Attachment ATTACHMENT 1

This document pretains to ITC-214-20000728-00439 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                               July 27, 2000


Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
The Portals
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                Re:     Application of Darien Communications, Inc.
                        for Authorization under Section 214 of the Communications
                        Act of 1934, as amended, to Resell International
                        Switched Telecommunications Services

Attn:   Chief, International Facilities Division
        Common Carrier Bureau

Enclosed is the electronic Application of Darien Communications, Inc. for Authorization under Section
214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to resell international switched
telecommunications services. The required FCC Form 159 and a check payable to the Federal
Communications Commission in the amount of $780.00 to cover the required filing fee have been sent
to the Federal Communications Commission c/o Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Please contact the undersigned should there be any questions concerning this matter.


                                                   John Becci
                                                   Manager – Regulatory Affairs


                                        Before the
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

In re Application of                                    )
Darien Communications, Inc.                             )        File No. __________
For authorization under Section 214                     )
of the Communications Act of 1934,                      )
as amended, to resell international                     )
switched telecommunications services.               )

To:      Chief, International Facilities Division

                                     SECTION 214 APPLICATION

         Darien Communications, Inc. ("Applicant"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Darien Telephone

Company, Inc.1 hereby seeks authorization to provide international switched telephone service

through the resale of existing international switched telecommunications services. In support of this

request, the following information is provided, as required by Section 63.18 of the Commission's Rules:

         a)      Name and address of applicant:

                 Darien Communications, Inc.
                 1011 North Way
                 P.O. Box 575
                 Darien, Georgia 31305
                 Telephone Number: (912) 437-4111
                 Facsimile: (912) 437-3499

         b)      State law under which applicant is organized:


      Darien Telephone Company, Inc. is a local exchange telephone company serving areas of

c)   Correspondence concerning this application should be addressed to:

     Ken Johnson
     Supervisor - New Business Development
     Darien Communications, Inc.
     1011 North Way
     P.O. Box 575
     Darien, Georgia 31305
     Telephone Number: (912) 437-4111
     Facsimile: (912) 437-3499

     with a copy to:

     John Becci
     Manager - Regulatory Affairs
     John Staurulakis, Inc.
     6315 Seabrook Road
     Seabrook, Maryland 20706
     Telephone Number: (301) 459-7590
     Facsimile: (301) 577-5575

d)   Applicant is currently not fully subject to the Act and has not previously received
     authority under Section 214 of the Act. Applicant also plans to offer interstate,
     domestic long distance resale services.

e)   Applicant requests Section 214 authority to operate as a resale carrier pursuant to the
     terms and conditions of 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18(e)(2).

f)   File separate applications:

     Not applicable. See Section e), supra.

g)   Applicant seeking authority under 63.18(e)(6):

     Not applicable. See Section e), supra.

h)   Applicant hereby certifies that it has no affiliation with a foreign carrier or U. S.
     Carrier whose facilities-based services shall be resold by Applicant within the
     meaning of 47 C.F.R. Sections 63.18(h)(1) and 63.18(h)(3), respectively. In
     accordance with 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18(h)(2), the following information is
     provided: 100% of Applicant's issued and outstanding stock is owned by
     Applicant's parent, Darien Telephone Company, Inc., a U.S. Corporation. Neither
     the applicant nor the parent company has any stockholders who own 10% or more
     of the stock. Darien Telephone Company, Inc.’s principal business is the provision
     of telecommunications services to customers in and around Darien, Georgia.
     Darien Telephone Company, Inc.’s address is 1011 North Way, Darien, Georgia

i)   Applicant hereby certifies that the applicant has not agreed to accept special
     concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier within the meaning of 47
     C.F.R. Section 63.18(i)(1).

j)   Applicant hereby certifies that, to the best of its knowledge, information and belief,
     neither the Applicant nor any party to this Application has been convicted of drug
     possession or trafficking, such that Applicant is subject to a denial of federal radio
     licenses under Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

k)   Applicant desires streamlined processing within the meaning of 47 C.F.R. Section
     63.12. Applicant hereby certifies that it has no affiliation with a foreign carrier or U.S.
     Carrier whose facilities-based services shall be resold by Applicant. Furthermore,
     Applicant certifies that it is not seeking authority to provide switched basic services
     over private lines to a country for which the Federal Communications Commission has
     not previously authorized the provision of switched services over private lines.

      Since the applicant is a wholly owned subsidiary of Darien Telephone Company, Inc., a local
      exchange telephone company, the following information is also being provided:

             1)       The parent company and the resale applicant will keep separate books of

             2)       The parent company and resale applicant will use joint switching facilities when
                      cost effective and appropriate.

             3)       Any tariff services that resale applicant purchases from parent company will be
                      purchased out of parent company's General Services Tariff.

             4)       The parent company will treat the resale applicant as a non-regulated affiliate
                      for accounting purposes.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     Darien Communications, Inc.

                                     Mary Lou Chapman

Dated: ____________

                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, John Becci, do hereby certify that on this 27th Day of July 2000, a copy of the foregoing Section 214
application of Darien Communications, Inc. was mailed, first class postage prepaid, to the persons
listed below:

                       The Honorable Roy E. Barnes
                       Governor of the State of Georgia
                       State Capitol Building
                       Atlanta, Georgia 30334

                       Secretary of State
                       2201 C Street, N.W.
                       Washington, D.C. 20590

                                                       John Becci

Document Created: 2019-04-16 02:33:48
Document Modified: 2019-04-16 02:33:48

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