Attachment ATTACH A

This document pretains to ITC-214-20000906-00517 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                Before the
                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                           Washington D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                                       )
012 GOLDEN LINES, LTD.                                                 )       File No. __________
Application for Authority Under                                        )
Section 214 of the Communications                                      )
Act of 1934, As Amended, for Global Authority                          )
to Offer Facilities-Based and Resale Service                           )
Between All Domestic Points                                            )
and All Eligible International Points                                  )

To: Chief, International Bureau


I.            PREAMBLE

                            Applicant 012 Golden Lines, Ltd. (“Golden Lines” or “Applicant”), formerly

known as Golden Lines International Communications Services, Ltd., hereby requests authority

from the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”), pursuant to Section

214 of the Communications Act of 1934 (“the Act”), as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections

63.18(e)(1) and 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(e)(1), (e)(2), to

operate as a facilities-based and resale carrier of international services from all U.S. points to all

eligible international points. Golden Lines’ primary business is the provision of

telecommunications services.

                            Golden Lines International Communications Services, Ltd., was granted

authorization pursuant to Section 214 in file no. ITC-214-19991020-00668 on November 17,

1999. Subsequent to the grant of the authorization, Golden Lines International Communications

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Services, Ltd., changed its name to 012 Golden Lines, Ltd. Excluded from that authorization was

the right to provide services from the states of Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas,

Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin, due to the indirect

ownership by SBC Communications Inc. (“SBC”) of more than 10% of Golden Lines. Since that

time, SBC has divested itself of its indirect holdings in Golden Lines. As a result, Golden Lines

now requests global Section 214 authority without the restrictions necessitated by SBC’s previous

holdings in Golden Lines.

                            Applicant also requests that the Commission streamline the processing of this

application pursuant to Section 63.12. Grant of this Application will serve the public interest,

convenience and necessity by introducing new competition to the international services market.

                            Pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission’s Rules, Applicant sets forth the

following information in support of its request for authorization:


                            (a) The name, address and telephone numbers of Applicant are:

                                012 Golden Lines, Ltd.
                                25 Ha’sivim St., Kiryat Matalon
                                Petach Tikva 49170, ISRAEL
                                Tel: (011) 972-3-927-2111

                            (b) Applicant is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of

                            (c) Correspondence concerning this application should be addressed to:

                                Ms. Aniella Ben-Yair
                                Senior Analyst
                                012 Golden Lines, Ltd.
                                25 Ha’sivim St., Kiryat Matalon
                                Petach Tikva 49170, ISRAEL
                                Tel: (011) 972-3-927-4501
                                Fax: (011) 972-3-927-2090

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                                  with a copy to:

                                  Joel S. Winnik
                                  Douglas A. Klein
                                  Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.
                                  555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
                                  Washington, D.C. 20004-1109
                                  Tel: (202) 637-5600
                                  Fax: (202) 637-5910

                            (d) Applicant previously received authority under Section 214 of the
                                Communications Act in file no. ITC-214-19991020-00668. See Public Notice
                                Report No. TEL-00159, DA 99-2566 (released Nov. 18, 1999). The
                                authorization allowed Golden Lines to provide facilities-based and resold
                                services to all international points and from all U.S. points except the states of
                                Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada,
                                Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin. Golden Lines agreed to comply with
                                dominant-carrier regulation on the U.S.–Italy route.

                            (e)       (1)      (i)    Applicant is requesting Section 214 authority to operate as
                                  a facilities-based carrier pursuant to the terms and conditions of § 63.18(e)(1).

                                              (ii)    Applicant seeks authority to provide service from all U.S.
                                  points to all foreign countries.

                                             (iii)   Applicant certifies that it will comply with the terms and
                                  conditions contained in §§ 63.21 and 63.22.

                                      (2)     (i)     Applicant is requesting Section 214 authority to operate as
                                  a resale carrier pursuant to the terms and conditions of § 63.18(e)(2).

                                              (ii)    Applicant seeks authority to provide service from all U.S.
                                  points to all foreign countries.

                                             (iii)   Applicant certifies that it will comply with the terms and
                                  conditions contained in §§ 63.21 and 63.23.

                                      (3) Applicant does not seek authority for a transfer of control or a transfer
                                  of Section 214 authority, so this paragraph is not applicable.

                                      (4) Applicant does not seek authority to acquire facilities or to provide
                                  services not covered by paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(3), so this paragraph is
                                  not applicable.

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                            (f) No response required.

                            (g) Applicant does not seek facilities-based authority under § 63.18(e)(4).

                            (h) The following companies and other entities directly own at least 10 percent of
                                the equity of Applicant:

              Name                        Address                 State of        Principal        %
                                                              Incorporation       Business
Aurec Local        16 Abba Hillel                          Israel                Holding            35.1
Information        Silver Rd., Ramat                                             Company
Services Ltd.      Gan 52506, Israel
Globscom Holdings  38 Ben Gurion      Israel                                     Holding          22.08
(2000) Ltd.        Street, Ramat Gan,                                            Company
K.M. Group’s       16 Abba Hillel     Israel                                     Holding          16.42
Assets Ltd.        Silver Rd., Ramat                                             Company
                   Gan 52506, Israel
Golden Netherlands 1077 XX            Netherlands                                Holding            26.4
N.V.               Amsterdam                                                     Company
                   Strawnskylaan 6th
                   Floor, Netherlands
Total                                                                                               100

                                The following persons and other entities indirectly own at least 10 percent of
                                the equity of Applicant (a matrix graphically demonstrating these ownership
                                relationships is contained in Appendix A):

