Attachment 20161213114327-377.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000705-00391 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                            L AWYERS

Davis Wright TIremaine u1P

  HCLLY RACHEL SMITE                 sUITE   4! 0                           TEL   (202) 508—6601
  Direc: (202) 508—6625              L500 EK SRIET, N.W.                    FAXx (202) 508—6699
  hollysmith@dw                wWASH N(CTON, DC      20005—1272       v ww.dwt.coim


  July 3, 2000

  Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary
  Federal Communicaticns Cem nissic n
  IB Telecommunicatior s Divisi n
  P.O. Box 358115
  Pittsburgh, PA 15251—3115

          Re:      Urban Media Long l)is arce, Inc.‘s Applicaion For Authority Pursuant
                   to Section 214 of the Cemnunicatio:is Act 0‘ 1034, as amended, For
                   Global Authorty To O »erate As An Interns tional Facilities—based and
                   Resale Carrier


  Dear Secretary Salas:

          Enclosed for filing are in orij in l ind five copies of Urbin Media Long Distance,
  Inc.‘s ("UMLD") application for author ty pursuant to Sectior 214 of the Communications
  Act of 1934;, as amended, to operate as an international facilities—based and resale carrier.

         Also enclosed is FCC Form 159 and the filing fee of $780 (Fee Code CUT). Please
  date stamp and return to the messenger the attached return copy.

          All questions and correspondence regarding this filing should be referred to:

                 Holly R. Smith
                 Davis Wright Tremaine
                 1500 K Street, N.W., Suite 450
                 Washington, D.C. 20005—1272
                 Telephone:     (202) 508—6625
                 Facsimile:     (202) 508—6699

Sec etary Mag: lie Roman sal is
J ily 5, 2000
Fag :2

                 M irg aret L. Tob as
                 U:; ba 1 M [edia
                 Oe {a‘ser Plaz, S uite 1350
                 O: kl inc, CA 94 51
                 Te lef ho ae:    5; 0) 330—032 )
                 Fz :simi e:      5; 0) 303—033 )
                 E— M; i:         nt )bias@urb; in ec

           Pursuan : t© Section 0. 55 of the Fed: ra C          mmunivat ons Conim ss: on          s
(°C    m nission‘) F ules, 47 T. ‘.FK. § 0.459, L MLL            request: contfidential reitm     :n o1‘
Exh    bi 1 to its Ap olisation For . uthority Pirsiiar         : to Sect or 2) 4 of the Co mt    wic itions
£ ct   of 1934, as an en led, F or Gl )biil Autho: ity T.         Operate: A s in Intern ationg   L F ac:lities—
tase   d ind Resa e Carsier (° Aj pl caion"). E «h br            1 contans in: ormaionre ga       ‘diig
EM     LC ‘s share) ol lets, whi ch is 101 otherwi e ; vs       llable to th piblic. Fiurther     10 e, UMLD
reqt   esis notific ition : f this rec ue st is denied pr: or   :o the Ajppl caion beir g tiac    e ; vailable to
tlie   »ut lic. UN LL) stpports t us reqquest as c et; ile      1 below.

         Specific    In ‘or natio iJ or W.iich Apr ic int Request C or fidential Tt :at ne it: UMIL D
c on iders the re    spons : it in <lv 1e| in Exhibit 1 cor serning 17 2.‘R. § 62.1§(h tc be
c nide ntial anc      p: ivileged an 1 r :quests that th: C »mmissi on wi :hhold it frem u »li«
i isp sction ("Ini   m aaiion").

          Circum: tai ce ;Givi ag Rise o Filing A;a new canie1, L MLD filed its Af pl cation
to o »ta n autho: ity to serve as a f icilities—bas 2d an 1 resale : nt: rn itional c irr er. T > c omiply
v itl rules gove ni ig the Appl ca i0 1 proces: , l M _D subn it :d Informa ior ir re iponse to
47 CLFE.R. § 63. .8(b).

        Degree To Which Information Is Confidential: The Infor nation i. confidential and
privileged as it concerns financial and organizational information of the Applicant and its
parent company. This Information is highly confidential because UMLD and its parent are
privately held companies and this Information is not generally available to the public.

       Explanation of the degree to which the information concerns a service: The
Information concerns Applicant‘s ability to provide competitive international services.
UMLD would not make the Information publicly available unless required to do by the

       Explanation of how disclosure of the information could result in substantial
competitive harm: In a competitive marketplace, the disclosure of UMLD‘s and its parent
company financial information could harm their ability to conduct business and to raise
needed capital.

