Attachment 20161215113804-460.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000731-00473 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


 PAUL,.    WEISS,         RIFKIND.       WHARTON          8 GARRISON                                  1 285 AvENUE OF THE AMERICAS
                                                                                                    NEW YORK, NY 10019—6064
1615 L STREET, NW                       waASHINGTON,     DC 20036—5 694                             TELEPHONE (212) 373—3000
TELEPHONE (202) 223—7300                               FACSIMILE (202) 223—7420                     FACSIMILE (212) 7873990

                                                                                                    62, RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT—HONORE
                                                                                                    75008 PARIS, FRANCE
                                                                                                    TELEPHONE (33 1) 53 43 14 14
 WRITER‘S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER                                                                        FACSIMILE (33 153 43 00 23

(202) 223—7337                                                                                      FUKOKU SEIMEI BUILDING
       4                                                                                            2—2, UCHISAIWAICHO 2—CHOME
 WRITER‘S DIRECT E—MAIL ADDRESS                                                                     CHIYODA—KU, TOKYO 100—0011, JAPAN
                                                                                                    TELEPHONE (81—3) ss97—8 101
       :          :                                                                                 FACSIMILE (81—3) as97—8120
                                                                                                    2918 CHINA WORLD TOWER !I
                                                                                                    NO. 1   JIANGUOMENWAI DAJIE
                                                                                                    BEIJING,   100004
                                                                                                    PEOPLE‘S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
                                                                                                    TELEPHONE (86—10) 6505—6822
                                                                                                    FACSIMILE (86—10) 6505—6830

                                                           Ju]y 3 1 >   2000                         1 2TH FLOOR, HONG KONG CLUB BUILDING
                                                                                                    3A CHATER ROAD, CENTRAL
                                                                                                    HONG KONG
                                                                                                    TELEPHONE (852) 2536—9933
                                                                                                    FACSIMILE (852) 2536—0622

             Federal Communications Comtmnission
             International Bureau — Telecommunications                             AUG U 3 2000
             P.O. Box 358115                                                                   —
             Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115                                             Telecom Division
                                                                                  International Bureau

                                  Re:   StarHub Pte Ltd
                                        Application for Section 214 Authorization
                                        to Serve All Authorized Locations Except Singapore

            Dear Sirs:

                           On behalf of StarHub Pte Ltd, please find enclosed an original and five
            copies of the above—captioned application. We have also attached the requisite FCC
            Form 159 and an application filing fee of $780.

                           Please date—stamp the extra copy of this application and return it in the
            enclosed self—addressed, stamped envelope. Any questions regarding the enclosed
            application should be addressed to the undersigned.

                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                    HArru O YVMlolu
                                                       Kira A. Merski
                                                       Attorney for StarHub Pte Ltd


            Doc#: DC1: 107112.1

                                       BEFORE THE
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of                                          )
 StarHub Pte Ltd                                           )
                                                           )      File No. I—T—C—__—_
Application pursuant to Section 214 of the                 )
Communications Act of 1934, as amended,                    )
for global authority to acquire and operate                )
U.S. common carrier and non—common carrier                 )
facilities for the provision ofinternational               )
common carrier service between the                         )
United States and all permissible foreign points           )
except Singapore and to provide such service               )
via resale.                                                )


                       StarHub Pte Ltd ("StarHub" or the "Company"), hereby applies for

authority, pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the

"Act"), and Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules and Regulations (the "Rules"), to

(1) constuct, acquire and operate U.S. common carrier and non—common carrier facilities

previously and subsequently authorized by the Commission to provide

telecommunications services between the United States and all permissible foreign points

except Singapore, and (2) resell the international services of authorized U.S. common

carriers —— excluding the resale of private line services for the provision of international

basic switched services to countries that have not been found by the Commuission to

provide equivalent resale opportunities —— to all international points.

                       StarHub is a Singapore company that provides fixed and mobile domestic

and international telecommunications services in Singapore. It is the new entrant in

Singapore‘s recently liberalized telecommunications market, with a market share of less

Doc#: DCI1: 106354.2

 than five percent. As explained below, while StarHub, as a new entrant, does not have

 the ability to exercise market power in Singapore, under Commission rules it appears that

 StarHub could be considered affiliated with Singapore Telecommunications Limited

 ("SingTel"), the primary provider of domestic and international telecommunications

 services in Singapore. Because it could be considered affiliated with a dominant carrier

in Singapore, StarHub is not requesting section 214 authority on the U.S.—Singapore route

in this Application. Because StarHub is not a foreign carrier in a destination market and

is not affiliated with a foreign carrier in a destination market, StarHub hereby requests

that the Commission process this Application in accordance with its streamlined

processing procedures.

