Attachment 20161220104150-240.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000927-00550 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                  HALPRIN, TEMPLE, GOODMAN & MaAHER
                          555 12TH STREET, N.W., SUITE 950 NORTH
                                     WASHINGTON, D.C.          20004
                              (202) 371—9100      TELEFAX: (20::)) 371—1497
                                       HTTP: // www.HTGM.C M

                                          November 13, 2000

Ms. Magalie Roman Salas                                                     RE         SIYED
Federal Communications Commission                                             NOV      6 2000
The Portals —— 8" Floor
445 12" Street, S.W.                                                        _ Tolec     Division
                                                                            Interne    wal 3ureau
Washington, DC 20554

Dear Ms. Roman Salas:

        On behalf of Telecom New Zealand USA, Ltc. (TNZ USA‘                           on September 26,
2000, we filed a request for authority pursuant to Section 214 of the (                omm unications Act
of 1934, as amended, to provide global facilities—based ind resale in en               on. i and domestic
services. That application was assigned file number ITC—.‘14—200009                    00 550 but has not
been placed on public notice.

        At this time we request permission to withdraw the above—m                     i0ned request for
Section 214 authority without prejudice.‘ Thank you for your time :ind                 nsideration of this


                                                      Albert Halprin
                                                      Stephen L. Goodman
                                                      Counsel for Telecom New Zealand
                                                        USA,. Lid. ("TNZ USA")

cc: Susan O‘Connell
     George Li

‘ TNZ USA intends to file a subsequent request under Section 214 for global facilities—based and resale
international service authority for the former Ameritech region states and New York.

s                            5                                                          "                  SAE
                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS commIssion
            BURIZAU,FEE SEC ION TWO—WAY CORRESPONDENCE FORM                                                            01/38/2001
 To:                                                                                                       APPLICANT‘S NAME:
 [‘ a      F 2e Section, FOD — Roor1 452            D CCB — Room           D Other (Specify Bureau
                                                                             and Roomr Numb sr):            Telecora New Zealand
 [ :l      NV MB — Room                             D OET — Room                                           FEE CONTIIOL NUMBE T:

 FI /OM:         .                                                                                           10—04—100 0358115 8115447 001
 []        Fize Section, FOD — Room 452             D CCB — Room           IE Other (Specify Bureau        BUREAU/OFFICE ID NUMBER:
                                                                                and Room Numb »r):
 [:l       N MB — Room                              D OET — Room                                                    R               yasl
                                                                                                            International/Telecom Division

              $s ls19 Notlfy. vou malt SUbJe:Ct Application                                  Rezurm or Refund for the following reason(s):
                       Requires Further Action:                                             y5>

 I: :I   NC FEE RECEIVED — FEE REQUIRED                                            D NO—FEE REQUIRED (§1.1 1 1 fatl)}
                                                                                   [:] INSUFFICIENT FEE — APPLICATION DISMISSED WITHIN
 E a     APPLICATION ATTACHED                                                             30 DAYS (S1.1 1 1 1a(2))
                                                                                   D DOES NOT MEET AGE REQUIREMENT (S1.1 1 1 1a(3))
 [:I                                                                               D NEW RULE, LAW OR TREATY (S1.1 1 1 1a(4))
 [:l     FEE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR l{EFUND                                              D VAIVER (S1.1 1 1 1a(5))
                                                                                    :I C VERPAYNIENT
                                                                                    j UNTIMELY FILED WINDOW FILING (S1.1 1 1 1a(E))
                                                                                    :I FRST CONME, FIFST SERVED CONSTRJCTION PERMIT
  | {iEMARKS:                                                                         .   (§1.1 1 1 1tg)
                                                                                    :I I ODIFICATIONM OF EX STING/PENDINC AUTHORIZATION
                                                                                           (§1.1 1 1 2(a )
                                                                                    j GOVIZRNMIE:NT ENTIT‘ (€1.1 1 12(a))
  Applicant withdrews apgr licatior .               Plsase                          :] NONCCMINV ERCIH.L ED JCATIONAL OR INSTRUCTIONAL
                                                                                           SSRVIC: (S1.1 1 1 2(c<dXeX1,2,3))
  return application and refund of $815.00.                                         :I IN STRUCTINAL TV FIXED STATION EXEMPTION
                                                                                           (§1.1 1 12(c>4))
                                                                                   \:I RZSTRISTED RAIDTELI:PHONE (S1.1 1 12(eX4,5))
                                                                                    Regiulatory Fee:
                                                                                   [:I No fee raquired or exce isive fee

                                                                                   D Overpayment

                                                                                   I:I Advance payment subject to S1.1 1 52

                                                                                   D New rule — license not valid

                                                                                   D License surrendered (PR services)

                                                                                   [:l Section 8 Application declined, return regulatory fee

                                  y~>        M     l     4      +
                                        ii    ll Ag 4A   }-r«]g #54       a~
BUREAU/OFFICE CONTACT;: oi              is [A iA              J V Lfi #.t 222     BUREAU/OFFICE APPROVAL:

FOR FEE SECTION USE ONLY                                                                   j
                                                                                     I:] Copy returned to Bureau

 Date Received:

Action Taken:                                                                      BY :                                      DATE:

* For Refund Overpayment, provide justification in remarks section.

 COPY DISTRIBUTION: Original and 1 copy to forwarding office; 1 copy retained by originating office                                            Form A—462
                                                                                                                                           September 1996

Document Created: 2019-04-10 11:00:01
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 11:00:01

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