Attachment 20161213134142-127.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000707-00407 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


      Categories of                   214    Applicati
              (Stre    1                    line)

a   LIMITED/GLOBAL R              E


x   LIMITED/GLOBAL F              SED/RESALE       SE











Description of Application:

                                   Before the CO                                                           SGION
                      FEDERAL                                                                                               e
                                       ashington D.C. 20554
                                     Washington,                                                                    q 01 100

In the Matter of

                                                      No/ No N) Nt N Ne N N) N) N) N) N) N)
                                                                                              File No. IT—2000—         C

Application for Authority Pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as Amended, to Provide Global
International Facilities—Based and Resale
Telecommunications Services Between the
United States and All Permissible
International Points


       BroadStreet Communications International, L.L.C. (hereinafter "BCI" or the

"Applicant"), by its undersigned attorneys, hereby respectfully requests authority from the

Federal Communications Commuission (the "Commission"), pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"), 47 U.S.C. § 214 and Sections 63.18

(e)(1)—(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.18 (e)(1)—(2), to provide global international

facilities—based and resale telecommunications services between the United States and all

permissible international pointé.

       As fully described herein, Applicant is legally, financially and technically qualified to

provide the services requested herein. Approval of this Application will increase competition in

the global international facilities—based and resale telecommunications service markets between

the United States and all permissible international points and therefore benefit the public interest.

Applicant requests streamlined processing of this Application in accordance with Section 63.12

of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.12, as Applicant is not affiliated with any foreign

carrier. In support of this Application, Applicantsubmits the following information:


       A.      BroadStreet Communications International, L.L.C.

       BCI is a limited liability company formed under the laws of the State of Delaware on

May 3, 2000 to facilitate the offering of international long distance service. BCI is comprised of

a sole member, BroadStreet Communications, Inc. ("BroadStreet"), a Delaware corporation. BCI

does not have any subsidiaries or assets at this time. BCI has no foreign affiliations.

       BCI‘s sole member, BroadStreet provides a broad range of intrastate and interstate

telecommunications services, and has pending applications for authority to provide local

exchange telecommunications service, interexchange telecommunications service, and access

services, including dedicated and switched access services, in several jurisdictions. The parent

company of BroadStreet is BroadStreet Communications, L.L.C, a Delaware limited liability

company. BroadStreet is affiliated with BroadStreet Communications of Virginia, L.L.C, which

is a wholly—owned subsidiary of BroadStreet, and a sister subsidiary of BCI, that intends to

provide intrastate telecommunications services in Virginia.


       Applicant believes that significant potential exists for continued growth in the global

international facilities—based and resale telecommunications service markets between the United

States and all permissible international points, and that this market expansion will be enhanced

by competition with new entrants such as BCI. Competition will benefit customers in the United

States by increasing service options and lowering prices. Applicant is legally, fin:incially and

technically qualified to provide global international facilities—based and resale

telecommunications services betwe:en the United States and all permissible interniticnal points.

Accordingly, Applicant submits that the puljlic interest, convinionce and necessit would be

furthered by granting the instant Applicatio 1. Thz Commission should therefore grant

Applicant‘s request for awhority tc provide global international facilities— based and r :sale

telecommunications services betwi:en the United States and all permissible interniticnal points.


       In support of BCI‘s request for authorization, the following inforniation is sut mitted
pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commissicn‘s rules and regulations, 47 C.F.R. §63.18.

        (a)    Applicant‘s legal name, addr :ss, and telephone number of its principa. place of

               BroadStreet Comm inications International L.L.C.
               601 Technology Drive
               Suite 300 — Southpc inte
               Canonsburg, PA 15317
               (724) 873—8982 (tel)
               (724) 8$73—5560 (fax)

       (b)     Applicant is a limited liability corporation organized under the laws of the State o f

        (c)    Correspondence concerning this Application should be directed to:

               Phillip M. Fraga, Esq.
               Senior Vice President and General Counsel
               BroadStreet Communications, Inc.
               601 Technology Drive
               Suite 300 — Southpointe
               Canonsburg, PA 15317
               (724) 873—8982 (tel)
               (724) 873—5560 (fax)

with a copy to:

                  Douglas G. Bonner, Esq.
                  Sana D. Coleman, Esq.
                  Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn P.L.L.C.
                  1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                  Washington, D.C. 20036—5339
                  Tel:    (202) 857—6000
                  Fax: (202) 857—6395

                  The Commission is requested to direct any inquiries concerning this Application
                  to either Douglas G. Bonner, Esq. or Sana D. Coleman, Esq.

