Attachment 20161213152805-410.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000721-00427 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                               for 214 Applications
                           TIES—BASED SERVICE
                                        E   SERVICE
                           ATELLITE SERVICE

                                  Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554                                          ~~anfl
                                                                                         _\ mVS
                                                                                  g1. 2:

                                             NZ N/ NN NN N/ NN NN NY
In the Matter of

Baton Rouge Cellular Telephone                                                       "g—   .
Company §                                                                          FaECE’VE D

                                                                       File No. ITC—_JUL 2 6 2009
Application for Authority, Pursuant to                                              Teleco. m Divigiio
Section 214 of the Communications Act                                             Intem.atvonal Bu n
of 1934, as Amended, for Global Resale


       Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Rules of the Federal Communications

Commission ("Commission"), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2), Baton Rouge Cellular Telephone

Company ("Applicant") hereby requests authority to provide global international resale

services between the contiguous United States, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of Puerto

Rico ("Puerto Rico") and the United States Virgin Islands and all international points.

       In support of this application, Applicant submits the following information.


       Applicant is a Louisiana general partnership and is over 99% owned by

Radiofone, Inc., which, in turn, is a wholly—owned subsidiary of SBC Communications

Inc. ("SBC"). Applicant‘s business consists primarily of the provision of wireless

services in the state of Louisiana. In addition, Applicant provides international resale

services to its wireless customers.

       SBC, Applicant‘s ultimate controlling parent corporation, has ownership interests

in several foreign carriers. SBC‘s interest in carriers in South Africa, Switzerland,

Hungary, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Lithuania and Belgium

rise to the level of a foreign affiliation under the Commission‘s international section 214

regulations. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e).


       Grant of this application will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity

by enabling Applicant to provide its customers with international service through the

resale of the international services of authorized U.S. common carriers. Applicant‘s

provision of international services will benefit consumers by increasing competition,

lowering prices and increasing the service options available to the public. For these

reasons, Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission grant this Application.


        Applicant provides the following information in compliance with subsections (a)

 through (p) of Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(a)—(p), and

 in support of the Applicant‘s request.

       (a) The name, address and telephone number of the Applicant are:

            Baton Rouge Cellular Telephone Company, Inc.
            17330 Preston Road, Suite 100A
            Dallas, TX 75252
            (972) 733—2005

       (b) Applicant is a Louisiana general partnership.

        (c) The name, title, address and telephone number of each officer and other

 contact person to whom correspondence concerning this application is to be addressed

 is as follows:

             Baton Rouge Cellular Telephone Company, Inc.
             Carol Tacker
             17330 Preston Road, Suite 100A
             Dallas, TX 75252

             (972) 733—2005 (voice)
             (972) 733—2021 (facsimile)
       with a copy to

             Philip Horton
             Arnold & Porter
             555 12th Street, N.W.
             Washington, DC 20004

             (202) 942—5787 (voice)
             (202) 942—5999 (facsimile)

       (d) Applicant has not previously received authority under Section 214 of the

Communications Act, as amended, to provide international telecommunications services.

       (e) Applicant is applying for global resale authority under Section 63.18(e)(2) of

the Commission‘s Rules. Applicant requests Section 214 authority to operate as a resale

carrier pursuant to § 63.18(e)(2) and certifies that it will comply with the terms and

conditions contained in §§ 63.21 and 63.23 of the Commission‘s rules.

       (f) No response required.