                      In accordance with Section 63.18 of the Rules, the Company submits the

following information in support of its application:

                      (a)    The applicant is StarHub Pte Ltd. The address of the Company‘s

principal place of business is: 51 Cuppage Road #07—00, StarHub Centre, Singapore

229469. The phone number at that address is +65 825 5000.

                      (b)    StarHub is organized under the laws of the Republic of Singapore.

                      (c)    Correspondence concerning this Application should be directed to:

                             John Poston
                             Senior Vice President, International & Wholesale
                             51 Cuppage Road #07—00
                             StarHub Centre
                             StarHub Pte Ltd
                            Singapore 229469
                            Tel: +65 825 5708
                            Fax: +65 721 5008

Doc#: DC1: 106354.2

                            +h sopies to:

                            I    1 Tan
                            1    Counsel
                                 ppage Road #07—00
                            c    1b Centre
                            &    ore 229469
                                 65 825 5145
                            I    65 721 5004
                            I    I:

                            P    ) L. Spector, Esq.
                            I    B. Sherman, Esq.
                            P    «. Merski, Esq.
                            PE   Neiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
                             1   . Street, N.W., Suite 1300
                                 ngton, D.C. 20036
                            1    202) 223—7300
                            F    202) 223—7340

                      (d)   C    ib has not received authority previously under Section 214

of the Act.

                      Oe         ib hereby requests global Section 214 authority to (1) operate

as a facilities—based inte       mal carrier between the United States and all permissible

points except Singapore, pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) of

the Rules, as well as any and all other provisions of the Rules applicable hereto, and (ii)

to resell international services, between the United States and all permissible points

except Singapore pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(2) of the

Rules, as well as any and all other provisions of the Rules applicable hereto. The

authorization sought in this application will be used to provide a full range of

telecommunications services, including switched voice and data and private line services,

between the United States and all permissible foreign points.

Doc#: DC1: 106354.2

                      (£)   Not applicable.

                      (g)   Not applicable.

                      (h)   The 10% or greater direct or indirect equity owners of StarHub are

as follows:

                            (1)    STT Communications Pte Ltd ("STT")
                                   51 Cuppage Road #10—11/17
                                   StarHub Centre
                                   Singapore 229469
                                   Singapore incorporated company
                                   Principal business: info—communications and multi—media
                                   business in Singapore and the region and the provision and
                                   management of info—communications services and
                                   investment activities.
                                   9% direct ownership of the company (additional indirect as
                                   described below).

                                   Which is 100% owned by:

                                   ST Telemedia Pte Ltd
                                   51 Cuppage Road
                                   StarHub Centre
                                   Singapore 229469
                                   Principal Business: holding company

                                   Singapore Technologies Pte Ltd
                                   51 Cuppage Road
                                   StarHub Centre
                                   Singapore 229469
                                   Principal Business: Engineering, technology, infrastructure
                                   & lifestyle, property and financial services

                                   Which is majority owned by:

                                  Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek")
                                  8 Shenton Way #38—03
                                  Temasek Tower
                                  Singapore 068811
                                  Principal business: holding company

Doc#: DC1: 106354.2

                      (2)    Techpower Communications Pte Ltd
                             111 Somerset Road #16—01
                             Singapore 238164
                             Singapore incorporated company
                             Principal business: holding company
                             51% direct equity interest in the Company

                             Which is 50% owned by:


                             And 50% owned by:

                             Singapore Power Limited ("SP")
                             111 Somerset Road
                             PUB Building
                             Singapore 238164
                             Principal business: provision of utilities

                             SP is majority—owned by:


                       (3)   NTT Investment Singapore Pte Ltd
                             20 Cecil Street #11—03/06
                             The Exchange
                             Singapore 049705
                             Singapore incorporated company
                             Principal business: to provide telecommunications services
                             and systems integration services.
                             22% direct equity interest in the Company

                             Which is 100% owned by:

                             NTT Communications Corporation
                             Kowa Nishi—shinbashi Bldg., B, 14—1 Nishi—shinbashi
                             2—chome Minato—ku, Tokyo 105—0003
                             Principal business: domestic and international
                             telecommunications services

