Attachment 20161208092919-807.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20001129-00707 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.



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                                 UNITED STA" ES CF AMERICA                                Det 5       garn
                            FEDERAL COMMUN CAT ONS COMMISSION                            Tele/‘“nrfl PB us
                                                                                        Interne :.:

                                                              Sireamlined       ITC—214—20001129—00707
IN THE MA TTER OF:                                            T ANSFOINT COMMLINICATIONS. INC.

TO PROVIIYJE SWI CHED vOIC 3 SEVICN‘!S                           t
AS AN INT ERNATIONAL RESALE AND                                  )
FACILITIE:s—BASED CARRIER.                                       )

                                               APPL CAT .ON

              NOV/ COMES, Transpoint Comtaunic itions Inc., ("Applicant"), by and through its

representative, Telecom Certification & Filing. Inc., Jursuant to § 214 of th: Communications

Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214 (19{ 2), ar d Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules,

47 C.F.R. § 53.18, makes this Appl:cation to th e Fed sral Communications Commission

("Commission") for global internatonal resale and f cilities—based service s uthority between the

United States and international poir ts. In suppc rt of ts Appolication, Applicint provides the

following inormation as set forth pursuant to Sectio i 63.18:

          a.        Applicant‘s legal name, address and telephone number of its principal place of

                    Transpoint Communications, Inc.
                    26565 West Agoura Road, #305
                    Calabasas, CA 91302
                    (818) 871—9900

          b.        Applicant is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.

00038296; 1

              g.   Any questions or corre ipondence concerning this Applicction should be se it

directly to Applicant‘s representative:

                   David 0. Klein, COO
                   Te ecom Certification & Filing, Inc.
                   48:5 Mladiscn Avenue,     5th Floor
                   New ‘Zork, NY 19022— 5803
                   (212) 545—909)

              d.   Applicart has not previously applied for authority u ider Sectio1 214 of the Act.

              §    Applicart hereby requests Section 214 aithority to uperate as a globsl rese ler an 1

facilities—based carrier of local exchan ze anc. internatior al telecomiaunications services pi rsuan :

to the terms and concitions of Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commussi>n‘s rules.

              £.   At this time, Applicant is not applying fir any other authority set forth in

paragraph (e) of Sect.on 63.18.

              g.   Applicant is not seekin,; facilities—based wuthority ur.der paragri ph (e)(4) 0:‘

Section 63.18.

              h.   Applicant hereby certif es thet it is entire y a domestic corporation with no foreig n


                   (1)     In support of its Appl: cation, Apt licant repre sents that tae followin;

shareholders or equity holders have a 10 percent or greaer interest in the business:

         , LLC
                   633 Third Avenue
                   New York, New York 10017
                   Percent Ownership: 80%
                   Principal Business: Telecommunications/Internet
                   State of Incorporation: Delaware

00038296; 1                                           2

                      Mr. P ul Black
                      26565 West Agouira Road, #305
                      Calab isas, CA 91302
                      ?ercei it Ownersh p: 10%
                      ?rinci »al Business: Telecommunications
                      citize iship: Unit :d States

              The followin;; sharchold‘rs or squity hold rs have a 10 percent 0 greaiter interest in the

business of MeiiaCo, LLC, a Delawars Limited Liability Company:

                     Mr. Puter E Berger
                     $33 T iurd Avenu:
                     ‘New "‘ork, New ‘Zork 10017
                     ‘Title: UMana zing Membr
                     rinci »al Business: Coramunicatio is
                     ‘itize iship: United Sta es

                     (2)     App icant hereb y cert:fies tiat it does rot have any affiliations with any of

the U.S. faciliti :s—bas ad carriers whose services A pplicant int :nds to purchase ind resell.

              1      Applic ant is not, nor is iffiliated w th, a foreig 1 carrier.

          j.         1Applic ant does not seek to provide internationiil telecomi unica:ions services to

any destination count y wheare:

                     (1)     App icant is a fcreign carrier in that country; or

                     (2)     App icant contreds a foreign carrier in t iat country, or

                     (3)     Any entity that owns more than 25 perc ent of the Applic ant, or that

controls the Applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country; or

                     (4)     Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own,

in the aggregate, more than 25 percent of the Applicant and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of,

a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing of international basic

telecommunications services in the United States.

00038296; 1                                              3

             k.   Applicant is not, nor is affiliated with, a foreign carrier.

             1.   Applicant is not, nor is affiliated with, a foreig n carrier.

             m.   Applicant is not, nor is affiliated with, a foreign canier.

             n.   Applicant has not agreed to accept special concessic ns directly or indirectl from

any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international rout: where the foreiy n carier

possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and w ill no : enter into ;uch igreenients in

the future.

             0.   Pursuant to §§ 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Comm: ssion‘s Rul :s im »lemeating

Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, Applicant herety certifies t 1at neither

Applicant nor any party to this Application is subject to a der ial of federal ben »fits ty fedscral

and/or state courts under authority granted in 21 U.S.C. 8$53a.

             p.   This Application qualifies for streamlined processin z pursuant 13 § 6.i.12 of the

Commission‘s Rules as Applicant is not affiliated with a fore gn carrier in any destinmation


00038296:1                                            4


              Applicant believes that there is significant potential for continued growth in the

international voice market and that this market expansion will be accelerated by additional

competition by new entrants. This position is consistent with the Commission‘s findings that

increased competition in international markets benefits the public interest. Applicant is legally,

financially and technically qualified to provide the service for which it requests global resale

authority. For the reasons stated above, Applicant submits that the public interest, convenience

and necessity would be furthered by granting Applicant‘s § 214 Application. The request for

global resale and facilities—based authorization should, therefore, be issued to Applicant for the

purpose of providing resold switched voice communications from the United States to

international points.

Dated: New York, New York
       November 27, 2000

                                                            Respectfully submitted,
                                                                       /7                 ~3
                                                            Transpowit C mmu;&(a,tions, Ific.                .,
                                                                        /                 £               wope



                                                                                              TtE   cZ/
                                                            David O. Klein, COO
                                                            Telecom Certification & Filing, Inc.
                                                            485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
                                                            New York, NY 10022—5803
                                                            Tel. (212) 546—9090

00038296; 1                                            $


              I, Paul Black, President and Chief Executive Officer of Transpoint Communications,

being duly sworn, deposes and says that I have read the foregoing Application and verify that the

statements made therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

                                                         Paul Black

Sworn to before me this
 oCzf®‘day of November, 2000.

                                                         BRSm BAFRAM EFTEKHARLS
                                                                  ; CQMM, #1
      si $            327                                                  m
  uzi //14//,<"/fi2;/(i__——-—\

NotaFy Public ~—

00038296; 1

Document Created: 2019-04-20 05:19:34
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 05:19:34

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