Attachment 20161220131403-680.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20001010-00593 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


C o M P E T I T IV E         C O M M U NT C AT I O NS

          October 9, 2000                                         Fevanmreemneneneeinmmnnennssmnnensncssm

                                                                                                             OCT 1 6 2000
          Federal Communications Commission
          Common Carrier Bureau                                                                              Telecom Division
          P.O. Box 358115                                                                                   International Bureau
          Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—5115

          Re:      Application ofDaniel Island Media Company for Authorization under
                   Section 214 ofthe Communications Act of 1934, as amended to Resell
                   International Switched Telecommunications Services

          Attn:    Chief, International Facilities Division
                   Common Carrier Bureau

          Enclosed are the original and five copies ofthe Application ofDaniel Island Media Company,
          for Authorization under Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to
          resell international switched telecommunications services. Also enclosed are the required
          FCC Form 159 and a check payable to the Federal Communications Commission for $ 815.00
          to cover the required filing fee.

          A copy of this Application cover letter and a SASE are enclosed for acknowledgement ofyour
          receipt of this filing.

          Please contact the undersigned at 301—842—1437 should there be any questions regarding this


                                                                Terri K. Firestein
                                                                On Behalf of
                                                                Daniel Island Media Company

                             10806 Garrison Hollow Road, Clear Spring, Maryland 21722


                                     Before the
                       FEDERAL      [MUNICATIONS COMMISSION                             I     .
                             W      gton, D.C.            20554                       RECE] VED

                                                                                       OCT 1 6 2009
In re Application of                                          Streamiined
                                                              DANIEL ISLAND MEDIA COMPANY


For Authorization under Sectior
Of the Communications Act of

                                                  A A A t t
As Amended, to Resell the Inte:     aal
Services of Authorized U.S. Co:
Carriers for the Provision of
International Switched, Private .
Data, Television and Business &
To All International Points

To:    Chief, Telecommunicati       ivision, International Bureau

                               S]   214APPLICATION
       Daniel Island Media |        any ("Applicant‘") hereby seeks authorization to

provide international switched,     te line, data, television and business services to all

international points through res    E the existing facilities of authorized U.S. common

carriers, and to resell private       for the purpose of providing international basic

switched services to countries f    o offer equivalent resale opportunities. In support of

this request, the following information is provided, as required by Section 63.18 of the

Commission‘s Rules:

       a)      Name and address of Applicant:

               Daniel Island Media Company
               230 Seven Farms Drive
               Suite 201
               Charleston, South Carolina 29492

b)   State law under which Applicant is organized:

     South Carolina

          ‘spondence concerning     : application should be addressed to:

          :1 Island Media Compa:
          Network Telco, Inc.
     sy89 Westheimer Road
     Suite 312
     Houston, Texas 77063

     with a copy to:

     Terri Firestein, Consultant
     Competitive Communicatiot      sroup, LLC
     10806 Garrison Hollow Roa
     Clear Spring, Maryland 217.

d)   Applicant has not previousl    eceived authority under Section 214 of the

     Applicant seeks authorizatio o operate as a resale carrier pursuant to the
     terms and conditions of Se m 63.18 (e) (2) to resell the international
     services of authorized U.        common carriers for the provision of
     international switched, priv line, data, television and business services
     to all international points, and to resell private lines for the purpose of
     providing international basic switched services to countries found to offer
     equivalent resale opportunities.

     Not Applicable.

g)   Not Applicable.

h)     Applicant hereby certifies that it has no affiliation with any foreign carrier
       or U.S. carrier whose facilities—based services the Applicant proposes to

The following information is provided with respect to shareholders of ten percent
(10%) or greater of Applicants equity interests:

Nameand Address                                Percent Ownership

Zeist Investment Group 1—A, LLP                80%
3715 Northside Parkway
Bldg. 300, Suite 195
Atlanta, Georgia 30327

Plano Associates, LP                           20%
8989 Westheimer
Suite 312
Houston, Texas 77063

Zeist Investment Group 1—A, LLP and Plano Associates, LP are U.S. owned

The following information is provided with respect to shareholders of ten percent
(10%) or greater of Zeist Investment Group 1—A, LLP equity interests:

Nameand Address                                      Percent Ownership

George W. Brumley, III         Atlanta,   Georgia            19%
Elizabeth B. Love              Atlanta,   Georgia            19%
Lois B. Morrell                Atlanta,   Georgia            19%
Marie B. Foster                Atlanta,   Georgia            19%
Nancy B. Hackett               Atlanta,   Georgia            19%

All person listed above are U.S. citizens.

The following information is provided with respect to shareholders of ten percent
(10%) or greater of Plano Associates, LP equity interests:

Name and Address                                     Percent Ownership

Robert H. Pinckney             Houston, Texas                60%
Richard M. Miller              Houston, Texas                25%
Dixon M. Conway                Houston, Texas                15%

All person listed above are U.S. citizens.

The principal business of Daniel Island Media Company is the provision of basic
local telephone exchange services.

Common directors and officers among Applicant and its direct and indirect
owners are:

Name                  Position with Applicant                PositionwithAffiliate


All Officers and Directors are U.S. Citizens.

The principle address for the Officers and Board of Directors is:

230 Seven Farms Drive, Suite 201, Charleston, South Carolina 29492

1)     Applicant certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree to accept
       special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or
       administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows between the U.S.
       and any foreign country which the Applicant may serve under authority
       granted hereunder.

j)     Applicant certifies that, to the best of its knowledge, information and
       belief, neither Applicant nor any party to this application is subject to a
       denial of federal radio licenses under Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug
       Abuse Act of 1988.

                                      Respectfully submitted;
                                        $       y Caf       se       A
                                      \Z/w ’( //DL@@&M'

                                      Terri K. Firestein
                                      Consultant for

                                      Daniel Island Media Company

                             CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE

        I, Terri Firestein, of Competitive Communications Group, LLC, 10806 Garrison
Hollow Road, Clear Spring Maryland 21722, do hereby certify that onthis 6 th day of
October, 2000, a copy of the foregoing International Section 214 Application of Daniel
Island Media Company was mailed, first class postage prepaid, to the following:
                                                   ./7    c {9     5      .

                                                  Wei ‘%wf@t@w
                                                 Terri Firestein

       The Honorable James Hodges
       Governor, State of South Carolina
       Office of the Governor
       P.O. Box 11829
       Columbia, South Carolina 29211

       Department of Defense
       Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3I
       1000 Defense Pentagon, Room 3E172
       Washington, DC 20301—1000

       Department of State
       Room 4826
       2201 C Street, NW
       Washington, DC 20520

Document Created: 2019-04-14 20:20:46
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 20:20:46

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