Secretary VM.agalic Roman Salas
July 5, 2000
Page 3

        Identificaition of any mmeasures taken by the ut m ttrig party 0 jire en unauthori zed
disclosure: Applicant has no‘: released the Informatior. it includec in its re:spc nse to 4‘
C.F.R. § 63.18(h) to the publ:—c prior to submiting t iis ar plicatior . 4 pr licant and its par ‘nt
have established internal procedures designed to prevent in uthorized cisclo: ure o0‘ tkis ind
other confidential and proprietary information. As such, on y author ze 1 per: ons of the
Applicant and its parent company have access to the: Info mation inc st ch pe sons are
obligeted to safeguard and keep the Information cor ficder tial.

        Identification of whether the information is :iv; ils ble th: p ibl ic:nc the extent of
any previous disclosure of the information to : hird ; ar ie: : Mleithe:® A pp ic nt nor its pire at
company have released the Information to the publi:, :inc as such, A »pl cant submits tha :
the Information is not available to the public cr to third p it es.

  :     Justification of the period during whici the sut m: tting par y      iss ‘rts. th mater al
should not be available for public disclosure: .Applicar t r :quests t iat   th: Con mission
maintain the confidential information describe d hercin ur til the A ap.     ics nt lis :loses th2
information to the public. Under no circumstinces shoul 1 the Inforn         at: on be disclosed t >
the public in less than three years from the submission of th: App ic        tic n.

useful in assessing: As noted previously, UMLD submitted he Inor na ion o ily because it
is required to do so by the Commission‘s rules:. UMLJI) vould not o0the: wise lisclose the
Information to the public, any government entity or third pa ties.

       Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if y ju shoul | h ive: q: iestions
concerning this request.

Very truly yours,

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

 ey 2.&M{
Holly Rachel Smith
Counselfor Urban Media Long Distance, Inc.


co:     Fran Eisenstein (with confidential Exhibit 1)
        International Bureau, Telecommunications Division
        Policy and Facilities Branch
        2000 M Street, N.W. Room 800
        Washington, DC 20554

                                  Before The
                             Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of:

Urban Media Long Distance, Inc.‘s
Application For Authority Pursuant
To Section 214 of The Communications
Act of 1934, as amended, For Gloabal
Authority To Operate As An Internaticnal
Facilities—Based And Resal2 Canier


                                           Margaret L. Tobias
                                           Urban Media
                                           One Kaiser Plaza, Suite 1350
                                           Oakland, CA 94612
                                           Telephone: 510—302—0320
                                           Facsimile: 510—302—0336

                                           Holly Rachel Smith
                                           Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
                                           1500 K Street, N.W., Suite 450
                                           Washington, D.C. 20005—1272
                                           Telephone: 202—508—6625
                                           Facsimile: 202—508—6699

                                   Beore The
                              Washiing :on, DC 29554

In the Matter of:

Urban Media Long Distance, Inc.‘s
Aplication For Authority Pursuant
To Section :14 of The Comn unications
Act of 1934 as amer ded For Glcbal
Awhority T > Operat: As An [nte nati »nal
Facilities—Bised And Resale Carr er
—i—                   m        Eon          pererins snn

                    FACTI _IT. ES— BASED AND RESALE C ARRIER

         .2RE AMBLI

      Urb in Mledia Long Distance, ‘nc. "UMLD" or "Applicant"), hereby requests
authority, pursuant to § 214 of the Communications Act of1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.
§ 214 (1982), ("§ 214") and Section 63.18 of the Federal Communications Commission‘s
("Commission") Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, to provide global international facilities—based
and resale services between the United States ("U.S.") and international points
("Application"). As detailed herein, UMLD requests streamlined treatment of its
Application and requests that Exhibit 1 to it Application be withheld from public
      UMLD is a U.S. company, organized under the state laws of Delaware, to provide,

among other services, international telecommunications services. UMLD is not presently
a foreign carrier and it has no foreign affiliations. UMLD intends to serve customers
throughout the U.S. By granting this Application, the Commission will serve the public
interest, convenience and necessity by promoting competition in the international

      services market. Competition will benefit U.S. consumers by increasing service options
      and lowering prices.

II.      COMPLIANCE WITH 47 C.F.R. § 63.18§

         The following inforraatior. is submitted, as sequired by 47 C.F.R. § 53.13 of the
      Commission‘s rules, in support of UMLD‘s request for autho ‘ization.

