Attachment 20161213113949-973.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000703-00390 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                 A
        . BEFORE PROCEEDING .                                                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                          REMITTANCE ADVICE
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                          d/b/aT’calTel                                                                                                                                              780.00
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        . East Wenatchee                                                    se       .                        —                   Washington                          1              98802
           TELEPHON 2 NUMBER (include area code)                                                          "                  Cin countey cowue_'mei.u.s.AJ
           (509)88 4—6291

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                                                   by credit card, onter name axactly as it appears on your card)

           <Comp»uters 5*,Inc. d/b/a LocalTel

           343 Grant Road
           STREET AbDcESS LINENO. .

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           East Wenatchee                                                                                                         Washing:ton                         I              98802
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{eavertin                                 _                                                           f                              APPLICANT TIN                                  oli| —| 1| 2| 1|1 l4 |6| 1|
;          Cl                                                                            s                                                                                                      is

    |   ; __John J. Seabeck
                     oc mens _                                                   §                   , Certifyty under penalty
                                                                                                                            penalty ofof perjurythi\
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           e true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief. SIGNATURE                                                                         iBouPPawake.                                     /

                                Computers 5*, Inc.                                           a     5.m
                                      d/%la LocaIT:aI                                    @@PY


June 29, 2000

Federal Communications Commissior
Common Carrier International
P. 0. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

RE:     Application of Computers 5*, Inc. (/b/a LocalTel fo> 4 ut iorization Iursuant to
       Section 214 of the Communiczstio is Act of 1234, as .\n an led.

Dear Sir:

Computers 5*, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel ("Aplicant" or ‘ LocalTe.") su »mits the o iginal and
five copies of the above—referenced Ajp! cz :ion for section i 14 A ithorizatior for global
authority to operate as an international fazilities—bised previcar and resale currier of
telecommunications services.

Enclosed is a check for $780.00 made pay ab e to the ‘ederal C or m inication Con mission
to cover the filing fee and FCC Form 1. 9.

Please date—stamp and return the extra ccpy of the t ansmitta . I: tter provided as proof of
filing. An envelope with the return add es ; and th: approp ia : 1 ostage is attached for
this purpose. Your assistance in this mi ftte is grea ly appre :iz ec.

Sincerely,                        |

_1      {|
Vice President


 343 Grant Road      +   East Wenatchee   +   WA 98802   +   (509) 884—6291   +   Fax (509) 884—3557

                                         Before the
                          Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of


_ Application for Authority Pursusnt to Section            File No. LT.C. —2000— ____
  214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
  Amended, for Global Authority to Operate as
  an International Facilities—based Provicder and
  Resale Carrier
 m.~. .n.___.lll innllllll he.lllll ce kn mmone mm mm mz

                              APPLICATION OF
                     COMPUTERS 5*, INC. d/b/a LOCALTEL
                    FOR SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATION AND
                          CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC
                       CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY

                                       John J. Seabeck
                                       Computers 5*, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel
                                       343 Grant Road
                                       East Wenatchee, WA 98802
                                       (509) 884—6291

 June 29, 2000

                               3efor: the
                         Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of


 Applicstion for Authority Pursuant to Section          File No. L T.C. —2000— ._____
 214 of the Communications A.ct of 1934, as
 Amendd, for Global Athoriy to Operace as
 an International Fecilitie¢s—based Previder and
 Rasale Carrier

                                   AP?LIC ATION

 Pursuart to Section 21« of tie Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47

 U.S.C. Section 214 (1982), and Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Ru].és, 47

 C.F.R. Section 63.18, Computers 5*, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel ("LocalTel"), hereby

 requests authority to provide global international facilities—based and resale services

 between the United States and international points.

 LocalTel is a corporation formed for the primary purpose of establishing a

telecommunications business. Applicant has no foreign affiliations.          Applicant

serves business and residential customers throughout the United States.

                                             a                               CoOopy
                                                                                 D up : cat,
By granting this application, the Commission will serve the public interest, convenience,

and necessity by promoting competition in the international services marketplace.

Competition will benefit U.©. consumers by increasinz service cption: and lowering

prices. Thus, the public intersst will be served by the grant of Section 214 authority to


§;      Section 63.18 Informs tion

        As iequired by Secion 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, the following

        infor nation is submitt d in support of Applicant‘s request for aut horization.

        (a) llame and address of the applicant:

              Computers 5*, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel
              243 Grant Road
              Hast Wenatchee, NVA 98802
              (509) §84—6291

        (b) LocalTel is a corpuration organized under the laws of the State of Washington

              in November 1982.

       (c) Correspondence or communications concerning this Application should be

              directed to:

              Todd H. Lowe, President             John J. Seabeck, Vice President
              Visiology, Inc.                     Computers 5*, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel
              16061 Carmel Bay Drive              343 Grant Road                     |
              Northport, Alabama 35475            East Wenatchee, WA 98802
              (205) 330—1701                      (509) 884—6291

(d) Applicant has not received authority previously under Section 214 of the

    Communications Act.

(e) Applicant requests global faci ities— based and resale Section 214 authority

    pursuant to the terms and concition: of Sectioa 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2).

(£) At this time, Applicant seeks 1 o ot} er authorizatioi available under Section


(g) NMot applicable.

(h) Computers 5*, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel sertifies that it is not affiliated with any

    foreign or U.S. facilities—based carriar.

    In support of this certification, the iame, address, zitizenship, and principal

    business of the shareholders tha : coni rols ten percent or more of Applicant, are

  _ as follows:

                         Officers, Directors, & Shareholders

                Name/Title                           Address                 % of

     Dimitri Mandelis, President        343 Grant Road                      51.0%
                     .       ,          East Wenatchee, WA 98802
     John Seabeck, Vice President       (5%59) 8223_16029616                21.0%
     Paul Probst, Treasurer                                                 12.2%

     Mike Schuyleman                                           .             9.6%

     Greg Mercer                                                             6.2%

    All of the shareholders listed above are U.S. citizens.

                                            _                                 copy
       (i) Applicant certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to

           accept any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or

           administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows between the United

           States and any foreign countries which Applicant is authorized to serve.

       (j) Applicant certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial of

           federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

In conclusion, Computers 5*, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel certifies that all of the information in _

this application is accurate and correct.   For these reasons, Computers 5*, Inc. d/b/a

LocalTel respectfully requests that the Commission grant this Application.

                             Respectfully submitted,

                              Computers 5*, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel

                               «L\ L\
                                    ohn J Seabeck
                                     Computers 5*, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel
                                     343 Grant Road
                                     East Wenatchee, WA 98802
                                     (509) 884—6291

June 29, 2000

                          CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

       I hereby certify that the statements contained in the attached Computers 5*, Inc.

d/b/a LocalTel‘s Application for Authorization Pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, for Global authority to Operate both as a

Reseller and Facilities—based Provider of International Telecommunications Services

Pursuant to a Certificate of Public Convenience and Nécessity are true and correct to the

best of my knowledge and are made in good faith.

                             Computers 5*, Inc.;d/b/a LocalTel

                             BY: \/X          _¥ \&L
                                     ohr| J. Seabeck
                                      omputers 5*, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel
                                    343 Grant Road
                                    East Wenatchee, WA 98802
                                    (509) 884—6291

June 29, 2000

Document Created: 2019-04-20 05:38:13
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 05:38:13

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