       (g) Applicant is not seeking facilities—based authority under Section 63.18(e)(4) of

the Commission‘s Rules. Therefore, Section 63.18(g) requires no response from


        (h) Applicant is over 99% owned by Radiofone, Inc., a Louisiana corporation

whose business consists primarily of the provision of wireless services in the states of

Louisiana and Michigan. Radiofone, Inc. is wholly—owned by SBC, which is a

corporation organized under the laws of the sfate: of Delaware. SBC‘s principal

businesses consist of local exchange, wireless and directory publishing services provided

by the operating subsidiaries of SBC. No entity or person beneficially owns more than

10 percent of SBC. SBC‘s address is as follows:

        SBC Communications Inc.
        175 East Houston Street
        San Antonio, TX 78205

        (i) Applicant hereby certifies that it is affiliated, as that term is defined in

Section 63.09(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, by virtue of the ownershipinterests of SBC

or its other subsidiaries, withthe following foreign carriers:

            1. Telkom South Africa Ltd. ("Telkom S$.A.") (South Africa). A consortium
            formed between Telekom Malaysia Berhad and SBC owns 30 percent of
            Telkom S.A. SBC owns 60% of the consortium. Before the acquisition by
            this consortium, Telkom S.A. was a completely state—owned company.
            Telkom S.A. is the incumbent telecormmunications carrier in South Africa.

            2. diAx Holding AG ("diAx") (Switzerland). SBC, through a joint venture,
            owns an indirect 40 percent interest in diAx, a relatively new, full—service
            Swiss telecommunications carrier, with far less than 50 percent market share
            in the international transport and local access markets in Switzerland. In the
            Commission decision approving the merger of SBC and Ameritech
            Corporation ("Ameritech")," the Commission determined that diAx lacks
            market power in Switzerland, and that SBC and its subsidiaries are entitled to
            non—dominant carrier treatment on the U.S.—Switzerland route. >

            3. MATAV Rt (Hungary). MagyarCom, a consortium formed indirectly
            between Ameritech, a wholly—owned subsidiary of SBC, and Deutsche

‘ In re Ameritech Corp. and SBC Communications Inc., 14 FCC Red. 14,712 (Oct. 8,
1999) ("SBC/Ameritech Order").
> Id. at [ 533.

           Telekom, owns approximately 60 percent of MATAV Rt., the incumbent
          telecommunications operator in Hungary. Through its interest in
          MagyarCom, Ameritech, and therefore SBC, holds a non—controlling, 29.8
          percent interest in MATAV.

           4. BEN Netherlands B.V. ("BEN Netherland") (the Netherlands). Through
           its interests in Tele Danmark and Belgacom S.A., Ameritech owns an indirect,
           non—controlling interest in BEN Netherland. BEN Netherland provides GSM
           1800 wireless services in the Netherlands, andhas far less than a 50 percent
           market share in the international transport and local access markets in the
           Netherlands. In the SBC/AmeritechOrder, the Commission held that BEN
           Netherland does not possess market power in the Netherlands, and that SBC
           subsi(jgiaries are entitled to non—domminant regulation onthe U.S.—Netherlands

           5. Tele Danmark A/S ("Tele Danmark") (Denmark). Ameritech holds,
           through an indirect subsidiary, a 41.6 percent, defacto controllinginterest in
           Tele Danmark. Tele Danmark is a full service telecommunications carrier in
           Denmarkauthorizedto provide, among other services, local exchange and
           international telecommunications services to the public.

          6. NetCom GSM (‘NetCom") (Norway). Ameritech owns a 19.6 percent
          interest in NetCom. Tele Danmark owns 20.4 percent of NetCom. Therefore,
          Ameritech has an effective interest of approximately 28.1 percent in NetCom.
          NetCom is a wireless carrier with less than 50 percent market share of the
          local access and transport markets in Norway.

           7. Talkline GmbH ("Talkline") (Germany and the Netherlands). Talklineis
          wholly—owned by Tele Danmark. Consequently, Ameritech holds anindirect
          controlling interest in Talkline. Talkline is authorized to provide mobile
          communications services in Germany and resold cellular service in the
          Netherlands. Talkline has far less than a 50 percent market share of the
          international transport and local access markets in Germany and the
          Netherlands. In the SBC/Ameritech Order, the Commission held that Talkline
          lacks market power in Germany and the Netherlands, and that SBC
          subsidiaries are entitled to regulation as non—dominant carriers along the U.S.—
          Germany and U.S.—Netherlands routes."

