Attachment 20170608084857-513.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000824-00503 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                   Law OFFICES
                                          2120 L STREET, NW
                                        WasHincton, DC 20037
HAROLD MORDKOFSKY                                (202) 659—0830                           AFFILIATED SOUTH AMERICAN OFFICES
BENJAMIN H. DICKENS, JR.                    FAcsIMILE: (202) 828—5568                       EsTUDIO JAUREGUI & AssociaTEs
JOHN A. PRENDERGAST                                                                               BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA
RICHARD D. RUBINO                                                                                   RoBIERT M. JACKSON
MARY J. SISAK                                                                                           OF COUNSEL
                                                January 16, 20(      Streamlined                  ITC—T/C—20030116—00151
ARTHUR BLOOSTON                                                      Tularosa Communications, Inc.
    1914 — 1999

                                                                        WRITER‘S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER


        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                  RECEIVED
        Office of the Secretary                                                                             JAN 1 7 2003
        Federal Communications Commission                                           _                        Policy Biision
        445 12 Street, S.W.                                             JAN 1 6 2003                          Policy Division
              j          j                                                                                 International Bureau
        Washmgton, D.C. 20554                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                        OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
                  Attention:       Donald Abelson, Chief
                                   International Bureau

                  Re:        Tularosa Communications, Inc.
                             File No. ITC—214—20000824—00503

        Dear Ms. Dortch:

               On behalf of Ponderosa Communications, Inc., we are submitting herewith its
        notification of pro forma transfer of negative control with respect to Tularosa
        Communications, Inc.

               In accordance with Section 1.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, please direct any
        questions or correspondence regarding this filing to our office.

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                     Richard D. Rubino
                                                     Counsel for Ponderosa Communications, Inc.


                        POND      rOSA COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                          P.O. Box 21
                                        47034 Road 201
                                  Neals, California 93645—0021

                                                     RECEiVEp RECEVED
                                                     JAN 1 7 20
                                                                03               JAN 1 6 2003
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretar                          fi’uficy Division                                       ON
                                                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSI
Office of the Secretary                           Internationa}
                                                                  Bursay         OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
Federal Communications C&         mission
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Attention:       Donald    belson, Chief
                        Intern;   mal Bureau

        le:   Tularosa Con        unications, Inc.
              File No. ITC—       1—20000824—00503


Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Pursuant to Section 6      A(f ) of the Commission‘s Rules, we hereby notify the
Commission of the consumt         ion ofan internal corporate reorganization which has
resulted in the pro forma trai    er of negative control of Tularosa Communications, Inc.
(Tularosa), from The Pondei       a Telephone Co. (TPTC) to Ponderosa Communications,
Inc. (PC]).

       The pro forma transfer of control occurred on December 19, 2002, upon the
transfer of 100 percent of the issued and outstanding shares of stock of TPTC by the
current shareholders of TPTC to its affiliate and the simultaneous spin—off by TPTC of
Stageline Communications, Inc. (SCI), the indirect 50 percent parent of Tularosa. This
pro forma internal corporate reorganization was accomplished by the shareholders of
TPTC exchanging, on a one—for—one basis, their shares of stock in TPTC for stock in PCI
so that the ultimate beneficial ownership and control of TPTC and Tularosa remained
unchanged and (b) the immediate transfer, by TPTC of its stock interest in SCI to PCI.
As a result of this internal corporate reorganization, TPTC became wholly—owned
subsidiary of PCI, a holding company, while Tularosa became a 50 percent owned
indirect subsidiary of PCI. Inasmuch as the ultimate beneficial ownership and control of
Tularosa has remained unchanged, the internal corporate reorganization was pro forma
in nature, as defined by Section 63.24"4)      of the Commission‘s Rules.

       PCI certifies, pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s
Rules, that neither it nor any of their affiliates, within the meaning of Section 3(1) of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, are subject t a denial of Federal benefits
pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. §862.

        The undersigned certifies, (1) that the internal corporate reorganization, described
above is pro forma, as defined by Section 63.24( d) of the Commission‘s Rules and (11) the
pro forma transaction, taken together with any previous pro forma transactions to the
extent any such transactions exist, did not result in a change in Tularosa‘s ultimate

      Please direct any questions regarding this matter to our counsel, Blooston,
Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, 2120 L Street, NW., Suite 300,
Washington, D.C. 20554.

