Attachment 20161220115639-600.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000929-00588 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                          OCT 0 5 2000

                                  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA                              lntT:r’r?C(or se
                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                  ational Bureau

                                                             Streamlined        TC—214—20000929—00588
                                                             CELL TEL INTERNATIONAL INC.

APPLICATION FOR GLOBAL AUTHORITY                                 4
TO PROVIDE SWITCHLESS VOICE SERVICES                             )
AS AN INTERNATIONAL RESELLER                                     )


              NOW COMES, Cell Tel International Inc. ("Applicant‘"), by and through its

representative, Telecom Certification & Filing, Inc., pursuant to § 214 of the Communications

Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214 (1982), and Section 63.18 of the Commuission‘s Rules,

47 C.F.R. § 63.18, makes this Application to the Federal Communications Commission

("Commuission") for global international resale authority between the United States and

international points. In support of its Application, Applicant provides the following information

as set forth pursuant to Section 63.18:

              a.     Applicant‘s legal name, address and telephone number of its principal place of

                            Cell Tel International Inc.
                            110 Wall Street, 7Floor
                            New York, New York, 10005
                            (212) 584—9696

          b.        Applicant is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York.

00038567; 1

             €:     Any questions or corre:;pondence concerning this Application should be se it

 directly to Applicant‘s repressntative:

                            David 0. Klein, COO
                            Telecom Certification & Filing, Inc.
                            485 Madison A venue, 15th Flootr
                            NMew York:, NY 10022
                            (212) 546—9090

             d.     Applicarnt bas not previously applied for authority u ider Section 214 of the Act.

             e.     Applicant hereby requests Section 214 authority to «perate as a global reseler of

international telecommunications serv ces piirsuant to the terms and conditions of Section

63.18(c)(2) of the Commussion‘s rules

             £.     At this time, Applicant is not applying fcr any other authority set forth in

paragri ph (e) of Section 63.18.

             g.     Applicant is not seeking; facil ties—based :ruthority ur der paragraph (e)(4) of"

Sectior. 63.1 3.

             h.     Applicant hereby certifies that it is entirely a domestic company with no foreign


                    (1)     In support of its Application, Apr licant repre sents that the followiny:

shareholders or equity holders have a 10 percent or greaer interest in the business:

         Mr. Norbert Horowitz
         1922 S. Railroad Avenue
             Staten Island, New York 10306
         Percent Ownership: 100%
         Principal Business: Telecommunications
         Citizen: Canada

                   (2)     Applicant hereby certifies that it does not have any affiliations with any of

the U.S. facilities—based carriers whose services Applicant intends to purchase and resell.

00038567:1                                             2

             §     Applicant is not, nor is affiliated with, a foreign carrier.

             J:    Applicant does not seek to provide international telecomununic itions services to

any destination country where:

                   (1)     Applicant is a {oreign carrier in that country; or

                   (2)     Applicant controls a foreign carrier in that cauntr; or

                   (3)     Any entity that owns more than :25 percent of the Appli sant, or that

controls the Applicant, controls a foreign crrier in that coun‘ry; 01

                   (4)     Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control for :ign carrier::) owil,

in the aggregate, more than 25 percen: of th: Apr licant and are paities to, or the bereficia es 0o ;,

a contractual relation affecting the prc vision or marketing of interr ational basic

telecommunications services in the Uinited States.

             k.    Applicant is not, nor is affiliiited vith, a foreign carer.

             1.    Applicant is not, nor is affiliiited w ith, a foreign carrier.

             m.    Applicant is not, nor is affiliiited w ith, a foreign carrier.

              n.   Applicant has not agreed to sccept special concessions directly or incirectl: from

any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carer

possesses market power on the foreigt: end of the route and will not enter into such greenients in

the future.

00038567;1                                             3

              o.   Pursuant to §§ 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commussion‘s Rules implementing

Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, Applicant hereby certifies that neither

Applicant nor any party to this Application is subject to a denial of federal benefits by federal

and/or state courts under authority granted in 21 U.S.C. 853a.

              p.   This Application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to § 63.12 of the

Commission‘s Rules as Applicant is not affiliated with a foreign carrier in any destination


00038567; 1                                         4


               Applicant believes that there is significant potential for continued grow th in the

  international voice market and that this market expansion will be accelerated ty additional

  competition by new entrants. This position is consistent with the Commission‘s finiings hat

  increased competition in international markets benefits the public interest. Applicart is legally,

  financially and technically qualified to provide the service for which it requests glot al res ale

  authority. For the reasons stated above, Applicant submits that the public inte est, converience

  and necessity would be furthered by granting Applicant‘s § 214 Application. ‘The request for

  global resale authorization should, therefore, be issued to Applicant for the pupose of providiny:

_ resold switchless voice communicatioas rom the United States to international points.

 Dated: New York, New           York
               September         , 2000

                                                             David0. Klein, COO
                                                             Telecom Certification & Filing, Inc.
                                                             485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
                                                             New York, NY 10022—5803
                                                             Tel.: (212) 546—9090

 00038567; 1                                            5


              I, Norbert Horowitz, President of Cell Tel International Inc., being duly sworn, deposes

  and says that I have read the foregoing Application and verify that the statements made therein

  are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

                                                                  *#                 .
                                                             . 'Z//é/wz/é@
                                                           Norbert Horowitz

  Sworn to before me this
   /%/ day of September, 2000

                 Q EM,@ D
%ANotary Public
                  S E. BAteRRofET
              JAMElic,            T
                       Sta      New Yorle
      Notary P\\lng.‘ 24—5197435
              lifled in Kings County 2001
   commggl%}\l Exp     ires January 31,


Document Created: 2019-04-18 07:51:18
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 07:51:18

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