications)
        Washington, D.C 20554                                 Pentagon, Room 3E160
                                                              Washington, D.C. 20401
        George Li, Deputy Chic, Operations*
        Iutematoiial Bureau                                  Carl Wayne Smith, Esq.
        Federal Communications Commission                    Code AR Defense Information
        2000 M Street, N.W.                                   Systems Agency
        Washington, D.C. 20554                               701 South Courthouse Road
                                                             Arlington., VA 22204
       Troy Tanner, Attorney*
       Telecommunications Division                           Richard Beaird
       Federal Coxmnunications Commission                    Michael Fitch
       2000 M Street, N.W.                                   Bureau of International Communications
       Washington, D.C. 20554                                 and Information Policy
                                                             Department of State
       Robert McDonald, Attorney"                            2201 C Street, N.W.
       Telecommunications Division                           Washington, D.C. 20520
       Federal Comninnj.cations Commission
       2000 M Street, N.W.                                   Office of the General Council
       Washington, D.C. 20554                                National Secuilty Agency
                                                             9800 Savage Road
                                                             Fort Meade, MD 20755-6000
                                                                    p7c -
       * Denotes Delivery By Hand

                                                                                                             --                                                                                                                                Approved by 0MB
                                                                                            FEDlRAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                                                              3060-0589
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       gc No    of
                                                                                                           REM [TI AN                                             ADVICE
  (I) LOCK BOX                      It                                                                                                                                                                                EIAL USE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     cc us oy
                        3         8 116
                                                                  SECT ION A - PAYER INFORMATION
  (2)         'A   YLR NAME (if paying by credit card, rote name exactly as I appears (>11 yOur C' d)                                                                                                       3) TOTAl, AMOUNT PAID (U S Dollars and                  Cools)
  (4 STRLl.                 Al) RUSS LINE NO
                                                     n                I6II 4                Th IOI                                                                                            I                  ''oIOI
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      3 S RL(iT              D RFSS LINE NO 2
                   TY                                                                                                                                                                                            TA
                                                                      is!           I                                     I             I                     I                                                                   SIZIPUODE
 (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)                                                                             (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U S A.)
                                                         II                                                                                     I
(II) PAYER (FRN)                                                                                                          (12) PAYER (TIN)
                                              IF MORE THAN ONE APPLICANT, USE CONTINUATION SHEETS (FORM 159-C)
      I)j A PPL [CA NF NAME
                                             I                    I     I       I             I        I              I             I           I         I               I       I   I   I       I                      I        I                I       I
 (141ST                 ETADD            S       L    ENO I
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (I       1   IPCO E
      £HHHHHHHHHHHIHHII                                                                                                                                                                                          I                MHIH
 (19) bAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)                                                                    (20) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)
(2!) APPLICANT (FRN)                          (22) APPLICANT (TIN)
              liii                                       II
                                                                                                                                            I         liii'
(23A) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                       (24A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (25A) QUANTITY
(26A) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                                                         (27A) TOTAL FEE
                                                                                                                                                                          FCC USE ONLY
      I I I I I                                          II II                      11111                                     I I                   I I
28A) FCC CODE I                                                                         k29A) FCC CODE 2
      II                           HI                         I                                    I              I               III                                         I           H H                                             liii                 I        I
(23B) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                                                                                                      (24B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                                         (25B) QUANTITY
_________________                                                                                                                                                                                     I'll'
(26B) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                                                     k27B TOTAL FEE                                                                                FCC USE ONLY
      I I I                   I          I III I                            I           III II                                   I I                              I
(28B) FCC CODE 1                                                                        k29B FCC CODE 2
      I I 1111                                        II III                            I I                II                               liii                                      liii                   II               111111                               II
                                                                                                       SECTION D - CERTIFICATION
I,    IOI4                  C.)                                                                            certify undeçlty                                       rjury       at t e foregoing and supporting infomiion i'truc and correct to
the best of my knowledge, information and belief.                                                 SIGNATUR/                                                                           1,'-.                          DATEL'efa
                                                                            SECTION E - CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
  31)                                                MASTERCARDIVISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                                                                                                           EXPIRATION
                   MASTERCARDWL'!                                                                                                                                                                                                               liii
                                  I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD for the service(s)/authorizatton herein described.
                                  SIGNATURE ________________________________________ DATE                                                                                                                   _________________
                                                                  SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                                                                                            FCC FORM 159                   FEBRUARY 2000 (REVISED)

                TELSTAR INTERNAT!O
                                       NAL, INC.
                ONE NORTH BROADWAY, SUIT                                CITIBANK NA.
                                         E 128
                WHITE PLAINS, NY 10601                                NEW YORK, NY 10043                         4S88
                                                                                                   I I/29/200Q
ORDER OF - Federal Com
                       munications Commission
   Eiaht Hundred Fifleen
             Federal Communications                                                                              DOLLARS
                                    Commission                                                                   Securiry allures
                                                                                                                 Qelails on back.
MEMO ____________
                  ____  -_______________
                                                ':o   2   oooua:     ?O
                         INC      .
        Federal Common   icat                                                                              4888
                               ons Commission
    Lcense Perrrr os NI sc
                           I-cm                                                       11129/2000

Document Created: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

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