                                           Sincerely yours,

                                           PONDEROSA COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                      y: EGoaalth /{’\/// M§
                                           Elizabeth L. Silkwood

Dated:   _/ */ —        _ , 2003

Exhibit 1
Page 1 of 4
Name and Address of Transferee:         Ponderosa Communications, Inc.
                                        P.O. Box 21
                                        47034 Road 201
                                        O ‘Neals, California 93645—0021

State of Organization:                  California

Name Address and Telephone Number of Contact Persons:

                                        Elizabeth L. Silkwood, President
                                        Ponderosa Communications, Inc.
                                        P.O. Box 21
                                        47034 Road 201
                                        O ‘Neals, California 93645—0021
                                        Tel. (559) 868—6395


                                        Richard D. Rubino, Esquire
                                        Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy
                                         & Prendergast
                                        2120 L Street, NW., Suite 300
                                        Washington, D.C. 20037
                                        Tel.   (202) 659—083
                                        Fax. (202) 828—5568
Has Applicant Previously Received Authority under Section 2142

       Ponderosa Communications, Inc. has not previously received authority under
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Ponderosa
Communications, Inc. is a holding Company, which holds the stock of various other
telecommunications service providers.

Exhibit 1
Page 2 of 4

Name, Address, Citizenship and Principal Business of 10 Percent or Greater
Interest Holders:

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Silkwood
P.O. Box 21
47034 Road 201
O‘Neals, California 93645—0021
Principal Business: Telecommunications
Interest Held: 61.81 percent

Elizabeth L. Silkwood holds a 61.81 percent interest in the voting common and voting
preferred stock of Ponderosa Communications, Inc., as follows:

a.    29.44 percent in her individual capacity;
b.    2.80 percent interest through Silkwood Ventures, LLC;
€.    15.72 percent interest as trustee of the Else B. Bigelow — Jessee E. Bigelow Trust
      dated March 12, 1987 FBO E. L. Silkwood;
d.    6.05 percent interest as co—trustee of the Jessee E. BigelowResidual Trust FBO E.
      L. Silkwood;
e.    3.90 percent interest as trustee of the Robert L. Silkwood Testamentary Residual
      Trust FBO Lee Roy Silkwood; and
£     3.90 percent interest as trustee of the Robert L. Silkwood Testamentary Residual
      Trust FBO Kristi Silkwood Mattes.

James F. Wagner
P.O. Box 21
47034 Road 201
O‘Neals, California 93645—0021
Principal Business: Telecommunications
Interest Held: 11.03 percent

James F. Wagner holds an 11.03 percent interest in the voting common and voting
preferred stock of Ponderosa Communications, Inc., as follows:

a.    4.98 percent as trustee of the Lee Roy Silkwood Trust dated December 19, 1983
      FBO Le Roy Silkwood; and
b.    6.05 percent as co—trustee of the Jessee E. Bigelow Residual Trust FBO E. L.

Exhibit 1
Page 3 of 4

Franklin E. Bigelow
P.O. Box 21
47034 Road 201
O‘Neals, California 93645—0021
Principal Business: Telecommunications
Interest Held: 25.74 percent

Franklin E. Bigelow holds a 25.74 percent interest in the voting common and voting
preferred stock of Ponderosa Communications, Inc., as follows:

a.    2.02 percent in his individual capacity;
b.    20.6 percent interest as co—trustee of the Robert F. Bigelow Marital Deduction
      Trust dated November 21, 1980 FBO Mary F. Bigelow;
€:    0.48 percent interest as trustee of the Robert F. Bigelow Residual Trust dated
      November 20, 1981 FBO Franklin E. Bigelow;
d.    0.44 percent interest as trustee of the John H. Bigelow/Robert F. Bigelow Residual
      Trust dated October 5, 1995 FBO Franklin E. Bigelow, Jr.;
e.    0.44 percent interest as trustee of the John H. Bigelow/Robert F. Bigelow Residual
      Trust dated October 5, 1995 FBO Matthew J. Bigelow;
£.    0.44 percent interest as trustee of the John H. Bigelow/Robert F. Bigelow Residual
      Trust dated October 5, 1995 FBO Kasey Bigelow;
g.    0.44 percent interest as trustee of the John H. Bigelow/Robert F. Bigelow Residual
      Trust dated October 5, 1995 FBO Jamie Marie Costales;
 h.   0.44 percent interest as trustee of the John H. Bigelow/Robert F. Bigelow Residual
      Trust dated October 5, 1995 FBO James Ray Costales, Jr.; and
1.    0.44 percent interest as trustee of the John H. Bigelow/Robert F. Bigelow Residual
      Trust dated October 5, 1995 FBO Julie Ann Tipton

Exhibit 1
Page 4 of 4

Mary E. Costales
P.O. Box 21
47034 Road 201
O‘Neals, California 93645—0021
Principal Business: None
Interest Held: 23.1 percent

Mary E. Costales holds a 23.1 percent interest in the voting common and voting preferred
stock of Ponderosa Communications, Inc., as follows:

a.    2.02 percent in her individual capacity;
b:    20.6 percent as co—trustee of the Robert F. Bigelow Marital Deduction Trust Dated
      November 20, 1981 FBO Mary Bigelow; and
c.    0.48 percent interest as trustee of the Robert F. Bigelow Residual Trust dated
      November 20, 1981 FBO Mary E. Costales.

Document Created: 2019-05-23 17:57:50
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 17:57:50

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