(d)               Applicant has not previously applied for or received authority under Section 214
                  of the Act.

(e)               Applicant hereby requests global authorization under Section 214 to operate as an
                  international facilities—basedand resale carrier pursuant to the terms and
                  conditions set forth in 47 C.F.R. §63.18(e)(1)—(2). As set forth in the attached
                  Certification, Applicant certifies that it will comply with the terms and conditions
                  in Sections 63.21, 63.22, and 63.23 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§63.21—

(£)               No response required.

(g)               Not applicable, as Applicantis not seeking authority under 47 C.F.R. §63.18

(h)               BroadStreet Communications, Inc. directly owns 100% of the membership interest
                  in the Applicant. BroadStreet Cormmunications, Inc. is a Delaware corporation
                  whose address is 601 Technology Drive, Southpointe, Suite 300, Canonsburg,
                  Pennsylvania 15317. BroadStreet Communications, Inc.‘s principal business is
                  the provision of interstate and intrastate telecommunications services.

                  BroadStreet Communications, L.L.C. owns 100% of BroadStreet
                  Communications, Inc., and therefore indirectly owns 100% of the membership
                  interest in the Applicant. BroadStreet Communications, L.L.C. is a Delaware
                  limited liability company whose address is 601 Technology Drive, Southpointe,
                  Suite 300, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 15317. BroadStreet Communications,
                  L.L.C.‘s principal business is to function as the parent holding company of
                  BroadStreet Communications, Inc.

                  Applicant has no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

i)          See attached Certification.

(G)         See attached Certification.

(k) — (m)   Not applicable.

(n)         By the attached Certificaion: and is requiine d 1y isection 63.18(n) of t ie
            Commission‘s rules, Applic: nt ceitif es thet, exeept as permiited by tlie
            Commission‘s Rules, directl y or indirecly To n imy foreipm carrie: o1
            administration with respect o traf ic or reveam ie ilows »et we :n the U S. ainc. ary
            foreign country which Appl cant t1ay bi: a thorized to serve and it w: I1 1 ot enter
            into such agreements in tie ‘uture

(0)         By the attached Certificaion. and is 1equiire d 1y 63. 18(0) fihe Comais sion‘s
            rules, Applicant certifies the t no part ; to this . Application, as defined niiections
            1.2001 through 1.2003 oi‘ th: Conim:ssion‘s n iles, 47 C.F R. §§1.200 l—1.2003 is
            subject to a denial of Fede2ral benefit: pursiiantc Section 53 )1 of the Aniti—Drug
            Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S. 3. {; 8 53(a).

(P)         Applicant submits that this . wpplicati on is ¢ntitled to strea nl: ned proces: ing; for
            the following reasons: (1) grani of th s Aupy lic ation :s 11 the public in ere st ind
            will enhance competition in the interat on al teleconnunications ma ‘ket; (2)
            Applicant is not affiliatec. w th a foreigr ca rmier; 3) Applicant is not ; ffi liated
            with a dominant U.S. car ie wlhose i ite ma :o ial switc aec. o1 private inc: services
            Applicant seeks authority to resell; and 4) Af plicant coe:s not seek t« provide
            switched basic services over pr vate lines t) a count y ‘or wh ich the Cor im ssion
            has not previously authotize 1 the provisior o1 switched services over pr vaie
            lines. Accordingly, Applica at req 1ests ::itre an lingd processing of this A pl caion
            in accordance with 47 C.7.K . §53.12 4.s c en onstrited it this Applic ation,
            Applicant submits that ths grant 0‘ tk is Ap »lication will s :rve the pul lic in erest,
            convenience and necessity. Fo:the rsason. s; ecfied }erein, Applica it
            respectfully requests the Comn issior. to graint the: instant Application vi;1
            streamlined processing.