           8. UAB Mobilios Telekomunikacijos ("Bite") (Lithuania). Bite is a wholly—
           owned subsidiary of Tele Danmark. Consequently, Ameritech holds an
           indirect, controlling interest in Bite. Bite is authorized to provide wireless
           services in Lithuania, and has far less than a 50 percent market share in the

* Id. at 537.

                international transport and local access markets in Lithuania. In the

                Lithuani__a,;ah_aifiic subsidiaries are entitled to regulation as non—
                dominant carriers on the U.S.—Lithuania route."

                is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Ameritech. As a consequence,
                SBC holds a controlling interest in ACII. Last year, ACII received
                authorizationto provide international telecommunications services in Canada,
                andtherefore became a foreign carrier, as that term is defined in Section
                63.09(d). ACII has a minuscule share of the international transport andlocal
                access market in Canada. On June 30, 1999, Ameritech Communications, Inc.
                and Ameritech Mobile Communications, Inc. (subsidiaries of SBC) notified
                the Commissionthat: (1) ACII (a wholly—owned subsidiary of Ameritech
                Communications, Inc.) had become a foreign carrier in Canada, (2) ACII lacks
                market power in Canada, and (3) ACI and AMCI therefore are entitled to non—
                dominant treatment along the U.S.—Canada route.©° The Commission
                apparently agrees that ACII lacks market power in Canada because the
                Commission has not imposed dominant carrier status on ACI and AMCI along
                the U.S.—Canadaroute."

                10. EITele Ost ("ETO") (Norway). Tele Danmark owns a 51 percent interest
                of ETO, which provides competitive fixed network, broadband and internet
                services in Norway. ETO currently serves a minuscule share of the
                Norwegian market. SBC recently notified the Commission ofits affiliation
                with ETO.8 Consequently, the Commission has not yet considered whether
                ETO possesses market power in Norway. Nevertheless, as SBC pointed out in
                its notification, due toits low share of the Norwegian market, ETO does not
                have market power and SBC is entitled to a presumption of non—dominance
                along the U.S.—Norway route."

° Id. at 538.
© Ameritech Communications, Inc. Certification of Status of its Affiliate, Ameritech
Communications International, Inc. as a Foreign Carrier in Canada, FCC File Nos. ITC—
96—441, ITC—96—272, ITC—97—298 (filed June 30, 1999); Ameritech Mobile
Communications, Inc. Certification of Status of its Affiliate, Ameritech Communications
International, Inc. as a Foreign Carrier in Canada, FCC File No. ITC—96—243 (filed June
30, 1999).
" Foreign Participation Order, 12 FCC Red. 23891, J 161—162 (1997).
8 Southwestern Bell Communications Services, Inc., et. al, Notification of Foreign
Affiliation, FCC File No. FCN—NEW—20000120—00002 (public notice of notification,
Report No. FCN—00014, Feb. 11, 2000).
° 1d. at 4—5.

             11. Belgacom S.A. ("Belgacom") (Belgium). SBC, through its subsidiary
             Ameritech, indirectly has an affiliation with Belgacom.‘" Belgacomis the
             incumbent telecommunications carrier in Belgium.

             Applicant hereby certifies that it is not a foreign carrier in any country.

        (J) Pursuant to section 63.18(j) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(),

Applicant hereby certifies that: (1) it does not seekto provide international

telecommunications services to any destination country in which Applicant is a foreign

carrier or controls a foreign carrier, and (2) no foreign carriers own more than 25 percent

of Applicant. Applicant further certifies that it seeks to serve certain destination

countries in which SBC, an entity which own greater than 25 percent of Applicant,

controls foreign carriers. These foreign carriers and destination countries are:

        1.      Denmark (Tele Danmafk);

       2.       Germany (Talkline);

       K3       Netherlands (Talkline);

       4.       Lithuania (Bite);

        5.      Canada (ACII);

       6.       Norway (ETO);

       (k) Pursuant to section 63.18(k) of the Commission‘s rules, for each of the

destination countries listed in subsection (J) of this application, Applicant provides the

following information:

       (1)      Tele Danmark (Denmark). Denmark is a member of the World Trade

  In The Matter of Southwestern Bell Communications Services, Inc., DA 00—1474 (June
30, 2000) [ 21.