              Name                        Address              Citizenship/      Principal Business        %
                                                                  State of
Globes Publishers                    53 Ha’etzel Street,   Israel                Media                     19.87
News (1983)                          Rishon LeZion,
Monitin                              53 Ha’etzel Street,   Israel                Media                     19.87
Newspapers Ltd.                      Rishon LeZion,
Yezoka Ltd.                          12 Zlotziski St.,     Israel                Holding Company           10.60
                                     Tel-Aviv 62994,
Zvi Meitar                           16 Abba Hillel        Israel                Attorney                  10.60
                                     Silver Rd., Ramat
                                     Gan 52506, Israel

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Meizarim Ltd.                        16 Abba Hillel          Israel                  Holding Company                12.99
                                     Silver Rd., Ramat
                                     Gan 52506, Israel
Shmuel Meitar                        16 Abba Hillel          Israel                  Businessman                    12.99
                                     Silver Rd., Ramat
                                     Gan 52506, Israel
Reslo Ltd.                           16 Abba Hillel          Israel                  Holding Company                27.28
                                     Silver Rd., Ramat
                                     Gan 52506, Israel
Moris Kahn                           16 Abba Hillel          Israel                  Businessman                    27.28
                                     Silver Rd., Ramat
                                     Gan 52506, Israel
S.M. Holdings Ltd.                   16 Abba Hillel          Israel                  Holding Company                17.55
                                     Silver Rd., Ramat
                                     Gan 52506, Israel
D.M.S.L. Holdings                    16 Abba Hillel          Israel                  Holding Company                12.99
Ltd.                                 Silver Rd., Ramat
                                     Gan 52506, Israel
Telecom Italia                       Via Bertola S.PA        Italy                   Telecommunications             25.08
S.P.A.                               19 122 Tolino
Tecnost S.P.A.                       Corso M. D’azegle       Italy                   Information                    13.42
                                     69 115 Ivsea                                    Technology

                                Interlocking Directorates. The following individuals are the directors of the
                                Applicant, which is a foreign carrier: Giovani Barontini, Archimede Del-Vecio,
                                Ami Even, Eliezer Fishman, Roberto Girardi, Moshe Kleinman, and Israel

                                To the best of our knowledge, none of the individuals listed above concurrently
                                serves as director of another foreign carrier.

                            (i) Applicant hereby certifies that it is, or is affiliated with, foreign carriers in
                                Israel and Italy.

                            (j) Applicant hereby certifies that it seeks to provide international
                                telecommunications services to countries in which it has the following
                                relationships with foreign carriers:

Name of foreign carrier                             Relationship to Applicant             Licensed Countries

012 Golden Lines, Ltd.                              Applicant                             Israel
Telecom Italia S.P.A.                               Indirectly owns more than 25%         Italy
                                                    of Applicant

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                            (k)      (1)       Israel is a member of the World Trade Organization, and Applicant
                                  and its affiliate foreign carriers lack market power in Israel.

                                     (2)     Italy is a member of the World Trade Organization.

                            (l)       (1)      Applicant lacks 50 percent market share in the international
                                  transport and the local access markets in Israel. Although the Commission has
                                  stated that the International Bureau’s list is not conclusive of this issue, the
                                  Bureau has recognized that Bezeq is the dominant carrier in Israel. See
                                  Applicant asks the Commission to take official notice that Golden Lines is a
                                  new entrant with small amounts of traffic that lacks 50 percent market share in
                                  the international transport and local access markets in Israel.

                                      (2)     Applicant will file the quarterly traffic reports required by
                                  § 43.61(c) of this chapter with respect to its international telecommunications
                                  service to Italy.

                            (m)        (1)     Applicant seeks to be regulated as non-dominant with respect to its
                                  service to Israel. Non-dominant status is warranted because Applicant and its
                                  affiliates lack 50 percent market share in the international transport and local
                                  access markets in Israel.

                                       (2)     Applicant agrees to be classified as a dominant carrier with respect
                                  to its international telecommunications service to Italy under § 63.10, without
                                  prejudice to its right to petition for reclassification at a later date.

                            (n) Applicant certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly
                                or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international
                                route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of
                                the route and that it will not enter into such agreements in the future.

                            (o) Applicant hereby certifies that no party to this application, as defined in 47
                                C.F.R. § 1.2002(b), is subject to denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section
                                5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

                            (p) The Application qualifies for streamlined pursuant to Section 63.12 because:

                                      (1)     Israel is a WTO Member country and the Applicant and its affiliates
                                  qualify for a presumption of non-dominance under § 63.10(a)(4) because they
                                  lack 50 percent market share in the international transport and local access
                                  markets in Israel; and

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                                    (2)     Italy is a WTO Member country and the Applicant agrees to be
                                classified as a dominant carrier with respect to its international
                                telecommunications service to Italy under § 63.10, without prejudice to its
                                right to petition for reclassification at a later date.


                            Accordingly, Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission grant this


                                                                  Respectfully submitted

                                                                  012 GOLDEN LINES, LTD.

                                                             By: __________________________
                                                                   Stella Handler
                                                                   Vice-President Business Development
                                                                   012 Golden Lines, Ltd.
                                                                   25 Ha’sivim St., Kiryat Matalon
                                                                   Petach Tikva 49170, ISRAEL

Joel S. Winnik
Douglas A. Klein
Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.
555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
(202) 637-5600

Its Attorneys

Dated: September 6, 2000

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Document Created: 2019-04-08 12:47:52
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 12:47:52

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