      Respectfully submitte

By:   %L/Q
        odglas G. Bonner, Esq.
      Sana D. Coleman, Esq.
      Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, P.L.L.C.
      1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
      Washington, D.C. 20036
      Tel:   (202) 857—6000
      Fax: (202) 857—6395

      Counsel for BroadStreet Communications
      International, L.L.C.


J°   47 CFR 63.18(e)(1)(iii)—(e)(2)(iii). BroadStreet Communications International,
     L.L.C. will comply with the terms and conditions set forth in 47 CFR 63.21,
     63.22, and 63.23.

2.   47 CFR 63.18(i). BroadStreet Communications International, L.L C. is 10t
     affiliated with any foreign carrier.

3.   47 CFR 63.18(j). BroadStreet Communications Intern ational, L.L C. dozs not seek
     to provide international communication services to an y destina io cour try
     meeting any of the conditions set forth in 47 CFR €3.1 8(j).

4.   47 CFR 63.18(m). Except as permitted by the Com mi::sion‘s Riiles, as amended
     from time to time, BroadStreet Communications In:er rational, L.L.C. has not
     agreed to accept any special concessions, as definecl b:; the Corimiss ion‘s Rul :s,
     directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or adinit istration wi h respect tc
     traffic or revenue flows between the U.S. and any foreign ccun ry whict.
     BroadStreet Communications International, L.L.C. mgy be autt orized to serve and
     it will not enter into such agreements in the future.

S.   47 CFR 63.18(0). No party to this Application is subject to & denial cf Federal
     benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug At use Act of :988, 21 U.8.C.
      ‘ 853(a).                                                 —

                                            CERTIFICATION CONTINUED



         I, Phillip M. Fraga, under penalty of perjury cdeclare that [ am the Senior Vice President
and General Counsel of BroadStreet Communicatior:s, Inc. and he Authorized Person to make
this certification on behalf of BroadStreet Communications International, L.L.C.; that I have 1ea
the foregoing statements attached hereto; and that the same are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge, information, and belief.
                                                                       f        (

                                                            By:        % %%{‘/M
                                                                   Phil lip M.«@/raga   (/)
                Notarial Seal
                           Notary Public
     Brenda L. Reichard, eny County
        Pittsburgh, Allegh
                           s Sept. 3, 2001
    My Commission Expire
  ‘Member "annsylvaris Asgoriation of Notaries

Subscribed and sworn to me this 30                 day of June, 2000

Notary Public
My commission expires: 6&‘% . 3,2000(

f       II                    F                                           Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, PLLC
              Zs r»                                                       1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
    I              e][lit      ()X                                        Washington, DC 20036—5339
             ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                             Phone    202/857—6000
                                                                          Fax     202/857—6395

                                                                          Sana D. Coleman
             July 18, 2000

             VIA MESSENGER                                                              RECEIVED
             Magalie Roman Salas
             Secretary                                                                     JUL 1 8 2000
             Office of the Secretary                                                reseraL communiortions coommesion
             Federal Communications Commission                                           @rrice: of The secretany
             445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room TW—A 325
             Washington, D.C. 20554

             RE:      Supplemental Information — In the Matter of BroadStreet Communications International,
                      L.L.C. Application for Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of
                      1934, as Amended, to Provide Global International Facilities—Based and Resale
                      Telecommunications Services Between the United States and All Permissible International

             Dear Ms. Salas:

                    In response to the Commission‘s request for supplemental information with respect to the
             above—captioned Application (copy enclosed), and in accordance with Section 63.18 (h) of the
             Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.18 (h), BroadStreet Communications International, L.L.C.
             provides the following:

             (h) Entities owning 10% or more of the equity of BroadStreet Communications, L.L.C. are:

             Frontenac VII Limnited Partnership
             Frontenac VII Master Limited Partnership
             c/o Frontenac Company
             135 South LaSalle Street
             Suite 3800
             Chicago, IL 60603

             Frontenac VII Limited Partnership and Frontenac VII Master Limited Partnership are U.S. entities
             owned by only U.S. citizens. These companies are related entities. Their principal business is
             private equity investments. As of the date of this letter, Frontenac VII Limited Partnership owns
             49.12% of BroadStreet Communications, L.L.C.‘s equity and Frontenac VII Master Limited
             Partnership owns 2.46% of BroadStreet Communications, L.L.C.‘s equity.