        (2)    Talkline (Germany and the Netherlands). Both Germany and the
               Netherlands are members of the World Trade Organization. Talkline has
               far less than 50 percent market share of the international transport and
               local access markets in Germany and the Netherlands, and therefore is
               presumed not to have market power in Germany and the Netherlands."‘
               Additionally, as noted above, the Commission has already concluded that
               Talkline lacks market powerin Germany and the Netherlands."

        (3)    Bite (Lithuania). Lithuania is not a member of the World Trade
               Organization. However, Bite has far less than a 50 percent market share
               in the international transport and local access markets in Lithuania, and
               therefore is presumed not to ;3)ossess market power in any relevant market
               on the U.S.—Lithuania route."" For this reason, the Commission has already
               concluded that Bite lacks sufficient market power to affect competition
               adversely in the United States.

        (4)    ACII (Canada). Canadais a member of the World Trade Organization.
               ACII is a nascent carrier with far less than 50 percent of the international
               transport and local access markets in Canada, and therefore is presumed
               not to possess market power in any relevant market on the U.S.—Canada
                     14       144            T      4    7         5      e *
               route. In addition, as noted in section(i)(8) of this application, the
               Commission apparently already has concluded that ACII lacks market
               power in Canada.

               ETO (Norway). Norway is a member of the World Trade Organization.
               ETO is a nascent carrier with a miniscule share of the international
               transport and local access markets in Norway, and therefore is presumed
               not to1 ossess market power in any relevant market on the U.S.—Norway

        () Applicant proposes to resell the international switched services of unaffiliated

U.S. carriers for the purpose of providing global international communications services.

In ten countries — South Africa, Switzerland, Hungary, Norway, the Netherlands,

‘ Foreign Participation Order, 12 FCC Red 23891, 23955—65, $« 150—70 (1997).
 SBC/Ameritech Order, at [ 537.
} Foreign Participation Order, 12 FCC Red 23891, 23955—65, J« 150—70 (1997).
14 E

15 Q_

Denmark, Germany, Canada, Lithuania and Belgium — Applicant has a foreign

affiliation as defined by Section 63.09(e) of the Commission‘s Rules. Pursuant to

Section 63.18(1) of those Rules, Applicant provides the following information with

respect to the foreign carriers with whichit has an affiliation and as to which it either

satisfies Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules or files the quarterly traffic

reports required by Section 43.61(c) of the Commission‘s Rules:

       On all international routes Applicant will provide service solely via resale of the

international switched services of an unaffiliated U.S. carrier. Since all of Applicant‘s

foreign affiliated carriers, except Telkom S.A., Tele Danmark, MATAVRt and

Belgacom, lack 50 percent market share in the international transport and the local access

markets on the foreign end of the route, Applicant will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(3) of the

Rules for all international communications services covered by this application, other

than those to South Africa, Denmark, Hungary and Belgium. With respect to those four

countries, Applicant will file the quarterly traffic reports required by Section 43.61(c) of

the Rules.

       (m) Pursuant to Section 63.18(m) of the Commission‘s Rules, and in accord with

the standards set forth in Section 63.10 of those Rules, Applicant requests that it be

treated as non—dominant for the provision of the international communications services to

South Africa, Switzerland, Hungary, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany,

Canada, Lithuania, and Belgium for the following reasons:

             1. Applicanf will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(4) for the provision of international
             communications service to South Africa through the resale of an unaffiliated
             U.S facilities—based carriers‘ international switched services.

2. diAx lacks 50 percent market share in the international transport and local
access markets in Switzerland and thus Applicant will satisfy Section
63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules for all international communications
services which are covered by this application.