             A.     47 C.F.J3. $ 63.18(a)
                    Urban Media Long Distance, Inc.
                    101 University Avenue, Suite 400
                    Palo Alto, CA 94301
                    Telephone: (650) 330—7430
                    Facsimile: (650) 833—5415

                    47 C.F.R. § 63.18(b)
                    UMLD is a corporation organized under the stat: laws of Delaware.

                    47 C.F.R. § 63.18(c)
                    All correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to the
             following persons:
                    Margaret L. Tobias
                    Urban Media
                    One Kaiser Plaza, Suite 1350
                    Oakland, CA 94612
                    Telephone:      (510) 330—0320
                    Facsimile:      (510) 303—0336

                     Holly R. Smith
                  «_ Davis Wright Tremaine
                     1500 K Street, NW., Suite 450
                     Washington, D.C. 20005—1272
                     Telephone:      (202) 508—6625
                     Facsimile:      (202) 508—6699

                    47 C.F.R. § 63.18(d)

                    UMLD has not previously requested or received authority pursuant to § 214
             to provide international telecommunications service.

E.     47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)
       Pursuant to Commissior Rules 63.22 and 63.23, UM _D requests global
facilities—base1 and resale § 2 .4 authority pursuant to the t :rms and conditions of
47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(2)(1) and (e)(2). UTMLD certifies that it will co nply with the
terms and conditions of these ule:..

F.     47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(f) and (q;)
      At this time, UMLD does not request other authcriza ion avai able under
47 C.F.R. $ 65.18(e) other tha 1 thiit reqquested above in Section E. .As such,
Applicant is not required to ar d di 1 no : include an environ:nen{al assessment

G.    47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h)
      UMLD considers its respons : to 417 C.F.R. § 63.18(h] to be eccnfidential and
requests that it be withheld frem p 1blic inspection. UMLI) sujmits its response
to this Section as Confidential Ext ibit 1, attached here:o. UMLD provides
support for its request for confider tial reatment in the transmittal l¢tter
introducing this Application.

H.    47 C.F.R. § 63.18)
      UMLD certifies it is not affiliatec. with any foreign carrier(s). In support of
this certification, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the
shareholder that controls ten percent or more of UMLD, is as follows:
     Sean P. Doherty
     Urban Media Long Distance, Inc.
     101 University Avenue, Suite 400
     Palo Alto, CA 94301
     Telephone:(650) 330—7430
     Facsimile: (650) 833—5415
     Principal Business: CEO communications corporation
     Citizenship: U.S.A.

I.    47 C.F.R. § 63.18(j)
      UMLD is not a foreign carrier. UMLD certifies that it does not seek to
provide international telecommunications service to any country in which it is a

foreign carrier, controls a foreign carrier or where foreign carriers own, in the
aggregate, more than 25 percent (25%) of the Applicant

J.    47 C.F.R. § 63.18(I)
      UMLD is not a foreign carrier. Applizsant does no propose to resell
international switched services to a cou ntry whaere it is a foreign carrier or
affiliated with a foreign carrier.

K.    47 C.F.R. § 63.18(n)
      UMLD certifies that it has not ag eed and will not agree in the future to
accept any direct or indirect special conces: ions from a : oreign carrier or
administration with regard to traffic or reve aue flows be :wee n the U.S. ind : ny
foreign countries the company is autho izec. to serve.

L.    47 C.F.R. § 63.18(0)
     UMLD certifies that no party to t 1iis £ pplication h is been denied feder al
benefits pursuant to § 5301 of the Anti— Druz Abuse Act of 1 388.

M.    47 C.F.R. § 63.18(p)
     Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.12, UMLIL / requests streamlined processing of is
Application, as 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c) is not ipplicable to UMLD.


          UMLD certifies that all of the information in this Application is accurate and correct.
       For all of the reasons set forth in this Application, ULMLD respectfully request that the
       Commission grant this Application on a streamlined basis. UMLIL) also requests that the
       Commission treat UMLD‘s response to 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h), a‘tached as Exhibit 1, as
       confidential and withhold this Exhibit from public inspectior..

       Date:   July 5, 2000

       Respectfully submitted,          /

   By: Hfil@é/b O\J\ f

   Holly Rachel Smith, Esq.
   Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
       1500 K Street, N.W., Suite 450
   Washington, D.C. 20005—1272
   Telephone:    (202) 508—6625
   Facsimile:   (202) 508—6699

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                                                                                                                                                                             MONTH                   YEAR
                                                                                                    |AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                                                     DATE

                     [ herebyauthorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD

                     or the service(a}/authortzatione(s) herein described.
                                                                   SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                                     FCC FORM 159                  JULY 1997 (REVISED)

Document Created: 2019-04-09 19:13:12
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 19:13:12

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