             WASHINGTON, DC                   NEW YORK                    RIYADH                              BUCHAREST

| I|| Arent Fox

    Magalie Roman Salas
    July 18, 2000
    Page 2

    Boston Ventures Limited Partnership V
    One Federal Street
    23rd Floor
    Boston, MA 02110—2003

    Boston Ventures Limited Partnership V is a U.S. entity owned by only U.S. citizens. Its principal
    business is private equity investments. As of the date of this letter, Boston Ventures Limited
    Partnership V owns 32.75% of BroadStreet Communications, L.L.C.‘s equity.

    Catalyst Investors, L.P.
    711 Fifth Ave, Suite 405
    New York, NY 10022

    Catalyst Investors, L.P. is a U.S. entity owned by only U.S. citizens. Its principal business is
    private equity investments. As of the date of this letter, Catalyst Investors, L.P. owns 12.28% of
    BroadStreet Communications L.L.C.‘s equity.

           The above information supplements section (h) of the Application, and does not supplant
    any information provided therein.

                                                 Respectfully submitted/D
                                                  20            p       -
                                              /%Zfl/         /(fiL    @(lmfid

                                                  Sana D. Coleman

    ce:    George Li (via facsimile)


                                  Before the
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554                                 Q_( aR&%
In the Matter of                                      )           ?QU\‘“ *
BROADSTREET COMMUNICATIONS                            )
INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C.                                 )
                                                      )      File No. IT—2000— ______
Application for Authority Pursuant to                 )
Section 214 of the Communications Act                 )
of 1934, as Amended, to Provide Global                )
International Facilities—Based and Resale             )
Telecommunications Services Between the               )
United States and All Permissible                     )
International Points                                  )


       BroadStreet Communications International, L.L.C. (hereinafter "BCI" or the

"Applicant"), by its undersigned attorneys, hereby respectfully requests authority from the

Fewderal Communications Commission (the "Commission"), pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934;, as amended (the "Act"), 47 U.S.C. § 214 and Sections 63.18

(e)(1)—(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.18 (e)(1)—(2), to provide global international

facilities—based and resale telecommunications services between the United States and all

permissible international pointé.

       As fully described herein, Applicant is legally, financially and technically qualified to

provide the services requested herein. Approval of this Application will increase competition in

the global international facilities—based and resale telecommunications service markets between

the United States and all permissible international points and therefore benefit the public interest.

Applicant requests streamlined processing of this Applicationin accordance with Section 63.12

of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.12, as Applicant is not affiliated with any foreign

carrier. In support of this Application, Applicant submits the following information:


       A.      BroadStreet Communications International, L.L.C.

       BCI is a limited liability company formed under the laws ofthe State of Delaware on

May 3, 2000 to facilitate the offeringof international long distanceservice. BCI is comprised of

a sole member, BroadStreet Communications, Inc. ("BroadStreet"), a Delaware corporation. BCI

does not have any subsidiaries or assets at this time. BCI has no foreign affiliations.

       BCI‘s sole member, BroadStreet provides a broad range of intrastate and interstate

telecommunications services, and has pending applications for authority to provide local

exchange telecommunications service, interexchange telecommunications service, and access

services, including dedicated and switched access services, in several jurilsdictions. The parent

company of BroadStreet is BroadStreet Communications, L.L.C, a Delaware limited liability

company. BroadStreet is affiliated with BroadStreet Communications of Virginia, L.L.C, which

is a wholly—owned subsidiary of BroadStreet, and a sister subsidiary of BCI, that intends to

provide intrastate telecommunications services in Virginia.


       Applicant believes that significant potential exists for continued growth in the global

international facilities—based and resale telecommunications service markets between the United

States and all permissible international points, and that this market expansion will be enhanced

by competition with new entrants such as BCI. Competition will benefit customers in the United

States by increasing service options and lowering prices. Applicant is legally, financially and

technically qualified to provide global international facilities—based and resale

telecommunications services between the United States and all permissible international points.

Accordingly, Applicant submits that the public interest, convenience and necessity would be

furthered by granting the instant Application. The Commission should therefore grant

Applicant‘s request for authority to provide global international facilities—based and resale

telecommunications services between the United States and all permissible international points.