3. Applicant will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(4) for the provision of international
communications service to Hungary through the resale ofan unaffiliated U.S.
facilities—based carriers‘ international switched services

4. BEN lacks 50 percent market share in the international transport and local
access market in the Netherlands and thus Applicant will satisfy Section
63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules for all international communications
services which are covered by this application.

5. NetCom is a wireless carrier which lacks 50 percent market share in the
international transport and local access market in Norway and thus Applicant
will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules for all .
international communications services which are covered by this application.

6. Applicant will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(4) for the provision of international
communications service to Denmark through the resale of an unaffiliated U.S.
facilities—based carriers‘ international switched services.

7. Talkline provides mobile communicationsservices by connecting
customers to different mobile operators‘ networks, and has far below50
percent of the market share of the international transport and local access
markets in Germany and the Netherlands and thus Applicant will satisfy
Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules for all international
communications services whichare covered by this application.

8. Bite provides only mobile wireless communications services and lacks 50
percent market share in the international transport and local access markets in
Lithuania and thus Applicant will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(3) of the
Commission‘s Rules for all international communications services which are
covered by this application.

9. ACII received authorization to provide international telecommunications
services in Canada last year, and therefore became a foreign carrier, as that
term is defined in Section 63.09(d). ACII has a minuscule share of the
international transport and local access market in Canada and lacks 50 percent
market share in the international transport and local access markets in Canada
and thus Applicant will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules
for all international communications services which are covered by this


           10. ETO, which provides competitive fixed network, broadband and internet
           services in Norway, has far below 50 percent of the market share of the
           international transport and local access markets in Norway and thus Applicant
           will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules for all
           international communications services whichare covered by this application.

           11. Applicant will satisfy Section 63.10(a)(4) for the provision of international
           communications service to Belgium through the resale of an unaffiliated U.S.
           facilities—based carriers‘ international switched services.

        (n) Applicant hereby certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions

directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route

where the foreign carrier possesses market power on theforeign end of the route and will

not enter into such agreementsin the future.

        (0) Applicant is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section

5301 ofthe Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. Attached hereto is a certification, pursuant to

Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules (implementing the Anti—Drug

Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862), of Applicant.

       (P) Applicant requests streamlined processing of this application. This

application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the

Commission‘s Rules because, although Applicant is affiliated with foreign carriers within

the meaning of Section 63.09(e) in South Africa, Switzerland, Hungary, Norway, the

Netherlands, Denmark, Canada, Germany afid Belgium, these affiliated destination

markets are World Trade Organization member countries, and Applicant qualifies for a

presumption of non—dominance under Section 63.10(a)(4) of the Commission‘s Rules as

the international service which is the subject of this application would be provided solely

through the resale of an unaffiliated U.S. facilities—based carrier‘s international switched


services (either directly or indirectly through resale of another U.S. resale carrier‘s

international switched services).

       In addition, although Applicant is affiliated with a foreign carrier within the

meaning of Sectidn 63.09(e) in Lithuania, the Commission has previously found that Bite

lacks market powerin the destination market."

6 1d. at T0 534—538.



       In view of the foregoing, the Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission

grant this application.

               Respectfully submitted,



                      CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
            SECTIONS 1.2001—1.2003 OF THE COMMISSION‘S RULES

        Pursuant to Sections 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§§ 1.2001—1.2003, Baton Rouge Cellular Telephone Company hereby certifies that

neither it, nor any of its officers or directors, nor any of the shareholders holding 5

percent or more of the outstanding stock or shares (voting and/or non—voting) of Baton

Rouge Cellular Telephone Company is subject to a denial of federal benefits that include

FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Federal Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21

U.S.C. § 862.

                BATO/’?OUGE CELLUVIAR                FTELEPHONE COMPANY

                By:     //{.M                                   '
                      L °C Z

DATE:        7        Ll/({{)


Document Created: 2019-04-19 16:51:35
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 16:51:35

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