                      (4)    BT (Netherlands) Holding B.V.
                             Overschiestaat 65
                             1062 XD Amsterdam
                             Netherlands incorporated company

Doc#: DC1: 106354.2

                      Principal business: to participate in, to be otherwise
                      interested in, to finance and to manage other business
                      enterprises of any nature whatsoever.
                      18% direct equity interest in the Company

                      Which is 100% owned by:

                      BT Sixty—Four Limited
                      81 Newgate Street
                      London EC1A 7AJ
                      Registered in England
                      Principal business: holding company

                      Which is 100% owned by:

                      BT Fifty—Three Limited
                      81 Newgate Street
                      London EC1A 7AJ
                      Registered in England
                      Principal business: holding company

                      Which is 66.6% held by:

                      BT (International) Holdings Ltd.
                      81 Newgate Street
                      London EC1A 7AJ
                      Registered in England
                      Principal business: holding company

                      Which is 100% owned by:

                      BT Holdings Limited
                      81 Newgate Street
                      London EC1A 7AJ
                      Registered in England
                      Principal business: holding company

                      Which is 100% owned by:

                      British Telecommunications ple
                      81 Newgate Street
                      London ECIA 7AJ
                      Registered in England
                      Principal business: domestic and international
                      telecommunications services

Doc#: DC1: 106354.2

                      (1)   StarHub hereby certifies, under penalty of perjury, that StarHub is

 a foreign carrier in Singapore, and is not a foreign carrier in any other country. Both

 StarHub and SingTel are majority owned by Temasek, an investment holding company

 with diverseinterests in a wide spectrum of industries including media, financial services,

 transportation, ship repair and engineering, repair and leisure recreation. Temasek is

 wholly—owned by the Minister of Finance (Incorporated) in Singapore, and hence, under

 the Rules, StarHub could be considered affiliated with SingTel. StarHub has no

 interlocking directorates with foreign carriers.

                      (J)   StarHub hereby certifies, under penalty of perjury, that it does not

seek to provide international telecommunications services to any destination country for

which any of the provisions of Section 63.18(j) are true.

                      (k)   Not applicable.

                      (1)   Not applicable.

                      (m)   StarHub is not a foreign carrier and is not affiliated with a foreign

carrier for any destination country. Thus, it should be classified as a non—dominant

carrier for destination countries covered by this Application.

                      (n)   StarHub hereby certifies, under penalty of perjury, that it has not

agreed to accept —— nor will it agree to accept —— special concessions directly or indirectly

from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows

between the U.S. and any foreign country that StarHub may serve under the authority

granted pursuant to Part 47 of the Rules.

Doc#: DC1: 106354.2

                      (0)   Pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Rules, by

 certification attached hereto, StarHub certifies that no party to this application is subject

 to a denial of Federal beneffits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the

 Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

                      (p)   Under Section 63.12 of the Rules, this application is subject to the

 Commission‘s streamlined processing rules because no provision of Section 63.12(c) is

applicable. StarHub is not, and is not affiliated with, a foreign carrier in any destination


Doc#: DC1: 106354.2

                                      BEFORE THE
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of

 StarHub Pte Ltd
                                                                     File No. I—T—C—__—_
 Application pursuant to Section 214 of the
 Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
 for global authority to acquire and operate
 U.S. common carrier and non—common carrier
 facilities for the provision of international
 common carrier service between the
 United States and all permissible foreign points
 except Singapore and to provide such service
 via resale.

                                CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

                      I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that neither the applicant nor

 any party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC

benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section

8$53a. Executed on this 31° day of July, 2000.

                             StarHub Pte Ltd

                             By:   /Zéfl/\,é\ C{ s¥ ra—zfr}
                                     Phillip L. Spector‘
                                     Laura B. Sherman
                                     Kira A. Merski
                                     Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
                                     1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 1300
                                     Washington, D.C. 20036
                                     Tel: (202) 223—7300
                                     Fax: (202) 223—7340

                                     Its Attorneys

     Pursuant to Section 1.743(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, this Application is signed by
     StarHub‘s counsel on StarHub‘s behalf as all StarHub representatives that are
   _ authorized to sign the Application are absent from the United States.

Doc#: DC1: 106354.2

Document Created: 2019-05-01 10:44:13
Document Modified: 2019-05-01 10:44:13

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