       In support of BCI‘s request for authorization, the following information is submitted
pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s rules and regulations, 47 C.F.R. §63.18.

       (a)     Applicant‘s legal name, address, and telephone number of its principal place of

               BroadStreet Communications International L.L.C.
               601 Technology Drive
               Suite 300 — Southpointe
               Canonsburg, PA 15317
               (724) 8$73—8982 (tel)
               (724) 873—5560 (fax)

        (b)    Applicant is a limited liability corporation organized under the laws of the State of

        (c)     Correspondence concerning this Application should be directed to:

                Phillip M. Fraga, Esq.
                Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                BroadStreet Communications, Inc.
                601 Technology Drive
                Suite 300 — Southpointe
                Canonsburg, PA 15317
                (724) 8$73—8982 (tel)
                (724) 873—5560 (fax)

with a copy to:

                  Douglas G. Bonner, Esq.
                  Sana D. Coleman, Esq.
                  A reit Fox K: ntner Plotk n < K ah a P.L.L.C.
                  1 )51) Comecticut Avent s, NV‘
                  Vashir gton, D«C. 20036 —52 39
                  Tel:     (202) 857—6000
                  Fax      (202) 857—6395

                  The Comais sion is requ :sted 10 cirect any inquiries conc ert ing: thkis Application
                  to either Louglas G. Bor ne, Esq. or Sana D. Ccoleman, E sq.

(d)               2A pr liciunt ha ; not prezio isl y a »plied for o received auth »i‘y 1tnder Section 214
                  of th e Act

                  4 pr liciint he ‘eby reques‘ s glot al wuthorizstion under Sec io 1 214 to »perate a s an
                  n ite naional facilities—b; sec a1 d ) esale carrier pursuant to th e t :mis ind
                  conclitions set forth in 45 C.F.1Il. {63.18(e)(1)—(2). As set fo th in he attached
                  C ertification, Arpplicant cerifics 1 1at it will comply with ‘he teems ar.d conditions
                  i1 S ct ons 63.21, 63.22, and 63.2 3 of the Zommission‘s ‘ul=s, 47 C.*.R. §§6:.21—

(£)               h o 1iesponse equired.

(g)               1 ot applicab e, as Apoliant is nc t seeking authority und r «7 C.E.R §63.18

(h)               E roiudStrest Communica i0s, Inc. directly owns 100% ofth e raeinbsrship intarest
                  i: tke Zipflic ant. Broad{itreet To nmunications, Inc. is a Delavrare corporatio 1
                  whaese idore: s is 601 Te ‘hrol gy Drive, Southpointe, Suite 30 ), Canionsburg,.
                  Pennsylvania 15317. BroadStree Communications, Inc.‘ s p incipal lusiness is
                  the provision of interstate and int! astate telecommunications services.

                  BroadStreet Communications, L.L.C. owns 100% of BroadStreet
                  Communications, Inc., and therefore indirectly owns 100% of the membership
                  interest in the Applicant. BroadStreet Communications, L.L.C. is a Delaware
                  limited liability company whose address is 601 Technology Drive, Southpointe,
                  Suite 300, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 15317. BroadStreet Communications,
                  L.L.C.‘s principal business is to function as the parent holding company of
                  BroadStreet Communications, Inc.

                  Applicant has no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

i)          See attached Certification.

0)          See attached Certification.

(k) — (m)   Not applicable.

(n)         By the attached Certifica on aiid is req iin:d oy secticn t3. 8(n) of t 1e
            Commission‘s rules, Appliciant cetif es thit, (xe spt as pe m tted by t 1e
            Commission‘s Rules, directly cr mndrec:ly from imny fcreizn carrier 0
            administration with respect :o traific or reven ie Jlovs bei ween the U S. and anly
            foreign country which Appl ca it ina, b: aith »ri zec to se ve and it: w 11 iot en er
            into such agreements in the fut ire .

(0)         By the attached Certifica:ion a id as req iir:d oy 53.18 0) of ‘he Com ni: sicn‘s
            rules, Applicant certifies theit no party to this Apolicat on as defined in Sectio is
            1.2001 through 1.2003 0:‘ the C orimiss: on s r iles, 47 C.ER §§1.2001—. .2003 , is
            subject to a denial of Federsl b :nc fit; pirs 1ar t to S set on 5201 of the A iti— Dr ig
            Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.T. } 853(a).

(P)         Applicant submits that tkis Ap»lication is cnt tle 4 to sre: mlined proves ;in3 for
            the following reasons: (1) gan : 0:‘ this .\Applicati on is in tie jublic in erst anc
            will enhance competitior in the: ir ternatior al :elcomtr iur ic: tions m rket; (2)
            Applicant is not affiliated with a 1oreign cirrisr; (3) A »pl .ca it is not iff lia:ed
            with a dominant U.S. carrie w 10 e intern: tic na svritc he 1 0 private lin : servces
            Applicant seeks authority‘ tc re iel ; a 1d (4) Appl canrt coes not seek to p ovide
            switched basic services cve piivite ines t) a cc un‘ry for wiich the Coramiss on
            has not previously authorized t 1e arcvision 0‘ syvritche 1 s :rvices ove1 private
            lines. Accordingly, App icint :ec ueits strcan lu ed processi ag of thi. A pplica tion
            in accordance with 47 C.F.EF.. {§63 12. as dlermio1 strate 1 i1 tl is Appli :at on,
            Applicant submits that tke grar t c thiis Ap pli sat on w11 semve the pu jlic inter ‘st,
            convenience and necessity. For the 1eazons s secificd |ier:in Applics nt
            respectfully requests the Comtr iissioni to gi ant th 3 instant Aty plicatior via
            streamlined processing.

      Respectfully submitte

By:   /\//gm flQ
       ou'glas G. Bonner, Esq.
      Sana D. Coleman, Esq.
      Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, P.LL.C.
      1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
      Washington, D.C. 20036
      Tel:   (202) 857—6000
      Fax: (202) 857—6395

      Counsel for BroadStreet Communications
      International, L.L.C.


1.   47 CFR 63.18(e)(1)(iii)—(e)(2)(iii). BroadStreet Communications International,
     L.L.C. will comply with the terms and conditions set forth in 47 CFR 63.21,
     63.22, and 63.23.

;    47 CFR 63.18(i). BroadStreet Communications Intern; tiona., L.L.C. is 0t
     affiliated with any foreign carrier.

3.   47 CFR 63.18(j). BroadStreet Communications Intern; tiona., L.L.C. do :s not seek
     to provide international communication services to an:‘ destinatiorn: cour try
     meeting any of the conditions set forth in 47 CFR 63.18(j).

4.   47 CFR 63.18(m). Except as permitted by the Comunis sion‘s Rules, a ; a ne ide d
     from time to time, BroadStreet Communications Inien ationial, L_L.C his 1t ot
     agreed to accept any special concessions, as definec by the Conimiss: on s F.ules,
     directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or adrain istration wi‘h 1aspec: to
     traffic or revenue flows between the U.S. and any fore gn couniry whict
     BroadStreet Communications International, LL.C. nay be authorizec! t« serve and
     it will not enter into such agreements in the future.

5.   47 CFR 63.18(0). No party to this Application is sujje :t to a denicl o [ F »deral
     benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Ab ise Act of 1988, :1 J.5.C.
      ‘ 853(a).                                                  —

                                                  CERTIFICATION CONTINUE D



       I, Phillip M. Fraga, under penalty of perjury declare that I am the Sznior Vice Preside it
and General Counsel of BroadStreet Communications, Inc. and the Authorized Person to mal:e
this certification on behalf of BroadStreet Communications Inte mational, LL.C.; that I have ez .
the foregoing statements attached hereto; and that th: same are true and correct to the best of m:
knowledge, information, and belief.                                                               |

                                                                         Phillip M.Fraga   0
                Notarial Seal
                Rei cha rd,  Not  ary   Public
      Brenda L.
        Pittsburgh, AlleghenySept. 3,            A
               si on Exp  ire s
    My Commis                              Not ari es
                         sen ari ati on of
   Membe: Bannsylvaris

Subscribed and sworn to me this 30                       day of June, 2000

| M% ‘AMAM—OZ—

My commission expires: \ )_Q{i . 3 ,400 [(

Document Created: 2019-04-19 11:43:13
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 11:43:13

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